Tag Archives: barn

New Hampshire Tidbit: Who Let the Shaker Cows Out of the Barn?

In 1863 the cows of Canterbury New Hampshire’s Shaker Village would have been “kept in one of forty-six stalls, in two rows facing each other, with a wide passage between them. Each animal, has its name and place, and it … Continue reading

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Hoofing it in Canterbury NH — May 2, 2015 Heifer Parade

This moo-ving story is just too cute not to publicize.  Saturday May 2, 2015 is the date of Canterbury Shaker Village’s 2nd Annual Heifer Parade with Food and Fiddle.  We complained more than once in the past few months about … Continue reading

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New Hampshire Barns — An Endangered Treasure

New Hampshire barns are disappearing from our landscape as quickly as cows.

Okay, so they may not always be … Continue reading

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Small barn – Wilton NH

See upcoming article about disappearing barns in New Hampshire. Continue reading

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