WWI monument shown on the front lawn of Rochester NH’s City Hall-Opera House at 31 Wakefield Street. Photograph Google Maps.
By 1919 the Great War (WWI) was over and Rochester New Hampshire leadership, just like those in other cities and towns, were pondering the best way to both thank and commemorate the citizens who had served in the military. The Rochester City Council voted that year to award “bounties” to each of those who served. In February of 1919 the City Council set up a committee composed of Mayor James B. Young along with two councilmen, Harry H. Meader (Ward 3) and Fred F. Seavey (Ward Six). They formulated plans for a testimonial, and $1,000 was set aside as payment.
-Recognition for WWI Military in 1919-
Page 32-33 of the 1919 Rochester City Report details specifics. “The boys were being discharged continuously during the year, so that the day of giving them a welcome was delayed until November 27, Thanksgiving Day, 1919. The Committee with the co-operation of the members of Rochester Post, No. 7, American Legion, formulated plans and the following programme was arranged: Parade starting at 2:30, headed by Rochester City Band, in line as follows: Rochester Post, No. 7, and all other service boys, Boy Scouts, Jr. O.U.A. M. and G.A.R., Mayor Young, Governor Bartlett, and Committee in Autos.
At the City Opera House, Mayor Young acted as Master of Ceremonies, presenting the different details of the Welcome. The City Band played various patriotic selections as accompaniment for singing by the audience. Comrade Hiram Philpot, in behalf of the City, presented to Rochester Post, No. 7, American Legion, a handsome silk flag with staff and equipment for parade, as a testimonial from the Cit of Rochester. This was accepted by Harold C. Baker, Commander. Address by Governor Bartlett.
Mayor Young read the following list of Rochester boys, who had lost their lives in the service, giving a short historical sketch of each boy and presented the medal to their nearest relative: Horace G. Buckman, Lloyd E. Carpenter, Clayton Claude Chaplin, Andrew F. Connell, Charles J. Downing, Alvah W. Emerson, Joseph F. Horne, Cecil W. Leighton, Arthur R. Lemke, Louis J. Marcotte, George Maxfield, Benjamin F. Quinlan, Charles W. Sanborn, Earl C. Stanley, Irving Veno, Clifton Wormwood, Leslie G. Whitman.
And in behalf of the City of Rochester and as a testimonial of the appreciation of their services, presented to each Rochester boy who had been in the service, a bronze medal on the front of which is inscribed the word, “Rochester” and the “City Seal,” on the back is inscribed, “Presented to her gallant Sons by the City of Rochester, N.H. in grateful recognition of their part in the World War 1917-1918.” In the evening was held the Welcome Home Concert and Ball, with music by the Lenox Banjo Orchestra.”
–Editorial Thank You–
My thanks to Donna Hynes of the Rochester Public Library for her assistance in locating, photographs of the city’s WWI memorials. Also a thank you to Martha Fowler of the Rochester Historical Society for her direction, suggestions and for providing newspaper clippings on various heroes (and to Gregg Sargent for sending them). It is also important to acknowledge Emily Giguere, one time assistant librarian of the Rochester Library, who compiled and typed the Rochester WWI service roll (as now located on the internet archive.)

Old photograph and close-up of the WWI memorial located in front of Rochester New Hampshire’s City Hall-Opera House.
–WWI Memorials–
On May 6, 1924 the City Council granted a local group the right to place a tablet commemorating those who made the supreme sacrifice in WWI in front of the City Hall at 31 Wakefield Street. Soon after Rochester’s official WWI memorial was dedicated. The Sampson Women’s Relief Corp were responsible, but today probably few if any know who they were. This group of women were the auxiliary to Sampson Post #41 Grand Army of the Republic. Those organizations disbanded a few years after the monument was placed, their work being replaced by the American Legion John C. Sampson Post #22.
A rock with a bronze plaque and the following inscription still sits in front of the Rochester City Hall-Opera House:
1914 1918
In Memory of the Heroes of
A second memorial was placed in 1926 in the yard of a private home on Charles Street, consisting of a large boulder and a bronze eagle, erected by Rev. John F. Cummins in memory of dead soldiers and sailors. Father Cummins had been chaplain during the Spanish American war, working with sick and wounded soldiers. Ruth Howland wrote a story about this dedication, and it can be found in the reference folder at the Rochester City Library. Today the memorial remains in a private yard, but the bronze eagle is not there.
I will not list all the men from Rochester New Hampshire who served in the Great War because it is readily available in two places. First, the 1919 City of Rochester Annual Report nicely published the service list verified against soldier and sailor discharge records. Secondly the same source (internet archive) published a database of index cards showing the rank and unit where they served.

George Maxfield memorial poster. Provided by the Rochester NH Historical Society. Used here with permission.
Heroes of Rochester NH
Those Who Died During WWI
This list is more than ranks and battalion, and includes names that are not on the “official” city report list. I focus on their faces, their families and where they lay buried. I move beyond the index cards trying to discover more of their story. I hope that this work will help to reconnect them with their families.
The following legend is used to show the source of the name provided on this list. Soldier is listed on:
[A] WWI Roll of Honor, Doric Hall, State House, Concord NH
[B] Adjutant General’s List of Killed in Action from New Hampshire
[C] Buried in Europe, American Battle Monuments Commission
[D] Other Official Military Source
[E] Gold Star Mothers of Massachusetts
[F] U.S. Navy Casualty Books
[G] 1919 Rochester NH City Report, List of WWI Military
[H] Death Records
[I] Soldiers of the Great War, Haulsee, W.M.
[J] Canadian Military Service Records
* Photograph or likeness provided or available.
[#] Numbers refer to a footnote following the list with additional information on a particular soldier or sailor.
BUCKMAN, Horace G. | Soldier | Died of Disease (pneumonia) October 1918 Camp AA. Humphreys VA | Co. D, 4th Eng. Battalion | burial unknown |[A][G] [1]
BUSH, George J.| Private | Killed in action 25 July 1918 near Vaux France | U.S. Army, 23rd Infantry, 23d Division | Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, France |[A][B][C][E][2]
CARPENTER, Lloyd E.| pharmacist’s mate 3c | Died of Disease (septicemia) 4 October 1918 Portsmouth Naval Hospital, Portsmouth NH | U.S. Naval Reserve Force | Buried Berwick ME |[G][3]
CHAPLIN, Clayton Claude | Private | Died 7 January 1918 of disease (pneumonia following measles) at Camp Green NC | Co. A 30th Infantry | Buried Rochester NH |[A][G] [4]
CONNELL, Andrew F.* | Sgt. | Killed in Action 26 September 1918/Died of Wounds October 1918 | U.S. Army, 101st Ambulance Co., 101st Sanitary Train, 26th Inf. Div. | St. Mihiel American Cemetery, Thiaucourt France |[A][B][C][G][5]
DOWNING, Charles J./T. | Private | Killed in Action 17 July 1918 | Co E., 103rd Infantry | burial unknown | [A][B][G][6]
EMERSON, Alvah W.* | Saddler | Died of Disease, 15 Feb 1918 | Supply Co. 6th Infantry, and 5th Military Police | Rochester Cemetery | [A][G] [7]
HORNE, Joseph F. | Soldier | Died of Disease (pneumonia) 29 Dec 1917 Fort Sam Houston, TX | Buried Rochester NH | [A][G][8]
LEIGHTON, Cecil W. | Seaman| Fell Overboard and Drowned 1 December 1918 Hampton Roads VA | Navy, U.S.S. Chestnut Hill | unknown burial |[A][G][9]
LEMKE, Arthur R. | Sergt. | Killed in Action, Oct 2 1918 struck by high explosive shell | Co. D, 27th Div.| Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, France | A.G. credits him to Portsmouth NH [B][10]
LITTLE, Norman A. | Corp | HQ Co. 39th Infantry | Killed in Action before 5 Aug 1918, France | unknown burial | Credited to Salem MA | [11]
MARCOTT, Louis John | Trooper | Died of Wounds, 28 March 1917 | 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles, MG Section | Aubigny Communal Cemetery Extension, France | [J][12]
MARCOUX, Alfred Joseph | Private | Died of Wounds 16 June 1916 Belgium | 57th Battalion > 22nd Battalion | Canadian Forces | Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, Belgium | [J][13]
MAXFIELD, George* | Private | Killed in Action 13 June [July-Adj Gen] 1918, Chateau Thierry, France | Co. C, 23rd Infantry | Holy Rosary Cemetery, Rochester NH | Rochester VFW named in honor |[A][B][G][14]
MOORE, Frank O. | Private | Killed in Action 29 Sep 1918 | Credited to Somersworth NH | Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, France | 147th Infantry Regiment, 37th Division | His mother, Hattie Moore, was Gold Star Mother | [A][B][E][15]
QUINLAN, Benjamin F. | Corporal| Died of Disease (pneumonia) 3 December 1918 | Battery F, 119th Field Artillery | Old Saint Mary Cemetery, Dover NH | [A][G] [16]
SANBORN, Charles W. | Private | Died of Disease (influenza), 23 November 1918 Rochester NH| U.S. Army, Truck Co. 69 | Gonic Village Cemetery | [G] [17]
STANLEY/STANLY, Earl C. | Sergeant | Died of Disease (typhoid fever) 2 July 1918 Camp Johnston, FL | Instructor, Camp Johnston | Buried Rochester NH |[D][G][H] [18]
TOWNSEND, Leon G. | Electrician 3c | Died of Disease (lobar pneumonia) 3 November 1918, Emergency Hospital, Kite Station, Castletownbere Ireland | U.S.S. Nevada | Buried Rochester NH | [G][19]
VENO, Irving* | Private | Killed in Action 19 July 1918 | Co E 103rd Inf 26th Div | Arlington National Cemetery |[A][B][G] [20]
WHITEMAN Leslie G. |Private | MIA, Killed in Action 17 July 1918 | 103rd Inf., 26th Div.| Aisne-Marne Tablets of the Missing, France | Credited to Concord NH |[A][B][C][21]
WORMHOOD, Clifton* | Private| Died of Wounds (accident) September 1918 | Buried U.S.A. | Listed incorrectly as Wormwood in 1919 Report|[A][G][22]

Two Soldiers. Camp A.A. Humphreys, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. WWI Era. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Online Catalog
[1] Horace G. Buckman was born 28 December 1887 in Rochester New Hampshire, son of Augustus H. & Anna B. (McIntyre/McIntire) Buckman. He had siblings Arthur, George C. (who m. Susie A. Halpin), Charles H. (who m. Mabel Taylor), and Mattie May (who died young). By 1895 both of Horace’s parents had died, and in 1909 Harold was living with his brother George C. Buckman in Dover NH employed as a shoe-worker, By the 1910 census they had both moved to 77 Pine Street, Rochester NH with the same occupation. Horace’s WWI Registration form was completed on 5 June 1917 in Rochester NH, and he was then employed in the local Champlain Box Shop. He was single, of medium height and weight, with blue eyes and light brown hair. He stated he had defective vision on his form. The Rochester NH WWI Service Roll states: he left for Fort Slocum on 10 May 1918, assigned to Troop B 310th Cavalry. From there he was sent to Fort Ethan Allen Vermont, and from there to Camp Devens MA. Finally he was assigned to Camp A.A. Humphries [sic Humphreys] in Virgina, in Co. D, 4th Engineering Battalion. Horace G. Buckman died of disease (pneumonia) on 6 October 1918 as the result of having influenza. [Editor’s note: influenza was particularly virulent in the U.S. Army training camps. At A.A. Humphreys, “the epidemic of influenza began about September 13, and it was practically over by October 18. During that period there were 4,237 cases. The height of the epidemic was during the week September 28 to October 4. During the period of the epidemic there were 413 deaths. With a few exceptions these were due to pneumonia, principally broncho-pneumonia.]
[2] George J. Bush was born 25 Sep 1892 Biddeford Maine. His WWI Registration states that on 2 June 1917 he was working as a box maker at W.H. Champlin, Rochester, NH, no specific address given. He as single, of medium height, stout, with blue eyes and brown hair. By 1910 George was living at Manchester NH, lodging at 294 Pine Street, aged 17, a box fitter in a box shop. The Gold Star Record of Massachusetts shows: ” Haverhill MA. Bush, George J.: killed in action 25 June 1918 (near Vaux). Enl. 3 Aug. 1917, R.A., Co. K., 50th Inf., 20th Div.; trans. 16 Aug. to Co. K, 23d Inf. 2d Div. Overseas 7 Sep 1917. Born about 1893 at Biddeford Maine. Credited to New Hampshire. Street junction named in his memory.” Other records show that during WWI he held the rank of Private, served in the U.S. Army 23rd Infantry. At the time of his service his residence was Haverhill MA. The newspapers reported on 2 August 1918 that he had been severely wounded. He was killed in action near Vaux France on 25 July 1918 and remains buried near there in the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery.

Postcard: Naval Hospital, Portsmouth NH, 1930-1945, print, Boston Public Library, Print Department, Flickr
[3] Lloyd Earle Carpenter was born 5 April 1895 in Springvale Maine, son of Fred A. & Marion R. (Estes) Carpenter. He had one sibling, a sister Ivis May Carpenter (who married Henry F. Totman in 1916). In 1900 and 1910 he was living in South Berwick, York Maine with his uncle and aunt, William & Nellie J. (Church) Buzzell, his cousins William Buzzel, and a sister Iva M. Carpenter. On 5 June 1918 when he filled out his War registration card, he was 22 years old living in Rochester NH, a marble worker for Smaller Hobbs & Hunter. He was single, of medium height and stature, dark blue eyes and with slight brown hair. The U.S. Navy Casualties Book shows: “CARPENTER, LLOYD EARL, pharmacist’s mate, third class, United States Naval Reserve Force. Enlisted: Portsmouth NH 5 July 1917. Died: Naval Hospital, Portsmouth NH 4 October 1918. Cause: Septicemia. Next of Kin: sister, Mrs. Ives M. Totman, 614 Bloomfield Street, Hoboken, N.J.” Lloyd’s death record shows that his death was septicemia from streptococcus hemolyticsus, duration 158 days. He was buried in Berwick, Maine on 5 October 1918.

41st Division at Camp Greene, 1917, Library of Congress, Photo and Prints Division.
[4] Clayton C. Chaplin was born 10 September 1895 in Sanford Maine, son of Claude L. & Maude L. (Cate) Chaplin. In 1900 and 1910 he was living with his parents in Morristown, Lamoille Co. Vermont. By 1910 he had younger siblings Lillian L., Glenn K., Kenith G., Vivian B. and Harold N. (all born in Vermont). In 1917 when he completed his WWI form he was living in Rochester NH working in a box shop, Union Box Lumber Co. He was supporting his parents, and single, of medium height and weight, with blue eyes and dark brown hair. He was inducted into the U.S. Army, into Co. A, 30th Infantry, and sent to Camp Greene, Charlotte, North Carolina. His death certificate shows that he died at the Base Camp at Camp Greene of pneumonia lobar following measles on 7 January 1918. According to the note card created by the Rochester NH Library, his funeral was held in Rochester on 16 January 1918.
[5] Andrew F. Connell was born 9 December 1893 in Rochester, NH, son of Joseph & Elizabeth (Green) Connell. He had siblings James Alexander, Wiliam G., Martha, Bella, Joseph, Sarah/Sadie, John Henry, Albert P., and Margaret. His father Joseph was born in Northern Ireland and had immigrated from Scotland in 1888 aboard the SS Virginia. Soon afterward he moved to Rochester where he and his wife raised their children. During WWI he served as a Sergeant 101st Ambulance Co., 26th Div. and was awarded the DSC (Distinguished Service Cross). GENERAL ORDERS Oct 16, 1918. Extract. 11. The Division Commander is pleased to cite in orders the following names officers and men and congratulates them on their exceptionally meritorious service and gallant conduct during the operations of this Division against the enemy at MARCHEVILLE and RIAVEILLE on September 25th and 26th, 1918. Under a terrific enemy artillery bombardment lasting for nearly twenty-four

Letter to Andrew Connell’s parents from the boys at the front. From the Rochester NH Historical Society. Used here with permission.
hours and under in tense machine gun fire and in fierce hand-to-hand comflicts with grenades, rifle, pistol and bayonet, these officers and soldiers accomplished their mission and broke up four counter-attacks. -(named) Sergt. Andrew F. Connell, 101st Ambulance Company-Signed by C.R. EDWARDS, Major General, Commanding. Andrew Connell’s service card at the Rochester NH Library reads: “Volunteered July 1916 NH National Guard. At Mexican border, and later camp at Concord NH. Promoted to Sergeant at Fort Oglethorpe Georgia. In 15 battles.” “At the front, September 28, 1918. Dear Mr. Connell: The officers, non commissioned officers and men of the 11st Ambulance Co. extend their deepest sympathy and sincere regards,” begins a letter to the Connell family from those who fought beside him and saw Adrew W. Connell die. “Andy’s last words were typical of the man that he was. “They’ve got me boys, save yourselves.” With these words passed away one of God’s own noble men.” [see and read original letter].Andrew F. Connell died in the 2nd battle of the Marne, dying from his wounds. He is buried in St. Mihiel American Cemetery, Thiaucourt, France, in the Plot C, Row 17, Grave 30. [SEE his Photograph on this page].
[6] Charles J. Downing, son of John H. & Mary A. (Wentworth) Downing, and grandson of John & Sarah W. (Burnham) Downing was b. 24 Dec 1881 in Rochester NH. Siblings included Horace, Edna Arlene (who m. Fred Burrows), Eldred, Annie (who m. Horace Smith) and Ralph. Prior to his WWI service he was a member of the New Hampshire National Guard, Co. E, and had served on the Mexican border. On 25 December 1917 as a Private in Co. E., 103rd Infantry Charles J. Downing departed NY aboard the ship “Saxonia” bound for Europe. He listed his next of kin as a brother, Horace H. He was killed in action 17 July 1918. Officially reported 18 Sep 1918.
[7] Alvah W. Emerson was born 6 June 1894 in Rochester NH, son of Charles W. & Dorothy “Dolly” “Dora” (Gray) Emerson. He had siblings George M., Archie R., John A., and Dora May Emerson (who m. Harry Ellis). In 1910 living with his family in Rochester NH. Alvah W. Emerson departed New York City on 30 April 1918 for Europe, on the ship Niagara, Father Charles A. Emerson. Sv # 1408059 Co B, 5th Military Police Rank: SADDLER, U.S. Army. His Application for Headstone shows: “Rochester Cemetery. Alvah W. Emerson, enlisted 3 Feb 1913. Born June 6, 1894, died 2 Jan 1919. Pvt. U.S. Reg. Troop D, 6 Cav, Co. B. 5 Mil Police, Saddler Supply Co. 6th Infantry. [SEE Photograph].

Photograph: Fort Sam Houston TX 1911-1912, Artillery on Hike; U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.
[8] Joseph Francis Horne was born 1 June 1899 Rochester NH, son of Charles M. & Mary/May E. (Doherty) Horne. In 1900 he was living in Rochester NH with parents, and siblings Florence M., Alice E., Lewis F., and Charles M. The Rochester Library index card shows: Volunteered 5 Dec 1917 at Dover NH. To Fort Slocum, Aviation Section, S.C. Camp Sam Houston TX. Died of pneumonia 29 Dec 1917 Ft. Sam Houston, aged 18y 17m.” Joseph F. Horne’s death certificate adds a few details. He was a patient in Base Hospital No. 1, Ft. Sam Houston, San Antonio, Bexar TX at the time of his death, U.S. Army Aero Squad Signal Corps, unassigned (no Company). This record erroneously shows his birth place as North Carolina, however it does state his body was removed to Rochester, New Hampshire on 30 December 1917. Cause of death, Broncho-pneumonia, acute, catarrhal, bilaterial, duration 10 days.
[9] Cevil Wallace Leighton was born 1 June 1896 Newfield, York Maine, 2nd child of Charles Henry and Carrie Vaughn (Guilford) Leighton. His WWI Registration form shows he was a sheet metal worker for B F Sturtevant & Co, Boston/Hyde Park MA, single, medium height and stature, brown eyes light brown hair, registered Ward 23, precinct 3 Boston MA on 5 June 1917. The Gold Star Record of Massachusetts shows: “Leighton, Cecil Wallace, Seaman, U.S.N.: drowned 1 Dec. 1918 at Hampton Roads, Va. Enl 5 June 1917; reported for duty 27 June, Receiving Ship, Boston; 28 June to Naval Training Station, Newport RI; 14 July to Naval Training Camp, Portsmouth, NH; 28 Sep to “Michigan;” 30 Nov. to Receiving ship, Philadelphia; 14 March 1918 to “Chestnut Hill.” Born 1 June 1896 at West Newfield Me., son of Charles Henry and Carrie Vaughn (Guilford who died 1897) Leighton of Rochester NH; brother of Leo Lawrence of West Newfield Me and Cora May, living in Maine. Resident in Massachusetts one year.” The index card at the Rochester NH Library shows: “volunteers at Bostons MA 5 June 1917 in Navy. served on U.S.S. Chestnut Hill (oil tanker) delivering to allies later hunting submarines on Atlantic Coast. Drowned while on duty in service. parents lived 9 union st Rochester. SEAMAN, Drowned off Hampton Road.” The U.S. Navy Casualties Book includes other details of 1 December 1918: “U.S.S. Chestnut Hill. At about 10 am. while engaged in loosening the forward outboard grippes of the motor sailer, which was swung out on the davits, the following man fell overboard and was drowned:- LEIGHTON, Cecil W. Seaman.”
[10] Arthur R. Lemke, son of Albert E. & Mary E. (Coy) Lemke was Feb 1895 in Omaha Nebraska. In 1910 living in Omaha Nebraska with parents and siblings, Albert E., Florence and Frank. He married 20 May 1916 in Rochester NH to Elizabeth G. Foss, daughter of Harry R. & Etta B. (Woodes) Foss. [They had 2 children, Harry and Harold]. By 1927 she was living in Dover NH, boarding at 172 Wakefield St. She m2d) 14 March 1932 at Rochester NH to Carl A Wyberg, son of August & Martena (Ledine) Wyberg. Their wedding notice: “Boston Sunday Globe, May 21, 1916. LEMKE-FOSS. Rochester N.H. May 20–Miss Elizabeth Gertrude Foss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Foss and Arthur R. Lemke of Washington, a sailor on the United States Battleship Washington, a son of Lieut. A.E. Lemke of the United States Army, were married this evening at the home of the bride, on Wakefield st. Elmer Wilder of Springfield, Mass, was best man and Miss Ruby Foss, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. The father gave the bride in marriage. A reception followed. After a short wedding tour, the couple will reside in Portsmouth.” The Rochester Library Index card shows: “Drill Sergeant at Fort Logan for a year; Went to Europe in April 1918 in Co. D, 27th Div. KIA Oct 2 1918 struck by high explosive shell. Wife and 2 children. Had served in navy prior to enlistment in army.”
[11] Norman Albert Little was born 12 January 1899 in Melrose MA, son of Albert & Cara (Lenners) Little. He had siblings Emily L., and Clara Violet. Norman’s father Albert also registered for the draft, at age 44, a station master for the B&M railroad in Salem MA. On August 5, 1918 the Boston Globe published the following: CORP NORMAN A. LITTLE WAS WITH GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. Salem. Aug 5–Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Little of Federal st. have been notified by the War Department that their son, Corp Norman Albert Little has been killed in action in France. Corp Little was born in Melrose [MA] Jan 2, 1899. Later the family moved to Rochester N.H. where Norman was educated. After his graduation from Rochester N.H. High School the family removed to Salem [MA] and young Little entered the employ of the General Electric Company at Lynn. October 29, 1917 he enlisted and was sent to Camp Greene, Charlotte S.C. being assigned to the headquarters staff of the 39th Infantry. Besides his parents, Corp Little is survived by two sisters, Miss Demaile L. Little and Mrs. Clara Jenness of Rochester N.H. and one brother Robert P. Little of Salem.
[12] Louis John Marcott, was born 20 November 1896 [in either Rochester NH /or/ St. John, New Brunswick Canada, depending on the document you believe], son of Alfred Marcott. He enlisted in the Canadian Army in May of 1915. According to the Rochester Library service card he was “assigned to Valcarier Quebec, 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles, Machine Gun Sec. England. Sent to France. Wounded 27 March 1917. Died March 28 at Neuville. Buried in France.” Canadian records show: His unit as 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles (Quebec Regiment), and his Service Number as 110620. He is buried in Aubigny Communical Cemetery Extension, Pas de Calais, France.
[13] Alfred Joseph Marcoux was born 10 Sep 1890 Thetford Mine Quebec, son of Joseph D. & Theotiste Adelaide (Cyr) Marcoux. In 1910 Alfred’s mother had 17 children, 11 of whom were living including Melinda, Marie-Jeanne, Marie Philomine, Joseph E., Odiana, Lydia, Joseph Treffle, Arthur Xavier, Theodule, Joseph Leon, Freddie, Napoleon, Marie Emma, Gideon J., Marie Alda, and Grover. At the time of his enlistment in the Canadian army, he was a Private in the 57th Battalion, Regimental number 448163. His official Canadian records show: “While returning to a trench from a listening post at Zillebeke on June 14th 1916 he was wounded in the chest and back by enemy rifle fire. He was taken to No. 10 Casualty Clearing Station where he succumbed to his wounds two days later.” He is buried in Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, 1-3/4 miles South West of Peperinghe, Belgium.
[14] Joseph G. aka George J. Maxfield was born 30 July 1899 in Rochester NH, son of Henry & Clara (York) Maxfield. Both of George’s parents were from Rochester. He had siblings: Edna, Henry Jr., Hatttie, Raymond, Napoleon, Maurice, and Edward. According to the Rochester NH Library’s military cards: he volunteered 9 July 1917 at Portland Maine and served in Co C, 23rd Infantry. Service: Syracuse NY > France Oct 1917 Private. Killed by enemy bullet 13 June 1918 (reported July 12 1918).” The Rochester NH Historical Society sent me a newspaper clipping that states the following: “George Maxfield was the first Rochester boy to lose his life in the present war. He was but seventeen years of age when he left home and enlisted last year, but he was a brave soldier. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Maxfield of 210 North Main Street received the following letter from their son’s captain, dated June 15: It is my sad duty to notify you of the death of your son, which occurred two days ago, and was caused by an enemy’s shell. His death was instantaneous. He was buried with military honors on the following day. The chaplain conducted the service and all the officers and as many of the men as could be spared were present. A beautiful cross marks his grave. The loss of your son was deeply felt by all his comrades. He was a great favorite and was besides an excellent soldier and devoted to his duty and courageous……Yours very sincerely Gerard Beekman Hoppins, Capt. Co. C. ” He is buried in Holy Rosary Cemetery, Rochester NH.
[15] Frank O. Moore was born b. 7 Jan 1892 in Somersworth NH, son of George F. & Annie M. (Crockett) Moore. In 1900 Frank was living in Somersworth, with father George, mother Annie M. and “niece” of his parents Elvira A. Wadleigh. In 1910 living in Somersworth NH with father George F., and mother Hattie F. He had no siblings. During WWI he served as a private in the 147th Infantry Regiment, 37th Division. He was killed in action on 29 September 1918, and is buried in the Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, France. His mother, Hattie Moore was Gold Star Mother.
[16] Benjamin Francis Quinlan was born 2 Feb 1895 in Charlestown MA the son of David & Ida (McLeod) Quinlan. He had one sibling, John C. Quinlan who died in 1910 of tuberculosis. On June 5, 1917 when he completed his WWI Registration form he was single, of slender build and medium height with dark blue eyes and light brown hair. He was working in Rochester NH as a grocery clerk for S. Kelley. The Rochester NH Library service cards show: “Vol 9 Sep 1917 (rejected). Called 1 June 1918 rejected by advisory board; volunteered 2nd time. Assigned to 7th Bat F.A.R.D. Battery B/D S.C. Service: Fort Slocum for 3 days, Camp Jackson SC 5 June 1918. Died
of pneumonia at Labor France 3 Dec. 7th Priv in Battery F, 119th F.A. at time of death.” While he was stationed at Camp Jackson, South Carolina, he made out a will, bequeathing his modest estate to his aunt, Annie Ellen Quinlan. He is buried in the Old St. Mary Cemetery in Dover, NH.
[17] Charles W. Sanborn was born 9 December 1894 in Rochester NH, son of William C. & Alice A. (Whitehouse) Sanborn. He was a lifetime resident of the city. According to the Rochester NH Library Service Records: “Vol 24 Dec 1914-Ft. Slocum NY. Assigned to Truck Co. #409 at present. Service: 5th F.A. from Feb 6 1915 to July 29 1916; 8th F.A. from July 29-May 26 Truck Co. 69 from May 26 1917 to August 12. 1917. Nervous breakdown in hospital several months. Honorable discharge August 1918. Died of influenza Oct 22[23] 1918.” Charles W. Sanborn’s death certificate shows that he died at Eagle Hospital, Rochester NH on 23 October 1918 of pneumonia. He is buried in Gonic Village Cemetery .

Base hospital at Camp Joseph, E. Johnston, Florida. Surgical patients. 1917-1918. National Archives Catalog.
[18] Earle Cushing Stanley was born 12 Jul 1891 in Rochester NH, son of Edward W. & Abby/Abbie (Cushing) Stanley. His WWI Registration form was completed in Oak Park Illinois, as at the time he was a salesman for Paper Mills Co. of Chicago IL. He showed then that he was single, with his mother as a dependent, of medium height, slender, blue eyes and medium hair. He graduated from Rochester High School, and Dartmouth College (Class of 1912/1913). The Rochester Library service cards show: “Vol 1 Jan 1918 services and 6 week course Dartmouth summer 1917. Called Dec 18 to Jacksonville FL for further training as quartermaster. Made instructor March 1918. Corporal. Sergeant. Died of typhoid fever July 2, 1918. Capt Hai: I did recommend him for his commission and he was due to come up for his physician examination while he was ill in the hospital. He certainly would have been immediately commissioned.” The Rochester Historical Society supplied an additional newspaper notice of his funeral, an extract as follows: “The remains of Sergeant Earle C. Stanley, who died of typhoid fever at Camp J.E. Johnston, Jacksonville Fla., last week, arrived at his home here Saturday noon. They were accompanied by Corporal Daniels of Wakefield, Mass. Corporal Daniels had little information to give as to the details of the illness and death of Sergeant Stanley and few have been received by letter as yet. His illness and death were very sudden. He had been inoculated against typhoid. Sergeant Stanley had written home a few days prior to his death to say that he was expecting his lieutenant’s commission at any time and when his mother, on her return from Boston Tuesday evening of last week, found that a telegram had been received here for her, she thought that it as the announcement of her son’s promotion. Sergeant Stanley was held in the highest esteem and had been a hard working and very efficient officer. He was an instructor at the camp and the regard in which he was held by all with whom he came into contact is shown by the letter from Sergeant Maurice N. Sherman….The funeral was held at the home on North Main St. Sunday afternoon. There was a large attendance of friends. An American flag was draped oer one end of the casket and there were many beautiful floral tributes, among them a large wreath from the aviation instructors at Camp J.E. Johnston. Revs. John P. Garfield and Charles Homer Percival conducted the funeral services and interment was in the family lot in the Rochester cemetery. The bearers were Dr. Roy Stokes, Ralph Came, Roger Davis and J. Sherman Norris.” He is buried in Rochester, New Hampshire.
[19] Leon Gerald Townsend was born 19 Dec 1897 in Lynn MA, son of Charles H. & Angie (Skinner) Townsend. He married 10 June 1917 in Rochester NH to Lillian Bolliver, daughter of Sidney S. & Bertha M. (Hawkins) Bolliver. The Rochester Public Library service records show: “Vol Feb 1917 Navy. Service on U.S.S. Nevada, 3rd class electrician. Died in a foreign port Nov 1918.” In addition it can be determined that his cause of death was lobar pneumonia, and that the ‘foreign port’ was in fact the Emergency Hospital at the Kite Station, Castletownbere Ireland. [Editor’s Note: Berehaven, Ireland (Castletownbere)
Commissioned as NAS on 29 April 1918. Used as a kite balloon station and closed on 14 February 1919. Name changed to Berehaven 7 December 1918]. His remains were returned to Rochester NH Dec 2, 1918.
[20] Irving/Erving Veno was born born 20 Jan 1898 in Ossipee NH son of Samuel A. & Alice (Conneau) Veno. In 1900 he was living in Ossipee NH with parents, and siblings Ralph, Samuel, Joseph D., Rena, Isabella and Mary. The Rochester Library service card shows: “Res 10 Dodge Court, Rochester NH…vol April 25 1917, called 25 July 1917; Assigned to Co E, 103rd Inf. Service: Concord, Camp Bartlett > France. Reported Missing 11 Aug 1918. KIA 19 July 1918 (official letter to mother).” After the war his remains were returned to the United States, where he was buried in Arlington Cemetery, Arlington VA. His service information from that record shows he served as a Private in Co E., 103rd Infantry, 26th Division. He was interred at Site 4277 on 16 March 1922. [Originally he was buried at #1764 American Cemetery at Belleau, Aisne, France, #140, Plot 3 Sec. S].
[21] Lester Whiteman aka Leslie G. Whiteman/Whitman was born 23 July 1891 in Benton, Grafton Co. NH, son of Fred E. & Della E. (Spooner) Whiteman. In 1910 he was living in Haverhill, Grafton Co NH with his uncle and their family, i.e. Horace & Blanche Adia (Humphry) Spooner. His WWI Registration form was completed in Rochester NH and in June of 1917 Leslie G. Whiteman was living at 15 Allen Street, Rochester NH, working as a “chopper” for Walter Clarke of Franklin NH, headquartered in Concord NH. He was single, a private in the NH National Guard Infantry, Co. E (for 7 years). He was short and of medium build with blue eyes and light brown hair. During WWI he served in the 103rd Infantry, 26th Division and was killed in action in France on 17 July 1918. This body was never recovered, and his name appears on the Tablets of the Missing in the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery.
[22] Clifton Wormhood was born 20 January 1899 in Ossipee, Carroll Co., NH, son of Herbert Eugene & Minnie (Tibbetts) Wormhood. In 1910 he was living on Rochester Hill Road in Rochester with his family and siblings Reta M., Grace E., and Leone. On 25 September 1917 he departed New York for Europe on the ship, Saxonia. Private, Co. E., 103d Infantry. Service #68026. The Rochester NH Library service card shows: “vol 5 May 1917; Assigned to Co E, 103rd inf 26th Div. Service: Westfield France. Unofficial report of death rc’d September 1918. Died of accident O.B.” He died of wounds received in an accident (of some kind) in France, and was temporarily buried there. His remains were returned to the United States on the ship “Wheaton,” leaving from Antwerp Belgium and arriving in Hoboken NJ on 6 Aug 1921. The Boston Post, Wednesday May 19, 1920 shows, Minnie Wormhood donated $5 to the Aid Memorial Fund: “Mrs. Minnie Wormhood of Rochester, N.H. sent $5 to the Memorial Day Fund in memory of her only son, Clifton Wormhood, Company E., 103d Infantry, Yankee Division. “He was killed while serving his country,” wrote his mother. “He was buried in an American cemetery in France. I earnestly hope that soon his body may rest in American soil, for which he fought to keep from invasion and where it may be decorated by loving hand.”
SEE: New Hampshire WWI Military: Sergeant Major Andrew Jackson of Littleton and Rochester (1882-1960)
[Editor’s Note: this story is part of an on-going series about heroic New Hampshire men and women of World War I. Look here for the entire listing].
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