Tag Archives: chicken

New Hampshire Oddities: Siamese Twin Eggs in 1934

It has to be true, as The Boston Globe of 30 November 1934, page 14 reported the unnatural event: “New Hampshire Freak Egg” read the headline, and the story continued as follows. “Lebanon NH. Nov 30 — An interesting freak … Continue reading

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Derry New Hampshire’s Premier Woman Poultry Farmer: Celia (Gardner) Whitney (1895-1974)

History is composed of time or location-related people, events and artifacts. Usually the ones we hear or read about are touted as being famous or important from someone’s viewpoint. Yet the majority of our collective history was created by individuals … Continue reading

Posted in History, New Hampshire Women | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

NH Tidbits: The History of Chicken Tenders

I beg my regular blog followers to forgive me for delving into such a light-battered topic.  After writing an article on the origin of fried clams, a reader asked me if the Puritan Back Room restaurant of Manchester, NH invented … Continue reading

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New Hampshire Reds

New Hampshire has its very own breed of poultry, called New Hampshire Reds

Somewhere around 1915, a few New … Continue reading

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New Hampshire Red

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