Tag Archives: pie

New Hampshire Tidbits: Old Recipes from the 19th Century

APPLE MERINGUE To a quart of sifted apple sauce add the yolks of three eggs, butter the size of a small egg, a little nutmeg, a pinch of salt and sugar to taste. Put the mixture into a neat baking … Continue reading

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Celebrating a 1939 Thanksgiving Day in New Hampshire

In 1939 I was not even a twinkle in my parent’s eyes.  Certainly they may have met by then, but they were not even dating. The world was full of uncertainty.  In 1939 Nazi Germany had attacked Poland (September 1st).  … Continue reading

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New Hampshire’s Old Time Christmas Traditions and Decorations

In New Hampshire’s early days, Christmas was celebrated in a much quieter and sedate manner.  The early New England immigrants were stern opponents of what we consider today to be our usual Christmas pastimes. Even up until the 1870s Christmas … Continue reading

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New Hamphire Tidbits: Miscellany of the Apple

NEW ENGLAND PIE Pie is the masterpiece of New England home cookery. In Maine they still make those deep apple pies–clove flavored, generous, ample pies that one can make a flavorous meal of. But pie reaches its apotheosis at the … Continue reading

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