Tag Archives: Isles of Shoals

New Hamphire Tidbits: Miscellany of the Isles of Shoals

From the Isles of Shoals Correspondence of the Boston Journal; “Oceanic,” Isles of Shoals, July 26, 1876 Returning to these wild rocks for the seventeenth year, I find that they have won a new place in the public consideration, and … Continue reading

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New Hampshire in 1605: Spied by Samuel de Champlain

On the 15th day of July, 1605, the French navigators sailed smoothly on from Cape Porpoise twelve leagues toward the south; they coasted along the beaches of Maine and New Hampshire, passing the Piscataqua River without notice, and by nightfall, … Continue reading

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Poem: “Star Island Church,” by Edna Dean Proctor

STAR ISLAND CHURCH (Isles of Shoals)   “GRAY as the fog-wreaths over it blown When the surf beats high and the caves make moan, Stained with lichens and stormy weather The church and the scarred rocks rise together; And you … Continue reading

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New Hampshire: Celebrating the Shark

Perhaps “celebrating” is not the word that quickly comes to your mind when you hear of a shark being spotted in New Hampshire waters. As recently as July 9th of this year, one of these fearsome beasts was reportedly roaming … Continue reading

Posted in Creatures, Current Events, Oddities, Accidents and Crazy Weather | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Isles of Shoals Landmark: Miss Underhill’s Chair

“There are some dreary little islands lying off the harbor of Portsmouth, N.H. about eight miles from the mainland,” or … Continue reading

Posted in Boulders and Profiles, Genealogy, New Hampshire Women, Structures, Travel | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments