Tag Archives: research

2021: Celebrating Black History Month in New Hampshire

New Hampshire is probably the third-whitest state in the country (90-94 percent) following only its neighbors Vermont and Maine. Those facts notwithstanding, the stories of our black and brown citizens have been mostly ignored when it comes to being represented … Continue reading

Posted in History, New Hampshire Men, New Hampshire Women, NH Persons of Color | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Six Simple Steps for Bloggers When Someone Plagiarizes Your Research

This article is not about dealing with the loser who copies your entire blog content and re-posts it on their website or blog. That problem is far easier to remedy than dealing with someone who uses pieces of your research … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Genealogy, History, New Hampshire Women | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 17 Comments

Barking Up the Family Tree Again: How Pets Humanize Our Genealogy

It is easy to view our more recent ancestors, our parents and grandparents, in a humanistic light. Many times we knew them personally, we remember them from a first-person experience. We know how they looked, sounded, felt, reacted. Based on … Continue reading

Posted in Carnivals and Memes, Creatures, History | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Sixteen Completely Free Ways to Research Your Family Tree in New Hampshire

Certain expensive, pay-to-use genealogy corporations are using mass media in an attempt to convince us that we need their services in order to research our personal family histories.  TAINT TRUE!  You don’t need shaking leaves to point you in the … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Genealogy, History | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

New Hampshire: Celebrating the Shark

Perhaps “celebrating” is not the word that quickly comes to your mind when you hear of a shark being spotted in New Hampshire waters. As recently as July 9th of this year, one of these fearsome beasts was reportedly roaming … Continue reading

Posted in Creatures, Current Events, Oddities, Accidents and Crazy Weather | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments