Littleton New Hampshire has well-recognized its military heroes. The Littleton Community Center building was designated at the 1920 Town Meeting as Littleton’s memorial to the soldiers and sailors of World War I. A monument can be found to those who participated in several wars on Route 302 in Littleton NH across from Post Office near the bank. Arwen Mitton of the Littleton Public Library says that this monument was the subject of a Boy Scout Eagle project in the last ten years. And as recently as 2003 the bridge on Cottage Street was dedicated as The Veterans Memorial Bridge honoring veterans all over the years, including those who served and died during WWI.
If we go back to the 1920 Littleton NH Annual Report we find: Page 4, Article 10: To see what action the Town will take relative to a testimonial or memorial to the services of the Littleton soldiers and sailors in the war against Germany. | Article 11. To see what sum of money the Town will raise and appropriate to provide and maintain a neighborhood center building in Littleton, as provided for in Chapter 86 of the Laws of New Hampshire, and who shall exercise the powers set forth therein. | Article 12. To see what sum of money the Town will raise and appropriate for the purpose of re-covering the floor of the iron bridge crossing the Ammonoosuc River on Cottage Street. It would seem that these three articles would converge in Littleton, New Hampshire. According to an article about the 2003 dedication of the Memorial Bridge 11 men of Littleton were killed in action during World War I (though the article only lists ten), with four others who died in service from other causes. [SEE Veteran’s Forum photographs of the memorial bridge.]
It should be noted that a great deal of patriotism was demonstrated on the home front.On page 63 of the 1919 Littleton Annual Report, Jennie E. Smith, Librarian wrote: “While it has not been thought advisable to turn the library into a war centre as in many places, much war reading has been accessible to the public, which with the posters exhibited has proved the library to be one of the cooperative libraries. The Red Cross have had the use of the lower floor in the library–an extra room being given the past year for the surgical dressing work. All extra expense of these rooms was met by the Red Cross except the extra heat used, which necessitated some extra expense to the library.”
Heroes of Littleton NH During WWI
[A] WWI Roll of Honor, Doric Hall, NH State House, Concord NH
[B] NH Adjutant General’s List of Killed in Action from New Hampshire
[C] U.S. Army Transport Records, WWI
[D] Inscribed on WWI monument, Route 32, Littleton NH
[E] Name on plaque on Cottage Street bridge [see]
[F] United States Passport documents
[G] Canadian Military Documents (online)
[H] Death, Burial certificates or Headstone Application
[I] Newspaper articles regarding service and/or death
[J] American Monuments Commission
[K] Canadian Virtual War Memorial
[L] Gold Star Mothers of Massachusetts
* Photograph or likeness provided or available
[#] refers to a biography following the list with additional information on a particular soldier.
Briggs K. Adams* |2nd Lieutenant|Killed 14 March 1918, France. Airplane Crash|18th Squadron, Royal Flying Corps., RAF (British Army)| Longuenesse (St. Omer) Souvenir Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France / Cenotaph in Adams-Pfaelzer Cemetery, Littleton NH|Royal Canadian Airforce Bio|[F][G][I][K][1]
Armond J. Badger* |P1C| Died of Wounds 19 Oct 1918 France | Co. F., 49th Infantry to Machine Gun Co., 112th Infantry, 28th Div. N.G.|St. Mihiel American Cemetery, Thiacourt France / Cenotaph St. Rose of Lima Catholic Cemetery Littleton NH|[A][B][C][J][2]
Alba F. Brunell|Private| Killed in Action 1 November 1918 France |309th Infantry, 78th Division|Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, France| [A][B][C][E][I][3]
Charles S. Carpenter|Private|Died of Disease (lobar pneumonia) 23 June 1918 at Brest, France|Co K, 23rd Engineers |Glenwood Cemetery, Littleton NH |[A][C][E][H][4]
George Washington Cassidy|Private|Killed in Action on 30 October 1917 “in the field” in “France or Belgium”|72nd Battalion, Canadian Infantry (BC Army Regiment)|Menin Gate (Ypres) Memorial, Belgium|[E][G][K][5]
Louis Coty | Private | Died of Disease 18 July 1918 France |Construction Co. 1, Aviation Section, Signal Corps | Brookwood American Cemetery, England |Credited to Worcester MA and Littleton NH | [A][I][J][L] [15]
George Findlay|Private|Died of Wounds 6 April 1918 from wounds received in action (fx Lt Leg/Comp Fx L Arm)|11th Regt Irish Fusiliers of Canada, Transf to 1st Depot Bn. (BC REGT) 2nd R.D. 16-8-17 / 7th Battallion| Buried Faubourg-d’Amiens Cemetery, France, Plot: VI. E. 12. | Cenotaph at Glenwood Cemetery, Littleton NH|[E][G][K][6]
Henry Francis Green|Private|Died of Disease (prob influenza) 5 Oct 1918 aboard ship “President Grant”|Co. A, 8th Prov. Ord. Bat.|Buried at Sea, Cenotaph in Glenwood Cemetery|[E][L][7]
Harold F. Marsh*|Corporal|Killed in Action 16 Oct 1918 France|Co F, 6th Inf. 10th Brig, 5th Div. US Army|St. Rose of Lima Catholic Cemetery, Littleton NH|[A][B][E][I][8]
Patrick McGoff|Private 1st Class|Killed in Action 9 October 1918 France|Co E, 328th Inf., 82d Division| St. Rose of Lima Catholic Cemetery on 16 Oct 1921| Credited to Dalton NH | [A][B][E][H][9]
William N. Perry|P1c|Killed in Action 29 Oct 1918 Germany [prob. France] |Co C 309th Infantry | St. Rose of Lima Cemetery, Littleton NH | [A][B][C][E][H][10]
Vernon N. Phillips|Private|Died of Wounds, 22 Sep 1918 Versailles, France| Glenwood Cemetery Littleton NH|Co D, 103rd Inf|[A][C][E][H][11]
Oliver W. Prescott| [12] — This man is a mystery. He is shown in the 1914 Littleton NH Directory as “Prescott, Oliver W. bkpr. EWCo. rms. 35 Union.” If anyone has info please leave a comment!
Howard Henry Shawney*|Private|Killed in Action 20 July 1918 France|Co D, 103rd Infantry, US Army| Glenwood Cemetery, Littleton NH| Adjt. Gen attributes him to Whitefield NH| Howard H. Shawney Post in Littleton Named for him| SEE STORY ABOUT HIM | [A][B][C][E][13]
Riley V. Strong|Mechanic|Killed in Train Wreck 31 January 1919 France|Co D, 103rd Machine Gun Battalion, 26th Div|St. Rose of Lima Cemetery, Littleton NH| [A][H][E][14]

Photograph from “The American
Spirit: Letters of Briggs Kilburn
Adams, Lieutenant of the Royal
Flying Corps,” Boston, 1918.
Internet Archive.
[1] Briggs Kilburn Adams was born 6 May 1893 in Montclair, Essex Co. New Jersey, son of Washington Irving Lincoln & Darcy Grace “Daisy” (Wilson) Adams. In 1900 he was living in Littleton, Grafton Co. NH with his parents and siblings: Wilson Irving Lincoln Jr.; Marian Elisabeth (who m. Oswald David Pfaelzer); Carolyn Styles; and Washington Irving Lincoln. [Briggs was a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, and a direct descendant of James Sweet, a soldier of the American Revolution. James Street was a Private in Capt. Peter Wright’s Co. Col. Dyer’s Rhode Island Regiment for short periods from 1776-1778. In 1779 he moved to Shaftsbury VT and in spring of 1780 he enlisted for 7 months in Capt. Drake’s Co., Col. Harpers NY Regt. He was stationed at Fort Edward under Major Chipman 5 months and at Fort Stanwix under Major Newar 2 months. Was pensioned. [SAR Application of Briggs Kilburn Adam in 1914] [Per note attesting to his passport, he was descended {from five different lines of ancestors who served in the Revolutionary War.” Briggs’ father was one time President of the NJ State Society SAR]. On June 8, 1916 Briggs K. Adams applied for a passport, at the time being a student [at Harvard] in Cambridge MA. His intent being to go to France for the American Ambulance Service, sailing on board the La Touraine on June 17, 1916 from NYC. He was engaged as an ambulance drive in the service of the American Ambulance Hospital in Paris, France. He went on to become a member of the Royal Flying Corps, 18th Squadron “and held the speed record for England.” (per The Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln, Nebraska, 7 April 1918). Canadian records show that he was flying a De Havilland D.H.4, “delivering a new machine,” when his plane fell out of the sky at 10SH St Omer/France on 14 March 1918. He was 25 years old. He is buried at Longueness (St. Omer) Souvenir Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France. In addition he is mentioned on a cenotaph in Adams-Pfaelzer Cemetery, Littleton NH. [SEE Royal Canadian Air Force biography].
[2] Armond J. Badger was born in 1896 in NH son of Joseph Thomas & Katherine V. (Ouellette/Willette) Badger. In 1910 he was living in Littleton NH with his parents and siblings: Fred Joseph, Maurice, Marguerite, and Joseph Eugene. Later a sibling John would be born. The U.S. Transport Service records show that Private First Class Armond J. Badger departed Hoboken NJ on 26 July 1918 aboard the ship, Taormina. He was assigned to the 49th Infantry, Company F. His father, Joseph Badger of Littleton NH is shown as next of kin.Armond J. Badger died of wounds received in battle on 19 October 1918 in France. He was originally buried on the battlefield, then like others, his remains were removed and he was reinterred at Saint Mihiel American Cemetery in France, at Plot C, Row 2, Grave 35. In addition there is a Cenotaph in the Saint Rose of Lima New Catholic Cemetery in Littleton NH honoring him and showing his birth year as 1896. His mother is shown on a list of WWI Mother’s Gold Star Pilgrimages as stating in 1930 she would like to visit his grave in Europe. On that document he is shown as a Private in M.G. Co. 112th Infantry.
[3] Alba Frank Brunell/Brunelle was born 19 March 1888 in Lunenburg VT, son of Fred & Phoebe (Plant) Brunelle. His WWI Draft Registration form was completed on 5 June 1917 when he indicated he was employed as a wood sawyer for F.A. Dodge, Littleton NH; he also had a wife and 2 children, had served in NH National Guard Infantry as private for 1 year, was of medium build, medium stature, with brown eyes brown hair. Alba F. Brunelle, married on 7 Nov 1914 in Littleton NH to Florence P. Page-Russell, dau of Alva T. & Mary Ella (Corey) Page. In 1922 Florence Brunelle, widow of “Elbe F.” was living in Stamford CT at 792 Pacific Street. Military Transport Records show that Alba F. Brunell departed the port at Brooklyn NH for Europe on 20 May 1918 on board the ship Morvada, a Private in Co. B, 309th Infantry. His father, Fred Brunell was listed as his next of kin. He died on 1 November 1918 and is buried in Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Lorraine, France.
[4] Charles Samuel Carpenter was born 9 April 1895 at Littleton, NH, son of Charles E. & Hattie M. (Astle) Carpenter. In 1900 he was living in Littleton NH with parents and siblings Fannie M. (1897-1984), and Richard Frederick (1899-1982). At the time of completing his WWI Registration form he was living in Kansas City MO, describing himself as tall, slender, with blue eyes and dark hair. He was single and working for the Union Pacific (UNpac) RR Co. of Butter Creek MO. During WWI he served in Co K., 23rd Engineers He died on 23 June 1918 at Brest France of disease (lobar pneumonia). After the war his body was returned to the United States and he was reburied Glenwood Cemetery, Littleton NH.
[5] George Washington Cassidy was born 10 Nov 1881 Bethlehem NH son of Peter & Margaret E. (Harrigan) Cassidy. [Editor’s note: there are some discrepancies in his Canadian enlistment records, possibly because the surname on his birth record was incorrect and never amended. His birth day should be as shown here, however his military records show 22 Feb 1884.] In 1900 he was living in Bethlehem NH with parents and siblings: Patrick John (1880-1942 who m. Catherine Hopkins), Maud Mary, who m. George Prosper Cotnoir and Mary Lena (born in 1898 and died 1920 who m. Herbert Frank Curtis). He had served as a Private from 14 June 1916 to 30 June 16 a member of the Yukon Infantry Co. in British Columbia, Canada where he worked as a miner. George Washington Cassidy enlisted in the Canadian Military and was assigned to 231st Overseas Battalion C.E.F. (72nd Bn Canadian Infantry), being 32 years of age. His papers describe him as being 5 ft 9-3/4 feet tall, 37-1/2 inches in girth, of dark complexion, with grey eyes, and dark brown hair. He was a Roman Catholic. His battalion left Canada on 22 April 1917 and arrived in England on 29 April 1917. He was killed in action on 30 October 1917 “in the field” in “France or Belgium.” He is buried at Menin Gate (Ypres) Memorial, Belgium, Panel 18-28-30.
[6] George Findlay was born 6 Jul 1893 in Sheffield, Vermont, probably son of Alexander & Mary (Randlett) Findlay. [His will notes two brothers, William of Concord NH and James of Manchester, both of whom are children of the previously noted parents. Alexander Findlay had died in 1913 and his wife in 1917.] His Canadian military papers show a personal description of occupation of laborer, height of 5 ft 5-1/2 inches, and weighing 125 pounds. Service began on 1 June 1917, and he landed at Liverpool England on 14 December 1917. He served in the 11th Regt Irish Fusiliers of Canada, and was transferred to 1st Depot Battalion. (British Columbia Regiment). He died of wounds on 6 April 1918 received in action (fractured left leg/compound fracture of the left arm). He was buried at Faubourg-d’Amiens Cemetery, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France, Plot: VI. E. 12. There is a cenotaph in Greenwood Cemetery, Littleton NH.
[7] Henry Francis Green was born 23 Feb 1886 at Littleton NH, son of Harry D. & Persis (Parker) Green. His WWI Registration form shows Henry Francis Green living 18 Dale Street Worcester MA. Occupation: Machinist – auto tester Pacard Motor Car Co., Shrewsbury MA. He was single, of medium height and stature with blue eyes, dark brown hair. The book, “Gold Star Record of Massachusetts,” shows “Green, Henry Francis; died 4 Oct 1918 on the “President Grant” of disease. Enl. 15 Dec 1917, 25th Recruit Co., General Service Inf., Fort Slocum NY; trans 25 Dec to 152d D.B.; 1 Feb 1918 to Frankfort Arsenal PA; 22 May to 1st Co 6th Bn, Provisional Ordnance Depot, 1st Provisional Regt. [Was stationed at Frankfort Arsenal, Camp Hancock, and Waterliet Arsenal]. Oerseas 23 Sep 1918. Born 23 Feb 1896 at Littleton NH, son of Harry D. and Persis (Parker) Green of Littleton NH; Machinist.” He was buried at sea, however there is a cenotaph in Glenwood Cemetery, Littleton NH. [Editor’s note: there are two books (How American Went To War, and America’s Forgotten Pandemic) that specifically mention the transport ship “President Grant” which had the dubious honor of being the WWI transport ship with the greatest number of deaths from influenza, i.e. 130. Henry F. Green was among them.]
[8] Harold F. Marsh was born 27 Feb 1896 Littleton NH, son of Frank & Salome (Strong) Marsh. In 1900 he was living in Littleton NH with parents and siblings, Kate Diantha (who m. Merrill M. Mooney), and Gladys Josie (who m. Clifford A. Peabody). He served during WWI in Co. F of the 6th Infantry, U.S. Army, 10th Brigade, 5th Division. He was killed in action in France on 16 October 1918. His body was returned to the United States after the war and reburied in Saint Rose of Lima Catholic Cemetery, Littleton NH on 18 September 1921.
[9] Patrick McGoff was born 1 September 1894 at Lancaster NH, son of Joseph & Elizabeth Mary (Dodge) McGoff. In 1900 he was living in Lunenburg, Essex Co VT with his parents and siblings: Thomas (1890-1918 Littleton died of pneumonia), Joseph (1893-1922), Patrick and Mary (m Roy Sidney Clark and Charles F. Smith). He has a sister Mildred McGoff who married in 1932 to Louis Lamotte, son of David & Alina (Fortier) Lamotte. In 1918 when Patrick McGoff completed his WWI Registration form he was living in Whitefield NH, and working as a laborer at Dalton NH for F.B. Tillotson. He describes himself as single, of medium height and stature, with dark blue yes and dark hair. He enlisted on 2 October 1917 and served in Company E, 328th Infantry, 82d Division. He was killed in action in France on 9 October 1918, and his body was returned to the United States where he was reburied on 16 October 1921 at St. Rose of Lima Cemetery, Littleton NH near his parents. His grave has an official military headstone. The NH Adjutant General credits his service to Dalton NH. [Editor’s note: the Find-A-Grave attribution is incorrect. All documents point to the burial spot of this Patrick McGoff not a different one.].
[10] Vernon N. Phillips was born 10 November 1896 at Old Town, Maine, son of Olin K. and Ellen C. “Ella” (Henderson) Phillips. In 1900 he was living in Littleton NH with his parents and sibling, Herbert Henderson Phillips b 2 Sep 1899 Littleton NH, d. 8 Dec 1959 in Syracuse NY, buried Oakwood Cemetery. The U.S. Transport list shows that Vernon N. Phillips arrived in Hobken NJ on 27 Sep 1917 aboard the ship, Celtic,probably readying for transport to Europe, at that time his residence given as 56 Cottage Street, and his father Olin K. Phillips as next of kin. During WWI he served in Co. D, 103rd Infantry. He is known to have died of wounds received during service at Versailles, France. His body was returned to the United States to be buried in Glenwood Cemetery, Littleton NH on 28 August 1921.
[11] William Nelson “Willie” Perry was born 4 Oct 1886 at Fabyans, NH, son of Theodore P. & Melina (Joncas) Perry. In 1900 he was living in Littleton NH with his parents and siblings: Amade “Meddie Joseph” (11 Sep 1885), Amy Melina (June 1888, m. Charles Jasper Robinson), Marion “Manda” (Feb 1890), Jane L “Jenie” (Aug 1891, m. Ray L. Shosa), George H. (May 1894), Charles (Feb 1895-6 July 1913), Evon L. “Eva” (Feb 1897), and Alice E. (Nov 1898) and Melina Georgeana (abt 1901, m. Frederick Carlin). On his WWI Registration form he stated his home as Littleton NH, and that he was employed as a shoemaker at Cushman-Hollis S.Co., of Auburn Maine. He was single, tall, of medium stature, with brown eyes, and brown hair. U.S. Transport records show that he departed Brooklyn NY for Europe aboard the ship “Morvada” on 20 May 1918, as a Private in Co. C, 309th Infantry. His residence at that time was Woodsville NH, and his father Peter his next of kin.His military records show that he died 29 October 1918 in Germany [see notes], and was reburied in the Catholic Cemetery (i.e. St. Rose of Lima) on 28 October 1920. [Editor’s note: This regiment was in France from Sept 10 1918 until the end of May 1919. The regiment was in three decisive battles, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne and Lorraine. The Meuse-Argonne Offensive took place from 26 Sep to 11 Nov 1918, 47 days.] Addendum 24 April 2023 my thanks to a Find-A-Grave volunteer who pointed out two important documents at the National Archive. The first document one shows that William died a prisoner of war in Germany, and was originally buried there. The second document shows when his remains were returned to the United States for reburial in October 1920.
[12] Oliver W. Prescott. In the 1914 Littleton NH directory: “Prescott, Mary A. widow John, h 55 South. Prescott, Oliver W. bkpr. EWCo. rms. 35 Union. ” No more info. Please leave a comment if you have suggestions. His name is listed in a story about the names commemorated on the memorial bridge as having been killed in action.
[13] Howard Henry Shawney was born 31 December 1896 in Littleton, Grafton Co NH, son of Henry Dean & Prudence Maud (Morse) Shawney.
-In 1900 and 1910 he was living in Lisbon NH with his family. Siblings include: Harold A. and Edward M. Shawney.
– The United States Army Transport Service documents show that he departed for Europe from New York City on 27 September 1917 aboard the ship, Caltie. His remains were returned to the United States from Antwerp Belgium to Hoboken NJ aboard the ship, Wheaton, on 6 August 1921.
– Howard H. Shawney died 20 July 1918 in France. Originally buried in France, when the war ended his body was returned to the United States and reburied on 4 September 1921 in Glenwood Cemetery, Littleton NH. He served in the U.S. Army in Co. D, 103rd Infantry. The NH Adjutant General list attributes him to Whitefield NH, though he is usually credited to Littleton NH. The Howard H. Shawney Post in Little NH is named for him. The Howard Shawney Post 916 and the Ladies Auxiliary of the Howard-Shawney VFW Post 816 were named in his honor.
[14] Riley Valentine Strong was born 18 Feb 1899 in Littleton NH son of Louis/Lewis S. & Hattie A. (Gero) Strong. In 1900 living in Littleton NH with parents and siblings: Samuel Louis (1882-1954), Robert Petigrew (1887-1973), Rachel Juia (1889-1975, m. David R Barnaby), Ronald T. (1892-?), Ruth Adleane (b. 1894), Rome Joseph (1896-1953). His military headstone application shows that he served as Mechanic in Co. D, 103rd Machine Gun Battalion, 26th Division. He was killed in a train wreck in France on 31 January 1919. A military headstone was ordered and installed in 1935. He is buried in St. Rose of Lima Cemetery, Littleton NH.
[15] Louis Coty was born “Loie Coty” on 21 Nov 1895 in Littleton NH, son and 7th child of Arther & Helen Mary (Defossee/ Defossie) Coty. According to the book, Gold Star Mother’s of Massachusetts: “Coty, Louis, died 18 July 1918 in France, of disease. Enl. 3 Jan 1918, R.A. 829th Aero Sq.; trans. 9 May to HQ Aviation Mobilization Depot, Camp Sevier; 17 May to HQ Detachment, Construction Co. 1, Aviation Section, Signal Corps. Overseas 29 June 1918. He was serving in France during WWI, probably helping to build and maintain airports and runways, when he contracted influenza and died on 16 July 1918 in England. He was buried in Brookwood American Cemetery in Plot C Row 7 Grave 2. The newspaper announcing his death credited him to Worcester, Massachusetts, however the local paper of that city published: “Pt. Louis Coty, 133 Main St., Worcester. Unknown in Worcester. Private Louis Coty, mentioned by the War Department yesterday as a resident of Worcester and dead of disease is unknown in that city. It is believed that the name has been spelled wrong. ” His name is inscribed on New Hampshire’s WWI Honor Roll in Doric Hall of the New Hampshire State House.
Martin Herron | Private | Died of Disease (broncho-pneumonia) in France | Machine Gun Co, 103rd Infantry| ?Arlington National Cemetery | Also credited to St. Johnsbury VT
Martin Herron was born in Fall River, MA on Dec. 26, 1892, son of Martin & Margaret McMullen/McMillan (Herron). By 1900 his parents had died and he along with his siblings were living in the Ayer Home For Young Children in Lowell MA. His obituary below explains a bit more about his later life and enlistment. He died while serving in the military in France on 26 November 1917. His Vermont Adjutant General records state he is buried in Arlington VA however that database does not show a listing for him. His remains were returned from Antwerp Belgium to NYC on 26 Nov 1921, ship Cantigny. In the newspapers and in the WWI Haulsee notations he is credited to Littleton NH, some records stating his mother was living there (Note: this is incorrect, the May B. Davies referred to was his sister).
HERRON, MARTIN [from U.S. Adjutant General Military Records, VT Roster, 1631-1976]
Res: St. Johnsbury. Born at Fall River
Enl. Apr. 21, 1917, Ft. Ethan Allen age 24-3/12 years
Org: Co “D,” 1st Vt. Inf. (M.G. Co., 103d Inf.) to Nov 26, 1917
Overseas: Sept. 1917 to Nov 26, 1917
Died of disease: Nov 26, 1917
Pl of burial: National Cemetery, Arlington VA
Altoona Tribune (Altoona PA) 4 Dec 1917 page 1
Our Honored Dead
Private Martin Herron, machine gun company, November 26, broncho-pneumonia; mother, Mrs. May S. Davis, Pine Street, Littleton, N.H.
St. Johnsbury Caledonian, St. Johnsbury VT, 12 Dec 1917, page 3
Hold Memorial Service for Deceased Co. D. Boy
A memorial service to Martin Herron, the first of the members of Company D. of St. Johnsbury to die “somewhere in France,” was held at the Universalist church Sunday evening. Company G, Volunteer Militia, Caledonia Lodge, No. 6, I.O.O.F., the immediate relatives and friends and many townspeople were present, nearly filling the church. The service was in charge of the pastor, Rev. Clarence L. Eaton. Fitting tributes were paid to Private Herron by Henry W. Ellis, who spoke as a citizen; by Lieut. Fred J. Babcock, who spoke as a personal friend; by Lieut. Stuart Cheney, who spoke as an officer of Company D, and by Rev. Mr. Eaton.
The speaker said: Martin Herron had enlisted from a sense of duty, had conducted himself as a man and gentleman in camp, had borne with cheerfulness the hardships of the journey to France, had been moved to a greater loyalty by the devastation in striken France, and had gone home, having done his bit.
Rev. Mr. Eaton referred to Chaplain Paul D. Moody, who had visited private Herron in the hospital in France, and to Capt. H.A. Wilcox who had known him a a youth and friend as well as soldier. The service was closed by the singing of Kipling’s “Recessional” by the chorus choir and with the singing of “America” by the audience.
– Martin Herron –
Martin Herron was born in Fall River, Mass. Dec. 26, 1892. Part of his eary life was spent in Lowell, Mass. His parents having died, he came to live with Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wright of this place. Later he spent much of his time in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.O. Mitchell, also of St. Johnsbury, where his brother had his home.
He leaves two sisters, Mrs. May B. Davis of Littleton, and Mrs. Margaret E. Colby of Auburn, Me., and a brother John Herron of Company E., 49th Infantry, all of whom, together with his fiancee, Miss Clara C. Cassidy, were present at the service.
SISTER: May Bertha (Herron) Davies, b. 16 May 1895 Fall Driver MA, d. 17 Nov 1946 Whitefield NH. Buried Summer Street Cemetery, Lancaster NH. She m. Edmund J. Davies. Children: Percival B. (1917-1956) and Earl M. (1919-1960).
SISTER: Margaret E. (Herron) Colby, b 15 March 1898 Fall River MA, d. 1 May 1963 Portland, Cumberland Co, Maine; m. Hale Carl Colby (1895-1952), son of Woodbury T. & Sarah V. (Hurrell) Colby. He was b. in Whitefield NH and d. Portland Maine.
SEE: New Hampshire WWI Military: Sergeant Major Andrew Jackson of Littleton and Rochester (1882-1960)
Who Survived the War
Boston Sunday Globe, December 8, 1918
LITTLETON N.H. DEC 7 — Bugler Emery Velno, reported a prisoner, has been located in a hospital in France. He was reported missing on October 24, but on Oct 30 wrote his father, Nathan Velno, of Lisbon that he was in a hospital, still whole but “smashed up some.”
[Editor’s Note: this story is part of an on-going series about heroic New Hampshire men and women of World War I. Look here for the entire listing].
Pingback: New Hampshire World War I Military: Heroes of The Great War | Cow Hampshire
A truly splendid project that I just learned about. While I lived in NH in the late 50s – mid 60s, I do not think I have any ancestors or relatives who were from NH and served in WWI. My family was from RI and MA. I think this series/project is a great idea and contribution to the genealogy and history community. I want you to know I have given it a mention on my blog’s “Saturday Serendipity” this week. []
Pingback: New Hampshire WWI Military: Heroes of Bethlehem | Cow Hampshire
Awesome Site
Pingback: 100 Years Ago: New Hampshire Gold Star Mothers | Cow Hampshire