Mrs. Hannah Eayrs Barron, poet and writer, born Merrimack, Hillsborough Co. New Hampshire on 24 November 1809. Photograph from her book of poetry.
That we are yankees is first rate,
And natives of the Granite State;
We love this place as well we may,
So near the banks of Nashua.
By and by comes vacation,
Then we’ll have more recreation.
This term of school we’ve all enjoyed,
Our time it has been well employed;
We’ve learned to read and learned to spell,
And aimed to say our lessons well.
By and by comes vacation,
Then we’ll have more recreation.
We know our parents will be glad.
For we can count and we can add;
We multiply and we divide,
Much to the credit of our guide.
By and by comes vacation,
Then we’ll have more recreation.
We hope to shun all naughty ways,
And learn some new thing every day;
The hill of science we will climb,
As fast as we have strength of mind.
By and by comes vacation,
Then we’ll have more recreation.
So, maybe this example is not the best poetry you’ve read recently, but Mrs. Barron WAS writing about New Hampshire, and it seems like she had vacation greatly on her mind. Hannah (Eayrs) Barron was a descendant of the notable Eayrs family who were early settlers of Londonderry, New Hampshire. Her parents, William and Hannah (Foster) Eayrs had a farm in the Merrimack, New Hampshire area, and Hannah composed some historical reminiscences relating to her home town of Merrimack, and also nearby Nashua, starting about the year 1818.
A sample of her reminiscences:
“The store was over two miles distant. I heard that some ministers ask how much rum was sold in Merrimack. There were five taverns (no public house at that time had assumed the name of hotel) and there were few stores in the town, all of which dispensed the needful. His Reverence said the first deacon of the church, Deacon M—, who did more business than any store, sold twenty hogs heads of ardent rums, which he thought would not be more than one-third of the rum sold by the stores and taverns to people in town and what was carried out of town and sold to travelers. 60 hogsheads was the estimate. The first temperance lecture I ever heard was delivered in Salisbury by a lawyer named Kittredge, and a brother to the minister’s wife. Deacon M– who sold the twenty hogsheads of rum was considered to be of the most pious and benevolent men in the town, and he lived and ultimately became quite the richest man in town.”
“I have wandered from Dunstable village, and will now return. In 1818 there were no factories in town, and not more than five or six two-story buildings in the village. After leaving Tyler’s Tavern toward the North, there were no house on the East side of the road until you reached the house where Mr. William Eayrs lived. A house stood near where the Pennichuch br— East of the road toward the Merrimack river, then owned by John Harris, now owned and occupied by his daughters. The land East of main street, north of Lock street to the Laton farm was covered with forest until reaching the Greeley farm. One house stood on Railroad square, owned and occupied by Frederick French Esq. was where the oval is. When Mr. French sold out and went to Lowell, it was moved back to where the Laton House now stands, converted into the hotel, Central House, and kept by Mr. Higgins. It was afterward sold to James Cameron, who came from Canada and married at Nashua a lady named Dorcas Jewell.”
Hannah Eayrs Barron was born [24 November] 1809 on the farm in Merrimack built by her father William Eayrs in the vicinity of 105 Daniel Webster Highway. The building was later occupied by Robert Dean and called “Deancroft.” Mrs. Barron was engaged for many years in teaching school and published a small volume of poems. About 1885, she wrote out many “Anecdotes and Recollections of Long Ago.” She lived almost all of her life in this vicinity, dying at a little over 80 years of age.
William Eayrs b. abt 1670, removed from the north of Ireland to Londonderry NH, about 1718, residing on the English Range, engaging in farming and tanning, and built one of the first frame houses. In 1727 William signed, along with many others in Londonderry NH, a provincial oath to King George. This house must have been on the west side of Beaver Brook, for in 1736, town documents stated “the Constable for the westerly side of Beaver Brook is John Craige that lives between William Eayers and John Woodburn’s. William Eayrs died about 1742, age 72 and is buried in Londonderry with his wife Margaret.
Children of William & Margaret (?) Eayrs:
1. +William Eayrs, b abt 1700 in Northern Ireland
2. Christopher Eayrs (Airs), in 1727 along with other residents of Londonderry NH, took the oath of loyalty to King George. In 1768, possibly a son of this man, also named Christopher was residing in Londonderry NH where he was among a group who signed a petition in September of that year; listed on the roll of NH soldiers at the battle of Bennington August 16, 1777, private from Acworth NH, Hobart’s Regiment, Walker’s Company
3. Mary Eayrs
4. James Eayrs
5. Samuel Eayrs, possibly the Samuel Eayrs who signed Londonderry’s association test on 24 June 1776.
6. Francis Eayrs
William Eayrs, son of William Eayrs of Northern Ireland and Londonderry NH was b. abt 1700 in Northern Ireland, and came to the American colonies with his parents. He married Jeannette “Jean” “Gennette” Caldwell, daughter of Joseph Caldwell, a Scotchman. On 7th of 9th month 1727 he signed his oath of true allegiance to His Majesty King George, in Londonderry NH. In 1734 William Eayers Jr. was selected one of the “fence veiwer and prizers” (sic) by his fellows townsmen. In 1746/7 he was appointed Town “Counstable. From Probate records of the Province of NH, by Albert Stillman Batchellor, page 182: “WILLIAM AYERS 1761 LONDONDERRY: “In the Name of God amene on the twintey ninth Day of July In the year one thousand Seven hundred and Sixtey and one I william Eayers of Londonderry In the provence of New Hampshire In New england being weake In bodey * * *. It ame my will is that my bloved wife Jennate Eayrs shall hauve the one third part of all my howshold Goods to hir and hir assigns forever with the use of the Remaning part of my Howsshold Goods During hir natural Life to be paid out of my Reail Estate with the use of the third part of my Reial Estate During Life. It ame my will is that my Son Joseph Eayrs shall be paid out of my Estate Sixtey pounds starling or pasabel Bills of Said province Equal thereto besids what he hath alredy Gotte. I tame I Give and Bequeth to my belovid Son william Eayrs to be paid out of my Estate the Sum of twinty pounds starling or bills of Cridete of Said prvince Equall thereto Bsids what he hath alredy Gote. It ame I Give and bequeth to my beloved Son James Eayrs to be paid out of my estate the sum of Eight pounds starling or bills of Cridet of Said province equal therto besides what he hath alredy Gotte. It ame I Give and bequith to my blovid Doughter aagnes Eayrs to be paid out of my estate the Sum of nin hundred pownds old tenor or thirtey six pounds starling besids what beding and Cloaths and Chist of Draurs she health alredy Gotte. Itame I Give and bequith to my blovid son Thomas MacLaughlan the Sum of Sixten pounds Starling tenor equal there unto. Itame I Give and bequith to my Dought margret macLaughlan wife to thomas MacGlachan sixten pounds starling or old tenor equal thereto to hir and hir assigns forever. Itame I Give and bequith to my bloved Doughter Junate Eayrs to be paid out of my estate the sum of forty eight pounds Starling or old tenor equal there unto. Itame I give and bequith to my beloved Doughter Sarah Eayrs the sum of fiftey two pounds starling or old tenor equall ther unto to be paid out of my estate. Itame my will is that In Case that my estate should be more then I have alredy bequethed; then and In that Case it must be Divided amonest my Sons and Doughters according to the sum Lift them and In Case it should fall short then to be Impaired accordingly. And my will is that my three Sons above mentioned to witte Joseph william and James Eayrs should be exacters * * * (signed William Eayrs, Witnesses Samuel Barr, John Crombie Jr., James Crombie) It was proved 2 March 1762. Inventory on Nov 10, 1762 amount of L6466. 6. 0 signed by Thomas Wilson and James Ramsey. They had ten children, but only those who reached maturity are listed below.
Children of William & Jeannette (Calwell) Eayrs:
1. +Joseph Eayrs, b. 4 Nov 1728 in Londonderry NH
2. William Eayrs, b. 24 Sep 1729 Londonderry NH; probably the William Eayrs on Merrimack NH 1787 Tax List, District 4. This William Eayers is probably the one who signed the oath of allegiance in Londonderry NH on June 24, 1776.
3. James Eayrs, b abt 1731 Londonderry NH; ?m. Janet, and had son William b. 5 Apr 1765 in Londonderry NH. This is probably the James Eayres who signed the oath of allegiance in Londonderry NH 24 June 1776, along with his brother William.
4. Thomas Eayrs, mentioned in father’s will in 1762.
5. John Eayrs, died young (not mentioned in father’s will of 1762)
6. Margaret “Peggy” Eayrs; m. Thomas MacLaughlan/MacGlachan; mentioned in her father’s will in 1762.
7. Agnes Eayrs (not mentioned in father’s will in 1762)
8. Jeannette Eayrs, b abt 1738 Londonderry NH; m. abt 1762 in Londonderry NH to John Caldwell. Two sons, John and Alexander Caldwell.
9. Sarah Eayrs, died young unm.
Joseph EAYRS, son of William & Jennette (Caldwell) Eayrs, was b. 4 Nov 1728 in Londonderry NH and d. 7 Feb 1798 in Nashua NH. He married 28 July 1755 [or 1752] in Hudson NH to Bridget Coburn, dau of Oliver & Lucy (Bowers) Coburn. She was b. 11 Dec 1736 in Dunstable MA and d. April 1811 [another source says she died at her sons house in 1822]. He served Merrimack NH as Surveyor of Highway and in 1787 paid a tax in the 1st District. In 1776 he was chosen Delegate to the County Conference, and also one of the Committee of Safety. In 1778 he was one of a group of 11 elected to attend the state’s Constitutional Convention. [see page 177, History of the old township of Dunstable: including….etc, by C.T. Gill, Nashua, 1846]. Joseph Eayrs bought a farm in the south part of Dunstable, now Nashua, New Hampshire, where he built a house about fifty rods from the Massachusetts line. The frame of the house was hewn from the primitive growth of trees and very massive.The house is painted red and is two stories in front, and one in the rear. There is a large willow tree west of the house which has been there more than a hundred years. It’s history is told as follows: Before Hillsboro County was incorporated, which must be in 1771, the inhabitants of Dunstable had to attend County at Cambridge, Massachusetts line. Joseph Eayrs had business to attend Court at that place. He had no alternative but to walk as there was no public conveyance. To aid him in the walk, he cut a small limb from a willow tree by the roadside for a staff. After arriving home, he went into the yard at the west of the house and drove it into the ground, remarking as he did so, “You have done me good service, now stay there and grow.” It took root and grew, becoming a very large tree. History of the Old Township of Dunstable including Nashua, Nashville, Hollis, Hudson, Litchfield and Merrimac, NH; Dunstable and Tyngsborough, MA” by Charles J. Fox, 1846, records Joseph Ayers, delegate to the Revolutionary Convention at Exeter, NH, April, 1775. In May, 1775, Joseph Ayers and Noah Lovewell were delegates to the Revolutionary Convention at Exeter, NH.NAME NAME PROBATE OF JOSEPH EAYERS–“State of New Hampshire, Ebenezer Champney, Esquire, Judge of the Probate of Wills, &c. for said County, To all to whom these presents shall come, sendeth greeting. Whereas the real estate of JOSEPH EAYERS (in widow’s third excepted) late of Dunstable in said County, deceased, hath been reviewed in order for a division and settlement thereof among the heirs at law of the said deceased, and the committee for that purpose appointed, having reported the same in their __eturn described the _________ _________ these so being hers, to be incapable of a division, without great prejudice to or spoiling the whole, and appraised the same at the sum of two thousand four hundred and fifty six dollars Joseph Eayers eldest son of said deceased, appearing and praying to have the premises settled upon him at the aforesaid valuation: Now, therefore, know ye, that I the said Judge, do by these presents order, assign, and decree unto the said Joseph the above valued premises, to hold to him, his heirs and assigns forever, he the said assignee paying to the co-heirs, or giving good security in the Probate Office to pay, their proportionable shares of the above value as follows, viz. to BRIDGETE AYERS, FRANCIS DAVIDSON & JENNET HIS WIFE IN HER RIGHT, SAMUEL MC KEEN & SARAH HIS WIFE IN HER RIGHT, WILLIAM EAYERS, JOHN EAYERS, EPHRAIM MC KEEN AND LUCIA HIS WIFE IN HER RIGHT, REBECCA EAYERS, MARIA EAYERS, JAMES EAYERS, (written in above the next line which starts with Eayers {being James Eayers} is the sum of two hundred four dollars____ _____ _____ _____ _____and then continues
Children of Joseph & Bridget (Coburn) Eayrs: [*indicates mentioned in Merrimack records]
1. Thomas Eayrs, died in infancy
2. Joseph Eayrs, b. 25 Sep 1755 in Dunstable, Hillsborough Co. NH, d. 31 May 1756, age 8 mo 8 days
3. Oliver Eayrs, b. 18 Apr 1757 in Dunstable NH, d. 26 Dec 1757
4. Bridget Eayrs, b. 30 Apr 1758 Dunstable NH
5. *Joseph Eayrs, b. 5 Jan 1760 in Dunstable NH; m. 5 Jan 1791 in Belfast ME to Keziah McKean/McKeen. She died 5 March 1829, age 58 in Belfast ME.
6. *Jannet Eayrs, b. 23 Apr 1761 in NH; m. 1 Dec 1781 in Merrimack NH to Francis Davidson [Merr recs say Thomas Davidson]
7. *Sarah Eayrs, b. 28 Sep 1762 Dunstable, Hillsborough Co NH; m. 1 Dec 1781 in Merrimack NH to Ephraim McKean
8. +*William Eayrs, b. 23 June 1764 NH; d. 26 March 1846
9. *John Eayrs, b. Dec 1765 in NH
10. Lucia [Lucia] Eayrs, b. Dec 1767 Merrimac, NH; m. 1 Dec 1781 in Merrimack NH to Ephraim McKean; had children
11. Rebekah Eayrs, b. 1769 NH; m. John Cochran
12. Maria Eayrs, b. March 1771/72 in NH
13. +James Eayrs, b. 18 March 1774 in NH; m. Susan Senter;
14. Agnes Eayrs, b. 27 Dec 1775 NH; m. 26 Dec 1805 in Belfast ME to Benjamin Ellingwood.
15. +Alexander Eayrs, b. Aug 1781 NH; m. Lydia Whittle, had children.
16. *Samuel, a revolutionary soldier [this is not found in other listings except in the book: History of Merrimack NH]
James Eayrs, son of Joseph & Bridget (Coburn) Eayrs, was b. 18 Marcy 1774; He married 25 January 1798 to Susan Senter of Hudson NH. She was b. 27 April 1781. he kept a tavern in Londondery NH for many years on the Turnpike, one mile above the Upper Village, which was a popular resort for travelers. He was a deacon of the Baptist Church from its formation until his death, 23 Dec 1839. He was a genial, energetic, wide-awake man.
Children of James & Susan (Senter) Eayrs:
1. Susan Eayrs, b. 9 January 1799 in Merrimack NH, d. 24 Sep 1855; she m. Sandy [?Alexander] Smith, son of David & Eleanor (Gliddings) Smith, b. in Acworth NH 5 May 1802. He removed to Hillsboro (town) NH with his parents in 1819 engaged as a clothier with his brother Ammi. He also had a saw and grist mill. After Susan died, he married 2d) 14 March 1857 to Fanny, the widow of Charles Tucker of Deerfield NH. He d. 4 June 1869, and his widow d. 27 May 1869.
2. +James Eayrs, b. 15 June 1800; m. Sarah Grace
3. Thomas Eayrs, b. 9 Dec 1802; d. 18 Dec 1803
4. Thomas J. Eayrs, b. 31 March 1805; d. out west 9 Apr 1844
5. Wealthy “Weltha” Eayrs, b. 9 January 1809; m. Luke Smith, son of David & Eleanor (Giddings) Smith of Acworth NH. He m2) Mrs. Sarah G. Sargent, dau of Issacher and Mindwell (Silsby) Mayo. He was a farmer and lumber dealer. Children by 1st marriage [SMITH]: Wealthy M., George L., Mark J., and Charles A.V.
6. +John G. Eayrs, b. 8 February 1811 in Hillsboro NH (town), died 26 Mar 1897 in Newbury, NH; married.
7. Harriet R. Eayrs, b. 1 Oct 1822; m. Judson A. Senter of Hudson NH, son of Charles & Harriet (Greeley) Senter. He was b. 27 July 1818. After her death in Oct 1863, he m2nd) to Mrs. Lydia A. Hadley, dau of Alvin & Lenity G. (Hamlin) Hamilton of East Boston MA. He died 31 Jan 1911, his widow d. 5 Feb 1911. Children 1st wife [SENTER]: Susan H., Charles J., Katie J., Helen M., Franklin G. Children by 2nd wife, Annie G. and Fred H.
Alexander Eayrs, son of Joseph & Bridget (Coburn) Eayrs, was b. August 1781 in NH, and died 27 July 1831 in Monroe, Michigan. He married Lydia Whittle, daughter of John & Lydia (Boyd0 Whittle, and located on his father’s farm in Dunstable NH. His mother resided with him in her later years and until her death in 1822. At this point the farm was sold and they moved to Derry NH, then to Newburyport MA and Kensington. In the Spring of 1831 they removed to Michigan, their youngest son dying enroute. Shortly after arrival in Monroe Michigan, Alexander died, and his widow made her home there, becoming the wife of Martin Smith.
Children of Alexander & Lydia (Whittle) Eayrs:
1. Wiltha Eayrs
2. Maria Eayrs, b abt 1808 in Dunstable NH; m. 22 Jan 1829 at Newburyport MA to James Webster of Derry NH. He was b. 22 Sep 1799 in Atkinson NH.: had issue [WEBSTER]: James H., Hannah M., Charles P., Sarah A., George A., Ellen Augusta, Mary F., Julia and John E.
3. Joseph Eayrs —–
4. +John W. Eayrs, born in NH 1811-17, d. 15 July 1851. Removed to Michigan with his parents in 1831. He settled in Palmyra Twp, Michigan, and married 22 Nov 1845 to Alena McConnell. She was b. June 1816 and d. 2 Aug 1892. He served in the Black Hawk War.
5. Andrew Eayrs
6. Sarah Eayrs
7. Charles Eayrs
William Eayrs, son of Joseph & Bridget (Coburn) Eayrs, was b. 23 June 1764 in Dunstable/Nashua NH, and d. 26 March 1846. He married 11 Sep 1801 in Chelmsford MA to Hannah Foster of Milford NH, dau of Edward & Phebe (Pierce) Foster. She was b. 24 Nov 1772 in Chelmsford MA and d. 25 Aug 1841 in Chelmsford MA. He built a house on what is now the Daniel Webster Highway in Merrimack NH after 1790. He is shown on the 1787 Tax List of District 4, Merrimack, Hillsborough Co. NH.
Children of William & Hannah (Foster) Eayrs:
1. Hannah Eayrs, b. 29 Dec 1802 Merrimack NH; d. 14 Oct 1804
2. +John Eayrs, b. 21 July 1804 Merrimack NH; d. 1 March 1861
3. Rebecca Pierce Eayrs, b. 24 Sep 1806 in Merrimack NH, and d. 18 Jan 1863, buried Turkey Hill Cemetery. ; m. 1 March 1841 to Samuel Barron, Esq., son of Samuel & Sibbell (Cummings) Barron. as his 2nd wife. He was b. 31 Aug 1784 in Merrimack NH and d. 6 Apr 1865 and is buried at Turkey Hill Cemetery. [His first wife was Ann Moor].
4. +William Eayrs, b. 7 June 1808 Merrimack NH.
5. **Hannah Eayrs, b. 24 November 1809 POETESS; m. Jonathan Barron, resided Nashua NH
6. James Eayrs, b. 2 Jan 1812 Merrimack NH, and died 26 Dec 1876 in Nashua NH; m. Mary L. –. She was b abt 1818 in MA; in 1850 living next door to his brother William in Merrimack NH [see that listing].
7. Elizabeth Eayrs, b. 12 Oct 1813; d. 25 Dec 1839
James Eayrs, Jr., son of James & Susan (Senter) Eayrs, b. 15 June 1800 in Hillsboro (town) NH; m. 28 November 1834 in Antrim, Hillsborough Co. NH to Sarah Grace. Resided Hillsboro (town) NH.
Children of James & Sarah (Grace) Eayrs:
1. Harriet Susan Victoria Eayrs, b. 22 Sep 1839 in Hillsboro NH; m. 28 June 1856 in Lowell MA to Edward Payson Symonds. He b. 20 Oct 1837 in Hillsboro NH. Children [SYMONDS]: Ada, Kate, Orin Edward, Rose Violet, and Annie Laura.
2. Mariah Eayrs, b. abt 1844
John G. Eayrs, son of James & Susan (Senter) Eayrs, b. 8 February 1811 in Hillsboro NH (town), died 26 Mar 1897 in Newbury, NH; married 18 February 1845 in Newbury NH to Emily Ann Bailey, daughter of Osman & Martha (?) Bailey. She was born abt 1830-1835 in Newbury, Merrimack Co., NH and died 14 December 1870 in Newbury, NH.
1860 US Census > NH > Merrimack > Newbury
John G. Ayers, M 49 NH
Emily Ayers F 40 NH
James E. Ayers M 14 NH
Huldah J. Ayers F 11 NH
John H. Ayers M 8 NH
1880 US Census > NH > Merrimack > Newbury
John G. Ayer M 69 NH
Emily Ayer F 59 NH
James E. Ayer M 34 NH
Children of John G. & Emily (Bailey) Eayrs:
1. James E. Eayrs/Ayer, b. abt 1846 NH
2. Jennie Huldah Eayrs/Ayers, b abt 1849 NH; married as his 2nd wife on 11 Sep 1870 in Newbury, Merrimack Co. NH to Charles F. H. Woodbury, son of John A. & Betsey (Whitter) Woodbury. He was born abt 1839 in Haverhill MA. His occupation was polisher.
3. John Harvey Ayers, b abt 1852 NH, died 21 September 1861 in Newbury NH, age 9 yrs.
John William Eayrs, son of Alexander & Lydia (Whittle) Eayrs, was born in NH 1811, d. 15 July 1851. Removed to Michigan with his parents in 1831. He settled in Palmyra Twp, Lenawee County Michigan, and married 22 Nov 1845 in Michigan to Alena Lamb McConnell, daughter of Daniel & ? (?) Van Orum. She was b. June 1816 and d. 2 Aug 1892. He served in the Black Hawk War.
Children of John W. & Alena McConnell) Eayrs:
1. +John Henry Eayrs, twin, b. 31 Oct 1846, served Company E., First Michigan Light Artillery.
2. +Charles Nelson Eayrs, twin, b. 31 Oct 1846
3. Benjamin F. Eayrs, b. 28 Jan 1847, d. 14 March 1899
4. Eliza J. Eayrs, b. 25 Nov 1849, resided Newark NJ; d. 1928 in Irvington NJ.
5. Sarah A. Eayrs, b. 28 Jan 1851, d. March 1854
John Eayrs, son of William & Hannah (Foster) Eayrs, was b. 21 July 1804 in Merrimack NH, and d. 1 March 1861. He married 1 Nov 1834 to Lucy Hartwell, daughter of John & Sarah (Holden) Hartwell of Hillsborough NH. She was b. 31 March 1812. He was a real estate dealer in Nashua NH for some years; member of the NH legislature in 1852, several years selectman and town clerk before the charter. He built the Exchange block south of the bridge in Nashua NH. In the winter of 1834-5 he was captain of a new military company, later colonel of the regiment. About 1840 he removed to a suburb of Brooklyn NY, engaged in gardening; in 1843 removed to Dorchester operating a spice and drug mill. Later he returned to his homestead building a mill on Pennichuck Brook, north of the city, where he used water power to grind drugs. When he became ill he turned the business over to his brother James. He stood six feet tall, and was of massive build and strength. After his death his widow lived with her daughter, sometimes in Milford NH, and after with her son Frank in Nashua NH. [partial bio from “The Hartwell Family”, see end notes]
1850 US Census > New Hampshire > Hillsborough > Merrimack > 4
John Eayrs 46 M Manufacturer 3750 NH
Lucy H. Eayrs 38 F NH
George S. Eayrs 13 M NH
Charles G. Eayrs 11 M NH
Edward F. Eayrs 10 M NH
Frank M. Eayrs 8 M NY
Moriah E. Eayrs 3 F Mass
Children of John & Lucy (Hartwell) Eayrs:
1. +George Sullivan Eayrs, b. 24 Sep 1835
2. Charles Gordon Atherton Eayrs, b. 26 Nov 1837 in Nashua NH; graduated in medicine at Columbian University, Washington CD in 1861; assistant surgeon in navy, gunboat Jas. L. Chambers, Gulf squadron; later asst. Surgeon 17th Mass Vols., some time post surgeon at Hatteras Inlet and New Berne, N.C. discharged 3 Aug 1864. He m. 17 Sep 1863 to Mary E. “Helen” Louger of Lowell MA, dau of Luther and Sophia (Wilkins) Louger. She was b. 3 Sept 1840 in Lowell MA. He first settled into practice in Tyngsborough in 1865 then removed to Nashua NH in 1869 (dental practice). In 1882 he opened an office in Boston MA, living there and dividing his time between that and his Nashua office. In 1900 they were living in Boston, MA, Ward 10 no children. He was a dentist in Nashua NH and Boston MA. He died 30 Jan 1902 in Boston MA, his residence at the time being 90 Huntington Ave, Nashua NH, occupation dentist.
3. Edward Foster Eayrs, b. 28 March 1840; enlisted 24 Sep 1864 in F. 16th NH Vols. Heavy Artillery defense of Washington, mustered out 15 June 1865. Worked for his uncle in the Pennichuck Mill, later a partner. After his uncle’s death he moved the mill machinery and operated the spice grinding mill in Hudson NH.
4. Francis “Frank” Marion Eayrs, b. 24 Jan 1842; enlisted and mustered out with his brother Edward, was detailed as a musician. Was in the grocery trade and restaurant business in Nashua NH. In 1881 he was a partner in A. L. Blood & Co., retail grocers. He m. 22 June 1870 to Mary M. Kimball of Nashua NH, dau of J.D. & Fanny (Bowers) Kimball. She b. 7 March 1842.
5. +Maria / Moriah Elizabeth Eayrs, b. 17 Oct 1846 m. 25 Oct 1871 Oren F. Kimball of So. New Market NH who d. 4 Nov 1876, was merchant in Boston, she was a superior vocalist.
6. Albert Hartwell Eayrs, b. 6 Feb 1852 in Merrimack NH was in the drug trade at Jamaica Plain, Boston since 1872, m. 6 Feb 1873 to Frances Little of Dunstable; d. 17 Apr 1900, age 48 yrs 2 months, 8 days, at Boston MA; Druggist. In 1870 living in New York City, age 18 druggist.
William Eayrs, son of William & Hannah (Foster) Eayrs, was b. 7 June 1808 in Merrimack, Hillsborough Co. NH; d. 10 April 1882 in Merrimack NH (reported in Nashua NH); m. 1835 to Sarah Wilson White, dau of John Phillips & Lucy (Gutterson) White of Pelham NH. She b. 23 March 1819 in Methuen MA. Resided in Concord NH in 1850 at 269 Main Street.
1850 US Census > New Hampshire > Merrimack > Concord > 64
William Eayrs 40 M Machinist 6000 NH
Sarah Eayrs 33 Mass
Winslow P. Eayrs 9 NH
DWC Eayrs 4 M NH
Mark Page 25 M NH
Henry D. Lyon 21 M NH
Jenet H. Pinkham 19 VT
William Rockwell 50 M NH
–living next door–
James Eayrs 38 M Manufacturer 3700 NH
Mary L. Eayrs 32 F NH
Horace Emerson 7 M NH
Lucinda Thompson 11 F NH
William H. Foye 20 M Manufacturing Maine
Michael H. Allen 26 M Laborer Canada
1860 US Census > New Hampshire > Hillsborough > Merrimack > 9
William Eayrs 50 M Farmer NH
Sarah W. Eayrs 44 F Wife NH
Winslow P. Eayrs 19 M Manufacturer NH
DeWitt Clinton Eayrs 13 M NH
William H. Eayrs 13 M NH
Minnie F. Eayrs 2 F NH
Hubbard Humphrey 60 M Farm Laborer NH
John Knowles 24 M Farm laborer NH
George Harwoods 21 M Farm Laborer NH
Sarah A. Parkhurst 16 F Domestic NH
Children of William & Sarah W. (White) Eayrs:
1. Otis White Eayrs, b. March 1836 in Nashua NH; d. 30 Oct 1837
2. Onslow Scott Eayrs, b. 30 Sep 1838 in Nashua NH; d. 27 Feb 1840
3. +Winslow Phillips Eayrs, b. 31 Aug 1840 in Nashua NH
4. Mariette Foster Eayrs, b. 28 Oct 1843 in Concord NH; d. 29 Sep 1849
5. DeWitt Clinton Eayrs, b. 28 Dec 1846 in Concord NH
6. William H. Eayrs, b. 1851 in Concord NH, d. 20 Nov 1894, age 43 yrs 8 mo of pneumonia, in Boston MA [Boston recs, Vol 447, pg 466]
7. Minnie F. Eayrs, b. 1858; m. — Braelt/Bradt
8. Cora A. Eayrs, b. 1863
Hannah Eayrs**, dau of William & Hannah (Foster) Eayrs, was 24 November 1809 in Merrimack NH, and died 15 Dec 1891 in Nashua NH ; married as his 2nd wife 16 November 1848 in Nashville/Nashua NH to Jonathan Barron. He was b. 1785 and d. 30 August 1860 in Nashua NH. According to findagrave he was the son of Samuel & Sibbell (Cummings) Barron].He m1) Charlotte G. Combs, daughter of James & Deborah (Cummings) Combs. She was b. 29 May 1790 and d. 27 October 1829. Charlotte is buried in Turkey Hill Graveyard, Merrimack NH. Jonathan & Hannah Barron resided Nashua, Hillsborough Co., NH. Hannah Eayrs Barron is buried in the Amherst Street Cemetery [now called Edgewood] in Nashua NH.
1850 US Census New Hampshire > Hillsborough > Nashville > 26
Jonathan Barron 64 M Laborer 2000 NH [b abt 1786]
Hannah E. Barron 40 F NH
Children of Jonathan & Charlotte G. (Combs) Barron:
1. Caroline Barron, b. 1815; d. 24 Apr 1832 buried Turkey Hill Graveyard Merrimack NH
2. Gilbert Barron, b. 1816, d. 29 Sep 1820 buried Turkey Hill Graveyard Merrimack NH
3. Sibyl Barron, b. 1818, d. October 1820 buried Turkey Hill Graveyard Merrimack NH
4. Giles Barron, b. 1822, d. 3 April 1832 buried Turkey Hill Graveyard Merrimack NH
5. Clarissa Barron, b. 1824, d. 4 April 1832 buried Turkey Hill Graveyard Merrimack NH
6. Justus Barron, b. 1827, d. 16 April 1832 buried Turkey Hill Graveyard Merrimack NH
7. James Barron, b. 16 Oct 1829, d. 19 October 1829, buried same as above, age 3 days
8. Ann Barron, b. 16 October 1829, d. 19 October 1829 buried same as above, age 3 days
Children of Jonathan & Hannah (Eayrs) Barron:
John Henry Eayrs, son of John W. & Alena (McConnell) Eayrs, twin, b. 31 Oct 1846 at Palmyra, Lenawee MI, served Company E., First Michigan Light Artillery. He died 30 Jan 1912 in Kalispell, Flathead, Montana. He married 4 Dec 1870 at Linneus, Linn Co. MO to Lydia aka Annetta “Nettie” Palmer, an Oklahoma Indian.
Children of John H. & Lydia (Palmer) Eayrs:
1. +Benjamin Earnest Eayrs, b. 9 Jan 1872 at Palmyra, Lenawee Co. MI
2. Clifford Burton Eayrs, b. 29 Dec 1874 at Strawberry, Washingto Co. KS
3. Lloyd Eayrs, b. 20 Feb 1876 at Strawberry, Washington Co. KS
4. Maude Clara Eayrs, b. 27 May 1877 at Strawberry, Washington Co. KS; m. Allen Thomas Clark; had children
5. Charles Dayton Eayrs, b. 7 Apr 1880 at Blissfield, Lenawee, MI; d. 21 July 1940 in Kalispell, Flathead MT; married and had 3 children, Jean G., Robert L. and James C.
6. Grace Eayrs, b. 31 March 1882 at Spring Arbor, MI; d. 31 Dec 1891.
7. Commodore Perry Eayrs, b. 18 Sep 1884 at Strawberry, Washington Co. KS; d. 13 Sep 1955 in Brooks OR; married 31 March 1918 in Eureka MT to Maude Louise Rayson. Had several children, b. in Montana and Oregon.
8. Freddie Eayrs, b. Sept 1888 at Bonita MT; d. 3 July 1891 in MT
9. Bertha May Eayrs, b. 11 December 1889 in Rhode Island; d. March 1979; m. Lemuel “Lem” Leo Collar, and had a son, Leo K. Collar, b. 6 Nov 1915 and d. Dec 1977.
9. Clarence Eayrs, b. 16 Feb 1892 at Kalispell, Flathead, MT, d. 15 March 1977; married twice and had several children.
10. Ruby Eayrs, b. 4 March 1895 at Kalispell, Flathead MT, d. 30 July 1948 in Seattle Washington; married and had children.
11. Pearl Alena Eayrs, b. 4 March 1895 at Kalispell, Flathead MT, d. 29 March 1925; m. Frank Hemmer, and had children
Charles Nelson Eayrs, son of John W. & Alena (McConnell) Eayrs, twin, b. 31 Oct 1846 at Lenawee Co., Michigan, and d. 15 Nov 1916 at Adrian, Lenawee, Michigan. He married Keziah Moore, daughter of Robert & Elizabeth Moore of Palmyura Twp, Lenawee Co. Michigan. She was b. in Cambridge Twp, Michigan 30 March 1846.
Children of Charles N. & Keziah (Moore) Eayrs:
1. Cora M. Eayrs, b. 3 June 1872 in Palmyra, Lenawee Michigan and d. 31 Aug 1942 in Milan, Monroe Co. Michigan; She m. 19 June 1901 in Madison Center, MI to Charles William Steidle, son of John M. & Christine (Hardenfield) Steidle, a show merchant. He was born 1869 in Ohio. They had two daughters.
2. Perley Clement Eayrs, b. 26 Feb 1876 in Palmyra MI; m. 29 March 1899 in Fairfield, Lenawee Michigan to Bertha Eayrs, dau of William & Inez Eayrs of Fairfield Township, Michigan. One child, Creita D. Eayrs, b. 8 May 1908 in Ohio and d. 26 July 1987 in Chesterton, Indiana.
George Sullivan Eayrs, son of John & Lucy (Hartwell) Eayrs, b. 24 Sep 1835; enlisted 12 Oct 1861 in 8th NH Vols. 2nd Lieut. Co. B., same regiment 20 Dec 1861, Capt. 16 Dec 1863, served in Louisiana. He lived at Jamaica Plain, Boston. He married 2 Feb 1862 to Jenny H. Partridge of Stockton ME, dau of Benjamin and Hannah (Ames) Partridge. She b. 17 Aug 1842. After the close of the Civil War he settled in Nashua NH, and was some times employed on the survey of the Nashua, Acton & Boston RailRoad. He moved to Boston, creating the firm Kimball & Eayrs on Broad Street, wool and shoddy until 1876. His health being impaired in the army, he only worked intermittently, but was connected with Boston industrial fairs at Mechanics’ Institute on Huntington Avenue.
Child(ren) of George S. & Jenny H. (Partridge) Eayrs:
1. Harrison “Harry” Hobson Eayrs, b. 25 Nov 1866 in Nashua NH; graduated Boston Dental College in 1890; went 1891 to Butte, Montana, returned in 1892, practicing at Jamaica Plain, Boston. He married 25 June 1907 at Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts to Mrs. Henrietta I. “Etta” Stevens, dau of Josiah & Henrietta I. (Cutter) Battis.
Maria / Moriah Elizabeth Eayrs, dau of John & Lucy (Hartwell) Eayrs, b. 17 Oct 1846; m. 25 Oct 1871 in Nashua NH to Oren F. Kimball of So. New Market NH, son of Nathaniel T. & Lydia H. (Locke) Kimball who d. 4 Nov 1876. He was merchant in Boston. She was a superior vocalist, sang for several years in the choirs of Boston churches, among them central church, Berkeley St. and Kings Chapel on Tremont Street. In 1881 she began traveling with concert troupes in the Provinces, the west and California, and about 1886 jointed the Denman Thompson theatrical troupe.
Child of Oren F. & Maria E. (Eayrs) Kimball:
1. Blanche Maria Kimball, b. 20 May 1873, d. 15 Apr 1878
Winslow Phillips Eayrs, son of William & Sarah W. (White) Eayrs, b. 31 Aug 1840 in Nashua NH, and died 6 Aug 1915 in Hudson NH. From 1857-1858 he attended Comer’s Commercial College in Concord NH to become a bookkeeper. He married 21 February 1880 to Cora A. Willey, daughter of John F. & Philla E. (Godfrey) Willey. She was b. abt 1863 in Warren NH and died before 1900. His death record states he was an inventor. He was buried in Nashua NH. During the Civil War he served in the Union Army, Private, Company C, 19th Massachusetts Infantry from 3 Aug 1863 to 12 Dec 1863.In 1866 he had a peddlar 3rd class license in NH. In 1880 they were living in Merrimack, Hillsborough Co. NH with Winslow’s father William. Among Winslow’s inventions: 1) Improved Beer-Pitcher in 1866; Improvement in Losenge-Cutting Machine in 1871; Improvement in Bottle-Stopper Fasteners in 1879; Reostate in 1892; and Carbon Product and Method of Making Same in 1906.
Albert Hartwell Eayrs, son of John & Lucy (Hartwell) Eayrs, born 6 Feb 1852 in Merrimack NH was in the drug trade at Jamaica Plain, Boston since 1872, later opened stored in Cambridge and Roslindale MA. He m. 6 Feb 1873 to Frances Little of Dunstable, dau of George J. & Sarah (McKean) Little. She was b. 16 Aug 1852 in Nashua NH. After the death of her father, the grocery trade he carried on in Nashua was managed under the old name by Mr. Eayrs who retired in 1890 from the drug trade at Jamaica Plain MA, having in 1884 started building fine apartment houses there. He was chief clerk in the post office at Roslindale; d. 17 Apr 1900, age 48 yrs 2 months, 8 days, at Boston MA; occupation listed as “Druggist.” In 1870 living in New York City, age 18 druggist.
Child of Albert & Frances (Little) Eayrs:
1. Nelly Frances Eayrs, b. 15 Jan 1874; m. 21 Aug 1895 in Boston, Suffolk Co. MA to Ward Nicholas Boylston, son of Thomas & Florence Boylston. Children: Ward Nicholas Boylston, b 22 July 1896 Princeton MA.
Benjamin Earnest Eayrs, son of John H. & Lydia (Palmer) Eayrs, b. 9 Jan 1872 at Palmyra, Lenawee Co. MI; d. 8 Feb 1940 in Susanville CA; He m. Ida May Ditty, dau of William & Mary J. (Ridyway) Ditty. She b. 7 Jan 1874 in Appleton City, MI, and d. 24 May 1975 in Susanville CA.
Children of Benjamin E. & Ida May (Ditty) Eayrs:
1. Bessie Eayrs. b. 25 Apr 1897 in Rural, Flathead Co. MT, d. 9 Aug 1899.
2. +Jesse Lee Eayrs, b. 19 June 1898 at Kalispell, MT
3. child Eayrs, b. 31 Aug 1900
4. Gladys Blanche Eayrs, b. 22 Oct 1902 in Kalispell MT; d. 13 Feb 1984 in Missoula MT. She married 26 Apr 1919 in Kalispell MT to George Albert Jette. Had children.
5. dau Eayrs
6. William Henry Eayrs
7. Helen Eayrs, m. — Franklin
8. Howard Ernest Eayrs
Jesse Eayrs, son of Benjamin Earnest & Ida May (Ditty) Eayrs, was b. 19 June 1898 at Kalispell MT, and d. 15 Oct 1965 at Lessen Co., CA. He married Lorena Gates.
Children of Jesse & Lorena (Gates) Eayrs:
1. Robert Eayrs
2. William E. Eayrs, b. 25 Feb 1922 at Polson MT
3. Ben Eayrs, b. 19 Aug 1923
4. Alvin Eayrs, b. 20 March 1925
1. The Hartwell Family, by L.W. Densmore. Hartford CT: Fowler & Miller Co, printers, 1895
2. The descendants of William White, of Haverhill, Mass, by Daniel Appleton White; 1889; Boston MA, American Printing and Engraving Co., page 70
3. History of the old township of Dunstable, by C.T. Gill; Nashua, 1846, page 177
4. The History of Milford, by George A. Ramsdell, 1901; Concord NH, page 691
5. Willey’s semi-centennial book of Manchester 1846-1896, by G.F. Willey, 1896, Manchester, N.H., page 105
6. The History of Hillsboro, New Hampshire by George Waldo Browne, 1922, John B. Clarke Company printers, page 34
7. Photograph from: The Miscellaneous Poems of Mrs. Hannah Eayrs Barron, Nashua NH, Barker & Bean, Book and Job Printers, 1884
HI, Jan, I don’t know how you do it. Makes me dizzy scrolling thru those names!! But I noticed the “Barron” name and so many buried @ Turkey Hill. It seems there was a Barron family that lived at my house at one time. I wonder????
It was Solomon Rice Barron, son of Solomon & Martha M. (Arbuckle) Barron who lived in your house (his official death certificate says due to fractured skull). He would have been a cousin to Jonathan Barron, son of Samuel & Sibbel (Cummings) Barron who married Hannah Eayrs of the story.
What happened to the children of Jonathan and Hannah Barron, who are buried in Turkey Hill cemetery. Several of them died within days of each other. Was it a fire or disease that claimed their lives so close?
Children of Jonathan & Charlotte G. (Combs) Barron:
1. Caroline Barron, b. 1815; d. 24 Apr 1832 buried Turkey Hill Graveyard Merrimack NH
2. Gilbert Barron, b. 1816, d. 29 Sep 1820 buried Turkey Hill Graveyard Merrimack NH
3. Sibyl Barron, b. 1818, d. October 1820 buried Turkey Hill Graveyard Merrimack NH
4. Giles Barron, b. 1822, d. 3 April 1832 buried Turkey Hill Graveyard Merrimack NH
5. Clarissa Barron, b. 1824, d. 4 April 1832 buried Turkey Hill Graveyard Merrimack NH
6. Justus Barron, b. 1827, d. 16 April 1832 buried Turkey Hill Graveyard Merrimack NH
7. James Barron, b. 16 Oct 1829, d. 19 October 1829, buried same as above, age 3 days
8. Ann Barron, b. 16 October 1829, d. 19 October 1829 buried same as above, age 3 days
Steve, I have no knowledge of a fire in their family. In 1832 there were various childhood diseases, such as smallpox and measles that often killed several members of a family. In 1832 Europe and the United States had an outbreak of deadly cholera, so factor that into possibilities. The death records I have seen are simple ones with a name and dates, but no cause of death, typical of those early documents.
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I’m trying to find out more about the Eayrs/Eayers family when they were in Londonderry, Northern Ireland or before that, in England. Anyone with info please contact me. Thanks.
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Does anyone know if Joseph Eayrs who was an acquaintance of Paul Revere, Fellow Member of the Sons of Liberty and Artillery Train and a Tea Party Indian; whose son Thomas Steven Eayrs born in 1760 and was an apprentice to Paul Revere and married Paul’s daughter Frances in 1788 is related to William Eayrs? If so, how are they related?