New Hampshire’s Santa Claus of 1863

Santa Claus

Here comes Santa Claus, with fur-trimmed coat and cap, and beard of icicles! Many a mile he has traveled this Christmas Eve, and many a toy-shop emptied, and father and mother consulted for the children’s sake.old santa postcard

How splendid it must be to have so much to give away, and such a heart to give it!–We are acquainted with a little girl who said with sparkling eyes , as she pulled the treasures from her stocking, “I know one thing–if I could not be God, I’d be Santa Claus–wouldn’t you?”

Suppose Santa Claus hoarded up all his treasure, till the sugar plums mildewed, and dogs couldn’t bark, and the dolls’ arms dropped off for age–what good would they do the children or Santa Claus himself?

And now when he sees the little eager hands, stretched out, and the sweet eyes sparkling for joy, must not his dear old heart be brimful and running over with happiness, to think it all his work! Many a happy child there is on Christmas morning; but Santa Claus the giver who does not have a single present, is the happiest of all.

We will remember this in the good New Year that is coming. Remember that giving is better than having, and treasures are only such when they are used and generously shared.

Meantime, we wish all our readers a merry Christmas. Right gladly would we drop a present into every one of their stockings; but since this pleasure is not ours, we will try and drop a good resolution into their hearts.

This will last after your candy is eaten, and the dogs, dolls and flags are demolished; so let us begin the New Year determined to be generous, unselfish,–to make others happy; then will next Christmas eve find us with hearts as large and glad as a cart of Santa Claus to-night.

Published December 24, 1863
Farmer’s Cabinet (Amherst, NH)
Vol. 62, Issue 22, page 1

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2 Responses to New Hampshire’s Santa Claus of 1863

  1. Susan McDonough Spagnola says:

    Merry Christmas Janice – love your Cow Hampshire blog!

  2. virginia Penrod says:

    Always a wonder filled gem. Thanks, Jan.

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