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Janice A. Brown,
Blog: Cow Hampshire
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"The ongoing invisibility of women and girls is a serious issue for our country, and for the world. The invisibility of our history, heroes, stories, challenges, and success handicaps the future of all Americans, and it deeply affects our economy and our communities."--Megan Smith, U.S. Chief Technology OfficerWhat History Isn’t
“History isn’t about dates and places and wars. It’s about the people who fill the spaces between them.”
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- Legend Has It: Doc Benton – The Morbid Library on The Strange Haunting of Mt. Moosilaukee
- James E Ramsey on New Hampshire Missing Places: Lone Star Ranch, Reeds Ferry
- LIVES LOST BEYOND THE MEDALS at MEUSE-ARGONNE ABMC CEMETERY - Meandering through the PrologueMeandering through the Prologue on More Lost Faces of WWI: American Nurses Who Died in Europe
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Tag Archives: elected
Some Descendants of Newmarket New Hampshire Black Patriot: Wentworth Cheswell (1746-1817)
I am not the first to write about a remarkable man–Wentworth Cheswell of Newmarket New Hampshire. Many have sung his praises and brought to light his many “firsts” in New Hampshire. His grandfather, and earliest known ancestor, Richard Cheswell, was … Continue reading
Posted in Genealogy, History, New Hampshire Men, NH Persons of Color
Tagged African, American, archaeologist, black, builder, Carpenter, Cate, Cheswell, Cheswill, color, colored, coroner, elected, Exeter, first, framer, freed, Hampshire, historian, Hopestill, house, housewright, Jane, Jose, land, March, market, negro, new, New Hampshire, Newmarket, NH, office, own, patriot, Paul Revere, public, Richard, Rider, selectman, slave, statistician, Wentworth
New Hampshire First Lady, Civic Leader, First Woman Nominated to Executive Council: Margaret Walter (Clough) Martin Anderson (1890 -1979) of Bow and Concord
She was born Margaret Walter Clough on 24 May 1890 in Bow New Hampshire posthumously to Walter H. “Warren” & Georgia (Colby) Clough and named after both of parents. Her father Walter Clough died suddenly in February of 1890, and … Continue reading
New Hampshire’s Tradition of Leadership: The Women’s Delegation
New Hampshire was called “First in the Nation” for many years when our national primary elections truly happened first. Some say that tradition lives on. But in current day politics where several states allow you to pre-vote and caucus events … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, History, New Hampshire Politics, New Hampshire Women
Tagged Anne, Annie, attorney general, Ayotte, carol, Congress, D, Delegation, Dem, democrat, elected, female, first, Governor, Hampshire, Hassan, Jeanne, Kelly, Kuster, Maggie, nation, new, New Hampshire, NH, politics, Porter, R, rep, representative, Republican, senator, Shaheen, Shea, Shea-Porter, U.S., United States, woman, women
New Hampshire Glossary: Hog Reeve
hog-reeve (hog reefe) – an elected position in early New Hampshire townships. Settlers often let livestock graze in the woods around … Continue reading
Posted in History, New Hampshire Glossary
Tagged colonial, cow, elected, glossary, graze, hog reeve, livestock, New Hampshire, oxen, sheep, town