Category Archives: Recipes

Recipes, old and new, New Hampshire or New England specific.

New Hampshire’s December Receipts [Recipes] of 1882

LATEST RECEIPTS. [1882] GINGER CUP-CAKE. A nice ginger cupcake is made of two cups of powdered sugar, stirred to a cream with two cups of butter. The butter may first be warmed until it is soft, but not melted; and … Continue reading

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New Hampshire Tidbits: Potato Cheesecake On The Menu

When you see the word, cheesecake, you think of the modern sweet dessert, made from a mixture of soft, fresh cream cheese (cheese or cottage cheese), eggs, and sugar on top of a crust of crushed graham crackers or other … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, NH Tidbits, Recipes | Tagged , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Celebrating a 1939 Thanksgiving Day in New Hampshire

In 1939 I was not even a twinkle in my parent’s eyes.  Certainly they may have met by then, but they were not even dating. The world was full of uncertainty.  In 1939 Nazi Germany had attacked Poland (September 1st).  … Continue reading

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New Hampshire Tidbits: Manners and Customs of Olden Time [1760s]

It may be amusing and entertaining to have some account of the customs and manner of living, of the people, sixty-five, seventy, and seventy-five years ago [i.e. 1760’s]. As to what took place in sea-port towns, and places which had … Continue reading

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New Hampshire’s Cranberry Bogs and Meadows

When I hear the word cranberry, I most often things of masses of bobbing, minute fruit in Massachusetts or New Jersey bogs, although I know it grows in other states too. It was not until recently that I discovered that … Continue reading

Posted in History, Native Peoples, New Hampshire Glossary, Really Old News, Recipes | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments