Current Event: New Hampshire Caddie Camp Reunion September 11-13, 2015

In 2007 I wrote a story about Caddie Camps in New Hampshire. One source states that over 2,000 young men learned to caddie, and to golf this way.  Based on the comments to that blog post, many seemed to enjoy the experience, and have wonderful memories.

old time golferSomeone with a great interest in these camps, Michael Campana, recently wrote to me to inform me of a few things.  First, that his parents met at the old Maplewood Hotel in New Hampshire that used to run one of the caddie camps. Secondly, to let me know that organizers Frank Colvario, Robert Caggiano, Tony Wozniak, Gary Conserva, John Daly, James Daly, Carl Ameno, Gerry Brandi and Patricia (Tanso) Romano  have arranged for a reunion in Bethlehem, NH from 11-13 September 2015 for former campers and staff members of the North Bennet Street School caddy camps.

The NBSS school operated two CCs in NH – Maplewood and Lake Tarleton (Pike) – and three on Cape Cod. The NH camps were around quite a while. Michaels father, a Bostonian, attended the Maplewood CC from 1926-1930.

For those caddies, young and old, here is a link to Michael’s blog, and more information on this reunion.   Even if you don’t plan to attend this rare event, you could take a peek at his blog, and try to identify the young men in his photographs.  To get in touch with the organizers, see this web site.


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One Response to Current Event: New Hampshire Caddie Camp Reunion September 11-13, 2015

  1. Hi, Janice.

    Thanks for posting this – much appreciated! One correction: I am not one of the organizers, just helping to spread the word. The organizers are Frank Colvario, Robert Caggiano, Tony Wozniak, Gary Conserva, John Daly, James Daly, Carl Ameno, Gerry Brandi and Patricia (Tanso) Romano. See:

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