Isles of Shoals New Hampshire: No Hogs, No Women

E.E. Bourne in an account of the Isles of Shoals, writes “The law allowed no women or hogs on the island. In 1647 John Reynolds went to live on Hog Island, carrying with him his hogs, and also his wife, which made a great uproar among the inhabitants. The people petitioned the Court of York County that they might be compelled to remove them. The court ordered the hogs off, but allowed the wife to stay, if there were not personal objection to her.”

The original petition stated, “The humble petition of Richard Cutts and John Cutting, showeth, that contrary to an act of court which says, ‘No woman shall live on the Isles of Shoals,’ John Reynolds has brought his wife hither with an intention to live here and abide. He hath also brought upon Hog Island a great stock of goats and swine, which, by destroying much fish, do great damage to the petitioners and others; and also spoil the spring of water upon that island, rendering it unfit for any manner of use.
  Your petitioners therefore pray, that the act of court may put in execution for the removal of all women from inhabiting there; and that said Reynolds may be ordered to remove his goats and swine from the island without delay.”

As mentioned above, the court ordered the removal of the swine, but decided, as to the complain against the wife, “It is thought fit by the court, that, if no further complaint come against her, she may enjoy the company of her husband.” (Massachusetts Historical Collection, vo. vii, p. 250)

Hog Island is now called Appledore Island.


*Additional Reading*

Articles about the Isles of Shoals at Cow Hampshire

A Handy Book of Curious Information, by William Shepard Walsh, 1913, J.B. Lippincott Company; page 930-

– March 1925 “Legends of New Hampshire: The Wraith O’ White Island” [Isles of Shoals]

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