New Hampshire: The First Turkey on Mount Washington

The first and only turkey ever cooked on the summit of Mt. Washington

was taken up by the lately returned Journalistic party.

It was stuffed, roasted and eaten there with the remains of an excellent pudding which was sent up for a Christmas present by the lady of Professor Hitchcock of Dartmouth College. Mr. Cogswell of the Concord Monitor, one of the journalists, says that life on the mountain is not as monotonous as many suppose.  Cooking the meals, taking observations, making reports, writing letters, and  consulting scientific works keep all the party busy. Only two meals a day are provided.–Breakfast from eight to nine, and dinner from three to four o’clock. The bill of fare embraces corned beef, fresh beef, lamb, mutton, salt pork, pilot break, griddle cakes, corn-starch, pudding, bake beans, canned peaches and tomatoes, apple sauce, pickles and onions.

The Farmers’ Cabinet, Volume 69, Issue 32, Dated 23 February 1871


Mount Washington

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