Tag Archives: Sanbornton

Physician of Sanbornton and New Hampton NH: Dr. Artemus Lawrence Holmes Carr (1833-1862)

He was only 29 years old when he died, and a youthful but serious face stares out at you from his gem-sized tintype portrait. He was the son of a physician, was well-educated, and married with two children. Those facts … Continue reading

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The Face of Eldred Louis Sanborn of Sanbornton NH (1890-1967)

A 1917-era postcard shows a handsome young man seated before a table. He is dressed in a WWI uniform. On the back of the card in dark ink is inscribed: “Eldred L. Sanborn, Lochmere, N.H.” Lochmere, for those not well … Continue reading

Posted in Genealogy, History, Military of New Hampshire, New Hampshire Men | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Sanbornton New Hampshire Farmer: Thomas T. Cawley, Jr. (1789-1869)

Looking very much like a Yankee farmer, Thomas T. Cawley, Jr. peers out from the photograph.  He is elderly, white haired, and grizzled by the time this photograph was taken at B.N. Poor, Pike’s Block in Franklin, New Hampshire. His … Continue reading

Posted in Genealogy, History, New Hampshire Men | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Some Descendants of John Brown of Hampton, New Hampshire

I can almost see a few of my readers, shaking their heads in dismay, as they look at the title.  Oh no!  Not another Brown family.  The Brown surname in New Hampshire is about as prevalent as leaf peepers in … Continue reading

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