A Toast to My Readers: New Year 2020

A toast to my readers, may you continue to have keen eyesight and discerning tastes.

A toast to historians, that you will offer insight into the past without embellishment and with proper credit and attribution to your sources.

A toast to genealogists, that you will discover at least one ancestor this year who inspires you.

A toast to bloggers, may your New Year be rich with blog fodder, and may you be gentle with yourselves when you goof off.

A toast to my family and friends, for health and wealth, and joy.


New Hampshire Tidbits: Old Toasts and Traditions of the New Year (2018)

100 Years Ago: WWI and the New Year (January 1918)

Not New Hampshire: President John Q. Adam’s New Years Day of 1827

A Happy New Hampshire New Year 1841

If Cows Could Make New Year Resolutions. . .

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5 Responses to A Toast to My Readers: New Year 2020

  1. Kathy Steckelberg says:

    Happy New Year, and thanks again for blogging about my great-great aunt, Elma Groves. My Groves cousins appreciated your research on her and the resulting blog post.

  2. Donna Dunn says:

    And a Toast to you! Thank you for your wonderful articles!

  3. Amy says:

    Happy New Year, Janice!

  4. Pat_H says:

    Thanks for writing your blog!

  5. Nadine Ferrero says:

    Happy New Year!

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