Cow Hampshire: Celebrating my 10th Year Blogging Birthday

Happy 10th Birthday Cow Hampshire.  My first post on this blog was made on March 16, 2006.

Bright flowers against a Canterbury NH fenceOn that date I posted this photograph, taken by my sister Kathi Webster at Shaker Village in Canterbury, New Hampshire.  She had passed away the month before.

Initially I wasn’t sure about the direction of my blog, but within a few days I was already writing about women in my family, and seeking my creative compass.

Thank you Kathi, for inspiring me to write, to blog, to look at the world from a woman’s perspective, to focus on our collective memories and important stories.  As long as we remember, as long as we share–we will show our children that women were, and are, essential to history. We are forever sisters.

Janice Webster Brown

Editor’s Note: I was a bit conflicted on whether to celebrate my blog “Birthday” vs “Anniversary.”  There has been a great deal written about when to use each of these terms.  Was my first blog post a birth, or an event/occasion.  Deciding that Cow Hampshire is less an event, and more an entity to me, I’ve selected to celebrate the day as a  birthday.



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6 Responses to Cow Hampshire: Celebrating my 10th Year Blogging Birthday

  1. billwest says:

    Happy Blogging Birthday, Cousin Janice!

  2. You might be right about it being a birthday instead of an anniversary. When you consider the number of blogs being started up daily and how many make it to their 10th year – it’s a bit like giving birth and raising a child or even a pet. Congratulations on your 10th Blogging Birthday.

  3. I don’t think it matter much whether it’s an anniversary or a birthday, though admire your drive for accuracy. It an achievement in which to be proud. That is certain.

  4. Barbara says:

    Congratulations on making it 10 years! I believe I started reading your articles in 06, thanks to Steve Danko telling me. Keep up the good work, and thanks.

  5. Denise Olson says:

    Congratulations, Janice! I look forward to another decade of great stories from Cow Country.

  6. emptybranches says:

    I like “blogiversary”, so congratulations on your 10th!

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