Tag Archives: blogaversary

Cow Hampshire Blog Celebrates 12 Years

It is amazing even for me to realize that I am celebrating this history blog’s 12th Anniversary (or Birthday or Creation Day) on March 16, 2018.  New Hampshire is a rich state–its residents make it so.  Their stories are varied … Continue reading

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Cow Hampshire: Celebrating my 10th Year Blogging Birthday

Happy 10th Birthday Cow Hampshire.  My first post on this blog was made on March 16, 2006. On that date I posted this photograph, taken by my sister Kathi Webster at Shaker Village in Canterbury, New Hampshire.  She had passed … Continue reading

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“Cow Hampshire” Blog Turns Nine in 2015

Happy Birthday Cow Hampshire.  My first post on this blog was made on March 16, 2006, one month exactly after my twin sister, Kathi’s death.  She was a blogger, often posting her own poems and thoughts.  I posted a photograph … Continue reading

Posted in History, New Hampshire Women | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments