Category Archives: Current Events

The 4th of July: New Hampshire 238 Years Ago

Two hundred and thirty-eight years ago, the United States of America was still in its infancy. Only eleven years prior, on the 4th of July, had the Declaration of Independence been passed.  The American people were generally  appreciative of those … Continue reading

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Was AI (Artificial Intelligence) Made in New Hampshire?

AI, or artificial intelligence, is much in the news these days.  AI is considered to be the field of computer science that studies how machines can perform tasks that require human intelligence–such as reasoning, learning, and problem-solving.

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2022: Celebrating New Hampshire Black History Month

When Black History Month arrives some are”passive celebrators” as if we think we are not connected to this portion of shared history. New Hampshire has been home to Africans and African-Americans for more than 350 years. The Black Heritage Trail … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Genealogy, History, NH Persons of Color | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

New Hampshire Glossary: Excise

ON EXCISES Excise, a Monster, worse than e’er before Frighted the Midwife, and the Mother tore; A thousands Hands she has, a thousand Eyes, Breaks into Shops and into Cellars pries; With hundred Rows of Teeth the Shark exceeds, And … Continue reading

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NH Tidbits: Merrimack’s Special (Police) Officer Division

On May 11, 2013 the Merrimack (NH) Police Department held an Open House and special event to honor all of the men and women who had served the town as police officers, special officers, auxiliary officers and constables. According to … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, History, New Hampshire Men, New Hampshire Women | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments