Monthly Archives: November 2014

New Hampshire’s Cranberry Bogs and Meadows

When I hear the word cranberry, I most often things of masses of bobbing, minute fruit in Massachusetts or New Jersey bogs, although I know it grows in other states too. It was not until recently that I discovered that … Continue reading

Posted in History, Native Peoples, New Hampshire Glossary, Really Old News, Recipes | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Old Thanksgiving Recipes from New Hampshire Newspapers

Whitpot, Chow Chow, Roley-Poley, Furmity–all words used to describe recipes that were common in our grand and great-grandmother’s day.  Should these once preferred foodstuffs be allowed to sink into obscurity, and to no longer grace the palates of our modern … Continue reading

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The Origin of the New Hampshire Historical Society

Today the New Hampshire Historical Society has a strong presence in the state, and maintains several buildings to house the collections and the library of the society in Concord, New Hampshire.  Even the collectors of history have a history of … Continue reading

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Chicago Cubs, Philadelphia Phillies, and Boston Red Sox Baseball Player: Manchester NH’s Bernard “Bernie” Friberg (1899-1958)

Most knew him as “Bernie” Friberg–his birth name was Gustaf Bernhard Friberg.  He was born in 1899 in Manchester, New Hampshire the son of Gustaf Albert & Jenny (Roslin) Friberg, Swedish immigrants. He was both an infielder and outfielder, signed … Continue reading

Posted in Genealogy, History, New Hampshire Sports | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

New Hamphire Tidbits: Miscellany of the Apple

NEW ENGLAND PIE Pie is the masterpiece of New England home cookery. In Maine they still make those deep apple pies–clove flavored, generous, ample pies that one can make a flavorous meal of. But pie reaches its apotheosis at the … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, NH Tidbits, Not New Hampshire, Poetry, Recipes | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment