Tag Archives: milk

2020 New Hampshire Dairy Month

These days we have a great deal to ponder as our lives have changed dramatically during the past 3 months. Once our every day lives return closer to normal, we need to consider what is truly important in our lives … Continue reading

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NH Tidbits: Cow Hampshire Revisited

After fifteen years as editor of this blog, I received my first “hate you” email recently. You’ll never guess the reason why. A reader spotted my blog title, Cow Hampshire, and it sent them into a cud-chewing frenzy. They mooed  … Continue reading

Posted in Cow Stories, History, Humor, Moovers And Shakers | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 20 Comments

New Hampshire Tidbit: Who Let the Shaker Cows Out of the Barn?

In 1863 the cows of Canterbury New Hampshire’s Shaker Village would have been “kept in one of forty-six stalls, in two rows facing each other, with a wide passage between them. Each animal, has its name and place, and it … Continue reading

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Cow Stories: Bringing in the Cows, by Arthur Corning White

“A precious, elusive element of poetry has gone out of farming with the passing of the old style smoke house, home made mittens, and those great, round, shining, shallow milk pans for raising of the cream. Now, the rural population … Continue reading

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New Hampshire Glossary: Pop Robin

Pop Robin is a term that used to be popular in New Hampshire's early days, but one that most of … Continue reading

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