Tag Archives: April

A New Hampshire April Fool

Over the past 14 years I’ve written several stories about April Fools Day as it relates to New Hampshire and New England.  The custom of playing pranks was most certainly brought to New Hampshire by the first European colonists. A … Continue reading

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On Genealogy Plagiarism, Libel and April Fools

It seems to be the season for genealogy foolishness. Yes, long time genealogists, including myself, are keenly aware that over the past thirty-five years (and before that) writers have been stealing other people’s stuff. It is just not right. Its … Continue reading

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New Hampshire April Fool Jokes of Olden Times

Here is a collection of “April Fool” stories gleaned from New Hampshire Papers.  DISCLAIMER.–Do not attempt to duplicate these foolhardy events, as some are dangerous and stupid. 1843.–April Fool. As the passenger train of cards which usually arrived here at … Continue reading

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April Fool’s Day: Hunt the Gowk Another Mile!

EXTRACTS: FIRST OF APRIL A custom, says The Spectulator, prevails every where amongst us on the first of April, when every body strives to make us as many fools as he can. The wit consists chiefly in sending persons on … Continue reading

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John Stark Day 2007

Today, April 23, 2007 is New Hampshire's official John Stark Day. 

Observance of this day was officially proclaimed in 2004 … Continue reading

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