Two years ago I first wrote about the “Gold Star” Nurses of World War I–the women who sacrificed their lives during war time. I have selected from that list women who have not formerly been written about–or at least it seems their story is not easily discovered. I will also share their FACES with you so that their story goes beyond dates and places.
In this story I focus on:
. Frances BARTLETT, died Oct. 16, 1918, in France. Home: Andover, Maine
. Caroline H. CHRISTMAN, died October 6, 1918 in France. Home: Providence, Rhode Island
. Charlotte A. COX, died Sept. 28, 1918, in France. Home: Gormania, West Virginia
. Nellie M. DINGLEY, died 28 August 1918 in France. Home: Ashland, Wisconsin
. Helen FAIRCHILD, died Jan. 18, 1918 at Base Hospital #10, France. Home: Watsontown, Penn.
. Katherine E. GREENE, died Oct. 22, 1918 in France. Home: Philmont, New York
. Katherine HOFFMAN, died Sept. 20, 1918 in France. Home: Queen City, Missouri
. Alice A. IRELAND, died Feb. 3, 1918. Base Hospital, Unit #34, France. Home: Media, Penn.
. Miss Kathryne JOYCE, died Sept. 27, 1918 in France. Home: Pittsburg, Penn.
. Francis W. MOESCHEN, died Sept. 7, 1918 in France. Home: New York City
. Louise SEYMOUR, died Oct, 10, 1918, in France. Home: Middleboro, Mass.
. Margaret W. WORTH, died Oct. 23, 1918, in France. Home: Cresskill, New Jersey
=-=-=-=-=-=-= THE LOST FACES OF WWI NURSES =-=-=-=-=-=-=

Photograph of nurse, Miss Frances Bartlett, from a glass negative. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Div. Washington DC.
Miss Frances BARTLETT, died Oct. 16, 1918, in France. Home: Andover,Maine.
She was Frances Stearns Bartlett (though future documents show Frances Ellen Bartlett), born 15 Apr 1894 in Stoneham, Oxford Maine, daughter of Charles L. & Elizabeth “Lizzie” (Stearns) Bartlett. In 1917 when she completed her passport application, it gave these details: Age 22; Stature: 5 ft, 3 inches; forehead: fairly high; Eyes: Brown; Nose: Medium; Mouth: medium; Chin, Double; Hair, Dark Brown; Compexion: Fair; Face: Round.
Frances Bartlett served twice in France–the first time in 1917 with the Harvard Surgical Unit for the British Expeditionary Forces. The second time in 1918 as a reserve nurse with Base Hospital 115. She had been 3 months in France when she contracted influenza, and died from pneumonia on 16 October 1918 at Vichy, France.
Her obituary offers many details of her life. Oxford Democrat Nov 26 1918 Paris ME. DEATH OF MISS FRANCES BARTLETT. “Official confirmation has been received of the unofficial report received some days since of the death of Miss Frances Ellen Bartlett, a Red Cross nurse, at Vichy, France. The cause of death was pneumonia developing from influenza. Miss Bartlett was the daughter of Charles L. and Elizabeth (Stearns) Barlett and was born in Stoneham April 15, 1894. She attended the Stoneham schools and Norway High School, graduating from the high school in the class of 1911. She then entered Bates College, and studied there for two years, when she decided to train for a nurse, and entered the Massachusetts General Hospital, graduating in December 1916. Immediately she enrolled with the Harvard unit for service with the British forces from February to September 1917. After her return at the completion of her term of duty she remained in this country until January of this year (1918) when she enrolled with the American Red Cross, and after some months of service on this side, went in July to France, where she was stationed at Vichy. She is survived by her parents, at present residents of Andover, and a younger sister Elizabeth, [who went on to marry in 1926 to Charles F. Cummings] and by a number of uncles and aunts, and other relatives. She was a general favorite, intensely interested in her work, and a great many friends will feel deep sorrow that she had to make the supreme sacrifice.”
Various documents corroborate what is in the newspaper notice. The U.S. Military Travel Lists shows that in her second trip to Europe, Frances E Bartlett departed on 30 Jul 1918
from New York, New York aboard the ship Megantic a reserve nurse for Base Hospital No. 115. The Maine Military Index shows her again, on the roster of the Army Nurse corps, with these comments: Active serv: Jan. 12/18. Nurse. Assignments: Walter Reed Gen Hosp to Mar. 7/18; Mob Sta [Mobilization Station] to July 30/18; BH 115. Overseas: July 30/18 to death. Died of disease: Oct. 27, 1918.
Frances E. Bartlett was at first buried in France, probably near the hospital where she was working, and in 1921 her body was returned to the United States and buried in Hillside Cemetery, East Stoneham, Maine in May of 1921. The local newspaper announcement: Oxford Democrat 24 May 1921. Frances E. Bartlett. The body of Miss Frances E. Bartlett is expected to arrive in Norway this week .It arrived in Hoboken from overseas Saturday. The interment will be in East Stoneham. Miss Bartlett was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Bartlett of Andover formerly of East Stoneham, and a niece of Colonel Albert J. Stearns and Dr. and Mrs. Herman L. Bartlett of Norway. [the rest of the obit echoes the one posted at the time of her death]. Memorial services were held at her old home in East Stoneham, Nov 17, 1918.
Caroline H. CHRISTMAN, died October 6, 1918 in France. Home: Providence, Rhode Island.
Caroline H. “Carrie” Christman was born on 9 June 1879 at Fallsington, Bucks Co. PA, daughter of Edward & Phebe A. (Hirst) Christman /and/ granddaughter of John & Sarah Christman and Joseph & Abigail Hirst. The 1880 US Census of Fallsington PA shows her parents, Caroline (called Carrie) and an older sister Annie. [Her older sister Anna “Annie” Christman married in 1908 in New Jersey to William W. Whitfield and lived on Congress Ave in Providence RI. They had children: William W., and Robert C. Anna was buried in Pawtuxet Memorial Park, Warwick, Kent Co. RI.]
Caroline Christman attended the Fallsington PA schools and then attended and graduated in May of 1905 from the Training School for Nurses of the Philadelphia Hospital (a 3-year course). In November of 1911 the Philadelphia Inquirer includes Caroline’s name on a list of nurses who were granted licenses to practice nursing in the state.
In November of 1917 she was issued a passport, her home at that time being Philadelphia PA. At that same time the U.S. Consular Registration Certificate of 8 Nov 1917 shows details that she had previously left the U.S. on 4 Feb 1915 and arrived in Shanghai China on 24 Feb 1915 where she worked as a nurse at the Harvard Medical School. She was single. Her address in China was 7 Siccawci Road, Shanghai China. Her next of kin was W.W. Whitfield, 101 Congress Ave., Providence RI. [Harvard Medical School of China was set up in 1909].
The California Passenger and Crew Lists finds her sailing on the S.S. Equador from Manila PI Nov 24, 1917 arriving at the port of San Francisco on 3 January 1918. Address in US, c/o P.M.S.S. Co. San Francisco. [Pacific Mail Steamship Co.] The Trenton Evening Times, Jan 27, 1918 ran this article: “Nurse Declining $150 Purse for Duty, Gives It to Red Cross. FALLSINGTON, Jan 26.–The San Francisco Call has quite an interesting article relative to a nurse turning
a purse of honor over to the San Francisco branch of the Red Cross. It will be interesting to many to learn the nurse thus honored and honoring is Miss Caroline H. Christman, formerly of Fallsington, who has many relatives here. Miss Christmas has been in charge of a hospital at Shanghai, China, for some time and it was on er return trip that, owing to T.E. Covington, oriental representative of the British-American Tobacco Company, another passenger, suffering a relapse of typhoid fever, Miss Christman faithfully nursed the patient for five days and nights without sleep. The passengers, as a tribute, raised a purse of $150 for Miss Christman, who declined to accept it, saying she had done nothing but what any other nurse would have done under the circumstances. The money then, with the sanction of the contributing passengers, was turned over to the Red Cross.
Upon her return to the United States she prepared to be sent to Europe. On Sunday 9 June 1918 the Trenton Evening Times reported: FALLSINGTON [PA] Miss Caroline Christman formerly in charge of a hospital in Shanghai China, and later in California, together with her cousin Robert J. Clark and wife, the former of Camp Meade, spent last Sunday at the home of their uncle M. Wharton Hirst. Miss Christman was a one-time Fallsington school girl and is now awaiting with 500 other nurses the early call to hospital work in France.
On 12 June 1918, Caroline H Christman, a Reserve Nurse in the Army Nurse Corp departed the United States at Hoboken NJ aboard the ship Anchises, bound for Europe. She would never return home. She died of complications from influenza at the Hospital near Souilly, France on 6 October 1918. [Possibly she was stationed at Evacuation Hospital No. 6 or No. 7 that were in this location].
Caroline H. Christmas was at first buried near the hospital where she worked, and later her remains were removed to the Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery and Memorial in Romagne-sous-Montfaucon, Departement de la Meuse, Lorraine, France.
Her cousin, Robert J. Clark mentioned in a previous news release is mentioned aga in in the Trenton Evening Times of Feb 23, 1919. FALLS SOLDIER AT GRAVE OF HIS COUSIN. FALLSINGTON, Feb 22–Robert J. Clark of Fallsington, one of the boys who is still stationed in France, had a most unique experience upon a recent date. A strong desire to find and visit his cousin’s grave, that of Miss Caroline Christman, one of the nurses in a French hospital, who laid down her life for her country, had developed, but he had no means of locating it. Finally his division was ordered to sleep in the barracks attached to the very hospital where Miss Christmas had died, and he was then very close to the grave, which he visited. Miss Christman’s gold star lives not alone on the service flag, but in many homes in Fallsington, her birthplace.
Charlotte A. COX, died Sept. 28, 1918, in France. Home: Gormania, West Virginia
Charlotte Agnes “Lottie” Cox was born on 18 January 1876 in Martinsburg, Berkeley ,West Virginia. She was the daughter of James Edward & Margaret (Matilda) Murray Cox.
Several newspaper clippings give the details on her schooling and service. Baltimore Sun 9 Oct 1918 Baltimore MD. NURSE DIES IN FRANCE Miss Charlotte A. Cox Was Superintendent of Hospital Unit. Miss Eulalia Cox, of the Baltimore Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, on Franklin Street, received a cablegram yesterday notifying her of the death in France of her sister, Miss Charlotte A. Cox. Miss Cox was assistant superintendent of the Maryland University Base Hospital unit and went overseas with that organization some months ago. The cablegram gave no details of her death.
The Baltimore Sun of 17 June 1919 reported: “Among the Maryland Red Cross nurses who died in the service were Miss Charlotte A. Cox of Baltimore [and Miss Clara M. Orgren of Mount Rainier]. Miss Cox was a graduate of the University of Maryland Hospital, Baltimore, and was assigned by the Red Cross to emergency relief when the floods overwhelmed Ohio. When the United States went to war with Germany she was assigned to the Army Nurse corps. A much worn Red Cross pin to which is attached the “Storm and Flood” service bar was the badge of honor that bore eloquent testimony to the years of service Miss Cox rendered during the relief work in the Ohio disaster. She died September 28, 1918 at Base Hospital No. 42, while on war duty [of pneumonia due to influenza]. Her nearest relatives live at Gormania, W. Va.
She is buried in Plot F Row 1 Grave 25, Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery at Romagne-sous-Montfaucon, France.
Nellie M. DINGLEY, died 28 August 1918 in France. Home: Ashland, Wisconsin.
Nellie M. Dingley was born 9 July 1881 in Painesville, Lake Co. Ohio, daughter of Frank Weston & Kate L. (Dewey) Dingley. The Alumni Record of Painesville High School, at Ohio GenWeb states that following graduation from Painesville (Ohio) High School, she worked as the librarian at Carnegie Library in Kent, Ohio.
She attended Roosevelt Hospital (School of Nursing) in New York City and graduated with honors. “Roosevelt Hospital heartily joined in the project of sending what were called Mobile Operating Units down to the Front. Nellie M. Dingley’s name appears among the volunteer nurses. They reached Paris, July 4th, 1918. Post cards and letters came back without address or date. The last letter told of a ride on the Marne, in the moonlight, in a canoe, sent by a Canadian father to his son. He took the two nurses who had pulled him through pneumonia, to show his gratitude. The next day Miss Dingley was received at the
Field Hospital, dying there Aug. 28th of pneumonia. Burial took place August 30th, with full military honors, in the American Cemetery as Suresnes, twelve miles west of Paris, grave No. 488….An official notice from Washington, dated January 15, 1923 included Miss Dingley’s name in the list of nurses awarded the “Medaile d’ Honneur des Epidemies.” [Reconnaisance Francais].
The NY Abstracts of Military Records for WWI shows that Nellie M. Dingley was called into service as a nurse on May 14, 1918 From C.L. Her assignments were Gen Hospital #1 to May 24, 1918; Mob [Mobilization] Station to July 4, 1918. Cp Hospital #4 to discharge. She had served overseas from July 4, 1918 to death on Aug 28, 1918 of Disease. The person notified of her death wasMr. F.W. Dingley, 701 8th Avenue. W. Ashland Wisconsin. [this is her father]. Nellie M. Dingley was buried with honors at Suresnes American Cemetery, Suresnes France, in Plot B Row 5 Grave 8.
Helen FAIRCHILD, died Jan. 18, 1918 at Base Hospital #10, France. Home: Watsontown, Penn.
Helen Fairchild was born 21 Nov 1885 in Milton PA, daughter of Ambrose & Ada Louise (Dunkle) Fairchild. She had siblings Edwin D., Donald S., Christine, Blanche W., Hunter M., and Solomon L. Her U.S. Passport described herself as being 31 years old, stature of 5 ft 4-1/2 inches tall, broad and rather low forehead, dark brown eyes, regular nose, medium mouth, square chin, dark brown hair, freckled complexion and a round face.
In 1904 she was at Barnard College in New York City. By 1917 she has a nurse working at the Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia PA. That hospital was instrumental in setting up Base Hospital #10 in Europe where Helen Fairchild worked and died.
The PA WWI Veterans Service Cards shows the following: Helen Fairchild / Res: Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia PA / Nurse, called into service May 9, 1917 fro C.L. / Assignment. Base Hospital #10 to death / Served Overseas May 19, 1917 to death / Died Jan 18, 1918 Atrophy of liver / Buried 1st at Monthuon Cem De Treport France / Person notified: A. Fairchilds, Watstontown PA.
When the National Cemeteries in Europe were set up, Helen Fairchild’s remains were moved to Somme American Cemetery in Bony, France. Her Find-A-Grave listing speaks of her being subjected to poison gas, and that certainly would explain the atrophy of her liver.
She also has a cenotaph in her family’s grave plot in Watsontown Cemetery, Watsontown PA, at Plate 2, Block 31, Lot 19.
Katherine E. GREENE, died Oct. 22, 1918 in France. Home: Philmont, New York
Katheryne [Katherine] Elsefen Greene was born 27 June 1887 at Philmont, Columbia Co. NY [her NY Abstracts of WWI service shows her birth place as the same date in 1888 in Red Hook NY]., daughter of McHenry/McKenery/McKenry R. & Sarah (Vandemark) Greene.
Her obituary tells most of her biography and so I post it here. From the Hudson Columbia Republican newspaper of Tuesday, October 29, 1918, Hudson, New York. “MISS KATHERINE E. GREENE. A cablegram reached Philmont early yesterday afternoon announcing the death of Miss Katherine E. Greene from pneumonia in a hospital in France. Miss Green was a graduate nurse of the Post Graduate hospital of New York and early in the summer of 1917 she entered and served as a member of the Post Graduate and Princeton Red Cross hospital unit. She sailed from New York on the steamer Finland in August 1917 landing in France about September 1st. From that time on, she was a faithful and efficient nurse in a United States Base Hospital in France. Surviving her are her father R.M. Greene, and one brother, Claude of Philmont [who m. 1916 to Elizabeth F. Kelley], and four sisters, Mrs. Maude Schult and Mrs. Goldie G. (William H.) Beardsley, of Philmont, Mrs. [Flossie] George Schenk of Whitesboro NY and Mrs. [Lena M.] George W. Kenny of Wollaston, Mass. [Editor’s note: other siblings included Chattie N. who married 1884 in Red Hook NY to Arthur Van Beuschoten; Minnie who m. Phoenix/Phenix Shaffer; and William C. who married Lillian M. Bronk].
The New York Abstracts of WWI Military Service adds these details: Called into service: Nurse July 20, 1918 from C.L. Assignments: Ellis Island NY to Aug 7, 1917; Base Hospital. #8 to death. Served Overseas 7/17 to death. Died: Oct 22, 1918 Pneumonia. She was buried with honors in the Oise-Aisne American Cemetery in Fere-en-Tardenois, France, at Plot D, Row 7, Grave 1.
Katherine HOFFMAN, died Sept. 20, 1918 in France. Home: Queen City, Missouri.
Katherine Hoffman was born 11 Dec 1882 in Prairie, Schuyler Co. Missouri, daughter of John & Annie Mary (Arnold) Hoffman. In the 1900 U.S. Census, as “Catherine Hoffman,” she was living with her widowed mother, and siblings George, Henry and Samuel.
U.S. Military Transport lists show that Katherine Hoffman departed Hoboken NJ on 7 June 1918 aboard the ship Manchuria. She was a member of the American Nurse Corps assigned to Base Hospital #114. Her remains were returned to the United States from Bordeaux France, arriving in Hoboken NJ on 18 October 1920 aboard the ship Pocohontas.
The Book, “Maryland Military Men” provides details on Katherine Hoffman’s service. She was 35 at the time of her death, and had graduated from Johns Hopkins Hospital School of Nursing., Baltimore MD. She assigned on 29 April 1918 as a nurse in a Mobilization Station; to Base Hospital on 5 June 1918. To #114 Base Hospital on 2 August 1918. She was oversDeath Notes: died in World War service under honorable conditions.eas from 5 June 1918 until her death. She died of pneumonia on 20 September 1918 at Merignac, Department de la Gironde, Aquitaine, France . Decorations: Order of St. Sava (Serbian). She is buried in Germania Cemetery, Queen City, Schuyler Co. Missouri.
Alice A. IRELAND, died Feb. 3, 1918. Base Hospital, Unit #34, France. Home: Media, Penn.
Alice A. Ireland was born on 19 October 1883 at Media, Delaware Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of William H. & Annie (Hows) Ireland. Her PA WWI Veteran Card provides these details: She was called into service as a nurse on 23 November 1917 from C.L. She served at Ellis Island NY to 14 Dec 1917, then she was assigned to Base Hospital #34 to 9 January 1918. At that time she was assigned to Base Hospital 110 to her death. She was overseas in Europe from 14 Dec 1917 to her death. She died on 3 February 1918 of pneumonia. Her next of kin was her sister, Mrs. George Leaver of Media PA.
The following newspaper article tells a poignant story of her death and burial. CHester Times newspaper 1 March 1918. “Mrs. George Leaver, of Media, has just received two very beautiful letters from France, which touch upon the death of Miss Alice Ireland, a Media nurse, and sister of Mrs. Leaver who died in France, February 3, of this year after an illness of pneumonia. The letter from Katherine Brown, Chief Nurse, was a story in which she said that Miss Ireland was very resigned to her fate with perfect bravery. The Chief Nurse in her letter also tells of the burial of the Media nurse and how her grave was covered with sprays of flowers. The letter from John M. Groton, chaplain on temporary duty at the base hospital, to Mrs. Leaver is published in full below and it is indeed a very beautiful tribute to a brave American woman who crossed the Atlantic in order that she might give her services in aid to American soldiers. The letter is as follows:
“Feb 5, 1918.
Base Hospital 101 A.E.F. France.
“Mrs. George Leaver, Media Penna.
“My dear Mrs. Leaver:
You will already have received notice of the death of your sister from pneumonia in this hospital on Sunday afternoon, February 3, a few moments at 3 o’clock. She had apparently contracted a cold before coming to this base, and not long after her arrival here it developed rapidly till both lungs were involved. I saw her almost daily, and the last night before she died about 1:30 o’clock she asked me to come to her room to see her again. She knew how ill she was, but the anxiety which she had at first seemed completely to pass away, and to make room for resignation and a thoughtful solicitude for those who were ministering to her. From then on she began to sink and to grow feebler. At 10 o’clock Sunday morning I saw her again and realized that the end was not far distant: at five minutes past three she passed quietly into the new life. The burial was held yesterday afternoon, Monday, Feb 4. Miss Brown and Miss Leiden secured a suitable coffin for the body, and this was draped with the flag before it was carried from the room in which she died. The procession formed in front of the hospital. In the lead was the band from the 15th Infantry Regiment; then followed the firing squad from the 162nd Infantry, three chaplains, Chaplain Talbot, Chaplain Griffith and myself preceded by a cross bearer; the body born in an ambulance, on either side of which walked three nurses as honorably (honorary) pall bearers; the officers, of the hospital staff, the nurses, the enlisted personnel, and last of all a group of French women who work in the hospital. It was all most impressive. As the coffin was taken from the ambulance the band played “Nearer my God to Thee’ and as it was lowered into the grave “Onward Christian Soldiers.” After the burial service, the firing squad fired three volleys over the grave, and then taps was sounded on the bugle. Flowers were laid upon the simple mound marking the spot where the body rests. Later a cross or suitable head stone will be erected. I need not tell you how deeply we have all been affected by your sister’s death nor how greatly we shall feel her loss. I wish you might have been here to see that although far from home she passed away surrounded by those who loved her. It seemed to me that in her last hours her life witnessed to the great truth by which we must all strive to live, namely that it is sweet and beautiful to die for one’s country. Do not hesitate to call upon me, if I can be of any service.
Sincerely, JOHN M. GROTON, Chaplain on temporary duty at Base Hospital 101 A.E.F., France.”
The Trained Nurse and Hospital Review magazine Vol 60-61 shows the following: “Recently, “somewhere in France,” of pneumonia, Alice Ireland, member of Base Hospital 34 and graduate nurse of the Protestant Episcopal Hospital, Philadelphia PA, Class of 1910.” Alice I. Ireland is buried in Oise-Aisne American Cemetery in Fere-en-Tardenois, Department de l’Aisne, Picardie, France, A 30 23.
Kathryne JOYCE, died Sept. 27, 1918 in France. Home: Pittsburg, Penn.
Kathryne M. Joyce was born 24 March 1884 in Pittsburgh PA. [Editor’s note: I have been unable to determine who her parents were, however she had a brother Charles Joyce who was born circa 1878 in Pittsburgh PA and was a fireman. By 1900 she was living with James H. & Sadie S. Grose of Homestead, Allegheny Co. PA and their sons William J. and James P. She is listed as a 16 year old servant, and later in military records she names Mrs. James H. Grose, “a friend” as her next of kin. If you have knowledge of her and her parents, please leave a comment]. By 1910 she was 26 and living in the Pittsburgh Hospital’s nurse’s home, single noting both of her parents were born in Pennsylvania.
Her Pennsylvania WWI Veteran Service Files calls her Kathryne M. Joyce, a nurse who was called into service on 20 March 1917. She was at Base Hospital Camp Sherman, Ohio until 25 February 1918. Transferred to Mobilzation Station until March 24, 1918. Working at Camp Hospital 21 to July 13, 1918. At Evacuation Hospital #4 until her death. She died on 27 September 1918 of pneumonia. Her next of kin was Mrs. James H. Gross (referenced above) who was then living in Youngstown, Ohio.
Katherine Joyce, registered nurse, departed the United States bound for Europe on 25 Mar 1918 from New York City aboard the Mauretania. Her residence is shown as 641 Bryson St., Youngstown Ohio, next of kin, friend, Mrs. James H. Grose. She was assigned to Battery F. 65th Artillery Coast Artillery Corps.
The US Army Transport List shows the return of Katherine Joyce’s remains to the United States, departing Antwerp Belgium on 19 Jun 1921 aboard the ship Wheaton, arriving in Hoboken NJ on 2 July 1921. Details: Nurse Hospital Unit L. Camp Hospital 21.
Local newspapers in PA and in Ohio announced her death. The Plain Dealer on Oct 24, 1918 (Cleveland Ohio): NURSE DIES IN FRANCE. Youngstown Relatives Learn of Woman’s Death. (Special to The Plain Dealer). YOUNGSTOWN, Oct 13.–Miss Katherine Joyce, formerly of this city, member of the nursing staff of a unit sent to France by the Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburg, is dead, according to a message to relatives here.
It was while Nurse Katherine Joyce was serving at an Evacuation Hospital, south of Verdun, that she developed pneumonia and died, September 21, 1918. She was buried in a cemetery near the hospital, but her body was returned to Pittsburgh in 1919 where a military funeral was held at the First Presbyterian Church, members of the Unit acting as pallbearers. The Katherine Mae Joyce American Legion Post was named for Miss Joyce, in honor of the only Pittsburgh nurse to lose her life in France. — page 111, Camp Hospital No 21 in World War I by C.W.W. Elkin. The Arlington National Cemetery web site says she is buried there.
Frances W. MOESCHEN, died Sept. 7, 1918 in France. Home: New York City.
Frances W. Moeschen’s January 1917 U.S. passport shows her birth as 29 June 1890 in New York City. She was the daughter of Louis and Catherine “Kate/Katie” (Geyer) Moeschen, and granddaughter of Christian and Karoline (Wiegand) Moeschen. She had a sibling, Amelia C. Moeschen who married in 1924 to Albert H. Taddiken and died on 3 May 1945 in the Bronx, NYC.
The News Letter, Vol 2, American National Red Cross, Atlantic Division, stated: “Frances W. Moeschen, of New York City, a graduate of the German Hospital and Dispensary, served in the American Red Cross Nursing Unit that went to Austria before the United States entered the war. Sailing on the steamship Noorham February 6, 1917, she landed at Rotterdam and proceeded to Austria through Holland and Germany. She died at American Red Cross Military Hospital No. 5, September 7, 1918.”
The U.S. Military Transport List shows Frances W Moeschen departing on 14 Jul 1918 from New York on the ship, Baltic bound for Europe. Notes were she was a nurse for U.S. Army Base Hospital No. 42.
Additional details of her life and service are found in various newspaper notices and stories. New York Daily Tribune 10 Oct 1918 NY on p 12 reports: “Frances Moeschen, Red Cross Army Nurse, Died in France. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Moeschen, 539 Third Avenue, received word yesterday that their daughter Frances, a Red Cross nurse attached to a base hospital near Paris, died of pneumonia on September 7. Miss Moeschen was a graduate of the Nurses’ Training School at the Lenox Hill Hospital, formerly the German Hospital. When the call came for army nurses she was among the first to enlist. From Camp McClellan, Alabama, she went to France, where she worked indefatigably until her death. The nurse was buried with full military honors in a cemetery on a hill overlooking Paris.
Newspaper clipping from Find-A-Grave: “Frances W. Moeschen (class 1915, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York) September 7, 1918, in Paris, France. Miss Moeschen’s body was brought home during the last week of August. Miss Moeschen did private nursing until called for by the Red Cross to Camp McClellan at Anniston, Ala, where she remained until early winter 1917 to the summer of 1918. She arrived in France in August and was on duty near Paris until she fell ill with pneumonia, five days before her death. The alumnae association adopted resolutions in honor of her life in the service of her country, recommending that her name be placed upon the roll of honor, that a record of her life and work be made alumnae property, and that her memory be treasured.” [submitted by American Nurses Memorial, Bordeaux France] . Frances W. Moeschen is buried in Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings Co. NY
Louise SEYMOUR, died Oct, 10, 1918, in France. Home: Middleboro(ugh), Mass.
Nina Louise Seymour was born 28 July 1892 at Erving, Franklin Co., MA, daughter of Thomas Henry & Louise (Lee) Seymour. She several siblings: Mabel Lee Seymour who married in 1906 to Samuel Forrest Smith, son of Samuel & Rebecca Smith [probably others not mentioned].
On her 1918 U.S. Passport application Louise Seymour describes herself as being 25 years of age, standing 5 ft 3 inches tall, with an average forehead, blue eyes, thin nose, medium mouth, small chin, light brown hair, fair complexion and a round face.
Newspaper articles of the day provide additional biographical details of Louise’s life. The Boston Globe newspaper of 25 October 1918 reported: “MIDDLEBORO WOMAN, A RED CROSS NURSE, DEAD. MIDDLEBORO Oct 25–News was received here yesterday of the death from pneumonia of Miss Nina Louise Seymour 26, in Toul, France on Oct 10. Miss Seymour had been district nurse here several years and last year offered her services to the Red Cross and went overseas last Summer to take the work of special public health nurse about Paris. Miss Seymour was graduated from the local High School and also from a Boston hospital as a registered nurse. Soon after she took up the position of district nurse here filling it with great satisfaction. She is survived by her mother Mrs. Louise Seymour of Erving and a sister Mrs. Forest Smith of New Bedford.”
She was buried at first near the hospital in which she died. Her remains were returned to the United States when the war ended as evidenced by the U.S. Military Transport lists: “Name: Nina L Seymour / Departure Date: 3 May 1921 / Departure Place: Antwerp, Belgium / Arrival Date: 1920-1921 / Arrival Place: Hoboken, New Jersey / Ship: WHEATON / Military Unit: Amer. Red Cross Corps / Rank: Nurse / Service Number: 19996. She is buried in her family’s plot in Central Cemetery, Middleborough, MA.
Margaret W. WORTH, died Oct. 23, 1918, in France. Home: Cresskill, New Jersey.
Margaret W. Worth was born 17 November 1877 at Brooklyn, New York, daughter of Archibald & Elizabeth H. (Anderson) Worth. She had siblings: Elizabeth, Jessie H., Eunice, Archibald C., Frederick C., George F. and John B. In the 1900 U.S. Census she was living with her family in Palisades, Bergen Co., New Jersey.
The New York WWI Military records show that Margaret W. Worth started service at age 39, on 3 June 1918 as a nurse at Base Hospital, Camp Upton NY until July 19, 1918. In August of 1918 she traveled overseas where she served at Mobilization station until August 1918. From there she was transferred to Base Hospital 48 until her death from pneumonia on 23 October 1918. Her father, Mr. A.C. Worth of Creskill NJ was informed of her death.
Margaret W. Worth was probably buried near Base Hospital 48. When the American Memorial Cemeteries were built and organized she was moved to St. Mihiel American Cemetery in Thiaucourt, France, where she lies in Plot C, Row 17, Grave 6.
I have enjoyed your blogs on the American women nurses who died during WWI. My great-great aunt, Elma Groves, from Lodi, Wisconsin, was one of those nurses. I have some information on her and a very nice picture of her. Would you be interested in featuring her in one of your blogs?
Kathy, YES I would be interested. I will perform some independent research to see what I come up with also. My email is if you would like to send me her photo! Janice Brown, Blog editor, Cow Hampshire
Very moving to read these stories. I am forwarding to my alma mater Bates College about Frances Bartlett that the Muskie Archives would have this material. Thankyou.
Pingback: 100 Years Ago: “Gold Star Women” Nurses of World War I | Cow Hampshire
I am related to Kathryn Mae Joyce, and can fill in some info, if you are still interested. My mother was named after her.
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