World War I plaque, Hall of Flags, New Hampshire State House, Concord NH. Photograph courtesy of Debbie LaValley. Used here with her permission.
“New Hampshire World War I Military” is a series of stories I’ve written that revolve around the lives of heroic men and women who participated in The Great War (or World War) of 1917-1919. Many of these heroes fell on the battlefield. Others died in hospitals and on the home-front. A significant number died from diseases–mostly pneumonia preceded by influenza.
You often will hear “they made the supreme sacrifice.” Some restrict that term of honor to only those who died in battle. In my opinion death was the supreme sacrifice they all made regardless of how and where, and those who perished in service deserve our respect and acknowledgement.
My stories are ongoing, and I’ve written about the majority of those whose names are inscribed on the WWI plaque in the New Hampshire State House. But there were many who were left off this plaque. I have honored all the soldiers, sailors, marines, merchant marines, aviators, nurses, telephone operators, and ambulance drivers with stories too. They all deserve to be remembered. Some have individual stories, others have a biography in the story commemorating a town or city in New Hampshire.
If you are a relative, a friend, or an interested party who has photographs or World War I plaque, Doric Hall (ie.Hall of letters, corrections, or personal remembrances) I would love to hear from you. [Look for my email in the “Contact” link]. I am extremely grateful to Debbie LaValley of Boscawen, New Hampshire for taking photographs of the plaque for this article. If you are looking for a comprehensive site that covers all of the United States, visit the United States World War I Centennial Commission web site.
EDITOR’S NOTE: I “broke” the first version of this page because it was too large and having too many links. To avoid repeating this mistake, I’ve divided this page into sections. Each “panel” (Left, Middle Left, Middle Right and Right) of names has a separate page with the “links” (urls) to the biography of the soldier/sailor/nurse etc.
–New Hampshire and World War I–
New Hampshire participated in World War One by providing over 20,000 men for military service, investing $75,465,890 in the first four Liberty Loans, supplying 150,000 members of the Red Cross and contributing $935,000 to that organization’s work. Numerous groups including The Young Men’s and Young Women’s Christian Associations, The Salvation Army, the Jewish Welfare Board, and the Federation of Women’s Clubs, volunteered and donated funds. [From “New Hampshire: Resources, Attractions, and Its People,” by Hobart Pillsbury; New York, 1927, III, page 804]
New Hampshire’s national guard, composed of 2,750 men, was mustered into service on 25 July 1917. They left Concord NH on August 22 and became part of the 103rd Infantry Regiment, 26th Division–the famed, “Yankee Division.” (Approximately two-fifths of this Division came from New Hampshire, about half were from Maine, and the rest were from Vermont and Massachusetts). The 26th Division was in France by the end of September 1917. New Hampshire men and women also served in other regiments and divisions.
A group of volunteers that would form the 14th Regiment of the Light Railway Engineers were assembled in May of 1917. They were trained in Salem, New Hampshire at what was then the Rockingham Race Track. This regiment went overseas in July of 1917 [See their history, “New Hampshire WWI Military: Railroad Regiment Daredevils.”
In March of 1918 an epidemic of influenza struck the United States, and quickly spread to Europe and the battlefield. New Hampshire was hard hit both in Europe and at home. A significant number of New Hampshire’s military and civilian population died from influenza-related diseases. Though some were against having immigrants to the United States serve in the military, easily 1/3 of our soldiers and sailors had recently arrived here, and their service helped tip the scales in the favor of the American Expeditionary Forces.
When World War I ended, the New Hampshire legislature took action to recognize those who died. $500,000 was set aside for a joint venture with the State of Maine to build a Memorial Bridge across the Piscataqua River, between Portsmouth (NH) and Kittery (ME). This 1,200-feet long bridge was opened to the public in August of 1923. In 1919 the New Hampshire legislature voted to have a bronze memorial tablet created and placed in the State House. It bears the 697 names of New Hampshire residents who died in the military, naval or auxiliary services of the United States or any of the Allied countries. A transcription can be found below, and a photograph of this tablet is included in this article. Years later a Memorial Building at the University of New Hampshire was designated the official New Hampshire WWI memorial [see coming article].
Some of the photographs shown in my stories are taken from the book “Soldiers of the Great War,” compiled by W.M. Haulsee, F.G. Howe, and A.C. Doyle. Other photographs are from the New York Times pages of which I purchased originals. Yet other photographs are identified as being from local newspapers of the day. The biographies are my own compilation from many sources, historical and genealogical. So many people have asked me about how I perform my research that I wrote a story called ” A Quick Guide To Researching United States WWI Military Genealogy” and then added to that to create a page called “Cow Hampshire’s Guide for Researching WWI.”

Recipients of the Medal of Honor from New Hampshire. Hall of Flags, New Hampshire State House, Concord NH. Photograph courtesy of Debra LaValley, used here with her permission.
New Hampshire’s Honor Roll
in Doric Hall (Hall of Flags)
NH State House, Concord NH
ROLL OF HONOR — 1917-1919
[LEFT PANEL] [Click here for Abbott-Eugene Desrosiers stories]
Thomas H. Abbott George J. Bush
John B. Ahern Warren G. Bushee
Arthur J. Allard Frank A. Buswell
Harley W. Allison Paul H. Buzzell
Frank Altobelli Leslie C. Cady
Andrew Ansaldo Carlo Calderara
Percy Ashley Ernest J. Call
Ray R. Averill George Caouette
Charles H. Ayer Austin H. Carey
Willie J. Bacon Charles S. Carpenter
Armond J. Badger Joseph Carignan
Burns W. Bailey Donald A. Carter
Harold E. Bailey N.P. Castonguay
Percy H. Bailey Oswald Castonguay
Harry F. Baker James Catsavos
Herbert E. Baker George M. Cavis
Silas F. Baldwin Wilfred J. Chabott
Dante J. Baratelli Eugene Chagnon
Arthur J. Baribeau Mike T. Champa
Charles O. Barnard Clayton C. Chaplin
William H. Barrett Lester Chapman
Bernard B. Barry Herman C. Charlonne
Stephen F. Barry Antonio Chartier
Frank D. Bartlett- David Chartier
Harry E. Bassett Louis U. Chartier
Claude R. Batchelder Frank H. Chase
Ray W. Beadle Leon L. Chase
Arthur L. Bean- Lester W. Chase
Arthur Beauchesne William H. Cheney
Sydney W. Beauclerk Conrad J. Christianson
James H. Beck John W. Christie
Robert C. Beckett Arthur J. Clark
Frank Beggs Earl B. Clark
Herbert H. Bell Joseph F. Clark
Osburn Bell Millard C. Clark
Frank O. Bemis William H.T. Clark
Burton Q. Benjamin George Clayburn
Aime Benoit Edward Clifford
Roy H. Bent Merrill Clough
Konstante Berestechki William O. Clough
Arthur O. Bergeron Joseph Clougherty
Henry J. Bergeron Gerald K. Clover
Percy Bergin James E. Coffey
Ray H. Berry- Alfred J. Colby
Joseph Bettenski Myron O. Colby
William Betz John J. Collins
Seth P. Bickford Arthur L. Coleman
James H. Bissell Edward J. Condon
Charles E. Bitgood James D. Conley
Guy H. Blackstone John J. Connors
Herbert W. Blackstone Ray E. Cooper
Clarence L. Blair Andrew F. Connell
Herbert E. Blake Paul L. Corriveau
Charles H. Blakeley Alfred J. Cote
Paul G. Blandin Philias Cote
Arthur H. Bliss Theobald P. Cote
Chester A. Bock William E. Cote
Hollis I. Bockus Louis Coty
Omer Boissonneau Earl A. Covey
Frank Booma Charles Cox
Robert M. Borland Thomas J. Coyne
Dennis J. Bossie Earl W. Cram
Lionel Bouchard John E. Crawford
Edward Bouford Clayton W. Crippen
Emile Boulay Daniel J. Cronin
Raymond Boulay George H. Cronin
Charles O. Bouley James J. Cronin
Eli Bouley Leon H. Crosby
Emil J. Bourassa Clarence J. Croteau
William M. Bourdeau Stanis J. Cullerot
Everett J. Bourdon Arthur W. Currie
Alfred N. Bousquet Harry L. Curtis
Peter R. Bradley William Cyr
William F. Brennan Walter Dale
Claude J. Brewster Walter G. Dale
Armand A. Brien Milo M. Damon
Carl P. Britton Alpha J. Danis
Charles H. Brooks Thomas Daudier
Frank L. Brooks Harry E. Davey
William J. Brown Carl G. Davis
Alba F. Brunelle John E. Davis
Horace Buckman Lawrence C. Davis
Julian J. Bugail Ernest W. DeCato
Charles C. Burdick Paul C. Dennett
Bertram M. Burke Amedie Deschenes
John E. Burnette Frank E. Desfosse
Emile T. Burns Leo A. Desilets
Eugene Desrosiers
[MIDDLE PANEL – LEFT SIDE ] [Click here for Desrosiers-Houston Stories]
Francois X. Desrosiers Louis P. Fraser
Wilfred J. Desrosiers Ronald C. Fraser
William Desruisseaux Clifford A. Frains
Timothy F. Dickinson Fred Frechette
George Dilboy John E. Freeman
George E. Dion Charles T. Freihofer
William H. Dobbins Ray M. French
Thomas M. Donnelly Robert A. French
Charles P. Doran Osborne P. Friend
Chris. L. Dougherty Mark W. Frost-
Lorenzo Douglass Mike Frost
Leroy E. Dow William G. Fugere
Harold E. Dowd Kenneth E. Fuller
Arthur N. Downing Odilion Gagne
Charles J. Downing Henry J. Garrett
Francis A. Downing Albert Gauthier
James H. Downs- Joseph Gay
Charles A. Doyen Aimee D. Genard
Elden W. Drew- Edward Gerard
Herbert C. Drew George R. Gerard
Leon S. Drew Mark J. Gilbert
Walter T. Drew Patrick J. Gildea
Arthur E. Drouin Arthur J . Gillingham
George W. Drouin Harold W. Gilman
Amey J. Duby Patrick Gilmore
Joseph C. Dubuque Harold C. Glass
Joseph Dumas Harold E. Glidden
Alphonse Dumond Lynnwood C. Glover
Edward J. Dumoulin Ernest Godreau
Alfred Dunt Harold E. Goodell
Ernest J. Dupont John R. Goodwin
Adelard C. Dupuis Grant H. Gordan
Ezra Dupuis William O. Gordon
George E. Dupuis Henry Gossler
Otto L. Durand Clark A. Goudie
Robert G. Durgin Frederick W. Gould
Steve Dusannki Harold F. Gove
Harold L. Dutton Josaphat O. Goyer
Harold F. Eadie Edward J. Grady
Bernard W. Eastman Frank H.N. Grant
Wesley M. Eastman Fred E. Grant
John H. Edmonds Clement W. Gravelle
Orrin H. Edwards Arthur Gregoire
George H. Elam James J. Griffin
Wilmer R. Ellingwood Roy H. Griggs
Harry Elliott- Jean Grimard
Wilkie I. Elliott Joseph A. Guerin
Roy S. Ellison Theodore H. Guething
Alvah W. Emerson Luc Guignard
Harold A. Emerson Arthur G. Guyer
Harold R. Emerson Joseph N. Guyette
Lloyd F. Emerson Albert P. Haas
James D. Enright Woodbury D. Hagan
George N. Erlando Eugene C. Hagemann
Roy C. Estes Walter R. Haire
Dan Evans John P. Haley
Fred Evans Charles W. Hall
George E. Evans Amos F. Hamburger
Earl D. Farley Frederick C. Harnold-
Irving J. Farley Carroll D. Harpell
Charles A. Farrie Harry A. Harriman-
Rosario Faucher Lynn H. Harriman
Clarence W. Faulkner Charles Hart
Pawel Fedoreczyk Edgar C. Hartford
George F. Feeny Louis S. Hartshorn
Apostal A. Fenga Estathios Hassotis
William A. Fenlason Fay E. Hatt
James H. Ferguson Everett M. Heath
Harold M. Field George E. Heath
Henry A. Fifield Joseph Hebert
Louis J. Fingleton Frederick J. Hickey
Amedio Fiori Lester H. Hicks
Ervin R. Fisher Irving W. Higgins
James E. Fitzwilson Hugh C. Hill
Alfred S. Flanders Frederick F. Holland
Lester R. Fletcher Roy S. Holland
Lucy N. Fletcher William A. Holland
Robert H. Fletcher William H. Holland
James B. Flynn Allen Hollis Jr.
Martin J. Foley William S. Holmes
Francis E. Forest Grant Holt
James M. Forsaith Don S. Hooper
Napoleon Fortier Charles F. Horan
William F. Fountain Joseph F. Horne
Louis D. Fournier Napoleon Houle
Gilbert D. Fraser Theodore E. Houle
George S. Houston-
[MIDDLE PANEL – RIGHT SIDE ] [Click here for Humiston-Partridge]
John Humiston Thomas D. McLaughlin
Cyril T. Hunt Arthur W. McLellan
Frederick R. Huson John MacNee
William B. Hussey Clarence W. McNeill
Dewey W. Ingerson Horatio Machut
Arthur O. Jacob Ralph L. Mack
Alfred Jacques John J. Maguire
David Jones [Johns] Arthur P. Mahaney
Arthur C. Johnson Edward J. Maher
Homer A. Johnson Nulo Mahonen
John W. Johnson Apostolos N. Makris
William H. Jutras John D. Mallon
Christos N. Kalivas John J. Malloy
John C. Kameras John P. Mannion
Ancatas Karveles Harry A. Mansfield
Arthur P. Kelley Emerson Maple
Clarence F. Kelley Harold F. Marsh
Daniel F. Kelley Fred A. Marshall
Peter Kelley Jesse H. Marston-
Ralph H. Kelsey Albert S. Martel
Boleslavas P. Kemes William Martel
Joseph A. Kennedy John T. Martin
Vernon H. Kenneson Joseph A. Masevich
Charlie C. Kilborn Gustave Mason
Frank E. Kilduff Leander Massicotte
Thomas Kilrain George E. Matson
Chauncy A. King Earl R. Maxwell
George E. King George J. Maxfield
Lee H. Knapp John P. Meade
Alojzy Kubicki Alexander Melnik
Leon Labonville George E. Merrill
Nelson A. LaBounty Alphonse J. Messier
Oliver J. Lacasse Louis Michaud
Oliva Lachapelle Edgar E. Miller
George E. Ladd John H. Miller
Arthur W. LaFlamme Edward W. Millerick
George J. LaFleur John E. Minatt
Albert J. Lagasse Albert C. Minnon
Kenneth B. Laird Charles H. Moberg
Alfred A. Laliberte Earl R. Montgomery
Harry P. Lambrukos Valere Montminy
Raymond C. Lamere George J. Moody
Owen B. Lamotte Arthur J. Mooney
Harold H. Lang Frank G. Moore
Amede LaPlante Oscar G. Morehouse
Ernest A. LaPlante John M. Moriarty
Harry H. Larendeau Jeremiah T. Morley
Aurele J. Larue Leslie H. Morrill
Arthur J. Lavigne Harris D. Morrison
Alphonse J. Lavoie Arthur W. Morse
Edmond LeBlanc John H. Moulton
Frank E. LeBlanc Orris P. Mudgett
Amos O. LeClair Michael Mulroy
Henry J. LeClair William Mundell
Cecil W. Leighton Teresa M. Murphy
Victor W. LeMay Ralph B. Murray
Arthur Lemieux William M. Myers
Arthur J. Lemire Albert N. Nailer
Ralph LeVasseur Victor J. Nartoff
Allen D. Lewis Harold P. Nelson
Donald W. Libby Ray B. Nelson
William H. Libby Napoleon Nevu
Frank L. Litdker Joseph Niding
Herman F. Little Edgar I. Norcross
Thomas Lizotte Anne F. Norton
Chester J. Loiselle Harold R. Noyes
William J. Longever William F. O’Brien
Edward W. Lorick Albert OClair
Ralph J. Loveren Frank J. O’Connor
Lester E. Lovett Thomas O’Connor
John Luczko George B. Oliver
Milford H. Lunt Olof E. Olson
Michael J. Lynch George L. O’Neil
William H. Lynch Jr. James W. O’Neil
James A. McCann John E. O’Neil
Charles J. McDonald Leon R. Otis
Samuel F. McDonald Burt L. Paige
John McElroy Stephen Panaras
Patrick McGoff Stratis Papanastasion
Edward J. McGoldrick Edmond Paquette
Clarence W. McGown Fabien Parent
Earl O. McGrath Foster Parmerton
Robert MacInnis George D. Parnell
Jane McIntosh George E. Parr
Francis P. McKeown Patrick J. Parsons
Peter A. McLaughlin Merritt E. Partridge
[RIGHT PANEL ] [Click here for Patch-Young]
Arthur T. Patch Fred W. Sleeper
Charles H. Payson Jr. Christopher Smart
Clarence L. Perkins Archibald L. Smith
Harry R. Perkins Forrest E. Smith
Ralph H. Perkins Joseph N. Smith
James W. Perrott Patrick J. Smith
William N. Perry Perley V. Smith-
Evelyn V. Petrie Robert P. Snow
Carleton L. Petry Louis Somers
George A. Philbrick William B. Southmayd
Vernon N. Phillips Harold M. Spaulding
Emile Pichette Herbert E. Staples
Sydney R. Pickles Stanislaw Stefanski
Lewis A. Pierce George H. Stenstream
Almon R. Pingree Fred N. Stevens
Murray S. Plante John H. Stevens Jr.
Joseph A. Pourier Jr. Willis A. Stevens
Oliver Pombrio George L. Stratton
Clarence J. Popple Riley V. Strong
Leopold Portinari Charles A. Sturtevant
Clarence O. Post Walter D. Sturtevant
Morris P. Potvin- Edward J. Sullivan
Charles F. Prauman Henry J. Sweeney
Cecil H. Prentiss Omar J. Talbot
Isaiah J. Proulx Sidney A. Taylor
Wilfred R. Provencher Albert Thibeault
Andrew J. Provost Harold A. Thomas
Albert N. Pyne William H. Thomas
Benjamin F. Quinlan Forrest A. Thompson
Wallace E. Rand Raymond W. Thompson
Walter F. Randall William S. Thompson
William H. Randall Robert M. Thornburgh
Florence G. Ray Frederick A. Toomer
Hypolite J. Raza Frederick S. Towle
John J. Reddington Howard A. Towle
Charles O. Reed Milton S. Towns
Philip B. Reid Arthur T. Trottier
Albert W. Reynolds Edward A. Trottier
Rosario Ricciardi Willard L. Tucker
Joseph O. Richard Harry H. Turcotte
Carl H. Richard Ralph A. Turgion
Joseph L. Richardson Paul L. Underwood
Robert L. Rickard Samuel Valley
Joseph M. Rivers Cyrille Veilleux
Leroy G. Rivers Irving Veno
Alfred Roberge Leopold Vincent
Joseph H. Roberge Pascal E. Vincent
Maurice H. Roberts Roland H. Waitt
David Robidoux Ivan V. Walker
William H. Robinson Edward Walsh
Ervin H. Roby Raymond E. Walton
Harold R. Rogers Russell H. Ward
Harry J. Rogers Clyde A. Warren
Perley F. Rogers Earl A. Webster
Horace Rose Verne H. Weld
Frank L. Ross George H. Wentworth
Tracy J. Ross Howard F. West
Irving W. Rossiter Ike Whatley
Ludger Roy Arnold H. Wheaton
Joseph Rouleau Jr. David L. Wheeler
Charles Russell Elwyn S. Wheeler
Matthew M. Ryan Ralph W. Wheeler
Thomas J. Ryan Fay E. Whipple
George A. Ryder Roswell D. Whitcomb
Emile St. Hilaire Verdi E. Whitcomb
Charles E. St. Pierre John P. White
Ellis R. Sanborn- Warren H. White
Ernest F. Sanders- Frank C. Whiteman
Joseph Sanel Leslie G. Whiteman
Azade Savoie Franklin H. Whittemore
Everett Scammon Willis Whittier
Theodore D. Schmidt Frank W. Wilkins
Francis A. Scott Pitt S. Willand
Frederick P. Seelig Alexander E. Wilson
William J. Seelye+ Donald K. Wilson
Sarkis H. Semonian George H. Wood(s)
Chester H. Shapleigh Chester W. Woods
Henry W. Sharkey Leland H. Woods
Arthur E. Shaw Rene Woods
Howard H. Shawney Clifton Wormhood
Allen Shea Laurent Wouters
Daniel K. Shedd Fred W. Wyman
Arthur L. Sheldon Lynn H. Yeaton
Ralph W. Shirley Ernest W. Young
Arthur H. Skinner Gleason W. Young
Randolph T. Zane
+should read “Julius F. Seelye”
—World War I STORIES of Towns and Cities in New Hampshire
—World War I: Women of New Hampshire
—WWI Era: 100 Years Ago in New Hampshire
—The New Hampshire WWI Service Medal
—World War I: More NH Heroes
— Cow Hampshire’s Guide to Researching World War I
If you wonder why I write my stories, please watch this video.
*For A Soldier Died Today* (Steve Harper)