This is an ongoing series of stories about the men and women of New Hampshire who laid down their lives for their country during World War One. Whether they died in battle, or of various diseases contracted while in service, they deserve our respect, honor and to be remembered.
The following people were some who I recently researched. Memorial Day 2020 seemed to be the appropriate time to shine a light on them.
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William Martel | Private |Killed in Action on 20 July 1918 in France | Supply Company, 102nd Field Artillery > Co B 103rd Infantry | Buried New Town Cemetery, Rollinsford NH | Credited to Rollinsford NH | Martel-Roberge American Legion named in his honor | [1]
Louis Michel Michaud | Private| Died 15 Oct 1918 at Post Hospital, Fort Ethan Allen, Colchester VT |Troop C 310th Cavalry| Burial place unknown | Credited to Berlin NH | [2]
Edgar E. Miller | Private | Killed in Action 20 July 1918 France | Co H, 103rd Infantry Regiment 26th Div. | Buried Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, Belleau France | Credited to Northfield NH [3]
Leslie H. Morrill | Private | Died 26 Sep 1918 at Base Hospital, Camp Devens, Harvard MA of influenza | Co D, 74th Infantry | Buried Homeland Cemetery, Bristol, NH | Credited to Bridgewater NH | [4]
Ray B. Nelson | Soldier | Died 20 Nov 1918 Fort Monroe, VA of broncho-pneumonia and influenza | Milton Woods Cemetery, Sutton NH | Credited to Sutton NH | [5]
Harold R. Noyes | Soldier | Died 3 Oct 1918 at Post Hospital, Durham NH of influenza | Probably in training | Buried Pleasant View Cemetery, Londonderry NH |Credited to Londonderry NH | [6]
William F. O’Brien | Private 1/c | 17 Dec 1917 France of Scarlet Fever | Co. A, 103rd Machine Gun Battalion | St. Peter’s Cemetery, Drewsville/Walpole NH | Credited to North Walpole NH | [7]
Ancatas Karveles | Private | Died of Wounds 23 Sep 1918 prob. France | Co. G, 2nd Battalion, 303rd Infantry | Buried St. Mihiel American Cemetery, Thiaucourt, France | Credited to Walpole NH | [8]
Charles C. Burdick | Private | Died of Disease, 6 Nov 1918 Thompsonville CT, pneumonia | U.S. Army, Medical Dept | Buried Enfield Street Cemetery, Enfield CT | [9]
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[1] William Martel was born Oct 1898 in Wisconsin, son of Francis “Frank” & Elmira/Almira L. (Marcon/Marcoux) Martel. In the 1900 U.S. Census he was living with family in Fall River, Bristol MA. In the 1910 U.S. Census he was living with his family in Taunton, Bristol MA, including siblings: Theodore, Prunella, Ethel M., William, Philip, Rosella, and Joseph V. By 1920 the family had moved to Rollinsford, Strafford Co NH.
He enlisted on 7 June 1917, and U.S. Military Transport lists show William Martel as a Private in Supply Company of the 102nd Field Artillery heading to Europe on 10 Dec 1917 at Newport News Virginia aboard the ship, Appeles, his residence shown as Keene NH.
His application for a military stone shows that he was killed in action on 20 July 1918, as a Private in the U.S. Army, Co. B, 103rd Infantry, 26th Division. His body was returned from France and reburied in New Town Cemetery, in Rollinsford NH (his brother Theodore requested the stone). His name is inscribed on the WWI Wall of Honor in the Hall of Flags, New Hampshire State House.
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[2] Louis M. Michaud was born 24 Feb 1893 in St Antonin, Témiscouata, Quebec, Canada, son of Pierre & Cordelia (Michaud) Michaud. In the 1910 U.S. Census he was living with his family in Rollinsford, Stratford County NH with parents and siblings, Mary, Rosanna, Joseph, Alena, Lena, Albert, Marilouise and Alice.

Panoramic Photographic Print. Naturalization of aliens, June 25, 1918, 310th Cavalry, Fort Ethan Allen Vt., Louis L. McAllister, created 25 June 1918. Library of Congress
In 1917 he completed his WWI Registration form, and was aged 24, living at 583 Champlain Street, Berlin Coos NH, an alien working for Burgess Sulfate Fiber Co in Berlin NH. He described himself as being of medium height and build with brown hair and light brown yes, partly balding. He served during WWI as a Private in Troop C 310th Cavalry [per his Veteran’s Administration card]. Official records show that he died on 15 Oct 1918 at Fort Ethan Allen at the Post Hospital, aged 25y 7m 21 days of influenza and pneumonia. His burial place is not known. His name is inscribed on the WWI Wall of Honor in the Hall of Flags, New Hampshire State House.
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[3] Edgar Earnest Miller [sometimes seen with the middle initial G] was born April 19 1890 in Shubenacadie , Nova Scotia Canada ‘[a village in Hants County, NS], son of Isaac & Margaret (Bond) Miller of Gore, Hants, Nova Scotia, Canada.
In 1917 when he completed his WWWI Registration Form, Edgar Ernest Miller was aged 27 and living in Northfield, Merrimack NH. He was single and working as a teamster for John A. Jaquith of Northfield NH. He described himself as tall, of medium build with blue eyes and light brown hair.
Edgar E. Miller was a Private in the U.S. Army, Co. H, 103rd Infantry Regiment, 26th Division during WWI. He was killed in action in France on 20 July 1918 and was buried at first probably near where he died. Later his remains were removed to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in Belleau France, Plot A Row 10 Grave 61. His name is inscribed on the WWI Wall of Honor in the Hall of Flags, New Hampshire State House.
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[4] Leslie Harry Morrill was born 18 Sep 1887 in Bridgewater, Grafton Co. NH, son of Edwin D. Morrill & Huldith M. Barnard. He grew up in, and attended schools there. In 1900 US Census he was living with his parents in Bridgewater NH with siblings Charles H., Mattie E., Carl W., Clifford B., Bessie May, Lewis E., Joseph P and Ira A.
In 1917 he completed his WWI registration form and was then working as a farmer employed by Harris W. Hammond of Bridgewater. He was aged 29, single and described himself as short and stout with blue eyes and brown hair, slightly balding.
His death certificate shows that he died 26 Sep 1918 at the Base Camp, Camp Devens in Harvard Massachusetts of broncho-pneumonia, probably due to influenza.
His body was returned home, and buried in Homeland Cemetery, Bristol, Grafton Co. NH. His name is inscribed on the WWI Wall of Honor in the Hall of Flags, New Hampshire State House.
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[5] Ray Burton Nelson was born on 4 Sep 1896 at Sutton New Hampshire, son of William F. & Clara (Chase) Nelson. His parents divorced when he was young, and he lived with his father and sister Lillian on the “road to Lake Sunapee.” [His sister Lillian would later marry Nathan Stearns.]
On his WWI Registration form he was working for A.B. Stoddard and described himself as tall and slender with blue eyes and brown hair. He enlisted in the United States Army and was sent to Fort Monroe, Virginia for training. While there just 8 days he died from broncho-pneumonia probably due to influenza. His body was removed to Sutton New Hampshire for burial in Millwoods Cemetery, South Sutton NH. His name is inscribed on the WWI Wall of Honor in the Hall of Flags, New Hampshire State House.
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[6] Harold Rich Noyes was born 5 April 1897 in Londonderry NH, son of James M. & Amanda P. (Austin) Noyes. He attended the local schools. In the 1900 U.S. Census he was living in Londonderry NH with his parents and siblings Charles W. Benning, Bertha, Herbert M., Filena A. ALbert C, and Millard E.
He completed his WWI registration form in the town of Londonderry NH where he was working for Annis Grain & Lumber, aged 21. He described himself as being of medium height and build, he had blue eyes and dark brown hair. He died only a few months later on 3 Oct 1918 at Durham NH, at the Post Hospital of broncho-pneumonia 3 days, influenza 9 days. [Editor’s note: at that time Durham NH had a training camp, i.e. “In the spring of 1918, to meet military needs for technicians, the US War Department organized eight-week courses to be given on college campuses to train auto mechanics, machinists, blacksmiths, draftsmen, cooks, and bakers.”.] Harold R. Noyes was probably one of these students. He is buried in Pleasant View Cemetery, Londonderry NH. His name is inscribed on the WWI Wall of Honor in the Hall of Flags, New Hampshire State House.
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[7] William Francis O’Brien was born 10 March 1896 in Newton, Massachusetts, son of John & Jane E. (Tyndell) O’Brien. In the 1900 U.S. Census he was living in Walpole NH with his parents and siblings Gerald and Dennis. (His brother Gerald died of influenza in October of 1918). He attended the local schools.
His reburial certificate is a bit cryptic, showing the following. “Private 1c William F. O’Brien. Died in France. Co. A 103rd M.G. Bn. Died 17 Dec 1917. Soldier. Scarlet Fever.
“Disinterred by U.S. Govt in France. Place of Interment: Drewsville N.H. [Drewsville is an unincorporated community in the town of Walpole in Cheshire County, New Hampshire.] on June 3, 1921. St. Peters Cemetery. Undertaker US Govt, Hoboken NJ. Carlton E. Sparhawke, Town of Walpole added “I know no full record of this person’s family. If I find other items will send later.” [Editor’s note: additional WWI veterans of Walpole NH can be found here]. William F. O’Brien’s name can be found both on the official list of those serving from Walpole, NH and on the NH State Plaque of WWI Casualties. His name is inscribed on the WWI Wall of Honor in the Hall of Flags, New Hampshire State House.
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[8] Ancastas Karveles was born Mar 1888 in Russia. According to his obituary in The Burlington Gree Press, Burlington VT, on 18 Oct 1918 page 3, PVT ANICETA KARVELES
(Special to the Free Press). Bellows Falls, Oct 17 — a telegram stating that Pvt. Aniceta Karveles, a member of the 303rd Infantry, Company G., had died on September 23 in France form wounds received in action was received to-day. Private Karveles was born in Russai 28 years ago and came to this country at an early age. He resided in North Walpole three years and was employed during that time at the Robinson Paper Mills in Bellows Falls. He was drafted about six months ago and reported at Camp Devens. He leaves no relatives in this country, but has a sister in Russia.
On the 7 July 1918 he was a Private among a group of Co G 303rd Infantry men on board the ship Poona leaving Montreal Canada for Europe. At that time he lists a Miss Anna Karveles, a cousin, as his next of kin. Next he is found on a list of Men in Company G, 2nd Battalion, 303rd Infantry, departing from Winnall Down Camp [Winchester, England ] on July 1918. His military serial # was 2724768.
His official records show that he died of wounds on 23 September 1918 in France, aged 30 years. He is buried at Saint Mihiel, American Cemetery and Memorial in Thiacourt France in Plot C, Row 22, Grave 6. His name is inscribed on the WWI Wall of Honor in the Hall of Flags, New Hampshire State House.
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[9] Charles Cornelius Burdick was born 10 Sep 1892 at Highgate Vermont, son of Charles Elmer & Edith Lucy (Bishop) Burdick. He married 5 Sep 1914 Marlboro MA to Hazel Angeline Robinson. She was b 18 Nov 1896 at Fitchburg MA.
He registered for the WWI Draft at Hartford CT. He noted then that he was the assistant foreman in cotton mill, Columbia Mfg Co., at Greenville NH. He was inducted into service on 26 August 1918 at E. Hartford CT. His rank was Private, medical department, assigned to Camp McLellan, Base Hospital 126, Anniston Alabama. He was in training there from Aug 26 1918 – Oct 15, 1918. He was promoted from Private to Private 1c on 1 Oct 1918. He died of pneumonia while in service at Thompsonville Conn on Nov 6, 1918.
His service is probably credited to Connecticut, however he is listed on the New Hampshire WWI Honor Roll in the Hall of Flags, New Hampshire State House. This is probably due to the fact that in the 1922 Concord NH City Directory, Hazel is living at 44 South State street, Concord NH with her 2nd husband August Granfors. She had married 19 Nov 1920 in Hartford CT to August Granfors. Private Charles C. Burdick is buried in Enfield Street Cemetery, Enfield CT, and his wife Hazel is buried beside him.
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