Tag Archives: hat

The face of Claremont New Hampshire’s Mary Farrar Jones (1789-1879)

Mary Farrar Jones gazes out at you from the photograph. It was taken at the Stephen Piper Photography Studio in Manchester, New Hampshire, between 1866 and 1879, when she died. (The Piper photography studio opened in 1866 and continued until … Continue reading

Posted in Genealogy, History, New Hampshire Women | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Hoofing it in Canterbury NH — May 2, 2015 Heifer Parade

This moo-ving story is just too cute not to publicize.  Saturday May 2, 2015 is the date of Canterbury Shaker Village’s 2nd Annual Heifer Parade with Food and Fiddle.  We complained more than once in the past few months about … Continue reading

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New Hampshire and the Easter Bonnet

I am not making a claim that New Hampshire invented the ‘Easter Bonnet.’   Head-gear has been worn by women as far back as the Middle Ages, and probably much earlier in both cold and warm climates. It would not be … Continue reading

Posted in History, New Hampshire Women | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

New Hampshire Missing Places: Bleachery

When textiles were King (or Queen depending on your view) in New Hampshire, the Bleachery served an important function–to whiten or clean fabric, and other materials which needed lightening.  Back in the day when men wore straw hats and women … Continue reading

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