Tag Archives: Tufts

The Lucky Elephant and Benson Wild Animal Farm of Hudson, New Hampshire

A few months ago there was a flurry of stories about the large concrete elephant at Tufts University having finally fallen apart, with a new (and different) one being constructed to replace it. The disintegrated 10-foot elephant was a “lucky” … Continue reading

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Deerfield New Hampshire Professor of Oratory: Moses True Brown (1827-1900)

Moses True Brown, son of Dr. Thomas & Mary “Polly” (Moore) Brown, was b. 4 March 1827 in Deerfield NH. … Continue reading

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North Hampton New Hampshire: Fuller Gardens

In the early 1920's, construction of Fuller Gardens, a formal estate garden in the Colonial Revival style, in North Hampton … Continue reading

Posted in History, Irish in New Hampshire, New Hampshire Women | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Dunbarton New Hampshire’s Statistician, Educator, Economist, U.S. Commissioner of Labor: Carroll Davidson Wright, A.M., Ph.D., LL.D. (1840-1909)

Carroll Davidson Wright, was born in Dunbarton NH, in 1840, the son of a Universalist minister.

From lowly means he … Continue reading

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