Monthly Archives: June 2007

Formal Tea

A formal tea served by the Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm. See article about New Hampshire & … Continue reading

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Poem: "My Properties," by Sam Walter Foss

I own no park I keep no horse, I can't afford a stable, I have no cellar stored with wine, I set a frugal table… Continue reading

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New Hampshire Glossary: Garrison House

A Garrison House was a fortified building (sometimes called a “fort”) of colonial New
Hampshire where troops were stationed, and … Continue reading

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Cog Railway, Mt. Washington 1930s

New Hampshire's Mount Washington Cog Railway nears the top. Photograph taken by my father, B.H. Webster, in the early 1930s. … Continue reading

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Sylvester Marsh

Inventor of the original patent used to start the building of the cog railway, and the first to obtain a … Continue reading

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