More Old New Hampshire News (1872)

As published in the Boston Evening Transcript of 6 July 1872
-Temperance reform clubs have been organized in Goshen, Newport, and Sunapee.
– The South Church in Concord hold their second preaching services in the evening.
– A man named John Downs of Rochester was recently poisoned by eating fresh mackerel
– A signal of the coast survey has been set up on Gould’s Mill, the north brow of Putney’s.

Graphic, The Three brides, by Charlotte M. Yonge, 1876; Internet Archive

– A trout was caught in Lancaster a few days ago, which measured seventeen and a half inches in length.
– Mr. Joseph Clark, one of the oldest inhabitants of Carroll, died Saturday afternoon, after long illness.
– Rev J.M.H. Smith commenced his pastoral labors with the Universalist society at East Jaffrey on Sunday, 3rd ult.
– The shoe factory of Mr. George McGregor at Londonderry, with considerable stock and machinery, was burned on the 2d.
– The hay crop in the region of Franklin promises to be excellent, many farmers estimating their crop at double last year’s.
– Mrs. Sadie Putney Nutt, formerly employed in the register of deeds’ office, Nashua, died suddenly Saturday night of hiccough.
– The New Hampshire Fire Insurance Company on Saturday last declared a semi-annual dividend of four per cent., payable July 1.
– Mrs. Abbie Turner of Lebanon had her right arm and face severely burned recently, by the boiling over of a milk-can filled with water.
– Crops of all kinds never looked better than now in the vicinity of Gorham and farmers and gardeners are rejoicing over the prospect of a good harvest.
– Dr. D.C. Burleigh, of Franklin, who has been in failing health for some months, has suspended his practice, and gone to Eastern Maine, to rest and recuperate.
– On the 1st inst., a laboring man in the yard of the Amoskeag Mills, at Manchester, was sunstruck and died soon after midnight. He was thirty-five years of age, and unmarried.
– The building occupied by Knights & Aldrich, as a country store, at Westmoreland Depot, was entirely destroyed by fire Thursday night. Loss on stock and building, $6500; insured for $4500.
– Newington voted last Saturday $3500, which, together with the proceeds of the sale of the old schoolhouse, is to be devoted to erected a two-story building for a schoolhouse and town hall.

Starting Home from Mt. Washington NH, undated; photographer: Rhodes. NH Historical Society. Colorized.

– The Cherry Mountain road received an appropriation last week at Concord of $200. Certain other White Mountain roads received $1000, and the road leading through the Franconia Notch to Lincoln, $300.
– Milton has voted unanimously to exempt from taxation any new manufacturing in town for the term of ten years. This town has good railroad facilities, and an abundant water-power.
– The resolution of the Legislature appropriating $200 for the repair of the road through the Notch will put and keep the line of travel in good repair. The amount asked for was $300. The favor, though not so large as desired, is thankfully received.
– Arthur Babb, a lad employed at the Gilmanton Mills in Belmont, fell on Tuesday from a window in the third story, and narrowly escaped death by striking in a large tub of water which had been left upon the ground below. He was thoroughly immersed, but came out unhurt and returned to his work.
– Mr. W.H. Wentworth of Lancaster, while driving out with Miss Nellie Eastman and Miss Inez Stevens, on Saturday evening, left the team for a few minutes, when the horse took fright and ran away with the ladies, throwing them out. Miss Eastman received a painful contusion over the eye, while Miss Stevens escaped with only a few bruises. The sunshade was pretty badly stove up.
– A soldier’s monument thirty-three feet in height was erected in Temple on the 24th and 25th ult. It was cut by Mr. Brennan of Peterborough, and consists of a base, sub-base, plinth, die, cap, sub-die, shaft, sub-cap and top finish. It contains the names of six soldiers. The two bases are of Fitzwilliam granite, and the rest Vermont marble. It was presented to the town by Captain Herman Buss.
– Mrs. John Burbank, aged eighty years, died on the 28th of June, at the residence of Mrs. A. Hutchins of Gorham, her daughter, with whom she was living. Her husband died about two and a half years ago, also at a very advanced aged. They had long been residents of Gorham, and leave children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, who are among the most esteemed citizens of that town and the adjoining town of Shelburne.

Photograph of Old Railroad Depot
in East Kingston NH where
the service men departed in
World War I. From 1982
Town Report.

– Next Monday President Lyon of the Concord & Montreal Railroad, Governor Straw and his council, the senators, the State Board of Agriculture and other prominent men to the number of forty or fifty in all, will leave their homes for a trip to Coos County. They will stay at Plymouth Monday night, Tuesday go through to Colebrook, Wednesday to Dixville Notch and back to Colebrook, and Thursday start home again. May they have a pleasant time.
– The bill to incorporate the Plaistow & Nashua Railroad came up in the House of Representatives Tuesday and was defeated by fifty-nine majority, the vote standing a hundred and eighteen in favor to a hundred and seventy-seven against the adoption of the minority report of the committee recommending its passage. It became apparent during the discussion that the Boston & Maine Railroad was the principal party desiring the passage of the bill. The result is considered an important victory for the Eastern Railroad.
– Mason and Mason Village have decided to settle their troubles by a divorce, and the latter has been incorporated under the name of Greenville. The separation was brought about by the village getting possession of the town house by five votes, petition therefor being sent to Concord by the folks at the Centre. Two years later (this summer) the Village got up a similar petition of its own, and the fair was carried through the Legislature in short order. The new town has about 150 voters and 650 inhabitants. It is four miles long, and a mile and a half wide. The new town takes the two heaviest taxpayers–J.H. Chamberlin and the Columbian Corporation, which owns and runs the mills, and is now building a new mill. The old town has a large proportion of the roads to keep in repair. Greenville inaugurated itself with appropriate exercises on the Fourth.

Engraving from The Snow Storm, by Esther M. Bourne, San Francisco, 1857

– Two powerful thunder showers passed over Concord between four and six o’clock Wednesday afternoon. The streets and roads were deluged by water, which fell nearly three inches deep by the gauge. The damage to streets and roads is very serious, and it will cost thousands of dollars in repairs in the track of the storms; for the amount of rain which fell and the damage done by water and the washing of the roads has rarely been equaled. A building for five tenements, being erected by Charles Nutting, on the corner of Laurel and Pierce streets, near the Rumford Grammar School Building, which was boarded and roofed, was blown down and is a complete wreck. Three workmen were upon the second floor when it went down, but escaped without serious injury. The timbers forming the floor of the attic were only partially boarded, and a large pile of window sashes near them sustained the roof and saved them with nothing more than bruises. Trees of considerable size were twisted off by the wind. The lightning struck near the passenger station, and the fluid was seen to pass along the iron track through the station without doing any injury. The cloud passing beyond and over Epsom took the appearance of a waterspout at sea.

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5 Responses to More Old New Hampshire News (1872)

  1. Cathleen Cullity Manning says:

    So happy to be reading you again, Janice!

  2. Jean Norman says:

    Great bit of history. I really enjoyed reading it!

  3. Paul Sand says:

    Welcome back! It’s been a while.

  4. Arlene Jackson says:

    Janice, the article was an absolute HOOT to read, loved it so much! Keep it up girl!

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