Tag Archives: place

Tin Reflector Oven

Preparing for the Thanksgiving meal in the Remick Museum Visitor's Center: a tin reflector oven, into which the turkey … Continue reading

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Alton New Hampshire’s King of Corkscrews: William Rockwell Clough (1844-1920)

Various manufacturing businesses thrived in New Hampshire after the Civil war. 

One of the most famous was the Rockwell Clough … Continue reading

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New Hampshire’s Native Americans: Hiding in Plain Sight

Contrary to what you have been led to believe, New Hampshire's history did NOT begin with the arrival of the European settlers… Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Genealogy, History, Native Peoples | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 35 Comments

New Hampshire Glossary: Coos (Please Don’t Say Cooz)

Coos – (pronounced “CO-ahss” with two syllables)… is a county in New Hampshire, established December 24, 1803. It was taken from … Continue reading

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New Hampshire’s Missing Places: Peyton Place

I sometimes wonder how many tourists have visited New Hampshire looking for Peyton Place

only to realize it does … Continue reading

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