This gallery contains 6 photos.
National Pet Week is celebrated from May 5-11, 2013. During our lifetimes pets are our beloved companions, and should be included in our family tree gallery. Here are a sampling of pets from my family.
On the 15th day of July, 1605, the French navigators sailed smoothly on from Cape Porpoise twelve leagues toward the south; they coasted along the beaches of Maine and New Hampshire, passing the Piscataqua River without notice, and by nightfall, … Continue reading
Sallie W. Hovey was the daughter of a prominent New Hampshire minister, and the sister of a navy Ensign who lost his life in the Philippines. In her own right she worked tirelessly to make sure that the poor and … Continue reading
It was a chance encounter with the Silver family. If you research genealogy you are familiar with how it happens. I was researching an entirely different family, gleaning tidbits from old newspapers. And then this story leaped out from the … Continue reading
This gallery contains 6 photos.
National Pet Week is celebrated from May 5-11, 2013. During our lifetimes pets are our beloved companions, and should be included in our family tree gallery. Here are a sampling of pets from my family.
Genealogy and history are naturally connected. History is made up of a series of events on a time line. Events consist of activities of people in a specific location, on a certain date. In order to be engaging, a well-created … Continue reading