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Janice A. Brown,
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Monthly Archives: April 2016
The Edgerly and Cloutman Families of Farmington, Alton, and New Durham New Hampshire
The face of Patience Tash (Edgerly) Cloutman looks out from an ancient tintype photograph. I suspect that she sat for her portrait around the time of the Civil War, as her dress style was of that era. She would have … Continue reading
Posted in Genealogy, History, Military of New Hampshire, New Hampshire Women
Tagged Alton, Capt., Captain, Civil War, Cloutman, Durham, Edgerly, farmer, Farmington, Hampshire, killed, new, New Hampshire, NH, Patience, Ralph Carlton
1 Comment
Official New Hampshire State Beverage: Apple Cider
In 2010, at the petition of fourth grade students from Jaffrey, New Hampshire and others, the New Hampshire General Court, by a vote of 230-74 approved apple cider as New Hampshire’s office beverage with the passage of House Bill 1206. … Continue reading
Downing & Abbot Company Founder and Carriage Builder of Concord New Hampshire: Lewis Downing (1792-1873)
As early as 1835 the word was out that Downing & Abbot were the makers of quality conveyances. The New Hampshire Patriot and Gazette (Concord, New Hampshire), dated Monday, June 1, 1835, page 2, carried this story: “A splendid Coach.” … Continue reading
The Face of Manchester New Hampshire’s Lena E. (Bower) Graf (1881-1972)
Lena Etta Bower was born in Manchester, New Hampshire in 1881. Her father was from England, having immigrated in 1855, arriving in Boston Massachusetts. It was a time when skilled textile workers from England were being sought to work in … Continue reading
Penacook New Hampshire’s Acclaimed Modernist Artist: Omer Thomas Lassonde (1903-1980)
Omer Thomas Lassonde was a talented artist who could paint in any style–realism, cubism, expressionism and abstractism. The categories he painted varied as greatly as his style, and included landscape, still-life, genre, figure painting, and portraiture. “He was a colorist,” … Continue reading
Posted in Genealogy, History, New Hampshire Men
Tagged abstract, abstractism, Academy, annual, art, artist, arts, Association, Auger, Boscawen, Briggs, colorist, Concord, Cresson, cubism, exhibition, expressionism, famed, famous, federal, fine arts, Frank, Gallery, Grand Palaise, Hampshire, Institute, jewelry, juried, Louisa, Louise, Manchester, Mary, Maud, Maude, new, New Hampshire, NH, paint, painter, Penacook, Pennsylvania, Portsmouth, project, realism, Salisbury, scholarship, Societé Des Artists Francais, talented, Tompkins, Traveling, WPA