Tag Archives: Canterbury

New Hampshire Tidbit: Who Let the Shaker Cows Out of the Barn?

In 1863 the cows of Canterbury New Hampshire’s Shaker Village would have been “kept in one of forty-six stalls, in two rows facing each other, with a wide passage between them. Each animal, has its name and place, and it … Continue reading

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Hoofing it in Canterbury NH — May 2, 2015 Heifer Parade

This moo-ving story is just too cute not to publicize.  Saturday May 2, 2015 is the date of Canterbury Shaker Village’s 2nd Annual Heifer Parade with Food and Fiddle.  We complained more than once in the past few months about … Continue reading

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Philosopher, Educator and A Woman of Vision: Canterbury New Hampshire’s Dr. Mary Mills Patrick (1850-1940)

  Mary Mills Patrick was born 10 March 1850 in Canterbury, New Hampshire to John & Harriet (White) Patrick. At a young age she moved with her family to the Mid-West (Iowa). There she attended school, graduating from Lyon’s College … Continue reading

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New Hampshire’s Canterbury Shakers: Elderess Bertha Lindsay (1897-1990) and Gertrude Soule (1894-1988)

Eldress Bertha Lindsay, and Gertrude Soule were not the last of New Hampshire’s Shaker Colony–Ethel Hudson was the last when she died in 1992.  At Christmas-time in 1978 when the radiant faces of Bertha and Gertrude were captured for this … Continue reading

Posted in History, New Hampshire Women | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

The Osgoodites of Warner, New Hampshire

The early nineteenth century was a time of great religious change in New Hampshire.  New Christian sects were sprouting … Continue reading

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