WWI Honor Roll: Humiston to Partridge

The names on this page are found on the [MIDDLE PANEL-RIGHT SIDE] of the engraved World War One Honor Roll, located in Doric Hall in the New Hampshire State House, Concord.  The complete listing is found here at “New Hampshire’s World War One History.”

Click on the name links below to see the individual stories.  These articles may contain photographs, service information, burial location and other biographical data.


John Humiston                         Thomas D. McLaughlin
Cyril T. Hunt                              Arthur W. McLellan
Frederick R. Huson                  John MacNee
William B. Hussey                    Clarence W. McNeill
Dewey W. Ingerson                  Horatio Machut
Arthur O. Jacob                         Ralph L. Mack
Alfred Jacques                           John J. Maguire
David Jones [Johns]                Arthur P. Mahaney
Arthur C. Johnson                    Edward J. Maher
Homer A. Johnson                    Nulo Mahonen
John W. Johnson                      Apostolos N. Makris
William H. Jutras                      John D. Mallon
Christos N. Kalivas                    John J. Malloy
John C. Kameras                       John P. Mannion
Ancatas Karveles                       Harry A. Mansfield
Arthur P. Kelley                         Emerson Maple
Clarence F. Kelley                      Harold F. Marsh
Daniel F. Kelley                          Fred A. Marshall
Peter Kelley                                Jesse H. Marston
Ralph H. Kelsey                         Albert S. Martel
Boleslavas P. Kemes                 William Martel
Joseph A. Kennedy                   John T. Martin
Vernon H. Kenneson                Joseph A. Masevich
Charlie C. Kilborn                     Gustave Mason
Frank E. Kilduff                         Leander Massicotte
Thomas Kilrain                         George E. Matson
Chauncy A. King                       Earl R. Maxwell
George E. King                          George J. Maxfield
Lee H. Knapp                            John P. Meade
Alojzy Kubicki                          Alexander Melnik
Leon Labonville                       George E. Merrill
Nelson A. LaBounty                Alphonse J. Messier
Oliver J. Lacasse                      Louis Michaud
Oliva Lachapelle                      Edgar E. Miller
George E. Ladd                        John H. Miller
Arthur W. LaFlamme            Edward W. Millerick
George J. LaFleur                   John E. Minatt
Albert J. Lagasse                    Albert C. Minnon
Kenneth B. Laird                   Charles H. Moberg
Alfred A. Laliberte                 Earl R. Montgomery
Harry P. Lambrukos              Valere Montminy
Raymond C. Lamere              George J. Moody
Owen B. Lamotte                    Arthur J. Mooney
Harold H. Lang                       Frank G. Moore
Amede LaPlante                      Oscar G. Morehouse
Ernest A. LaPlante                  John M. Moriarty
Harry H. Larendeau               Jeremiah T. Morley
Aurele J. Larue                        Leslie H. Morrill
Arthur J. Lavigne                    Harris D. Morrison
Alphonse J. Lavoie                  Arthur W. Morse
Edmond LeBlanc                     John H. Moulton
Frank E. LeBlanc                     Orris P. Mudgett
Amos O. LeClair                       Michael Mulroy
Henry J. LeClair                       William Mundell
Cecil W. Leighton                     Teresa M. Murphy
Victor W. LeMay                       Ralph B. Murray
Arthur Lemieux                        William M. Myers
Arthur J. Lemire                       Albert N. Nailer
Ralph LeVasseur                       Victor J. Nartoff
Allen D. Lewis                            Harold P. Nelson
Donald W. Libby                       Ray B. Nelson
William H. Libby                       Napoleon Nevu
Frank L. Litdker                        Joseph Niding
Herman F. Little                       Edgar I. Norcross
Thomas Lizotte                          Anne F. Norton
Chester J. Loiselle                     Harold R. Noyes
William J. Longever                  William F. O’Brien
Edward W. Lorick                      Albert OClair
Ralph J. Loveren                        Frank J. O’Connor
Lester E. Lovett                          Thomas O’Connor
John Luczko                               George B. Oliver
Milford H. Lunt                         Olof E. Olson
Michael J. Lynch                       George L. O’Neil
William H. Lynch Jr.                 James W. O’Neil
James A. McCann                      John E. O’Neil
Charles J. McDonald                 Leon R. Otis
Samuel F. McDonald                 Burt L. Paige
John McElroy                              Stephen Panaras
Patrick McGoff                            Stratis Papanastasion
Edward J. McGoldrick              Edmond Paquette
Clarence W. McGown                Fabien Parent
Earl O. McGrath                         Foster Parmerton
Robert MacInnis                        George D. Parnell
Jane McIntosh                            George E. Parr
Francis P. McKeown                  Patrick J. Parsons
Peter A. McLaughlin                  Merritt E. Partridge


New Hampshire’s World War One History [starting point]
WWI Honor Roll: Abbott to Eugene Desrosiers
WWI Honor Roll: Francois X. Desrosiers to Houston
WWI Honor Roll: Patch to Young

[Editor’s Note: I originally had the links to the entire honor roll on one page. However due to the limitations of my WordPress template, the page “broke” and did not allow me to continue to edit it.  To remedy the situation I have divided the list into segments, this being one of them.]