Tag Archives: eyes

Current Events: Peterborough NH Seen Through Bette Davis Eyes

Bette Davis’ connections to New Hampshire are fairly well known.  Her ancestors hailed from here, and she spent some of her adult time in the Sugar Hill area, where she met one of her husbands.  Much less known is her … Continue reading

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Wilfred Ernest Burpee (1860-1948) and Other Early Opticians of New Hampshire

Many of my blog stories are generated based on the view of a curious, old postcard. “Reception Room, Brown & Burpee” was inscribed on the front of this particular postcard.  Three men are present–one sitting.  There are display cases in … Continue reading

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Poem: A New Hampshire Recipe For Love

Recipe for Love (unknown author)

The swain, to gain his fair one's love
Should be discreet and wise;
Commend her … Continue reading

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