New Hampshire WWI Military: Heroes of Hudson

Old postcard view of Central Street and Post
Office Square, Hudson NH circa 1910

When World War I was declared in the United States, Hudson like its neighbors, provided young men to the “cause”–70 in all [by my estimate]. They served in all branches of the military–army, navy, marines, and fledgling army air force. Three of them would not return, paying the ultimate sacrifice.

The folks at home carried on, doing what they could to support those who had gone.  The close-knit community of Hudson became even closer, supporting each other. Money was raised for Liberty Bonds, Food Conservation Gardens were created and utilized. With shortages of certain foods and some other resources, people made do.  Women contributed as much or more than the men did. If my story and newspaper quotes are lengthy, it is because I felt no one who participated in the work, both the heroes of the war, and those who recognized them at home, should be omitted.

2016 view of Central Street, Hudson NH (see
1910 view above).

The Nashua Telegraph of 7 October 1875, page 12 notes: “A group of Hudson women joined the American Red Cross and met in the well-lighted north east corner room of the Odd Fellows Building on Central Street, now known as the Veterans’ Memorial Building. There under the direction of Mrs. Ida Leavitt, Anna B. Clyde’s sister, these ladies made and donned their white flowing head gear with the Red Cross emblazoned on their foreheads. Bandages were rolled, socks, helmets and mitts knitted and hospital johnnies stitched.”

The Victory Arch on Main Street Nashua, NH. It stood from November 1919 to January 1920.

Upon the signing of the Armistice on 11 Nov 1918 “bells were run and whistles blown to joyfully celebrate the news” A White victory arch was built across Main Street in Nashua as a memento of “the war to end all wars” and recognizing all the soldiers of the area.

In 1922 the town of Hudson New Hampshire dedicated a granite boulder with a plaque, engraved with the names of the men who had served during the World War 1917-1919. It was placed at the southeast corner of Library Park (now called the Hudson Town Common). It reportedly cost $974.60. Also the ladies of the G.A.R. planted three maple trees to the memory of Merrill Spaulding and Leland H. Woods who died in service, and Carlton I. Petry who was killed in action.

There were two large celebrations to honor the Hudson NH World War I veterans, one during Old Home Day in 1919, and the second in 1922 at the dedication of the WWI memorial and plaque. Both of those events are detailed below, followed by biographical details of the three men who died while in service. It is obvious that both events were created with the efforts of so many in the town, it would be a disservice to not include all the details.

From: Nashua Telegraph, Nashua NH Wed, August 20, 1919, page 2,4]

Welcome Home Features Old Home Week Celebration–Congressman Wason Delivers Oration–Welcome by Rev. Mr. Bouton and Memorial by Rev. Mr. Honeywell

With most appropriate exercises, including an eloquent oration by Congressman Edward Hills Wason of this city the Old Home Week celebration in Hudson this year took the form of a “welcome home” to the young men of the town who had served in the military or naval service of their country during the World War.

The large tent on the common at Hudson Center, where seating arrangements had been made for nearly 400, was filled to overflowing, with the young veterans, who were the honored guests of the occasion seated on the right center of the stage. The exercises began promptly at 2 o’clock and before and following the program the townspeople enjoyed periods of reunion and sociability. Many of the sons and daughters of Hudson outside of the veterans were in attendance. The celebration was the first held in Hudson for three years, the committee foregoing the even during the period of the war, especially for the last two years of it, “until the boys should be home again” according to the statement of Arthur G. Andrews president of the Hudson Old Home association.

Library Park (now Town Common) in Hudson,
view from the southwest. [Town History
published 1911].

The morning program included a list of sports, featuring a baseball game, played by teams picked from among the war veterans of the town. At noon both of the dining halls at the church were filled by those in attendance upon the Old Home Week dinner, at which also the soldiers were guests, and which proved to be among the features of the event for which the townspeople are famous.

The Military band furnished the music for the events of the day and in the musical program which was offered gave numerous sketches of the famous war songs, dear to the hearts of the veterans of the World War.

In opening the exercises of the afternoon President Andrews spoke quietly and fittingly of the significance of the occasion for the re-union of the towns people, both as neighbors, and the coming back of those who had made their dwelling places elsewhere; and especially of its significance this year, when the event was taken to commemorate the abiding welcome back to Hudson of the young men who had gone out into the World War, who had served at their country’s call, and who had returned again to take up their duties in civil life.

Rev. T.C.H. Bouton [Tilton Clark Hall Bouton], following a musical selection, extended a formal welcome on behalf of the town to the returning soldiers. He prefaced his remarks by saying that when the late governor, Frank West Rollins, had put into concrete form the Old Home Week idea, he had a vision of the return to the granite hillsides of New Hampshire of sons and daughters who had gone out into the work day world to have achieved success in the varied callings of peace. He’s had not dreamed that New Hampshire communities would welcome back its young manhood who had gone forth to fight the great fight in behalf of human liberty.

Photograph of Library Park. Dedicated in 1911 it was the location of the WWI memorial.

He spoke of the young men as being in fact defenders of their homes, calling attention to the not generally known fact that had the German hordes been successful in overrunning Belgium, France and England, they would have invaded the United States, having perfected military plans for an occupation of New England, thus capturing the greatest manufacturing section of the country by landing an army at Newburyport and forcing its way up the Merrimack valley, before a single shot was fired in the World War.

At the conclusion of this beautifully expressed welcome, President Andrews read the names of each of the Hudson soldiers. Each of those present arose in his place as his name was called and each was received with applause. Each was asked to say a few worlds.

Hudson NH WWI monument on the
Town Common, dedicated in 1922.
Photograph courtesy of Richard Marsh.
Used with permission.

Lieut. Harry E. Emerson interestingly told of the experiences of his command, which included most of the Hudson boys who went over with the Yankee division. He spoke of the mud and rain which they encountered in “sunny France” and the difficulty of getting proper functioning of supplies from those “higher up” quoting an instance when the command found itself without shoes, though requisition after requisition had been send in. One consignment of shoes had been received but it consisted wholly of fours and fives sizes, each too small to be worn by any man up to the physical standard of a natural guardsman. He referred to his own coming home as being in part because of his age, he having served 25 years in the national guard when entering the world war service, and also he declared that as an officer he was not of the type of “Hardboiled Smith.” [Editor’s Note: Lieut. Frank H. Smith, “Hard Boiled” Smith, of Warren Co. KY was convicted of brutal treatment of American soldiers in Paris France during WWI].  Other members of the body of veterans also spoke briefly.

Rev. Roy J. Honeywell was called upon by President Andrews for a tribute to two Hudson young men who had not returned..

At the conclusion of his eloquently expressed memorial the veterans and the assembled company stood with bared heads while the band played the Star Spangled Banner at the conclusion of which Director Ralph W. Holt sounded “Taps” on the cornet.

A poem from the pen of Dr. H.L. Smith of Nashua must necessarily have a place in Hudson Old Home celebrations and the genial Nashua physician did not disappoint upon this occasion. Its rendition by his brother, Dr. H.O. Smith of Hudson, was prefaced by President Andrews, who read a snappy letter from the Nashua doctor, written from his summer cottage at Rye North beach, and the allusions drew forth applause and laughter. The poem will be published in a subsequent issue of the Telegraph [see entire poem in PDF format  from the Nashua Telegraph].

Congressman Wason declared it did him honor to be invited to address the Hudson World War veterans and paid a glowing tribute to the service and heroism of the boys who made up the four million of men of the American armies. The congressman made a hit by remarking also that his paternal grandfather had lived on Bush hill and that in addition to being a descendant of a fellow townsman of theirs, he had ever had many warm friends in the community during his years of residence and the practice of law in Nashua.

“No words of mine,” said the congressman, “naturally can be as interesting to you as the direct personal narrative of the doings of your sons Over There as you have heard them from the lips of Lieutenant Emerson.” In speaking of the hardships which the men had undergone Over There, the congressman referred to matters which had come under his knowledge and of the efforts which Congressman Burroughs and himself had made to get conditions rectified at the cantonment at Charlotte, North Carolina.

It was particularly fitting that the congressman before the assembled Hudson war veterans and their parents and loved ones take up the subject which had been introduced by Lieut. Emerson as the theme of his address, and he told of the efforts which had been made and are being made to probe every act of executive or other departments which tended to inefficiency and neglect. The officials who had the well being of our soldiers in their keeping and were inefficient and neglectful, he declared, ought to be brought to book, as had Hard Boiled Smith, now serving time in a New York prison.

The congressman declared that what the American people had wanted from its war department throughout the war was truth, and when told that so many hundreds of American made airplanes were really in France when as a matter of fact there were but a few airplanes of this country there, and those were made from parts purchased abroad, a needless and untenable situation had been brought about.

But in spite of the deficiencies some of which were natural to the enormous task which had been undertaken, the American army came through, four million soldiers were mustered into service, and the force of America’s mighty blow had fallen upon Hunnish militarism, at a time when the beaten English army was fighting with its back to the wall of the channel and French were weakened and failing. When the American army withstood the German dash at Chateau Thierry and Paris, General Haig was not making claims that the British had won the war, said the congressman.

As we look back, he said, we can see clearly that the Hun had murdered helpless women and children aboard the Lusitania. America should not have waited, but should have immediately considered that action as an act of war against the sovereignty of the United States, to be dealt with as such. Such action would have meant an earlier but no less substantial victory. If it is inevitable that if we carry law and order and peace into Mexico to replace murder, robbery, and banditry, we should go at once and in sufficient force to do the task speedily and well; go before the magnificent military establishment has been entirely taken apart.

The congressman closed with the declaration that the future of America, of himself and his fellow citizens would be safe in the hands of those who had carried the torch in Flanders field–much more safe in their hands than in the hands of slackers who remained at home.

As a fitting close to the program, the assemblage arose and sang, “America.

[Names in brackets are found on the official town memorial but not in the newspaper listing]

The following is the ‘honor’ roll of Hudson soldiers serving in the World War, compiled by Mrs. Julia A. Robinson who has most acceptably filled the office of town historian during the war period. For each of these soldiers there is a star upon the Hudson service flag. The total number is 68. Of these two are gold stars; for Harold M. Spaulding and for Leland Wood. Practically two-thirds of the list saw service Overseas. An unusually large number of them were members of Nashua companies of the National Guard when it was mobilized for service and went over with the famous Yankee 26th Combat division.

The list follows arranged alphabetically:
Adams, Lester F.
Arpin, Peter
Baker, Joseph A.
Baker, Reuben J.
Barrett, Alfred
[Bathalon, Joseph F]
Betts, Charles
Boyer, Alfred
Boyer, Edward J.
Boyer, Joseph
Brown, Wilder
Butler, Arthur W.
Campbell, Oscar J.
Chapman, Frank W.
Clark, Victor,
Crenner, John H.
[Crenner, Robert A.]
Cross, Willis B.
Dandley, Herbert E.
Emerson, Harry D.
Farland, Joseph E.
French, Harold G.
Fuller, Arthur E.
Fuller, Frederic S.
Gagne, William
Gaudette, Ouila J.
Groves, Reuben S.
Harvey, Leopold J.
Haselton, Merlon L.
Haselton, Page S.
Hastings, Eugene F.
Hills, Harland S.
Hills, Lyman W.
Hills, Orlando G. Jr.
Hill, Paul M.
Honeywell, Roy J.
Hopkins, Elwyn C.
Hunnewell, Ralph
Laquerre, Cedion A.
Larsen, Carl
LeClerc, Anthoine J.
LeClerc, Eugene
Merrill, Winn
Morrill, Arthur E.
Muir, Raymond D.
Myers, Edward C.
Parker, Edward M.
Parker, Fred W.
Peters, Wayne S.
Provencal, Eugene L.
Pyne, Leo C.
Renaud, Henri M.
Ricord, Amedee
Ridley, Mark A.
Robinson, Roger L.
Shepard, Basil W.
Smith, Albert E.
Smith, Deering G.
Smith, Victor H.
*Spaulding, Harold M.
Spinney, Forrest
Trufant, Arthur
Trufant, Ralph S. [Editor’s Notes: Boston Sunday Globe, December 8, 1918.  HUDSON N.H. Dec 7–Private Ralph Trufant, severely gassed, enlisted in the Nashua Battalion, which was merged in the 103d infantry.]
Walch, Roy H.
Webber, Charles E.
Webster, Paul G.
Wells, Arthur M.
*Woods, Leland
Young, Gilbert

Committees in Charge
Arthur S. Andrews, widely known throughout the state and prominent in grange circles and first president of the Hillsborough County Farm Bureau, is president of the Hudson Old Home Week association, and presided at the formal exercises in the marquee. Other officers of the association are, First vice president Henry C. Brown; second H.O. Smith, M.D.; secretary, Lillie Parker Smith; treasurer, John A. Robinson.

The executive and finance committee includes: Arthur S. Andrews, Henry C. Brown, John J. Baker and Frank A. Connell. The program committee included Mrs. Julia A. Robinson, H.O. Smith, M.D., Rev. Brinton M. Webster and Rev. Roy J. Honeywell. The location committee was Henry C. Brown, George F. Blood and John A. Robinson.

The fitting decorations for the occasion, which included the display of large American flags about the common at Hudson Center, and the display of the honor flag of the town and the Liberty loan flags, were arranged by Walter J. Harwood. The Victory Loan flag accredited to Hudson has not yet arrived. The others were displayed.

The dinner committee was under the chairmanship of Philip J. Connell and Mrs. W.C. Haseltine; Mrs. F.A. Hills had charge of the coffee; Mrs. Addie Smith of the upstairs dining room; Mrs. James Phillips, downstairs dining rooms. They were assisted by a corps of 25 of the young women of the town.

The committee on invitations was composed of Miss Gertrude Merrill, Mrs. Lettie V. Leslie and Miss Laura Joy. On Sunday there was a union service in the tent, the committee of arrangements for which included Rev. Roy J. Honeywell, Rev. Dirk Van Der Voet, Rev. T.C.H. Bouten and John A. Robinson. The reception committee included: Mrs. Lizzie Martin, Frank A. Cummings, Eugene W. Leslie, Irving Baron, F.A. Hills, Mrs. F.W. Spaulding, H.O. Smith M.D., Maria Groves, May Morrison, Annie Fish, Frank Connell, George Gowing, A.W. Haseltine and Linnie Andrews.

Hudson NH Town Center, photograph from the
1911 town history.

Old Home Visitors
Among the visiting guests outside of the service men and townspeople whose names were recorded in the guest book, in charge of Mrs. Maria Groves of the reception committee were: Mrs. Susan Martin Cutter and Mrs. Clara Cutter Jack of Lowell, Mrs. C. P. Campbell, Mrs. Hattie King, Mrs. Addie Wilber, Mr and Mrs. Warren G. Howe, Lester B. Flanders, Hon. Edward H. Wason, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Burtt, Miss May F. Spaulding, Mr. and Mrs. W. Warburton, Mrs. Julia Lovejoy, Mrs. Etta Kenyon, N.E. Jones, Mrs. Lizzie P. Marden, Mrs. Flora E. Burbank, Mrs. Dora I. Bundy, Mrs. Annie I. Jaquith Dorr, Mrs. Mary L. Colburn, Mrs. Nettie F. Page, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hills, William H. Page, Mrs. Charlotte Harris, Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Barstow, Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Randall, Mrs. Ida Hopkins, Mrs. Guy H. Woods, Mrs. G. E. Boles, Mrs. Frank W. Dustin, Miss Lillian S. Winn and Mrs. Gilman F. Chase, all of Nashua. Mrs. D.H. Camerson, Long Island, N.Y.; Rev. Walter Edgar Woodbury and Newton P. Woodbury of Lowell; Mr. and Mrs. George W. Kelley of Hollis. Mrs. H.S. Smart of Salem. Mrs. Alice Barron Talbot, Miss Ina Baron Talbot of Norwood, Mass. mrs. Martha Tilton of Franklin. Mrs. Sadie J. Spaulding of Salem Depot. Ralph S. True, Mrs. Bertha Winn True and Miss Lucile True of Sandown. Mrs. B.J. Shaffner of South Hadley. E.G. Morrison of Lowell. Mr. and Mrs. G.J. Brock of Boston. Mrs. Walter A. Wentworth of Brookline. Miss Carrie A> SMith of Pelham. Mrs. Minnie E. Bruce of Groton, Mass. Mrs. Ina B. Hammond of Portland, Me. Mrs. Evelyn L. Stoodley of Somerville, Mass. Mrs. C.E. Farnum of Brattleboro, Vt. Lawrence D. Nichols of Winchester. Mrs. Roy H. Walch of Swampscott Mass.

Sports and Notes
The program of sports in the morning was featured by a snappy baseball game played on Brown’s field between two teams selected from among the service men. Teams 2, Wells, captain, won from Team 1, Chapman, captain, by a score of 8 to 6. Chapman’s pitching and Young’s batting were the features, with double by Chapman to Smith to Robinson, and a triple by Parker to Smith, to Young.  The lineup and score:
Team No. 1 ……………… Team No. 2
Brown, c. ……………….. c. Harwood
Chapman (capt) p……. p. Wells (Capt)
Robinson 1st……………. 1st Young
Betts, 2nd ………………. 2nd Smith
Clark, 3rd ……………….. 3rd A Trufant
Lafance, ss ……………… ss Morrill
R. Trufant, rf …………… rf Parker
Reynolds cf …………….. cf Pyne
Emerson lf ……………… lf, Bagley
Umpire, Shepart
Innings…………… 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Team 1………….. 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 – 6
Team 2………….. 0 2 0 2 1 0 3 0 0 – 8

The pie eating contest was won by F. Chapman, and is considered a feat beyond not only the ability, but necessarily the capacity of nearly any human being, and certainly goes to prove that a fellow’s appetite sure does grow keen for something that he hasn’t been in the habit of eating in an army camp. This feature of the program came as a surprise to nearly everyone but inasmuch as it was nevertheless in keeping with the Hooverization plan, and that the shortage of sugar bore greatly on the amount of pie necessary, this feature came off when the service men had demonstrated to the satisfaction of Dr. Smith, that they had consumed their apparent limits. However, that was the time it happened, and while some of the men could eat but a very little pie, Chapman headed the list by “getting outside” one and one-half pies, with A. Wells a close second when he was forced by the law of inflation of saturation to quite eating and he helped out of the banquet hall after having stowed, as the sailor veterans express it, but 1-1/4. Notice readers, that Chapman, the chemist, showed much of the peculiar characteristic of our service men, stick-to-itiveness, in the pie eating contest, that he did when concocting poison gasses and getting them into “marketable” packages for the Huns at a cantonment outside of Baltimore, Md.

During the day applications were received for membership in the American Legion, and many who were at the celebration filled out and handed in their applications, to be handed in by Lieut H.D. Emerson. It has not been arranged by the executive committees to accommodate those fellows who were so recently enrolled, at the state convention in Laconia, to be held soon. These members are welcome, it is understood, but will have to make their own arrangements, and are urged to attend. Lieutenant Emerson desires that all men, either discharged from the service or on inactive duty, who intend to join the Legion, shall secure application blanks, fill them out and hand to him.

[From Nashua Telegraph, Nashua NH Monday, June 26, 1922, page 3]

Three Trees Formally Dedicated as Memorial
to Hudson’s Young Men who Paid the
Supreme Sacrifice in World War
Hudson, June 26.
With fitting and impressive service, bronze markers were set at the base of the three memorial trees planting this spring on Library park in Hudson, near the Soldiers’ Memorial boulder, in memory of the three young men of Hudson who are recorded as having paid the supreme sacrifice during the World War. These young men were:
Pvt. Leland H. Woods, died at Coblenz, Germany, Feb. 7, 1919
Pvt. Carlton L. Petry, killed in action in France, Nov 3, 1918.
Pvt. Harold M. Spalding died at Noyes Loiret Cher, France, Feb 21, 1919.

The trees were a gift of a member of the Abraham Lincoln circle Ladies of the G.A.R. in Hudson, as a special memorial recognition to the dead and it was under the auspices of the circle that the markers were procured suitable to designate each of these trees in future years, and the exercises of Sunday afternoon were arranged. The services were of a patriotic and memorial nature, and were featured by the attendance of representation including Commander Leo Declose of James E. Coffey post of the American Legion, the colors of the post, Col. William E. Sullivan, of this city, and representative citizens of Hudson.

Mrs. Amy E. Robinson, New Hampshire department president of the Ladies of the G.A.R. presided at the exercises which were opened with a dedication prayer by Rev. W.R. Pierce, pastor of Hudson M.E. church. Miss Mattie A. Vickery of Nashua read an original poem at the conclusion of which the company united in a formal salute to the flag. A quarter of little folk, Alzina Robinson, and Mildred, Edwin and Francis Parker sang, “There Are Many Flags,” following which Commander Declose made a formal address of appreciation representing the war veterans.

The woman’s choir of Hudson Congregational Church sang “Boys of the Old Brigade” after which Miss Alzina Robinson recited “The Little Wooden Crosses.” Mr. Vickery sang a solo.
Rev. Roy J. Honeywell,  former pastor in Hudson, and during the World War at the front as a Chaplain, gave the address–eloquently drawing the lessons of love and loyalty and civic virtue which the sacrifice of the war, especially those who paid the supreme sacrifice, had brought into our national life. His thought was that if those who were being honored themselves could speak, it would be a call for those here to stand fast for that which is right, and that which is idealistic in our own and in the other great democracies of the world. “In Flanders Field” was recited by Miss Vickery. Rev. Frederick C. Rolls, pastor of Hudson First Congregational Church spoke briefly about the significance of the occasion in terms of its being an expression of a fitting love and tribute from those a home to those who had gone.

While Arthur Burroughs sounded taps, the bronze markers were carried each by a youth and maid to their place, the three couples being Ned Spalding and Ruth Anderson, Morris Clyde and Arline Lougee, and Noyes and Grace Connell. The children then sang against an original song set to the tune, “America.” Mrs. Flora A. Wheeler, patriotic instructor, with Master Spalding, then gave a tribute to the flag. Master Spalding reciting the lines beautiful, and Mrs. Wheeler appearing as America.

Following the singing of “The Star Spangled Banner,” with Miss Inez Wheeler at the organ, by the company the benediction was pronounced by Rev. C.T. Reckle of Hudson Center Baptist church. Those of the Abraham circle who planned the event were Mrs. Hallie Prescott, Mrs. Florence Parker, Mrs. Ida Warren, Mrs. Flora A. Wheeler, Mrs. Amy Robinson, Mrs. Marion Andrews, Mrs. May Stevens and Mrs. Abby Sinclair.

Close up of Hudson NH’s Honor Roll for WWI participants. Photograph courtesy of Richard Marsh. Used with permission.

Heroes of Hudson NH
Died In Service During WWI


Carlton L. Petry | Private | Killed in Action 3 November 1918 | A.E.F., Co. F 302th Inf / Co. G, 319th Inf. |Unknown burial in U.S.| [1]

Harold M. Spaulding| Private| Died of Disease 21 Feb 1919 Noyens Loiret Cher, France | Co. A., later HQ Co., 14th Engineers (Railway) |Sunnyside Cemetery, Hudson NH |[2]

Leland H. Woods | Private | Died of Disease 7 Feb 1919 at Coblenz, Germany| USMC 95th Co., 6th Regt. 2d Div.  |Hillside Cemetery, Townsend MA  |[3]


Carlton Petry WWI Registration Card.

[1] Carlton L. Petry was born 19 Nov 1888 in East Setauket, Long Island, New York, son of Alfred & Louisa Mary (Van Nostrand) Petry.  In 1900 he was living in Oyster Bay New York with his parents and siblings, and in 1910 living in Brooklyn NY.   He had siblings Fernard M., Alfred M., and Phoebe.  His  mother, Louisa Mary (Van Nostrand) Petry Leahy  and brother, Fernard M. Petry  were living in Hollis NH, so Carlton probably either moved  from New York with them, or to be near them.  Carlton lived for a time in Brookline NH, but by June 5, 1917 when he completed his WWI Registration form he was living in Hudson, New Hampshire.  He was 28 years old, his occupation farming for Paul Butter of the same place.  He described himself as single, of medium height and stature with blue eyes and dark brown hair.  Separate entries for his departure and return appear in the U.S. Transport Records of Military Personnel.  He was of “Brookline NH” when he departed New York City aboard the ship Aquitania on 5 July 1918, as a Private in Company F, 302nd Infantry. His Service Number was 2724193.    Several non-official records state that Pvt. Carlton L. Petry was  killed in action in France on Nov 3, 1918.  He was probably buried at first near the battlefield, but later there is a record of his remains being returned to the United States about the ship, Wheaton, on 6 August 1921, from Antwerp Belgium to Hoboken, New Jersey. At that time the transport records say he was a private in Co. G, 319th Infantry.  Despite looking in various locations, I was unable to discover where Private Carlton Petry was reburied.

6 November 1920 Nashua Telegraph
newspaper notice on return of Private
Spaulding to the United States.

[2] Harold Merrill Spaulding was born 20 July 1889 at Hudson N.H. to Charles L. and Sarah B. (Merrill) Spaulding. In 1910 he was living with his parents and grandmother on Central Street in Hudson NH.  In the 1914 Nashua City (area) Directory, he is listed as: “Spalding, Harold clerk 247 Main h[ouse]. at Hudson.”  He completed his WWI Registration form on 5 June 1917 at the age of 27, at that time living at 16 Norwood Street, Everett MA.  He was a Locomotive Fireman for N.E. Gas & Coke Co. of Everett MA.  He described himself as single, of medium height and stature with dark brown eyes and dark brown hair.  The book, Gold Star Mothers of Massachusetts,  credits his service to Everett MA, and adds the following biography: “Spaulding, Harold M.; died 21 Feb 1919 in France of disease. Enl. 26 May 1917, E.R.C.; reported for duty 28 June, Co. A., 14th Engrs; trans 8 Oct to Hq Detachment, 14th Engrs.; 18 Nov to School for Stable Sergeants, Horseshoers, Saddlers, Wagoners, Packers, 1st Depot Div.; 8 Jan 1919 to Hq. Detachment, 14th Engrs. Overseas 27 July 1917….”  He is buried in Sunnyside Cemetery, Hudson NH.

[3] Leland Hartwell Woods was born 8 Feb 1897 at Hollis NH, son of Frank A. & Cora A. (Woods) Woods. In the 1900 U.S. Census he was living with his parents and younger brother George H. in Nashua NH.  By 1910 they had moved to Townsend MA.  He completed his WWI Draft Registration form on 5 June 1918 at the Ayer MA Town Hall. At that time he was 21 years old and stated he was a resident of Smith-Townsend MA.  He was employed by the B&M Railroad as a brakeman. He described himself as being of medium height and stature with blue eyes and brown hair.   Why was he claimed by Hudson? probably the following newspaper notice explains it: “Tuesday June 18, 1918 Nashua Telegraph, page 7. HUDSON–Leland Woods, nephew of Herman Woods of Highland Street, has enlisted in the Marine corps and left Saturday for his station in North Carolina.  The Gold Star Mothers of Massachusetts, page 360, shows: “Woods, Leland Hartwell, Marine Corps; died 7 Feb 1919 at Coblenz, Ger. of disease. Enl. 21 June 1918 at Parris Island; assigned to 95th Co., 6th Regt. 2d Div. [Overseas Nov 1918]. Born 8 Feb 1897 at Hollis NH, son of Frank A. & Cora A. (died 1906) Woods. Brakeman, Boston & Maine Railroad. His residence appears to have been Hudson NH.”   He is buried in Hillside Cemetery, Townsend MA. His Tombstone reads: Leland H. Woods 1897-1919. Priv. Co. D, 6th Marines, A.E.F.

[Editor’s Note: this story is part of an on-going series about heroic New Hampshire men and women of World War I.  Look here for the entire listing].


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3 Responses to New Hampshire WWI Military: Heroes of Hudson

  1. Pingback: New Hampshire World War I Military: Heroes of The Great War | Cow Hampshire

  2. Michael says:

    Congratulations to F.Chapman and his pie eating victory! I hope his descendants/relatives come across this anecdote.

    • Janice Brown says:

      Me too, Michael. That was Frank W. Chapman from the veteran’s list but just printed as F. Chapman since the entire town would have known him, I guess. This was one of my lengthier posts but I wanted to be inclusive and show how the entire town was involved. Thank you for reading and commenting!

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