Category Archives: History

The 4th of July: New Hampshire 238 Years Ago

Two hundred and thirty-eight years ago, the United States of America was still in its infancy. Only eleven years prior, on the 4th of July, had the Declaration of Independence been passed.  The American people were generally  appreciative of those … Continue reading

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New Hampshire Feast of December 1852

What meals did our ancestors savor during the holidays? With winter celebrations approaching, a trip back to the 1850s could be fun and interesting.

Posted in History, Holidays, Recipes, Structures | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Was AI (Artificial Intelligence) Made in New Hampshire?

AI, or artificial intelligence, is much in the news these days.  AI is considered to be the field of computer science that studies how machines can perform tasks that require human intelligence–such as reasoning, learning, and problem-solving.

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More Old New Hampshire News (1872)

NEW ENGLAND NEWS. — NEW HAMPSHIRE As published in the Boston Evening Transcript of 6 July 1872 -Temperance reform clubs have been organized in Goshen, Newport, and Sunapee. – The South Church in Concord hold their second preaching services in … Continue reading

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2022: On National Women’s History Month

Every year since March 2006 I have written one or more blog articles about women during National Women’s History Month. This year is a little different, as I will write only one story, and provide a recap of hundreds of … Continue reading

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