Tag Archives: animal

New Hampshire Tidbits: Beware the Little Red Devil in the Tree Above

Depending on where you live in the United States you may call these furry creatures: tiny beasts, chickarees, fairy diddles, cute, squacks, pests, little red devils, pine squirrels, red squirrels, or even Tamiasciurus hudsonicus if you are the brainy sort. … Continue reading

Posted in Creatures, History, Humor, NH Tidbits, Really Old News | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Human and Animal Rights Advocate, Cheshire County NH Deputy Sheriff Jennie Belle (Carter) Powers (1864-1936)

The Boston Sunday Globe newspaper called her “a fearless woman.”  At her death the National Humane review said of her: “For in all the state there was no one like Jennie Belle Powers. Mrs. Powers was humane agent for the … Continue reading

Posted in Genealogy, History, New Hampshire Women | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

New Hampshire Tidbits: Buffalo, Elk, Fox, Deer; Baynes, Atwood, Coit, Means

A word of warning: this is a complicated story, with numerous tangents. It starts with postcards that I recently acquired of wild animals, photographed around 1906 at Corbin Park in Grantham NH, by the famous naturalist-photographer, Ernest Harold Baynes. Though … Continue reading

Posted in Genealogy, History, NH Tidbits, Not New Hampshire | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

The Lucky Elephant and Benson Wild Animal Farm of Hudson, New Hampshire

A few months ago there was a flurry of stories about the large concrete elephant at Tufts University having finally fallen apart, with a new (and different) one being constructed to replace it. The disintegrated 10-foot elephant was a “lucky” … Continue reading

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New Hampshire’s State Animal: white tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)

In 1983 New Hampshire officially named the white-tailed deer (also known as the Virginia deer) as its official state animal.  … Continue reading

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