Old postcard of Moonlight Bridge, Newmarket NH and a horse-drawn carriage, According to 1911 Granite State Monthly article, this area was probably first owned by Hopestill Cheswell. It was the location of Wentworth Cheswell’s first house that was later home of his son Thomas.
I am not the first to write about a remarkable man–Wentworth Cheswell of Newmarket New Hampshire. Many have sung his praises and brought to light his many “firsts” in New Hampshire. His grandfather, and earliest known ancestor, Richard Cheswell, was a freed black man, formerly a slave to New Hampshire resident, David Laurence/Lawrence.
I bought photographs of some of his descendants on Ebay several years ago. At the time I didn’t realize who they were, just that the photographs were old and interesting, Later I discovered their connection to Wentworth Cheswell. As far as I know there is no painting or likeness of Wentworth, so I hope that this story with photographs of some of his descendants can shed more light on him.
This story was many years in the writing, as I collected a variety of documents and explored multiple family connections. Ultimately in order to connect the female lines I had to look at the best probabilities. Keeping in mind that many write about history without giving credit to their sources, I am including a variety of notes and references, and I hope these do not make this genealogy unwieldy.
Richard-1 Cheswell (or Caswell) was probably born before 1695, a black slave of David Laurence/Lawrence of Exeter, New Hampshire. [Editor’s note: Due to the great length of this story I won’t be detailing much more about the Lawrence family.| See Lawrence Family]. Apparently Richard was freed or bought his freedom by 1716. Some sources including Glenn Knoblock in his book “Strong and Brave Fellows” states Richard was offered his future freedom (after 2 years of service) by his owner David Laurence in a deed dated 1707. This would estimate his first year of freedom as being 1709 or 1710. The earliest authentic record of this family within the bounds of the present town of Newmarket NH bearing the date of 9 January 1716 [old calendar, now 1717, SEE double dating], which states that Joseph Hilton of Exeter sold to Richard Cheswell of Exeter twenty acres of land “out of Hilton’s Grant” bounded by lands of Richard Hilton and Daniel Ames. Witnesses to the document were Richard Mattoon and Edward Hall. Subsequently Richard Cheswell deeded a part of this tract to Charles Rundlett, when John Perkins, Rebecca Perkins and Ann Barber signed as witnesses. It would seem the location must have been in the south part of the town, not far from the Newfields line, since Daniel Ames’ homestead bounded just there for a considerable distance the south side of the Mill Grant, so-called, of Edward Hilton. Richard Mattoon and Edward Hall, both married Hiltons, while Charles Rundlett was son-in-law of Daniel Ames and lived near the Ames Garrison, all suggesting by presumption the neighborhood in which Richard Cheswell located. Since there was no other person bearing the name of Cheswell that appears in this early part of the century, there is every probability that Hopestill-2 Cheswell was the son of the above Richard-1 Cheswell who had a liaison with Jane (Jose/Vose) Cate, daughter of Richard & Hannah (Martyn) Jose. Jane was born 13 October 1691 in Portsmouth NH. She was a white woman, and her son Hopestill-2 Cheswell was “mulatto” in various records, indicating his ‘mixed race’ parentage. Within a few years of Hopestill’s birth, Jane married Edward Cate Jr., a housewright. It would not be a stretch of the imagination to think that Jane’s son Hopestill Cheswell would learn the house building trade from him. Jane is probably also the mother of Clement March, (called “half-brother” to son Hopestill), illegitimate son of James March [see Ancestry of Abel Lunt for details]. Jane passed away in 1746, at age 54 in Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire USA
===Richard Cheswell: Other Info===
An online tree of a descendant shows (but with no proofs attached) of Richard owning in 18 Oct 1717 Property in Newmarket NH, 20 acres from the Hilton Grant. This same family tree refers to a 1717 Naturalization, stating, “gained freedom and became the first black to own property in colony of NH.”
===David Laurence/Lawrence WILL MENTIONS “NEGRO” (Slave)===
Partial WILL of David LAURENCE [owner of Richard Cheswell]
Probate Records of the Province of New Hampshire … 1635-[1771], New Hampshire. Probate Court; Volumes 31-39 of State papers series
[Proved May 16, 1710.]
[Inventory of the estate of Lieut. DAVID LAWRENCE taken May 20, 1710: amount, £122o.10.0; signed by James Sinclair and Moses Leavitt.]
Item : My will is that my two sons WILLIAM and JOSEPH shall pay my Just debts Legacies & funeral Charges and then the rest and residue of my whole estate both real and personal shall be equally divided between them, only their mother shall have the use of the Negro during life & then to return to them to be equally divided between them.
finally: My will is and I do hereby appoint my well beloved wife MARY LARANCE & my two sons WILLIAM & JOSEPH to be the Joynt Executors to this my last will & testament and do hereby revoke disannull and make void all former wills and testaments by me heretofore made. In witness whereof, I the s“ DAVID LARANCE have hereunto set my hand and seal, this sixteenth Day of February Anno Dom: one thousand seven hundred & nine, ten, Annoq R R Anne magnaa Brittaniae &c: Octavo:
Signed, Sealed & owned In presence of
William X Taylor
Jethro Pearson Mehitabel X Things mark
=====Jane Cate, consort of Richard Cheswell=====
–Genealogical Dictionary of ME and NH, page 393
Jane, b. 13 Oct 1691, m. Edward Cate (1 jr).
Edward Cate 1694-1738 (b Portsmouth NH, died Falmouth MA)
Jane Jose 1691-1746 (b 13 Oct 1691 Portsmouth NH)
Married 9 Jan 1717 in Portsmouth NH
–Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and NH page 132
“Edward Cate, m 1st 9 Jan 1717-8 Jane Jose (dau of Richard); 2d Martha (Cotton, d. of Wm (7 jr), wid of Obediah Marshall. List 339” [Editor’s note: Jane Jose was dau of Richard & Hannah (Martyn) Jose. Hannah was the daughter of Richard & Sarah (Tuttle) Martyn]
[Editor’s Notes: Edward Cate Jr. had possibly three children, Joshua (b abt 1719), Jane and Samuel Cate. Samuel appears to be attributed to his 2nd wife, Martha (Cotton) Cate. Mother of other children unknown.
Re Jane CATE in —Province of New Hampshire, Vol 1, 1635-1717, State Papers Series, Vol 31 (New Hampshire Wills) page 614. “Agreement made and concluded… 18th day of March 1722/23…division of the Estate of our Late Honr Father Richd Jose Late of Portsmth… Adjoyning to Three Acres and One Quarter of Jane Cates part, which Three Acres and Quarter lies Next Adjoyning to Collo Wentworth’s pasture….Item Jane Cate her part being Seven Acres and one Hudnred and ten Rodds, is Laid out four acres and Seventy rodds of it Next adjoining to the Six Acres and half formerly laid out to Joana Pray..”
According to the Maine Genealogist, Vol 30 (May 2008), page 64, “On 8 June 1734, Edward Cate of Portsmouth, housewright, and Jane his wife sold for L600 paid by “Joshua Cate of the same place Tailer” Edward’s “present dwelling house & barn & Cyder house with four acres & a half,” which had been a part of “Jane Cate’s portion left her by her father Mr. Rich. Jose deceased” [A month later, on 10 July 1734, Joshua Cate of Portsmouth, Taylor and Ann his wife re-conveyed the property to Edward Cate “of the same place” housewright for the same amount. [108: NH Province Deeds 20:148 FHL [109: New Hampshire Province Deeds, 20:381 FLH film #15, 418]
=======CHILDREN OF JANE (JOSE) CATE=========
Probable child of Richard Cheswill & Jane (Jose) Cate:
1. +Hopestill Cheswell aka March, b. as early as 1712, “mulatto [see later]. ”
Children [illegitimate] of Jane (Jose) Cate & James March [Editor’s note: G. Knblock says Dr. Clement March however he would seemingly be too young to be the father]
2. Paul March, baptized 1716 in Greenland, Rockingham Co. NH, died prob between Aug 1789 and Sept 17, 1789 when the New Hampshire Gazette of that date notes “The original right of Paul March, Esq. deceased, now owned by — Horn., Nathaniel Peasley Sargent, Esq., Henry Rust, Esq”. He married Mary –. She b abt 1727 and died 15 Aug 1769 in Portsmouth NH, in her 42d year. On June 3, 1768 Paul March was one of 3 representatives of New Durham NH who petitioned for the ability to set up the town. Rambles About Portsmouth, Part 2, page 681 mentions Hopestill “Caswell” and his half brother Paul March who married a daughter of John Newmarch and frames the Bell Tavern.
3. Clement March, baptized 1716 (Portsmouth NH records). “19 Feb 1789, Clement March Drown’d at Sea=.“keeper of the almshouse in Portsmouth NH and North Parish constable in 1758. He appears to have been part-owner in at least two sea-going vessels.
4. [SEE notes about regarding children of Edward & Jane (Jose) Cate]
===Info on Paul and Clement March===
(This Clement March not to be confused with Dr. Clement March, Edward-2 March’s brother][Editor’s Note: I will not be tracing the MARCH children, siblings of Hopestill].
March Genealogy in The Ancestry of Abel Lunt 1769-1806 of Newbury, Massachusetts
talks about illegitimate sons of James March of Arundel
*JAMES MARCH, [son of George & Mary (Folsom) March, grandson of Hugh March, b. June 19, 1681; name of wife unknown but she is said to have been killed by Indians in Arundel. “The wife of James March was shot in the back with an arrow while standing near her own door,” about 1725(?). He was presumably the Lieut. March taxed in Greenland in 1708 and 1712 and the James March taxed there 1713-1716. In March, 1717/8, James March of Greenland and Christopher of Amazeen of New Castle were in court “for living with and entertaining those women by whom they had bastard children.” He moved to Arundel about 1719 and was a proprietor in 1729. The tradition is that he lost all his children (legitimate) of “throat distemper” in 1735. Who were the illegitimate children? Probably one was Clement March, keeper of the almshouse in Portsmouth and North Parish constable in 1758, who died in 1787, aged 78. Another was very probably that Paul March who in 1743 built the Bell Tavern in Portsmouth which was framed by Hopestill Caswell of Newmarket, a mulatto who was Paul’s half-brother.
—Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, page 488: “Lt. James March, saddler, Greenland, Arundel, b at Newb. 19 June 1681, s. of George (s). Appar. the Lt. M. taxed in Greenl in 1708, 1712 (lists 338ac), and as James in 1713-1716. See (5) for one James of Portsm. 1712. In March 1717-18 Christopher Amazeen of Newc. and J.M. of Greenl. were prosec. “for living with and entertaining those women by whom they have had bastard ch.” See Cheswell.
“Rambles about Portsmouth;” Clement March, d. 1787, age 78 [so b 1709] Profession: Keeper Alms-house,
NEHGS Register, Vol 73, p 67: Deaths in Stratham NH 1777-1826.
“1789, Feb 19, Clement March Drown’d at Sea”
The NEHGS Register, Vol 52, page. 479, INFORMATION WANTED.–1. MARCH. — The parents of Clement March of Portsmouth, N.H. He was born in 1727 [Editor’s note: date wrong], birthplace unknown. He died in Portsmouth, May 27th 1790. His wife was Margaret, daughter of Nathaniel Jackson of Portsmouth. Date of marriage unknown. She died Feb 27th, 1809. Clement March was elected constable of the North Parish of Portsmouth May 7, 1759 and served in that capacity many years. For over forth years he held the office of keeper of the almshouse; also sexton of the old North church. Up to the time of his death he had acted as moderator of the town meeting for some years.
Hopestill-2 Cheswell, son of Richard-1 Cheswell, and Jane (Jose) Cate. He was born by 1712. Called “mulatto” in various records. He married Catherine Keniston/Kinniston (poss her father was Christopher Kiniston). He was a carpenter (house framer and builder) and often worked his trade in Portsmouth NH. He bought and sold land in Newmarket NH. In 1749 John Smart sold 1/8th of Wadley’s/Wadleigh’s Mill (Durham NH) to him, and in the same year Samuel and Susannah Dudy sold 20 acres of land to him. In 1756 Hopestill and Catherine Cheswell sold land to their son, Wentworth. Their death dates are unknown. According to the book, Black Portsmouth, Three Centuries of African-American Heritage by Mark Sammons & Valerie Cunningham (2004) in addition to framing the Bell Tavern, Hopestill Cheswell built Portsmouth’s Samuel Langdon house [moved to Old Sturbridge Village in 1952] and the Purcell House (now called John Paul Jones House and home to the Portsmouth Historical Society).
Rambles about Portsmouth, part 1, page 321
The old gentleman stated that he well remembered the erection of Rev. Dr. Langdon’s house, (now occupied by the family of John K. Pickering,) and Col. Oliver Whipple’s, (on the spot where William Petigrew’s house now stands.) All the houses were alike, of two stories, with gambrel roofs, and were built by Hopestill March of Dover, a mulatto. ..”
—Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, page 488
–page 783. CHESWELL. Line 3. Wentworth was not s. of Richard but of Hopestill (line 4). Hopestill was b as early as 1712; his s. Wentworth was a substantial citizen and d. 8 March 1817, ag. 71 (Cheswell Cem.) See articles in ‘Newmarket Advertiser’ 5 Oct 1906 et seq. (C.H. Batchelder)
Portsmouth Athenaeum Online Record Card:
Name Cheswell, Hopestill, dfl. 1746
Othernames Caswell, Hopestill, Cheswill Hopestill and March, Hopestill Caswell
Born as early as 1712
Deceased where Newmarket, N.H.
Places of residence Newmarket, N.H.
Occupation Master carpenter. Built several Pleasant St., Portsmouth, N.H. homes.
Father Richard Cheswill of Newmarket (”Negro”)
Spouse _____ Kennison.
Children 1. Wentworth Cheswell, b. 1746 in Newmarket, N.H., d. Mar. 8, 1817 in Newmarket, N.H., m. Sept. 13, 1767 to Mary Davis (1750-1829), daughter of David Davis and Elizabeth Crommett.
2. a daughter, d. young.
Relationships Half-brother to Clement Paul March.
Mansion House of Wentworth Cheswell – 1911 Granite State monthly magazine, extensive description of Wentworth Cheswell’s house and land.
History of Newfields, New Hampshire, 1638-1911, by Rev. James Hill Fitts, ed. and arranged by Rev. N. F. Carter; 1912, page 103
1. Hopestill March(1) Cheswell, was a capable master carpenter; married — Kennison; settled in Newmarket; petitioned for a bridge over Squamscot river, Nov. 21, 1746; soon after the Revolution he built several two story houses with gambrel roofs on Pleasant St., Portsmouth.
2. Wentworth-2 named for Gov. Wentworth; m. Mary Davis
3. daughter-2 died young
The John Paul Jones House, maintained by the New Hampshire Historical Society in Portsmouth, and the Samuel Langdon House, the administration office of the Sturbridge Village museum in Massachusetts, were both built by Hopestill Cheswell. He provided for his son Wentworth’s formal education. [Langdon house photos, Library of Congress]
Children of Hopestill-2 & Catherine (Keniston) Cheswell:
1. +Wentworth-3 Cheswell, b. 11 April 1746 in Newmarket NH
2. a daughter who died young.
Wentworth-3 Cheswell, son of Hopestill & Catherine (Keniston) Hopestill, was b 11 April 1746 in Newmarket NH, d 8 March 1817. “He was a man of unusual ability, who lived his full three score years in his native town and died lamented…” Seth Shackford in his journal wrote on March 8th, “Esquire Wentworth Cheswell died about two o’clock to-day of a typhus fever”; and on the 10th, “attended the funeral of Esquire Cheswell, Mr. Hooper preached the sermon, Mr. Osborne offered the first prayer and Mr. Broadhead the last one.” He attended Dummer Academy in Byfield MA. He was repeatedly elected to several offices of Newmarket including moderator, town clerk, selectman, representative, etc. He was a lawyer, judge and soldier. Before the settlement of a regular attorney he executed deeds, wills and other legal documents, and acted as a justice in the trial of cases. He signed the Association Test at Newmarket NH. On 20 October 1775, when it was voted to raise and send 30 men to Portsmouth under Lieut James Hill, it was Wentworth Cheswell who was chosen to apply to the Provincial Committee at Exeter to report the proceedings of this meeting and receive their directions. He name is in that of men raised for service at Saratoga, which left 29 Sept 1777, under command of Col. John Langdon (i.e. Langdon’s Independent Company of Volunteers). He married 13 Sep 1767 to Mary Davis, daughter of David & Elizabeth (Crommett) Davis. She was b. 19 Feb 1750 in Durham NH and d. 22 June 1829. They lived near the Piscassic River Bridge described later in his son’s section, as it was later his home. Mr. Cheswell and his wife and several other members of their family are buried in a neglected yard close to the road a few rods west of the homestead lot. [Cheswell Family Graveyard] [DAVIS GENEALOGY from History of Durham NH]
History of Newfields, New Hampshire, 1638-1911, by Rev. James Hill Fitts, ed. and arranged by Rev. N. F. Carter; 1912, page 103
77. Wentworth Cheswell, son of Hopestill and — (Kennison) Cheswell, was born 1746; educated at Dummer Academy, Byfield, Mass; is mentioned in the records 1768-69; justice of the peace; executor of the will of Dea. Joseph Judkins 1770; credited with labor on rafts at Newington, October 22, 1775; signed the Association Test, July 12, 1776; clerk of committee for the dismission of Rev. John Moody, April 28 to June 13, 1777; on committee to petition the Legislature for the formation of the West Society, November 7, 1777; selectman 1783, 1785 and 1795; assessor 1784, 1786-87, 1791, 1797-99; auditor 1786, 1799, 1801, 1804-12, and 1814-16; coroner 1786-87; active in parish affairs 1791, 1794, 1796-98, 1800-01, 1806, and 1816; bid off pew No. 9 in new meeting house October 24, 1791; representative 1801; moderator 1801, 1804-07, 1809-11, and 1813-16; and retailer 1813. He died March 8, 1817 and his wife, Mary, June 22, 1829, aged 79.’
Posted by Laurie DiModica, Manager of the Archives 2-12-2010 The Governor’s Academy Archives (no sources given)
—A recent research inquiry to the academy’s Archives prompted me to do some investigation into the issue of race integration throughout the school’s history. The research brought me back to the earliest years of the school, when Preceptor (Headmaster) Samuel Moody started his first lessons at the Little Red School House on March 1, 1763. Among the first class of 28 students under Moody was Wentworth Cheswell, a 16-year-old from Newmarket, New Hampshire.
—While a formal education was a luxury in the 18th century, what is particularly notable about Wentworth Cheswell’s attendance is that he was accepted, and indeed thrived, at the academy with apparently little concern for his family being multiracial: Wentworth’s father was the famous housewright Hopestill Cheswell—himself the son of a freed black slave and a white woman—and Catherine (Keniston) Cheswell, who was also white. Hopestill’s father, Richard Cheswell, was a black slave in Exeter New Hampshire, who earned his freedom and, in October 1717, purchased 20 acres of land in what is today Newmarket. The transaction represents the earliest known deed in the State of New Hampshire showing ownership by a black man. Hopestill had his own significant achievements, having built several notable structures, including the John Paul Jones House, a National Historic Landmark which today houses the Portsmouth Historical Museum, and the Samuel Langdon House, which is now located at Sturbridge Village. Wentworth Cheswell’s education at Dummer Academy allowed him to achieve many professional successes himself.
–After Wentworth Cheswell completed his studies at Dummer Academy, he returned to Newmarket to become a school teacher, but soon became embroiled in the American Revolutionary War. He was elected town messenger for the regional Committee of Safety, one of the many groups established in Colonial America to monitor events pertaining to public welfare. During the American Revolution, these committees communicated with Committees of Correspondence, which disseminated information along the militia units and provided intelligence on British activity. When Paul Revere rode to Portsmouth to alert defenders to the impending arrival of the British frigate Scarborough and the sloop of war Canseau, Wentworth Cheswell, as town messenger, rode on to Exeter to help communicate instructions on where militia men were to be sent. As an enlisted man, Cheswell served under Colonel John Langdon in the Company of Light Horse Volunteers at the Saratoga campaign.
–Upon his return to Newmarket, Wentworth Cheswell settled into a long and prosperous life. He and his wife went on to have 13 children, and he remained an active and vibrant part of public life in New Hampshire. He was active in public office, holding positions as a school regulator and Justice of the Peace for Rockingham County.
Tuesday, April 29, 1817 New-Hampshire Gazette, Portsmouth NH, page 4
NOTICE is hereby given, that the subscriber has been duly appointed Executrix of the last Will and Testament of WENTWORTH CHESWELL, late of Newmarket, esquire, deceased, and has taken upon herself that trust by giving bonds as the law directs–all persons having demands against the estate of said deceased are requested to exhibit them; and those who are indebted to said estate, are called upon to make immediate payment to MARY CHESWELL, Executrix, or to the Attorney, Nathan’l Kidder. Newmarket, April 21, 1817.
The Portsmouth Herald (Portsmouth, NH) 13 May 1903 page 3
Among the private papers of the late Dr. John Farmer of New Hampshire, was found this antique paper “Wentworth Cheswell, Esq. (a colored man) died in Newmarket in 1817, aged seventy-one. He was a man of considerable information and furnished Dr. Belknap with information for his History of New Hampshire. He was appointed Coroner, Nov. 3, 1785”
Thursday, June 9, 1829 Boston Recorder (Boston MA) Vol XIV, Issue 28, Page 111
DIED–In Newmarket N.H., widow Mary D. Cheswill, 79; leaving 9 children, 40 grandchildren and 12 great grand children.
Dover Gazette & Strafford Advertiser (Dover, New Hampshire), Tuesday, June 30, 1829; Issue 30. DIED–In Newmarket, June 22d, Widow Mary D. Cheswill, aged 79; leaving 9 children, 40 grand-children and 12 great-grand-children, to survive her death, to mourn her loss, and reflect upon the virtues of a venerable, affectionate, and faithful parent and friends.–[Portsmouth Journal.
DAR Records: “Wentworth Cheswell, New Hampshire (1746-1817) Private, Colonel John Langdon’s Regiment New Hampshire Militia, September 29-October 31, 1777; in service at Saratoga”
The Portsmouth Herald, 29 Oct 1934, page 6
Fred and Jean York, children of Mr and Mrs. Fred Carl York and little Marie Sinclair, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Sinclair, all descendants of Wentworth Cheswell, one of the town’s first settlers, unveiled the huge boulder by removing an American flag, behind which rested the memorial marker….[article about Newmarket NH tribute to the memory of early settlers].
23 Nov 1945, Friday, The Portsmouth Herald
Cheswell Cemetery Gate is Reported Missing. Citizens of Newmarket have been aroused by the mysterious disappearance of the beautifully designed wrought iron gate from the Cheswell cemetery on Main Street. The oldest cemetery in Newmarket, it was known for many years as the family burying ground of the descendants of Wentworth Cheswell, businessman and town father in the late 1700s Police and caretakers are searching for the gate which has the family name inscribed in its center.
Portsmouth Atehnaeum, Wentworth Cheswell Notes
Hannah Blog, 2008 article about Richard Alperin and Wentworth Cheswell
Children of Wentworth-3 & Mary (Davis) Cheswell:
1. +Paul-4 Cheswell, b. 4 Aug 1768; m. 7 April 1803 Nancy [Lydia] Durgin, daughter of Josiah Durgin of Lee; active in the parish 1798.
2. +Thomas Cheswell-4, b. 20 July 1770; m(1) Oct 18, 1787 Betsey Eastman; m(2) Mrs. (Wright) Bell
3. +Samuel-4 Cheswell, b. 28 Feb 1772; d. 1801; m. 6 Jan 1802 Sarah Brackett, dau of Joshua & Eunice (Parsons) Brackett of Newmarket Plains NH.
4. Sarah-4 “Sally” Cheswell, b. 28 Apr 1774; m. August 1825 to Moses Chase. She d. without issue 9 Nov 1829 in Newmarket NH; buried Cheswell Family Graveyard. [New-Hampshire Statesmen, Monday, August 15, 1825, Issue 33. MARRIED. In New-market, Mr. Moses Chase of Deerfield, to Miss Sally Cheswell.
5. +Mary-4 Cheswell, b 30 Dec 1775, d. 23 March 1853; m. Daniel Perkins of Ash Swamp, Newmarket NH
6. Elizabeth-4 Cheswill, b. 9 Jan 1778, d. 7 July 1800 unmarried.
7. +Nancy-4 [aka Anne F.] Cheswell, b. 7 March 1780; m. before 1817 Bradley Hanaford of Newmarket and Northwood NH.
8. +Mehitable-4 Cheswell, b. 1 March 1782, d. 2 Jan 1856; m. 1807 John Smart of Newmarket Plain, NH. Their daughter, Abigail, b. 1815 Newmarket NH, d. 4 April 1885 Newmarket NH; m. Charles Henry Mathes, son of Valentine & Sarah (Crommett) Mathes.
9. William-4 Cheswell, b. 20 Feb 1785, d. 21 Oct 1806; not married; buried Cheswell Family Graveyard
10.Martha-4 Cheswell, b. 1788, d. 20 July 1867; buried in Cheswell Family Graveyard, Newmarket NH
11. daughter-4, b. and d. 2 Oct 1790
12. Abigail-4 Cheswell, b. 8 Feb 1792 d. 31 March 1855 in Newmarket NH [NEHGS] unmarried.
Paul-4 Cheswill, son of Wentworth & Mary (Davis) Cheswell), b. 4 Aug 1768[?], and d. 19 January 1832, aged 37 in Durham NH [NEHGS]; m. 7 April 1803 in Lee NH to Nancy [Lydia] Durgin, dau of Josiah Durgin of Lee NH. She died 9 July 1847 in Durham NH [NEHGS] He lived in Durham NH on the road to Durham Point on a farm set of to him from his father’s estate, containing seventy acres of land with buildings. Administration of his estate was granted his brother-in-law Benjamin Durgin of Lee on 14 Feb 1832.
Children of Paul & Nancy (Durgin) Cheswell:
1. Samuel-5 Cheswell, born 1805, d. June 1846-7; He m. c1827 Elizabeth Murray-Brackett, dau of Dea. Timothy & Elizabeth (Chapman) Murray, and widow of John Brackett. She was b. 14 Feb 1799, d. June 1849. David Murray was appointed administrator of his estate 4 Jan 1842. He lived in Durham NH on “the road leading from Durham Point to New-Market Village and about one mile from New-Market, containing 60 acres of land.” [Up for sale March 24, 1840] Found in Dover Enquirer (newspaper), Dover NH, page 1, 23 Feb 1847: Probate Notice (excerpt)– State of NH, Strafford County, The judge of Probate for said county to the heirs at law of the estate of SAMUEL CHEWWELL, formerly of Durham but late of Lowell (MA) deceased, intestate….you are hereby notified that David Murray, administrator of the estate….28 January 1847…..
2. Hannah-5 Cheswell, born abt 1805, d. 1855 unmarried.
3. Mary-5 Cheswell, b. abt 1810; d. 1862 unmarried, will proved in May of that year.
4. +Nancy-5 Cheswell, b Nov 1807; d. 18 Sep 1891; married (as his second wife) Joseph Y. Chapman of Newmarket NH
5. Charlotte-5 Cheswell, b.abt 1826 in NH; m1) 24 Sep 1848 in Dover NH to Greenleaf Dame. He b 1820, d. 1850, buried in Dame Cemetery, Nottingham NH; She m2) 12 Jan 1861 in Durham NH to Otis W. Hewins, son of Otis W. & Abigail Hewins. He was born abt 1832 in Boston MA. He was a Sergt. in the Union Army, Co G. 10th NH Regiment in U.S. Civil War. One child, Abby W. Dame b. 25 May 1850 in Barrington NH and d. 10 Dec 1850 Nottingham NH and buried Dame Cemetery.
6. William-5 Cheswell, b abt 1810, d. 16 July 1831 Durham NH, aged 21 years. [Dover Gazette & Strafford Advertiser, Dover NH, Tuesday July 21, 1831, Issue 34: “DIED. In Durham on Thursday last, MR. WILLIAM CHESWELL, son of Mr. Paul Cheswell, aged 21 years.”]
7. Abigail-5 “Abbie M.” Cheswell, b. 1820 Durham NH, d. 24 Oct 1861 in Lee NH; Her death cert states her surname as Cheswell, and that she was single, but a written history of the family says she m. Charles Mathes of Durham NH.
8. Paul W.-5 Cheswell, b. c1828, d. 1860; he m. Ann Augusta Edgerly. Administration upon his estate granted his widow 14 Feb 1860.
Rev. Thomas-4 Chiswell/Cheswell/Cheswill, son of Wentworth & Mary (Davis) Cheswell, b 20 July 1770, d 28 Feb 1841 Newmarket NH; m1) 1 Jan 1787 to Betsey Eastham of Exeter NH. She was b 1769 and d. 1824. He m2) Oct 1825 to Hannah (White) Bell, widow of George Bell of Newcastle NH. They lived in Newmarket NH in a house standing on the south side of Wadley’s Road near the bridge over the Piscassic River. The lot on which the house stood with surrounding fields, no doubt was part of the estate of Hopstill-2 Cheswell and included in the land deeded to his son, Wentworth, in 1765. When Thomas married his 2nd wife he built a cottage exactly opposite the homestead mentioned, which was later owned by his descendants. He was a long-time deacon of the church in Newmarket, “zealous in religious affairs,” and often conducted services for the outlying districts. His monument in Riverside Cemetery calls him Reverend. He was active in the parish 1797 and 1800; licensed retailer 1803; overseer of the poor 1815; selectman 1816-17 and assessor, 1822. All of his children were born in Newmarket NH.
New-Hampshire Statesman and Concord Register (Concord, NH) Saturday, October 22, 1825, Issue 74 and 22
MARRIAGES. In Newcastle, Elder Thomas Cheswell of New-market to Mrs. Hannah Bell.
New-Hampshire Statesman and Concord Register (Concord, New Hampshire), Saturday, March 18, 1826; Issue 95 and 43.
DEATHS. In Durham….Miss Sally Cheswell, aged 20.
Children of Rev. Thomas & Betsey (Eastham) Chiswell:
1. Wentworth-5 Cheswell, b. 15 Nov 1787, died 30 April 1807; not married.
2. Nancy Giddings-5 Cheswell, b. 2 Nov 1789, d. 1870 unmarried.
3. +Elizabeth-5 “Betsey” Cheswell, b. 12 Feb 1791, d. 13 Oct 1869; m. Thomas Young of Newmarket and Durham NH
4. +Maria Jane-5 Chiswell, b. abt 1815 Newmarket NH [a history states she was b. 1793]. She married Horatio Dennett [see photo]
5. Caroline-5 Cheswell, b. 30 Jan 1795, d. 20 Dec 1875; m. 14 April 1826 in Lee NH John Ham Bennet(t) of Newmarket NH.
6. +William-5 Cheswell, b. 10 April 1797, d. 1822; m. 1821 to Mary Jane Wheron. She b. 6 Sep 1800, d. 23 Dec 1877
7. +Thomas Jefferson-5 Cheswell, b. 31 Aug 1799, d. 1854; He m1) abt 1814 in Durham NH to Olive Chesley, dau of Lemuel & Lovery (Hull) Chesley. He m2) Emily Burley, dau of James & Sarah (Bennett) Burley. She b. 1802, d. Aug 1827. He m3) Mary Jones. She b. 1802, d. 1834. He lived in Newmarket NH.
8. John-5 Cheswell, b. 1802; m. Mary Knight
9. +Joshua-5 Cheswell, b. 25 Oct 1804, d. 27 May 1875; he m. 3 Nov 1827 in Salisbury MA to Mary Storey [int.]. She b. 24 Dec 1808. [see notice]
10. Sally Cheswell, b. 1807; died March 1826. [Alternate for Sally: d. 16 May 1886, unmarried. She had her name legally changed to Margaret Eastham][Dover Gazette & Strafford Advertiser (Dover, New Hampshire), Tuesday, August 03, 1830; Issue 35: “Sarah Cheswell of New-Market may take the name of Margaret Eastman.”
Children of Thomas & Hannah (White-Bell) Cheswell:
11. +Moses Chase-5 Cheswell, b. 10 Sep 1827, d. 20 Sept 1853 in Newmarket NH [NEHGS]; m. Sarah Rogers Sanborn
12. William-5 Cheswell, b 1830, d. 1831 [death cert of William Cheswell d. 21 July 1831 in Durham NH, age 21, making his birth 1810].
13. +Charles Allen-5 Cheswell, b. 1833, d. March 1879; m. Sarah (ROGERS) Cheswell, widow of his brother Moses Chase Cheswell. Only son: William Ernest-6 Cheswell [BIO in “Men of Mark in South Carolina.”
Samuel-4 Cheswell, son of Wentworth & Mary (Davis) Cheswell b. 28 Feb 1772; m. 6 Jan 1802 Sarah Brackett, dau of Joshua & Eunice (Parsons) Brackett of Newmarket Plains NH. She was. b abt 1771, and d. 7 Nov 1836 in Durham NH. [Death rec NEHGS] Lived probably in Newmarket NH. From his father’s estate he received 75 acres of land with all the buildings where he then lived with one acre of salt marsh. The book, “Brackett genealogy by Herbert I, Brackett,” page 386 adds the name of Philason as a child, and states for this family “settled in the state of New York.”
Children of Samuel & Sarah (Brackett) Cheswell:
1. infant son, (Philanson) b –, d. 1801; buried Cheswell Family Graveyard
2. +Samuel-5 Cheswell, b. 1803 ? d. 1826 unmarried
3. Maria-5 Cheswell
4. Elizabeth-5 Cheswell
5. Sophia-5 Cheswell
Mary-4 Cheswell, daughter of Wentworth-3 & Mary (Davis) Cheswell, b 30 Dec 1775, d. 23 March 1853; m. Daniel Perkins of Ash Swamp, Newmarket NH. He was the son of John & Mary (Hall) Perkins, b. 1778 and d. 16 March 1868 Newmarket NH.
Child of Daniel & Mary-4 (Cheswell) Perkins:
1. +John-5 Perkins, b 1807, d. 1875; He m) Hannah Brown. She b. 1816, d. 1889.
Nancy-4 [aka Anne F.] Cheswell, daughter of Wentworth & Mary (Davis) Cheswell, b. 7 March 1780, d. 23 May 1859 [ ae 77, per tombstone]; m. before 1817 Bradley Hanaford of Newmarket and Northwood NH. He was b. 1775/1782 and d. 22 Apr 1869 [ae 94 per tombstone], buried in Wadleigh Yard, Meredith NH. In 1860 living with his daughter Mary Ann’s family in Meredith NH. [some info from Meredith, N.H. annals and genealogies by Mary Elizabeth Neal]
Children of Bradley & Nancy/Anne F. (Cheswell) Hanaford: [may be more]
1. +Mary Ann-5 Wentworth Hanaford, b. 1810, d. 1866; m. John Wadleigh, son of Dea(r)born & Polly (Hayes) Wadleigh, b. 1806, d. 1873. Mary is buried in Meredith NH
Mehitable-4 Cheswell, daughter of Wentworth & Mary (Davis) Cheswell, b. 1 March 1782 in Newmarket NH; d. 2 Jan 1856; m. 1807 John Smart of Newmarket Plain, NH. He b. 1783, d. 2 Jan 1866.
Children of John & Mehitable-4 (Cheswell) Smart:
1. Martha-5 Smart, born 1809 in Newmarket NH, died 22 March 1879. She married about 1854 to Isaac Chapman.
2. Mary-5 Smart b. 1810 and d. 16 Aug 1829 in Newmarket NH
3. Abigail-5 Smart, b. 1815 Newmarket NH, d. 4 April 1885 Newmarket NH; m. Charles Henry Mathes, son of Valentine & Sarah (Crommett) Mathes. [MATHES]
4. +Mehitable-5 Smart b abt 1813 in Newmarket NH: d. 3 Oct 1849 in Newmarket NH. She married 30 July 1832 in Newmarket NH to James Wiggin Smith.
5. John W.-5 Smith, b. 1821 Newmarket NH, d. 13 March 1896 Newmarket NH; m. 1 June 1856 to Frances R. Gilman.
6. Joseph B.-5 Smart, b. 1825, d. 1892; m1) –; m2) 1855 Jane Hill Littlefield. She b. 1824 and d. 1903. They had a child, Medora Jane Smart, who m. George William Pendergast and was DAR # 160120
7. George Kitridge-5 Smart, b. May 1828, died 12 April 1909 in Amesbury MA. He m. Sarah C. Willey
Nancy-5 Cheswell, daughter of Paul-4 & Nancy (Durgin) Cheswell, b Nov 1807; d. 18 Sep 1891, ae 81y 10m; married (as his second wife) Joseph Y. Chapman of Newmarket NH, son of James & Mary (Young) Chapman. He b. 9 June 1811, d. 9 Oct 1890 in Newmarket NH ae 79y 4m. He married 1st) Mary Ann Briggs/Bridges of Saco Maine. [some info from book, Edward Chapman of Ipswich MA 1642-1678 by Jacob Chapman, page 72].
Children of Joseph Y. & Mary A. (Briggs) Chapman:
1. Rufus Bridges Chapman, born 11 Sep 1847 Newmarket NH, d. 16 Sep 1914 Shoreham MA; m. 14 May 1872 to Mary F. Chesley, dau of Jeremiah & Deborah Chesley.
2. Cyrus Chapman, b abt 1850
3. Sylvanus Chapman, born abt 1844; died 9 July 1871 Newmarket NH
4. Eliza Chapman, m. — Kenison
Child of Joseph Y. & Nancy-5 (Cheswell) Chapman:
5. +Charles H/W.-6 Chapman, b 5 June 1857 Newmarket NH, d. 11 March 1902 Newmarket NH; m. Florence Nightingale “Flora” Rogers; resided Newmarket NH
Elizabeth-5 “Betsey” Cheswell, dau of Rev. Thomas-4 & Betsey (Eastham [?Eastman]) Chiswell, b. 12 Feb 1791, d. 13 Oct 1869 in Newmarket NH; m. Thomas Young of Newmarket and Durham NH. He was b abt 1790 in Ossipee NH, d aft 1860 prob. Durham NH.
Children of Thomas & Elizabeth-5 (Cheswell) Young:
1. +Joseph-6 Young, b 27 July 1811 Wolfeboro NH, d. 1881 Durham NH; m. Maria Langley.
2. +Thomas-6 Cheswell Young, b. 30 April 1815 Wolfeboro NH, d. 31 Aug 1887 Ossipee NH; he m. Abigail Alva Wiggin.
3. Albina E.-6 Young, b 1820 NH, d. 1890. In 1860 living with parents in Durham NH. Buried Riverside Cemetery, Newmarket NH.
*Maria Jane-5 (Chiswell) Dennett, Rev. Thomas-4 Cheswell, Wentworth-3 Cheswell, Hopestill-2 Cheswell, Richard-1 Cheswill [grand-daughter of Wentworth] was born abt 1815 in Newmarket NH and d. 3 March 1871 in Lawrence MA of consumption. She married 18 May 1838 in Salisbury MA [recs] to Horatio Dennett, son of William & Betsey (Morrill) Dennett. He was born 7 January 1814 in Salisbury [Amesbury] MA, died 21 Dec 1898 in Lawrence MA. He is buried in North Andover MA. At the time of his death, he was residing at 35 Vine Street in North Andover MA.
1870 US Census > Massachusetts > Essex > Lawrence
Dennett, Horatio 55 M W Carriage Manufacturer 9500/1000 MA
Dennett, Maria J. 55 F W Keeping House 2000/200 NH
Dennett, Horatio B., 21 M W Carriage Builder 250 MA
Dennett, Emma E. 20 F W House Keeper 200 MA
Children of Horatio & Maria Jane (Chiswell) Dennett:
1. + *Charlotte A.-6 Dennett, b. 9 Feb 1830 in Newmarket NH; d. 30 Dec 1910 in North Andover MA; m. 25 Sep 1853 in Salisbury MA to Samuel C. Jenkins. They resided N. Andover MA
2. Betsey-6 Dennett, b. abt 1836 Andover MA; d. 20 Oct 1854 in North Andover MA, of fever. Single.
3. Horatio M.-6 Dennett, b. 1845; d. 14 March 1846 Andover MA
4. + *Horatio B.-6 Dennett, b 15 May 1849 in Andover, Essex., MA.
William-5 Cheswell, son of Thomas-4 & Betsey (Eastham) Cheswell, b. 10 April 1797, d. 1822; m. 1821 to Mary Jane Wheron. She b. 6 Sep 1800, d. 23 Dec 1877.
Child of William & Mary Jane (Wheron) Cheswell:
1. +William Oliver-6 Cheswell, b. 4 May 1822, d. 21 July 1866 . He m. abt 1842 Mary Ann (Trask) Thompson. She was b. 15 July 1822, d. 10 Feb 1873.
Thomas Jefferson-5 Cheswell, son of Thomas-4 & Betsey (Eastham) Cheswell, b. 31 Aug 1799, d. 1854; He He m1) to Emily Burley/Burleigh, dau of James & Sarah (Bennett) Burley. She b. 1802 Wolfboro NH [per Emmas d rec], d. Aug 1827. He m2) Mary Jones. She b. 1802, d. 1834. He lived in Newmarket NH. He m3) Aft 1834 in Durham NH to Olive Chesley, dau of Lemuel & Lovery (Hull) Chesley. The 1859 Dover NH Directory shows: “Cheswell, Olive E. widow, house East Brick.”
New-Hampshire Statesman and Concord Register (Concord, New Hampshire), Saturday, August 25, 1827; Issue 14. “DEATHS. In Newmarket, suddenly, mrs. Emily, consort of Mr. Thomas Cheswell, aged 26.”
1850 US Census > NH > Strafford > Dover
Thomas J. Cheswell M 50 NH carpenter
Olive Cheswell F 35 NH
Emily B. Cheswell, F 22 NH
Mary M. Cheswell F 18 NH
Margaret Cheswell F 12 NH
Sally B Cheswell F 10 NH
Thomas E. Cheswell M 7 NH
John W. Cheswell M 4 NH
John A. Wingate M 42 NH
Abigail Wingate F 37 NH
Children of Thomas J. & Emily (Burleigh/Burley) Cheswell:
1. Elizabeth-6 Cheswell b abt 1827, d. 1896; who m. Aaron [or Allen] B. Osgood of Amesbury MA and resided in North Andover MA. He was b. 1822.
2. +Emily B.-6 Cheswell, b abt 2 August 1827 Newmarket NH, d. 29 March 1888 Dover NH, m. 22 Nov 1853 in Dover NH to John Wiggin Abbott
Probable Children of Thomas J. & Mary (Jones) Cheswell
3. Mary M.-6 Cheswell, b abt 1832 NH
Children of Thomas J. & Olive (Chesley) Cheswell:
4. Margaret-6 Cheswell, b abt 1838 NH
5 Sally B-6. Cheswell, b. abt 1840 NH
6. +Thomas E.-6 Cheswell, b. 28 March 1843 Newmarket NH d. 23 March 1923 in Manchester NH. He was living at 550 Lake Ave, 15 yrs residing in Manchester NH. He m. 22 Dec 1862 to Mary Frances Chesley, dau of –. She b. 18 May 1845 and d. 18 Feb 1871. They lived in Dover NH
7. John-6 Cheswell, b. abt 1846 NH
Joshua R-5 Cheswell, son of Thomas-4 & Betsey (Eastham) Cheswell, b. 25 Oct 1804, d. 27 May 1875; he m. 3 Nov 1827 in Salisbury MA to Mary Storey [int.]. She b. 24 Dec 1808 in Carlisle, England and died 3 January 1889 in Amersbury MA. He lived in Newmarket NH and later settled in Amesbury MA where he was prosperous in business and highly respected. His daughter Caroline’s birth record calls him “manufacturer.”
Children of Joshua R. & Mary (Storey) Cheswell:
1. +Robert-6 Cheswell, b 28 Sep 1830 Salisbury MA; d. 20 February 1902 in Woonsocket, Rhode Island.
2. Ann Elizabeth-6 Cheswell, b. 25 Nov 1832 Salisbury MA recs
3. Mary Jane-6 Cheswell, b. 4 May 1835 Salisbury MA recs
4. Caroline C.-6 Cheswell, b. 4 Nov 1837 Salisbury MA recs, d. 29 Nov 1842 of fever, age 5-1/2 years.
5. Margaret Eastham-6 Cheswell, b. 27 March 1841, died 23 January 1912, buried Mt Prospect Cemetery in Amesbury MA; She married Thomas Tufts.
6. Caroline Allison-6 Cheswell, b 26 Dec 1845 Salisbury MA recs
Moses Chase-5 Cheswell, son of Thomas-4 & Betsey (Eastham) Cheswell b. 10 Sep 1827, d. 20 Sept 1853 in Newmarket NH [NEHGS]; m. Sarah Rogers Sanborn.
Child of Moses C. & Sarah Rogers (Sanborn) Cheswell:
1. Chauncey C.-6 Cheswell, b. abt 1853 NH, prob died by April of 1883; He m. 8 Sep 1873 in Newmarket NH to Emma O. Mathes, daughter of Valentine & Nancy Mathes. [see] She married 2d) 2 April 1883 to William E. Hoskins, son of John M. & Susan Hoskins.
Charles Allen-5 Cheswell, son of Thomas-4 & Betsey (Eastham) Cheswell b. 1833, d. March 1879; m. Sarah (ROGERS) Cheswell, widow of his brother Moses Chase Cheswell. She was b. 1 March 1832 and died 20 October 1903. She is buried in East View Cemetery, Westminster, South Caroline. Only son: William Ernest Cheswell. Sarah died in 1903. [BIO in “Men of Mark in South Carolina“]
1870 US Census > NH > Rockingham > Newmarket
Charles A. Cheswell 35
Sarah R. Cheswell 35
Chauncy C. Cheswell 17
William E. Cheswell 11
Child of Charles A. & Sarah (Rogers) Cheswell:
1. William Ernest-6 Cheswell, b 11 Nov 1858 in Newmarket NH, d. 25 Dec 1922 in Westminster SC. In 1920 living in Westminster, Oconee SC, salesman for cotton Mill supplies. He married in — to Annie Jones, dau of Thomas & Mary Jones. She was b 1866 in Oconee Co SC, and d. 4 Jan 1956. Buried East View Cemetery, Westminster SC. They had one daughter, Mary Ernestine Cheswell She was b 6 Aug 1906 in Westminster Sc, and d. 21 Jan 1974. She m. 7 Oct 1926 to Julian Hubert Pruitt. The Pruitts had a daughter Joan Pruitt b abt 1934
Samuel aka Joshua B. Cheswell, son of Samuel & Sarah (Brackett) Cheswell, b. 7 May 1800 in Durham or Chester, NH. d. 21 Oct 1866 in Manchester NH [one source says he d. 1826 unmarried, but offers no primary sources for this]. He married 10 July 1823 in Brookline, Norfolk Co. MA to Elizabeth K/H. Plummer, dau of Isaac & Elizabeth (Kittredge) Plumer. [another source states m. 8 Sep 1823 in Londonderry NH] She was born 1798 in Londonderry NH and d. 8 Jan 1885. They are buried in Valley Cemetery, Manchester, NH. He was a farmer.
Children of Samuel/Joshua & Elizabeth K. (Plummer) Cheswell:
1. +Plummer-6 Cheswell 1824, d. 18 March 1905 in Chester NH, ae 80y 10m 14d
[his bio] [photo],.
2. Martha-6 Cheswell b abt 1825; d. 5 Dec 1854
3. Elizabeth-6 Cheswell 1830-1853
4. Maria Jane-6 Cheswell b abt 1832; d. 18 Sep 1845 Manchester NH
5. Sophronia-6 Cheswell 1834-1875
6. +Olive-6 Cheswell b. 22 April 1838 Londonderry NH; d. 1 Sep 1900 in Chester NH. She m. Nelson Gillingham
John-5 Perkins, b 1807, son of Daniel & Mary-4 (Cheswell) Perkins. He d. 1875; m) Hannah Brown. She b. 1816, d. 1889.
Child(ren) of John-5 & Hannah (Brown) Perkins:
1. +John Page-6 Perkins, b. 8 January 1839 New Market NH; died 15 Aug 1919 in Nottingham NH; m. 1878 to Eliza J. Watson. She b. 1855.
Mary Ann Wentworth-5 Hanaford, daughter of Bradley & Nancy/Anne F.-4 (Cheswell) Hanaford, b. 1810, d. 1866; m. John Wadleigh, son of Dea(r)born & Polly (Hayes) Wadleigh, b. 1806, d. 1873. Mary is buried in Meredith NH
1850 US Census > NH > Belknap > Meredith
John Wadleigh 43 Farmer
Mary A. Wadleigh 37
Laroy B. Wadleigh 16
Martha A. Wadleigh 13
John D. Wadleigh 1
Children of John & Mary Ann Wentworth-5 (Hanaford) Wadleigh:
1. Le Roi/Laroy B-6. Wadleigh, 1833-1918; m. Catherine Pollock;
2. Martha Abby-6 “Abbie” Wadleigh, b 1838, d 31 July 1864; m. George F. Bricket;
Buried Wadleigh Cemetery, Meredith NH. Attended New London Literary and Scientific Institution in Meredith Village. CHild: Frances Dell Brickett b 5 March 1860 in Antrim NH.
3. John Dearborn-6 Wadleigh b 1849, died 10 Nov 1871 in West Point, Cuming Co. Nebraska. Buried Wadleigh Cemetery. He m. 15 March 1871 in New Hampton NH to Emma A.G. Robinson.
4. Mary Ann-6 “Annie” Wadleigh, b. 8 Feb 1852 Meredith NH; m. 14 May 1878 in Clinton, Iowa to Frank Pierce Leffingwell, son of William E. & Celinda (Walrod) Leffingwell. . He was born 25 March 1853 in Lyons, Clinton, Iowa, and d. 23 April 1937 in Chicago IL. Buried Chicago. Children (1) Charles Leffingwell, b 19 Feb 1881 ?Iowa, d. 27 January 1948, Tucson, Arizona.
Mehitable-5 Smart, daughter of John & Mehitable-4 (Cheswell) Smart was b abt 1813 in Newmarket NH: d. 3 Oct 1849 in Newmarket NH. She married 30 July 1832 in Newmarket NH to James Wiggin Smith, son of Samuel & Elizabeth “Betsey” (Wiggin) Smith. He was born 23 Aug 1806 in Durham NH and died 26 April 1864 in Durham NH. He married 2nd) abt 1849 to Sarah —.
Children of James W. & Mehitable-6 (Smart) Smith:
1. Mary A.-6 Smith, b. 5 Feb 1834 Newmarket NH, d. 1862 Durham NH; married Horace M. Wiggin. Two children, Jessie and Charles Horace Wiggin.
2. +Orsamus Tinker-6 Smith, b. 5 Feb 1834 in Newmarket NH, d. 24 May 1915 in Saco, Maine. He married 9 July 1854 in Maine to Harriet S. Richardson
3. Mehitable E. Belle-6 Smith, b. 16 June 1848 Newmarket NH; d. 28 March 1930 Durham NH. She m. abt 1865 to George P. Doeg. Three children, Alice, Louis and John.
Joseph-6 Young, son of Thomas & Elizabeth “Betsey”-5 (Cheswell) Young was b 27 July 1811 Wolfeboro NH, d. 1881 Durham NH; He m. 1835 in Durham NH to Maria Langley.
She was b abt 1817 in NH and d. 1873 in Durham NH
Children of Joseph & Maria (Langley) Young:
1. Melissa J.-7 Young, b 18 Dec 1834, d. 29 Feb 1920 NH; School Teacher; not married buried Riverside Cemetery, Newmarket NH
2. Marie E.-7 Young b 17 Nov 1837 Durham NH, d. 28 Dec 1906 Newmarket NH of “La Grippe” (influenza); not married.
3. Edwin A-7. Young b 19 Dec 1840 Durham NH; d. 25 Sep 1914 Newmarket NH; he m. Elizabeth J. Drew. Child, Josephine M. Young-Tuttle (she b. abt 1877 Newmarket NH and m1) 19 Sep 1896 in Newmarket NH to Freeman E. Tuttle, son of Freeham H. & Lucy (Decker) Tuttle. He was b Aug 1869 in Newmarket NH and d. 22 April 1910 in Everett MA. She m2) 29 Sep 1918 to James B. Towle, son of George H. & Panthia (Tucker) Towle.
4. Frances D-7 “Fannie” Young b 1843, d. 5 Sep 1873. Buried Riverside Cemetery, Newmarket NH. She m. 29 Nov 1866 in Durham NH to Stephen H. Davis. He d. 23 Aug 1924. He is buried Riverside Cemetery. His occupation: butcher
5. Emma Josephine-7 Young, b abt 1847 NH; died 15 June 1867, aged 20y 5m. buried Riverside Cemetery.
6. Adelaide-7 “Addie C.””Ada” Young-Burleigh b 20 Jan 1849 Durham NH; d. 24 Dec 1920 in Newmarket NH; buried Riverside Cemetery Newmarket NH; m. 26 Jan 1879 in Dover NH to George Phineas Burleigh, son of Job H. & Miranda Burleigh. He was a blacksmith b April 1854 in Acton Maine.
7. +Charles Henry Hartwell-7 Young, 1852-1918
8. Joseph Frank-7 Young, b. abt 1855 Durham NH; d. 3 Jan 1907 Newmarket NH; Tailor, married Margaret E. Murphy. She b 10 Jan 1856 Ireland and d. 3 March 1923 in Exeter NH. Buried Riverside Cemetery, Newmarket NH
9. Fred H.-7 Young b 20 Nov 1857 Durham NH; d. 16 Jan 1927 Concord NH, aged 69
Thomas-6 Cheswell Young, son of Thomas & Elizabeth “Betsey”-5 (Cheswell) Young, was b. 30 April 1815 Wolfeboro NH, d. 31 Aug 1887 Ossipee NH; he m. 25 Feb 1839 in Ossipee NH to Abigail Alva Wiggin, dau of Andrew & Phebe (Durgin) Wiggin. She was b. 14 Feb 1814 in NH and d. 15 Oct 1895 in Ossipee NH
Children of Thomas-6 & Abigail A. (Wiggin) Young:
1. Phebe E.-7 Young, b. 1841, d. 1841.
2. Infant-7 Young, b 1842, d. 1842
3. +John T.-7 Young, b. 1843 in Kittery Maine; d. 17 July 1922 in Conway NH.
4. Edward C.-7 Young, b. 1844, d. 1868
5. Mary E.-7 Young, b. 1848, d. 1855
6. Henry A.W.-7 Young, b. 1850, d. 1855
7. Martha H.-7 Young, b. 1853
8. James Henry-7 “Jimmy” Young, b 21 May 1855 Durham NH; d. after 1910 Farmington NH
9. Abby M.-7 Young, b 10 May 1858 Wakefield NH; d. 19 July 1946 Ossipee NH; she m. 26 Oct 1890 in Ossipee NH to Charles G. Nute, son of Samuel & Olive (Watson) Nute. He was b. Sep 1849 in Wolfeboro NH and d. 18 July 1903. She is buried in Lakeview Cemetery, Wolfeboro NH. They had one child who died young.
Charles H/W.-6 Chapman, son of Joseph Y. & Nancy-5 (Cheswell) Chapman was b 5 June 1857 Newmarket NH, d. 11 March 1902 Newmarket NH; m. Florence Nightingale “Flora” Rogers nee Allen; resided Newmarket NH. He was a wood and coal dealer in Newmarket NH.
1900 US Census > NH > Rockingham > Newmarket
Chapman, Charles W Head W M June 1856 43 married at age 25 NH NH NH Wood & Coal Dealer
Chapman, Flora W F Feb 1857 43 married 25 yrs 4 ch, 4 living, NH NH NH
Chapman, Gilman D son W M July 1876 single
Chapman, Fred Allen son W M Nov 1882 17 single
Chapman, Lottie daughter W F July 1886 13 single
Chapman, Helen L. daughter W F Aug 1890 9 single
Children of Charles H/W-6 & Florence N. (Allen) Chapman:
1. Gilman Dame-7. Chapman, b. July 1876 in Newmarket NH. He m. 8 Aug 1900 to Florence (Chipman) Leavitt, daughter of Joseph Allen & Alice Mary (Dodge) Chipman. They had several children.
2. Fred Allen-7 Chapman, b 9 Nov 1882 Newmarket NH. He married 26 June 1912 in South Berwick Maine to Florence Vida Brewer. Had at least two children.
3. Florence M-7 “Lottie” Chapman, b. 1 July 1886 Newmarket NH
4. Helen L.-7 Chapman, b 21 Aug 1890 Newmarket NH; died Nov 1944 Lexington MA
*Charlotte A.-6 Dennett, daughter of Horatio & Maria Jane-5 (Chiswell) Dennett, b. 9 Feb 1830 in Newmarket NH; d. 30 Dec 1910 in North Andover MA; m. 25 Sep 1853 in Salisbury MA to Samuel C. Jenkins, son of Samuel Jr. & Mary Jenkins. He was born 1 March 1832 in Andover MA and died 28 March 1917 in Bowdoinham Maine. They resided N. Andover MA. In 1870 he was working in a machine shop.
1870 US Census > MA > Essex > North Andover
Samuel C. Jenkins 36
Charlotte A. Jenkins 37
Clara S. Jenkins 11
Samuel A. Jenkins 7
Horatio F Jenkins 4
Frank. Jenkins 1
Children of Samuel C. & Charlotte A.-6 (Dennett) Jenkins:
1. +Clara S.-7 Jenkins, b 1859 N Andover MA; m. 21 Dec 1877 in Lawrence MA to William Gile, son of John & Mary Gile.
2. Samuel Albert-7 Jenkins, b 16 July 1863 N Andover MA; m. 27 Apr 1892 in N. Andover MA to Mariah C. Flynn, daughter of Jonas & Christina Flynn. He d. in 1939. Buried Ridgewood Cemetery, N. Andover MA.
3. Horatio Frederick-7 Jenkins b 6 July 1866 N Andover MA. He married 15 Sep 1887 in Lawrence MA to Annie B. Nesbit, daughter of John & Rosina Nesbit.
4. Frank D.-7 Jenkins, b 17 March 1869 N. Andover MA; died 1943. He married Mary C. Nelson. Buried Bay View Cemetery, Bowdoinham, Maine.
*Horatio Bartlett-6 Dennett, son of Horatio & Maria Jane-5 (Chiswell) Dennett, was born 15 May 1849 in Andover MA [or 19 May 1847 per his masonic card] He died 15 February 1937 in Methuen MA. He married 25 December 1867 in Lawrence MA to Emma E. McNeil, daughter of John S. & Mary P. (?) McNeil. She was born abt 1850 in MA. He was a member of The Grecian Masonic Lodge, Lawrence MA. Occupation: Merchant. They lived at 35 Vine St. Lawrence MA. He served in the Massachusetts Militia as a Lieut.
Children of Horatio B. & Emma (McNeil) Dennett:
1. Estella-7 “Etta” Dennett, b 13 March 1869 in Lawrence MA. In 1930 living with parents in Lawrence MA. She died in 1935 in Lawrence MA.
2. Grace M.-7 Dennett, b 29 July 1880 in Lawrence MA, died 17 March 1978 in Methuen or Reading MA. In 1930 living with parents in Lawrence MA
William Oliver-6 Cheswell, child of William-5 & Mary Ann/Jane (Wheron) Cheswell, b. 4 May 1822 in Newmarket NH, d. 21 July 1866 in Boston MA . He m. 24 Feb 1842 in Boston, Suffolk Co. MA to Mary Ann (Trask) Thompson. She was b. 15 July 1822 in Boston MA, d. 10 Feb 1873.
Children of William O. & Mary Ann (Trask-Thompson) Cheswell:
1. William Thompson-7 Cheswell, b. 7 Jan 1843 Boston MA, d. 15 Feb 1906 in Boston MA; in 1891 the Bostonian Society announced gifts made in 1890: “Cheswell, Capt. W.T., A cannon made of the wood of the British man-of-war, “Somerset” wrecked on Cape Cod, November 1778.” m. 11 Dec 1883 to Millie Belle Avery, dau of Adoniram S. & Anna Ruth “Ruth Ann” (Newcomb) Avery. She b. 14 April 1865. [Avery genealogy]
2. Mary Elizabeth-7 Cheswell, b. 30 July 1845 West Roxbury MA, d. 3 March 1891 in Oxford MA; she m. 20 March 1865 George Wilkins
3. Amasa-7 Cheswell, b. 5 Nov 1847, d. 29 Jan 1859 Boston MA
4. Helen Maria-7 Cheswell, b. Sep 1849 Boston, Suffolk Co., MA; m. 18 Sep 1876 Isaac K. McClaren.
Emily B.-6 Cheswell, daughter of Thomas J.-5 & Emily (Burleigh/Burley) Cheswell, b abt 2 August 1828 Newmarket NH, d. 29 March 1888 Dover NH, m. 22 Nov 1853 in Dover NH to John Wiggin Abbott, son of Elisha & Harriet J. (Cate) Abbott. He was b. abt 1831 in Tuftonboro [per his son Lewis’ birth rec] and died 2 April 1931 in Dover NH. Resided Dover NH, Shoe manufacturer. 1870, 1880 living Dover NH. He m2) 21 Sep 1890 in Brookfield MA to Emma Kate Cook, dau of William E. & Emily A. (?) Abbott. She b. July 1853 in Sturbridge MA.
1880 US Census > NH > Strafford > Dover
John W. Abbott 49 NH NH NH shoe manufactuter
Emily B. Abbott 51 wife Keeping House NH NH NH
Ida A. Abbott 23 daughter at home NH NH NH
Mary E. Abbott 21 daghter at home NH NH NH
1900 US Census > NH > Strafford > Dover NH
John W. Abbott Sep 1829 NH
Emma K. Abbott July 1853 MA
Emily C. Abbott, May 1892 NH
Louis W. Abbott Aug 1894 NH
Children of John Wiggin & Emily B.-6 (Cheswell) Abbott:
1. Ida Anna-7 Abbott, b July 1855 NH; d. 24 January 1946 in Dover NH at the Wentworth Home for the Aged. Single. Occupation: Practical Nurse. Buried Pine Hill Cemetery, Dover NH.
2. +Mary E.-7 Abbott b 24 Sep 1857 Dover NHl died 7 March 1908 in Dover NH, m. 9 June 1890 in Dover NH to Martin Prescott Bennett.
Children of John W & Emma K. (Cooks) Abbott:
3. Emily C. Abbott, b. 13 May 1892 Dover NH
4. Lewis Norman “Louis W.” Abbott, b 12 Aug 1894 Dover NH; married 1916 to –; died 1921 Boston MA.
Thomas E.-6 Cheswell, son of Thomas J.-5 Olive (Chesley) Cheswell, b. 28 March 1843 Newmarket NH d. 23 March 1923 in Manchester NH. He was living at 550 Lake Ave, 15 yrs residing in Manchester NH. He m. 22 Dec 1862 to Mary Frances Chesley, dau of –. She b. 18 May 1845 and d. 18 Feb 1871. They lived in Dover NH [some info from The Wentworth Genealogy, by J. Wentworth, page 694] Thomas m2d) 22 May 1875 in North Hampton NH to Angela M. Davis, daughter of Andrew & Sarah Davis. She was b. abt 1846 in Alton NH and d. 15 Feb 1938 in Manchester NH.
Children of Thomas E. & Mary F. (Chesley) Cheswell:
1. +Betsey J.-7 “Bessie” Cheswell, b. 6 December 1868
2. & 3. two children who died in infancy
Robert-6 Cheswell, son of Joshua R. & Mary (Storey) Cheswell was born 28 Sep 1830 Salisbury MA; died 20 February 1902 in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. He married 30 June 1853 in Salisbury, Essex, MA to Julia F. Goodwin, daughter of John W. & Sarah (?) Goodwin. She was b abt 1833 in York, Maine and died 3 May 1857 in Salisbury MA. He married 2d) by 1862 to Marion Frances (Searle) Cheswell, daughter of John A Searle & Lucinda Thatcher. Born 22 July 1840 in Salsibury MA and d. 7 Oct 1913 in Amesbury MA.
Children of Robert-6 & Marion F. (Searle) Cheswell:
1. Robert Cheswell, born and died 1862 Salisbury MA.
Olive-6 Cheswell dau of Samuel/aka Joshua B.-5 & Elizabeth K. (Plummer) Cheswell, b. 22 April 1838 Londonderry NH; d. 1 Sep 1900 in Chester NH. She m. 25 Dec 1855 in Manchester NH to Moses Nelson Gillingham, son of Henry T. & Mary “Polly” (Nelso) Gillingham. He was b 24 Apr 1835 in Newbury NH, d. 11 April 1904 in Chester NH. He was a blacksmith. In 1880 living in Chester NH. [see his photo & more family genealogy]
Children of Nelson & Olive (Cheswell) Gillingham:
1. John Webster-7 Gillingham, 1857-1943
2. Myra Almira-7 Gillingham, b. 23 May 1859 in Chester NH, d. 28 Apr 1881. Educated in the public school and at Chester Academy and taught in Raymond and Chester NH.
3. Frank F.-7 Gillingham 1861-1881
4. Belle -7 Gillingham b 1863?
5. Joshua C.-7 Gillingham b 1866, d. 1901
6. George Ernest-7 Gillinham, b 1870, d. 1951, blacksmith; m. 28 Nov 1895 in Raymond NH to Susie Mary Green, dau of Addison & Ruth (Sanborn) Green. She was b. 27 March 1875 in Raymond NH, educated in the common schools of Raymond and the Raymond High School. She began teaching in 1892 and was a popular teacher in the Chester NH schools from 1898 to 1902.
7. Florence Arabelle-7 Gillingham, b. 1873, d. 1932
Plummer-6 Cheswell son of Joshua-5 & Elizabeth K. (Plummer) Cheswell was born 1824, d. 18 March 1905 in Chester NH, ae 80y 10m 14d [his bio] [photo He married 1st 18 Nov 1845 in Manchester NH to Eliza P. Wadleigh. They divorced June 1858 in NH. He m2nd.9 April 1879 in Manchester NH to Marion E. Carr, dau of Joseph & Clarisa M. (Blackmer) Carr. She was b 12 Sep 1840 in Springfield NH and d. 14 Nov 1903 in Chester NH. He was Buried Valley Cemetery, Manchester NH on 22 March 1905 Occupation: Machinist
Children of Plummer & Eliza P. (Wadleigh) Cheswell:
1. +Jane Lucinda Cheswell, b abt 1846 Manchester NH; d. 19 Sep 1899 Berwick Maine. She m. Freeman Tuttle.
John Page-6 Perkins, son of John-5 & Hannah (Brown) Perkins b. 8 January 1839 New Market NH; died 15 Aug 1919 in Nottingham NH; m. 1878 to Eliza J. Watson. She b. 1855.
Child(ren) of John P. & Eliza J. (Watson) Perkins:
1. +Ada Maude-7 Perkins, b 1 Aug 1889 in Nottingham NH and died 1 Apr 1943 in Boston MA [She was DAR#87215] She m. 18 Sep 1924 in Nottingham NH to Fred Carl York
Orsamus Tinker-6 Smith, son of James W. & Mehitable-6 (Smart) Smith, was b. 5 Feb 1834 in Newmarket NH, d. 24 May 1915 in Saco, Maine. He married 9 July 1854 in Maine to Harriet S. Richardson who was born in Nov 1832 in Nottingham New Hampshire, dau of Moses D. & Lucy D. (Weeks) Richardson, She died 5 Aug 1896 in Newmarket NH.
Children of Orsamus T.-6 & Harriet S. (Richardson) Smith:
1. +James Royal-7 Smith, b 31 July 1855 Newmarket NH, d. 4 Sep 1925 in Newmarket NH.
He m. 30 Sep 1874 in Newmarket NH toAnnie R. Stearns.
2. Hattie J.-8 Smith, b. abt 1859 NH
3. William Joseph-7 Smith, b. May 1862 Newmarket NH, d. 6 May 1946 in Biddeford Maine. He m. Emma Louise Bragdon.
4. Abraham Lincoln-7 Smith, b. 1864 Newmarket NH; d. 8 Feb 1893 in Newmarket NH. He m. Ida Ross.
5. +Lula May-7 “Lucy” Smith, b. 17 Aug 1866 New Hampshire; d. 6 Oct 1933 Kittery, Maine. She m. Newell K. Howe.
Charles Henry Hartwell-7 Young, son of Joseph & Maria-6 (Langley) Young was b 20 Nov 1851 NH and died 5 March 1918 Stratham NH. Occupation: Tailor. He married 31 July 1873 in Keene NH to Susan L. Hutchinson, dau of Abiel Prescott & Hannah Wells Gunnison Hutchinson.
1910 US Census > NH > Rockingham > Stratham
Charles H. Young 59 Head
Susan L. Young 64 Wife
Luella M. Young 29 daughter
Obituary, Portsmouth Herald newspaper 25 Apr 1936, page 47
Mrs. Susan L. Young a well known resident of the Christian Shore section of the city is today quietly observing her 91st birthday at the home of her daughter Mrs. John K. Dore, 370 Dennett Street. Mrs. Young was formerly Miss Susan L. Hutchinson and was born April 25, 1845 at Lempster. She was one of six children, three boys and three girls. The brothers died some years ago but the sisters are still living. Besides Mrs. Young they are Mrs. H. M. Parker of Newport, who will be 89 next October and Mrs. Ida L. Symonds of South Acworth who will be 85 on June 16. Mrs. Young is the widow of Charles H. Young of Durham, a descendant of Wentworth Cheswell who served in the Revoultionary War. For a number of years her husband was engaged in the meat and Provision business at Newmarket and Stratham. Since 1918 she has resided with her daughter in Portsmouth. She has two daughters. Mrs Dore and Mrs. Claude Cox of Auburn Maine. WIth the exception of her eyesight, which is somewhat impaired, Mrs. Young poseese all her faculties. She enjoys the radio and takes a keen interst in current events. She also enjoys taking autobmoile rides and visited her sisters in the southwestern and central part of the state as last as last fall. The Herald joins in wishing Mrs. Young many more anniversaries.
Children of Charles Henry-7 & Susan L. (Hutchinson) Young:
1. Lillian-8 Young, 1874-?
2. Anna Ethel-8 Young, b 26 June 1878 Newport NH, d 15 Nov 1962; m1) William Manter Richardson, an electrician b Lewiston ME; Child, Donald Edward Richardson, b. Auburn ME who m. Marjorie Lula Thurston dau of Arthur D. & Susan Estella (Sands) Thurston on 20 May 1934 in WOlfeboro NH. ANNA m2) 3 July 1919 Auburn NH to Claude William Cox, son of Edwin A. & Essie A. (Hobbs) Cox. She is buried Mount Auburn Cemetery, Auburn ME (2nd marriage for both)
3. +Luella Mae-8 Young, b. 8 June 1881, m. 17 Oct 1910 to John Knight Dore, son of Walter & Harriet (Thomas) Dore. She d. 20 April 1966.
John Thomas-7 Young, son of Thomas-6 Cheswell & Abigail A. “Abby” (Wiggin) Young. He was b 1843 in Kittery Maine and d. 17 July 1922 in Conway NH. He m. Mary Ann Thompson, daughter of Alfred & Sarah A. Thompson. She was b 26 April 1849 in Medford MA. In 1870 living in Newmarket NH, a clerk in a store. Civil War Veteran enlisting twice 1) 3 Aug 1867 Pvt Co E 13th NH Infantry; 25 Aug 1864 Pvt Co C 1st NH H.A. He m2d) 11 Dec 1884 in Exeter NH to Anabel Almira Small, dau of Orrington L. & Martha Q. (Hunter) Small. She was b abt 1849 in Bath, Maine, and d. 30 Nov 1936 in Conway NH.
Children of John T. & Mary A. (Thompson) Young:
1. Leona M.-8 Young, b Oct 1866 NH; m. Frank J. Moynahan. Children, Guy Edward,
2. +Sarah A.-8 “Seddie” Young, b. Sep 1868 Newmarket NH; m. 12 Nov 1889 in Lowell MA to Alfred S. Richardson son of Sylvester & Martha A. (?) Richardson. He was b abt 1865 in Lowell MA.
Clara S.-7 Jenkins, daughter of Samuel C. & Charlotte A.-6 (Dennett) Jenkins, was b 1859 N Andover MA; m. 21 Dec 1877 in Lawrence MA to William Gile, son of John & Mary Gile. He was b. 28 March 1849 in Andover MA, and d. 25 May 1916 in Bowdoinham, Maine.
1880 US CEnsus > MA > N. Andover
William Gile 30
Clara F. Gile 20
Herbert W. Gile 1 son
1900 US Census > Mass > Essex > N. Andover
William Gile 51 Head
Clara F. Gile 40 Wife
Fred W. Gile -9 son
George D. Gile 19 son
Clara C. Gile 14 daughter
Edward P. Gile 7 son
Children of William & Clara S-7 (Jenkins) Gile
1. Herbert William-8 Gile, b 11 Dec 1879 N. Andover MA; d. 30 Nov 1941 San Bernadino California (Mountain View Cemetery). He m. Mary F. —
2. Fred Warren-8 Gile, b 12 Sep 1880 N. Andover MA. Served during WWI. In 1920 living with brother Edward and Mother, a “disabled soldier.”
3. George Daniel-8 Gile b 18 Nov 1882 in N. Andover MA; he m. 13 Oct 1909 in N. Andover MA to Chastina Littlefield, dau of Edwin M. & Christine (MacAuley) Littlefield. Had issue.
4. Clara Charlotte-8 Gile, b 30 July 1885 N. Andover MA; she m. 5 July 1911 in N. Andover MA to James Joseph Tobin, son of Edward & Catherine (Gilson) Tobin. He was b. 24 July 1874. Resided Lawrence MA. He was a fireman
5. Alice E.-8 Gile, b 1890, d. 28 Nov 1891 N. Andover MA.
6. Edward Putnam-8 Gile b 11 Jan 1891/93 MA; d. 12 June 1932. Buried Bowdoinham Maine. He m. Margaret Blanche Chapman, dau of Martin Van Buren & Georgianna M. (?) Chapman. She d. 24 April 1964 in Topsham Maine. One child, William George Gile, b abt 1918 who m. Ottalie Louise Whipple.
Mary E.-7 Abbott , daughter of John Wiggin & Emily B.-6 (Cheswell) Abbott was b 24 Sep 1857 Dover NHl died 7 March 1908 in Dover NH, m. 9 June 1890 in Dover NH to Martin Prescott Bennett, son of George Prescott & Abby P. (Straw) Bennett
Buried Pine Hill Cemetery, Dover NH.
In 1900 living at 8 Milk Street Dover NH
Martin P. Bennett 44 Head b Nov 1855 NH, Truck dealer
Mary E. Bennett 41 wife
Angie M. Bennett 8 daughter
Alice L. Bennett 5 daughter
Eliza Pike 60 servant
Children of Martin P. & Mary E.-7 (Abbott) Bennett:
1. +Angelia Mae-8 “Angie M.” Bennett, b. 9 Sep 1892 Dover NH; m. 22 March 1913 in Dover NH to James Arthur Brown. son of Aleander & Charlotte (Barraclough) Brown. He was b 6 Jan 1881 in Barnesley, Yorshire England and d 30 Aug 1939 in Dover NH. They are buried in Pine Hill Cemetery, Dover NH
2. Alice Leigh-8 Bennett, b 23 Oct 1895 NH; d. 19 June 1985 Springfield MA. Buried Pine Hill Cemetery.
3. George A.-8 Bennett b & d. 1896
Betsey J.-7 “Bessie” Cheswell, daughter of Thomas E.-6 & Mary F. (Chesley) Cheswell, b. 6 December 1868. She m. George D. Batchelder, son of Charles T. and Adelia (Doolittle) Batchelder. He was born 21 October 1865. They lived in Manchester NH where he worked for the John B. Varick Co. for more than forty years.
[some info from Brown ancestors and kinfolk, by Thomas S Brown]
Children of George D. & Betsey J. (Cheswell) Batchelder:
1. +Roland C.-8 Batchelder, b. 4 December 1898; capt in the U.S. Reserve Corps, resided in Laconia NH. He was for a time in charge of Bear Brook Camp in Allenstown NH. A graduate of Dartmouth College. Principal of high schools at Stowe VT, Elizabeth NJ and Canaan NH. He m. 25 March 1922 to Jessie P. Hale, daughter of Edward B. & Florence (Crosby) Hale.
2. Doris A.-8 Batchelder, b. 14 Nov 1900; teacher in Manchester schools for several years.
Ada Maude-7 Perkins, daughter of John P.-6 & Eliza J. (Watson) Perkins, b 1 Aug 1889 in Nottingham NH and died 1 Apr 1943 in Boston MA [She was DAR#87215] She m. 18 Sep 1924 in Nottingham NH to Fred Carl York, son of Fred B. & Olivia J. “Olive” (Otis) York. He was b 30 Oct 1883 in Lee, New Hampshire, and d. 31 Dec 1948 in Durham NH. He m2d) 14 Aug 1944 in Candia NH to Nellie Mae Holmes.
1940 US Census > Lee > Strafford > NH
Fred C. York 56
Ada P. York 50 Wife
Frederich P. York 11 son
Jean P. York daughter 10
Mary D. York 86 Aunt
Children of Fred C. & Ada (Perkins) York
1. Son b 13 Feb 1926 Exeter NH, d. 15 Feb 1926 Eeter NH
2. Frederic(h) P. “Fred” York, b 29 Jan 1929 Exeter NH; d. 2017 Rye NH; lived in Nottingham NH. He m. T. Ann Veno. She was b. 1936. (Son, Kevin York.) A 1934 newspaper reported on him being a descendant of Wentworth Cheswell.
2. Jean P/D. York, b abt 1930 NH
James Royal-7 Smith, son of Orsamus T-7 & Harriet S. (Richardson) Smith was b 31 July 1855 Newmarket NH, d. 4 Sep 1925 in Newmarket NH. He m. 30 Sep 1874 in Newmarket NH to Annie R. Stearns, dau of George W. Stearns. She b. abt 1856 Whitefield Maine.
1900 US Census > NH > Rockingham > Newmarket
James R. Smith b July 1855 NH, Iron Merchant
Annie R. Smith 44 wife b Jan 1856 Maine
*Bessie A. Smith 24 daughter, b May 1876 NH
Lillian R. Smith 20 daughter
Ambrose J. Smith 15 son
Cora J. Smith 13 daughter
Royal S. Smith 5 son
Alvie S. Smith 39 boarder
Children of James R.-8 & Annie R. (Stearns) Smith:
1. +Bessie Anne-8 Smith b. b 16 May 1876 in Newmarket NH; m. 15 July 1902 in Newmarket NH to Frank L. “Franklin” Sinclair, son of James & Adelaide A. (Libby) Sinclair. He was b abt 1876 Brookline MA.
2. Lillian R-8. Smith, b Nov 1879 in Newmarket NH
3. Ambrose Jonathan-9 Smith, b. 2 July 1884 in Newmarket NH; m. abt 1905 to Alice Maud Fellows. Had issue.
4. Cora J.-8 Smith, b. 15 April 1887 Newmarket NH.
5. Royal Stearns-8 Smith, b. 7 June 1894 Newmarket NH; d. Sep 1971 in Newmarket NH. He married 16 Sep 1919 in Rochester NH to Lola P. Wilcox.
Lula May-7 “Lucy” Smith, daughter of Orasmus T-6 & Harriet S. (Richardson) Smith, b. 17 Aug 1866 New Hampshire; d. 6 Oct 1933 Kittery, Maine. She m. 17 June 1885 in Portland Maine to Newell Kimball Howe, son of John B. & Harriet (?) Howe. He was born 29 March 1863 and d. 23 Feb 1934 in Kittery Maine. He was a Mason and a member of St. Mark’s Lodge. Lived Newburyport, Massachusetts.
Child of Newell K. & Lula May-7 (Smith) Howe:
1. Lucy M.-8 Howe, b. July 1887 Newburyport, Massachusetts; m. 21 March 1916 in Portsmouth NH to George Leo Buckley, son of Daniel J. & Elizabeth (Walkenhood) Buckley. He was b. abt 1885 in Jamestown, South Dakota. In 1930 living in Kittery Maine with Lucy’s parents. In 1940 living in Braintree, MA. They do NOT appear to have had children.
Sarah A.-8 Young, daughter of John Thomas-7 and Mary A. (?) Young was b. Sep 1868 Newmarket NH; m. 12 Nov 1889 in Lowell MA to Alfred Sylvester Richardson son of Sylvester & Martha A. (Osgood) Richardson. He was b 29 April 1866 in Lowell MA, and d. 10 March 1934 in Lowell MA. He was a superintendent of construction. He was a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. .
1900 US Census > Massachusetts > Lowell
Alfred Richardson 34 Head
Sarah A. Richardson 31 Wife
WIlber I. Richardson 7 son
Philip A. Richardon 3 son
Children of Alfred S. & Sarah A-8 (Young) Richardson:
1. Wilber Sylvester-9 Richardson, b 13 April 1893 Lowell MA. In 1942 he completed his WW2 registration form, living in Alexandria VA, working at the Naval Gun Factory in Washington DC. He m? Lula –. He attended Cornell University.
2. +Philip Alfred-9 Richardson, b. 9 May 1897 Medford MA, d. 1 Feb 1961. He m. Gertrude Pattillo.
Luella Mae-8 Young, daughter of Charles Henry-7 & Susan L. (Hutchinson) Young, was b. 8 June 1881 Newport NH; d. 9 March 1970 in Portsmouth NH, m. 17 Oct 1910 to John Knight Dore, son of Walter & Harriet (Thomas) Dore. He was b in 1881 in West Alvington, Devon, England and d 1957. His occupation was ship-fitter and also fireman. He was a naturalized citizen. Buried South Street Cemetery, Portsmouth NH
1. John Knight-9 Dore, b 28 Apr 1920 in Portsmouth NH, and d. 1957. Buried South Street Cemetery, Portsmouth NH; He served in the 101st Airborn. He m. 8 Oct 1955 in New Castle NH to Priscilla May Chase, dau of Roy Brooks & Elizabeth Gertrude (?) Chase. She was b abt 1933 in MA.
2. Lucille-9 Dore, b 24 Feb 1922 Portsmouth NH; d. 5 May 1985 York, Maine. buried Indian Stream Cemetery, Pittsburg NH. She m. 31 Oct 1942 in Portsmouth NH to Frederick Seaward Page. He ws b 18 Dec 1916 in Portsmouth NH and d. 24 June 1993 in Pittsburg NH.
Angelina Mae-8 “Angie M.” Bennett, daughter of Martin P. & Mary E.-7 (Abbott) Bennett, was b. 9 Sep 1892 Dover NH; m. 22 March 1913 in Dover NH to James Arthur Brown. son of Aleander & Charlotte (Barraclough) Brown. He was b 6 Jan 1881 in Barnesley, Yorshire, England and d 30 Aug 1939 in Dover NH. They are buried in Pine Hill Cemetery, Dover NH
Children of James Arthur & Angelina Mae-8 (Bennett) Brown:
1. +Thomas Arthur-9 Brown, b 29 Sep 1913 Rochester NH, d. 16 Oct 1989 Dover NH.
2. Carl Prescott-9 Brown b 8 Nov 1916 Rochester NH, d. 5 Sep 1946, Kings Co. NY; buried Pine Hill Cem. Served during WW2 in the US Navy. In 1943 aboard the U.S.S. Cascade (AD16)
Roland C.-8 Batchelder, son of George D. & Betsey J.-7 (Cheswell) Batchelder, b. 4 December 1898; capt in the U.S. Reserve Corps, resided in Laconia NH. He was for a time in charge of Bear Brook Camp in Allenstown NH. A graduate of Dartmouth College. Principal of high schools at Stowe VT, Elizabeth NJ and Canaan NH. He m. 25 March 1922 to Jessie P. Hale, daughter of Edward B. & Florence (Crosby) Hale.
Children of Roland C. & Jessie P. (Hale) Batchelder:
1. Theodore Hale-9 Batchelder, b. 12 Sep 1923
2. Hugh Van der Veer-9 Batchelder, b. 2 Feb 1925
3. Robert Jonathan-9 Batchelder, b. 21 Nov 1926
4. Jessie Ann-9 Batchelder, b. 28 March 1928
5. George Roland-9 Batchelder, b. 25 Feb 1931
Bessie Anne-8 Smith, daughter of James R.-7 & Annie R. (Stearns) Smith, b. b 16 May 1876 in Newmarket NH; m. 15 July 1902 in Newmarket NH to Frank Leonard “Franklin” Sinclair, son of James & Adelaide A. (Libby) Sinclair. He was b 23 Nov 1875 in Brookline MA and died 15 July 1902 in Newmarket NH. He worked as a machinist.
Child of Frank L. & Bessie A.-8 (Smith) Sinclair:
1. +James Ambrose-9 Sinclair, born abt 1904 Newmarket NH. He m. 2 July 1927 in Dover NH to Eloise Lord, daughter of George T. & Laura (Fitch) Lord. She was b abt 1907 in Somerville MA
Philip Alfred-9 Richardson, son of Alfred S. & Sarah A.-8 (Young) RIchardson was b. 9 May 1897 in West Medford MA, and died 1 Feb 1961. Mason, member of Wm Sewall Gardner Lodge. He m. Gertrude Smith Pattillo, dau of Guy & Mary (Gaffney) Pattillo. She was b 25 Nov 1898 in Gloucester MA and died 14 Feb 1961 in Attleboro MA. He was a Lowell City Hall reporter and publisher. Asst night editor, and night editor of the Courier-Citizen newspaper. Graduated from Lowell High School (1916) and studied at the Lowell Textile institute. During WWI he served with the U.S. naval reserve forces. He was also editor of the Springfield (MA) Daily News.
1940 US Census > MA > Lowell
Philip A Richardson 42 Head
Gertrude Richardson 41 Wife
Patricia Richardson 15 Daughter
Pamela Richardson 5 Daughter
Children of Philip A.-9 & Gertrude (Pattillo) Richarson:
1. Patricia-10 Richardson, b 7 Feb 1925 Lowell MA; d. 21 June 1994; m.in Everett MA 14 Sep 1946 to Robert Merton Hayward, son of Harold E. Hayward. He was b 7 July 1924 and d. 25 Jan 1996. He was a Mason of Palestine Lodge, Eveerett MA.
2. Pamela-10 Richardson, born in 1934, died 2006; m. David M Lang. Buried South Chatham Cemetery, Barnstead MA. Attended Tufts University.
Thomas Arthur-9 Brown, son of James Arthur & Angelina Mae-8 (Bennett) Brown was b 29 Sep 1913 in Rochester NH, d. 16 Oct 1989 Dover NH. He m. 30 Nov 1946 in Berwick Maine to Lois Katherine Pratt, daughter of Omar L. & Flora Belle (Kimball) Pratt. She was b. 19 Jan 1916 in Berwick Maine and d. 22 Nov 1968 in Exeter NH. He m2d) 18 May 1974 in Lee NH to Jean Margaret Morrison, dau of Henry Bartlett & Elizabeth Bartelle (Brooke) Morrison. She was b 15 Dec 1934 in Fayette KY and d. 23 June 1990 in Dover NH He is buried in Lee Hill Cemetery
Children of Thomas & Lois Katherine (Pratt) Brown:
1. Carl TImothy-10 Brown, b 18 July 1947 Rochester NH, d. 21 Aug 2010, Rochester NH. He m. Janet Littlefield. Their daughter Krista-11 Brown m. Jeremy Whitcomb and have 2 children. [Obituary]
2. Nancy-10 Brown m. — Bascom
3. Antoinette-10 Brown m. — McClay
4. Katherine-10 Brown m. — Woodman
James Ambrose-9 Sinclair, son of Frank L. & Bessie A.-8 (Smith) Sinclair was born 8 September 1903 in Newmarket NH and died 11 October 1982. He served in the U.S. Army from 1922-1924. He m. 2 July 1927 in Dover NH to Eloise Lord, daughter of George T. & Laura (Fitch) Lord. She was b abt 1907 in Somerville MA and d. 28 Dec 1954 in Dover NH. They divorced 5 April 1946 in Strafford NH.
Children of James A-9 & Eloise (Lord) Sinclair:
1. Marie Lucille-10 Sinclair, b abt 1928 NH; She m. 3 June 1950 in Dover NH to William Paul Miller. She is mentioned in a 1934 Portsmouth NH newspaper article as being a descendant of Wentworth Cheswell and attending a plaque dedication.
2. Stanley Edward-10 Sinclair, born 15 June 1931 NH; d. 18 Sep 2001 Rollinsford NH. Tdu2 Us Navy Korea. Buried New Town Cemetery, Rollinsford NH.
3. John Bradbury-10 Sinclair, born abt 1936 New Hampshire; married 28 Nov 1957 in Dover NH to Marie Lorraine Desrosiers, daughter of Mathias & Jean Desrosiers. She was born abt 1938 in Massachusetts.
A Toast to Wentworth Cheswill, Honoring an Unsung Patriot by John Herman
In Newmarket, Calls To Put Up Statue of Black Revolutionary War Hero
Puget Sound Patriots Website; Black History Month 2015: Wentworth Cheswell
NC Wyeth: Paul Reveres Ride
Editor’s Note: this story is one that will never be quite done. I will add to the descendants as I have the time to research. Comments and additions are always welcome. JWB
Thanks for the terrific blog post, Janice. Realizing that it was quite long, I put it aside to read later, but since it was about my hometown I knew I had to read it. Later that month, I decided to write about the cemetery that was across from the home where I lived for 16 years on South Main Street. I knew nothing about it even though I had been fascinated by cemeteries growing up and to this day. I never really paid attention to who was buried there. I live in Wisconsin now and have for 40+ years, but Newmarket still feels like home. I looked it up on Find-a-Grave and was so surprised to learn that Wentworth and his family are buried there AND in the picture of the cemetery on Find-a-Grave my old family home can be seen in the background. Thanks again.
Howdy, I came across your blog here by accident and I am flabbergasted at what you did with it and your searchroots. Janice, you are truly amazing..My Google search for Joseph Hilton, turned up a phrase from your blog, “Joseph Hilton sold 20 acres of Land to Richard Cheswell ‘of the Hilton Grant’………And there you were. I am a descendant of Israel Hilton, Eldest Son of Joseph of South Newmarket (Newfields Village), whom is the brother in law of Jane Jose Cate. There were a lot of gaps with Joseph and his kids that I am trying to fill in, so I am looking for original source documents which illuminate his life events. I usually try to fill in the siblings but I did not know about Jane Jose or much about the Jose and Martyn Families. As you likely know, Joseph was married to Hannah Jose Adams Hilton, but she died in late 1713 or early 1714. Your blog appears to show that Joseph had a family reason for selling Cheswell the land. My last dates for him are maybe a ferry petition in 1750 and a 1751 unknown document mentioned by Holman I think. So you are a lot of help to me, in learning more, especially about Edward.Hilton Sr’s Land Grant of 1 Mile square of 640 acres. I am also interested in Info about Shipbuilding and Water related Industries in Rockingham. I have a copy of the History of Newfields, but I see no map of the Lots of the early 1630-1700, and no probate for Joseph. Janice, Thank you for the leads. Do you know where we can get copies of the land Transactions or deeds? Well Done, Jake Myers myersancestries@gmail.com My Tree is Ancestry – 2020CurrentRelink6996 Family Tree
Wow, great write up. I am the granddaughter of James Ambrose Sinclair & Eloise (Lord) Sinclair referred to above. I am fascinated with this history and researching this. Thanks for sharing.