A Time-Line History of Errol New Hampshire From 1776-1948

Old postcard of Errol Main Street pre WWI.

The estimated census of Errol, New Hampshire today is about 265 people, a drop from its peak of 313 in 1980. Though settled before hand, this town was legally incorporated in 1781. A good number of Errols early citizens came from Maine. The town’s chief source of income has been lumbering.

Since many of my readers have inquired about former residents of the town, I have compiled a history time line along with names. A few details on the early settlers, and links to additional information about the town can be found near the end of this article. Comments are always welcome.

From: The statistics and gazetteer of New Hampshire, by Alonzo J. Fogg, 1874; page 152
Coos County. In some portions the soil is good and fair crops of oats, potatoes, and hay are produced.
RIVERS AND PONDS. In this town several considerable streams unite with the Androscoggin. Upon this river, in Errol, a large amount of money has been expended in erecting dams and clearing the channel, for the purpose of driving logs from the upper lakes to market, through the whole season. There are several ponds and small streams, which abound with trout.
EMPLOYMENTS. Agriculture is the principal employment of the inhabitants. There is but little manufacturing in the town.
RESOURCES: Productions of the soil, $20,929; mechanical labor, $1,600; money at interest, $1,200.
HOTELS. Dam House, Errol House and Aker’s House.
SCHOOLS. There are four schools in the town. Average length of schools for the year, eight weeks.
FIRST SETTLERS. Errol was granted to Timothy Ruggles and others, February 28, 1774. Incorporated, December 28, 1836.
BOUNDARIES: North by Wentworth’s Location, east by Umbagog Lake and State of Maine, south by Cambridge and Dummer, and west by Millsfield. Improved land, 2,123 acres.
DISTANCES: Thirty miles north north-east from Lancaster, and one hundred and fifty-nine miles north north-east from Concord.
Province of New Hampshire Errol
George the third by the grace
of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c
To all to whom these presents shall come greeting
Know Ye that we of our special grace certain knowledge and mere motion for the due encouragement of settling a new Plantation within our said Province by and with the advice of our trusty & well beloved John Wentworth Esq. our Governor and Command in chief of our Said Province of New Hampshire in New England, and of our Council of said Province have upon the conditions and reservations herein after made give and granted & by these Presents for Us our Heirs and Successors do give and grant in equal Shares until our loving Subjects Inhabitants of our said Province of New Hampshire and our other Dominions who have petitioned Us for the same setting forth their readiness to make immediate Settlement…..” [This continues on setting the conditions such as settling, building roads, surveying house lots, and stating that Ten Families will be settled and actually resident in the town within two years of the date signed].
In Testimony whereof we have caused the Seal of our said Province to be hereunto affixed witness John Wentworth *Esq. our Governor and *4-194 Commander in chief aforesaid the twenty eighty day of February in the fourteenth Year of our reign and in the Year of our Lord Christ 1774.
By his Excellencys command with advice of Council. Theodore Atkinson, Secy.
The Names of the Grantees of Errol
The Honble Timothey Ruggles Esqr
George Boyd Esqr
James Reed Esqr
James Richardson Esqr
Phinehas Hutchins
James Reed junr
Theodrick Reed
Andrew Colburn
Joseph Hemenway
Joseph Potter
Benedic Webber
Thomas Tolman
William Tolman
Samuel Bishop
Elijah Clays
John Whiting
John Anger
John Fassett
Samuel Graves
Moses Whiteney
Jonah Harrington
Edward Kendal
Gershom Brigham
James Tiffeny
Nathan Hall
Edward Platts
Andrew Bell
James Brewer
Jonathan Hartwell
Henry Morse
Jonathan Hamond
Greebwiid Carpenter
Jonathan Woodcock junr
Samuel Hunt
Ebenezer Green
Benjamin Grant
Benjamin Grant junr
Peter Grant
Samuel Smith
Israel Morey Esqr.
Jonathan Childs
Amas Woodworth
Joel Woodworth
William Thomson
David Thoson
William Marston
Jacob Marston
Matthew Miller
James Miller
Timothey Batholomew
Benjamin Chamberlin
Noah Grant
Silvanus Owen
John Roberts
Noah Dewey
William Bell
John Chamberlin
Amos Peasley
Robert Peasley
Samuel Ham
John White
Manasseh Divell
John Solendine
Phinehas Butler
James Butler
Robert Kennedy junr
Elijah Daly
Azariah Webb
Samuel Cutts
Revd Benja Stephens of Kittery
Honbl George Jarrey Esq.
Edward Sclate
Andrey McGaffy
Thomas Macdonough
Saml Wentworth Fisher
Daniel Sherburne
Samuel Sherburne
Edward Sherburne
John Lyford junr
William Torry
William Barker
One whole Share for the Church of England by law establish’d One whole Share for the benefit of a School in said Town & One whole Share for the incorporated Society for the propagation of the Gospel in Foreign parts–
Recorded according to the orginal Charter under the Province this fourteenth day of March 1774. — Attestr Geo. King D Secy.
1789. ERROL
New Hampshire provincial and state papers, Early Town papers, Vol XI, Compiled and edited by Isaac W. Hammond, 1882; page 633
E R R O L.
The township was granted Feb. 28, 1774, to Timothy Ruggles and others. A large portion of the grant was purchased in 1778 by men living in Salem and Danvers, Mass. But very few settlements were made prior to 1800, and the town contained but 26 inhabitants in 1820, and 161 in 1880. The town was incorporated Dec. 28, 1836.

[4-5] Petition of the Proprietors for a Renewal of the Grant]
To the Honorable the Senate & the Honorable the House of Representatives of the State of New hampshire in General Court convened December 1789.–
The petition of the Subscribers proprietors of Errol & Millsfield in sd State humbly sheweth, That in the year One Thousand Seven hundred and seventy Nine, we employed a Committee & Surveyors with Necessary attendants & at the great Expence of Two thousand one hundred & Eighty pounds transported provisions by Packmen through the Wilderness Sixty Miles Nearly, without any Road & laid out sd Towns into hundred Acre Lots. That by reason of the War, and other difficulties, we were at that time induced to lay aside our purposes of Compleating the Settlement of sd Towns.,–that we have since renewed our Intentions, and by our Agent Major Joshua Heath have begun to make Improvements, by felling of Trees, clearing of Roads, & putting up Log Houses in sd Towns, by raising the Sum of Fifty pounds Eight shillings.–That is our unanimous Resolution, to pursue the original Design of Compleating the settlement of sd Towns with as much Speed as may be; provided we can be Accomodated, with Roads, & be allowed a further Time, to compleat the Condition of our Grant.
Your petitioners therefore pray the Lands from Conway to Errol, may be made liable to pay the Expences of making a good passable Road, through the several Grants, under the Direction of such a Committee as this Hon’ble Court shall see fit to appoint; & that a further time to fulfill the Conditions of our Charters may be granted, or that such other proceedings may be had for the Relief & encouragement of your Petitioners, as to this Honorable Court shall seem meet, and as in duty bound shall ever pray &c.–
Salem 9th Decr 1789
Benja Goodhue, Jona Peele, Jacob Ashton, Ebenr Beckford, Jonathan Ropes, Wm. Shillaber, Edwd Norris, Wm Vans, Wm West, Abraham Rand, Saml Ward, Joshua Heath.

At a meeting of the Proprietors & Owners of the Township of Errol at Salem, on the 9th December 1789. Voted that Major Joshua Heath be appointed to present the foregoing Petition to the Honorable the General Court of NEw Hampshire at their next Sitting.– A true Copy from sd Proprietors Records. Att: Edw Norris Propr. Cler. [I cannot find any action of the legislature on the foregoing-Ed.]
and more
1790. ERROL.
The Census of New Hampshire, Grafton County, ERROL shows “No Inhabitants”
1791. ERROL.
In 1791 another petition signed by:
William West, William Vans, Jona Peele, Edwd Norris, Jacob Ashton, Robert Foster, Abraham Rand, S. Goodhue Atty to Benj Goodhue Esq., Joseph Sprague, Jonathan Ropes, George Dodge, Jona Fisk, Joshua Crippens, Wm Shillaber, Saml Ward, Ebenr Backford, Elias Hasket Derby, Bart Putnam
1796. ERROL.
WHEREAS application has been made to me the subscriber as clerk of the proprietors of the township of Errol, in the county of Grafton and State of New Hampshire, by Robert Foster, William Shillaber, Jacob Ashton, William Vans, and Jonathan Peele, as proprietors of more than one sixteenth part of the township of Errol aforementioned, requesting me to notify and call a meeting of the proprietors of said township to be held at the house of Mr. Nathaniel Kimball, innholder in Plaistow, in the county of Rockingham, in said State, on Tuesday, the second day of August next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, for the following purposes, viz.
1st. To choose a moderator, proprietors clerk, assessors, collector and treasurer.
2d. To raise the sum of eighteen pounds and nineteen shillings, for the payment of county taxes assessed on said township, for the years, 1786, 1788, 1790 and 1791, and also the sum of nine dollars, for county taxes assessed on said township for the year 1794, together with such further sums as may by the proprietors be judged necessary to pay the charges attending the sale of said township by the sheriff of said county of Grafton, on the ninth day of November last, for the payment of the taxes aforesaid, and for defraying any other charges which have arisen, or may hereafter arise on said township, and to do whatever may be thought proper to forward the settlement thereof.
Salem, June 3, 1796.
Saturday, July 23, 1796, New-Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth NH) Vol XL, Issue 2069, p1
1800. ERROL
DIRECT TAX. NOTICE is hereby given to the UNKNOWN Proprietors and owners of Land in the following Towns, that the Direct Tax on said Lands became due and payable on the 8th day of January 1800, and unless the same is paid to me the Subscribe within Sixty days, so much of said Land will then be sold as will pay the Same, with incidental Charges, as the Law directs. [Towns included Burton, Chatham, Mainsborough, Paulsbourg, Cambridge, Millsfield, Success, Durand and Errol].
John Clark, 2d., 600 acres
Proprietors unknown 20900
[Signed] Silas Meserve, Collection of the 62 Collection District, New Madbury, October 8, 1800.
Saturday, November 8, 1800; United States Oracle (Portsmouth NH) Vol XI, Issue 4, page 4
1802. ERROL
NOTICE is hereby given to the proprietors and owners of the township of ERROL, in the county of Grafton, and State of New Hampshire–That a meeting of said proprietors at Hampton Falls, in the county of Rockingham, August 31, 1802, a tax of Seven Dollars on each original right or share of Land in said Errol, (the School right excepted) was voted, and has since been affected and committed to me to collect–and unless aid tax is paid to me, at my dwelling-house in Epping, in said county of Rockingham, on or before the first day of October next, said Lands will be advertised for sale as the law in such cases directs. WM PLUMER, Prop’s Collector. Epping, September 7, 1802.
Tuesday, September 28, 1802; New-Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth NH) Page 4
David Call, under sentence of Court for making and passing counterfeit bills, and one of those who some time ago made their escape from gaol, was last week arrested in Errol, in the N.E. corner of the State, and yesterday re-committed to the gaol in this town [i.e. Amherst NH].
Tuesday, August 14, 1804; Farmer’s Cabinet (Amherst NH) page 3
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that Samuel Holkins and others, have petitioned the General Court, representing that the roads which were opened a few years since, the one leading from Joseph Loomis‘ the other from James Hugh‘s, passing from Connecticut river, through Colebrook, township number two, Millsfield, Errol and Cambridge to Hallowell and, the other Eastern markets, are now for nearly the whole distance almost impassible, and for carriages entirely so–That the said petitioners and the public are suffering greatly, and the settlement of that part of the country greatly retarded and discouraged, for want of the same being made comfortable waggon roads;–Wherefore the said petitioners pray that a tax may be laid of three cents upon each acre of land in the said townships of Coleborok, Millsfield, Errol and Cambridge, and that a special committee be appointed for the purpose of laying out the same…….”
Tuesday, October 4, 1808 New-Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth NH) Page 4
1810 US Census > NH > Coos > Errol
Thomas Morley
Calvin Wood
David Swift
John Rogers/Noyes
Benjamin Shadwick
Caleb Hardy
David Linzey
David Butler
Total 30
8 households
1815 ERROL.
NOTICE is hereby given to the proprietors and owners of the township of Erroll, in the County of Coos and State of New Hampshire, that at a legal meeting of the proprietors and owners of said township holden at Hampton Falls in the County of Rockingham in said State, on the 17th day of May 1815, they voted to raise a tax of six dollars on the common and undivided land in each original right or share of land in said township, for the purpose of paying State, County, and other public taxes that are or hereafter may be assessed on said township and to make and repair roads in said township and to pay any other demands that now or hereafter may exist against said proprietors the one half of said tax to be paid within one year from said 17th day of May 1815, the remainder in two years from said day, but in case the one half of said tax shall not be paid within one year, from said 17th day of May 1815, then the Collector shall proceed to collect the whole of said tax without delay. And committed the same to me to collect, and unless the same is paid me at my dwelling house in Epping in Said County of Rockingham by the 17th day of May 1816, so much of their lands in said township will be advertised for sale as will pay said taxes and legal Charges. DANIEL PLUMER, Proprietors Collector, for said Errol. Epping, June 6th. 1815.
Tuesday, June 27, 1815, Concord Gazette (Concord NH) Vol IX, Issue 5, page 4
SETTLERS Wanted for Letter B and Letter C, near Umbagog Lake
LETTER B. is situated to the South of the Lake; the line which divides Maine from New Hampshire being the line separating B from Errol.–Through this Township and a corner of Letter C the road passes from East Andover, to the Upper Coos and the Upper Canadas. The soil is good, as appears from the Wood on it; which is large and a well mixed Hard Wood growth. On the road through B. the Land is of the first quality; and on Letter C. to the North of the road there is excellent Land.
The owners of this Land wish to contract with two active Men of good habits, one for each Township to settle on the Land; each to be bound to carry with him not less than 10 Settlers and to be himself well recommended for activity, prudence and integrity.–Such persons and individual Settlers will meet with encouragement by applying to CHARLES VAUGHAN of Hallowell, or SYLVANUS POOR, East Andover.
The road mentioned above is already much used for driving of Cattle into Canada. It is said that 1700 passed through B. the last season and a Bridge is to be built the present season over the Androscoggin in Errol. An active man will fine a –ation in B. profitable to himself by accomodation –unvellers with a certain Market for his surplus products…..
Saturday, April 18, 1818; Portsmouth Oracle (Portsmouth NH) page 2
1818. ERROL.
WHEREAS the proprietors and owners of the common and undivided lands in the township of Errol, in the county of Coos, and State of New Hampshire, at a legal meeting holden at Hampton-falls, in the county of Rockingham, in said State, on the seventeenth day of May, A.D. 1815, voted to raise a tax of six dollars on the common and undivided lands in each original right or share in said township for the purpose of paying State, County, and other public taxes that are on hereafter assessed on said township, to make and repair roads in said township, and to pay any other demands that now or hereafter may exist against said proprietary; the one half of said tax to be paid in one year from said 17th day of May 18185–the remainder in two years from the 17th day of May 1815–And the assessors of said township did on the 29th day of the same May, 1815, make and commit said assessment to me to collect, of which due notice has been given.–And whereas no part of the tax has been paid on the following, original rights in said Errol to wit: On the rights that were, John Anger, George Boyd, esq., Phinehas Butler, William Bell, Greenwood Carpenter, Jonathan Childs, John Chamberlin, Noah Dewey, Samuel Wentworth Fisher, Benjamin Frant, Benjamin Grant, jun., Peter Grant, Phinehas Hutchins, Jonathan Hammond, Samuel Hunt, Edward Kendall, Robert Kennedy, jr., Henry Morse, William Marsten, Jacob Marsten, Matthew Miller, James Miller, Silvanus Owen, Joseph Potter, Amos Peasley, James Richardson, esq., Thedorick Reed, John Roberts, Samuel Smith, Thomas Tolman, Ebenezer Tolman, William Tolman, Jonathan Woodcock jr., Amasa Woodworth, John White, Azariah Webb, Moses Whitney, Joel Woodworth–And three dollars on the following original rights (the one half the tax being paid) to wit: On the common lands in rights that were, Samuel Bishop, James Brewer, Andrew Bell, Andrew Colburn, Elijah Clays, John Fassett, Samuel Graves, Joseph Hemmenway, Jonah Herrington, James TIffeny, Benedict Webber and John Whitney.
NOTICE is hereby given, that so much of each of said delinquents’ rights as will pay said tax and incidental charges will be sold at public auction at my dwelling-house, in Epping, in said county of Rockingham, on the third Monday of March, A.D., 1819, at ten of the clock on the forenoon, unless prevented by previous payment. [signed] DANIEL PLUMER, Prop. Collector. Epping, Nov 15, 1818
-Tuesday December 8, 1818, New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette (Concord NH) page 1
1820 Census > NH > Coos County > Errol
David Sweat 5 men, 4 women
Daniel Sweats 3 men, 2 women
John Akers, 3 men, 1 woman
John Akers Jr. 4 men, 3 women
John Garland, 1 man 1 woman
Total: 27 people
Five households
1822. Monday, June 10.
Petitions of … the inhabitants of Errol to be incorporated…were referred to standing committees.
Saturday, June 15, 1822; Portsmouth Journal of Literature and Politics (Portsmouth NH) page 2
STATE OF NEW-HAMPSHIRE. In the House of Representatives, June 24, 1826. ORDERED, that the petitions of the inhabitants of Errol, praying to be incorporated into a town by the name of Errol, be postponed to the first Tuesday of the next June Session of the Legislature; and that the petitioners give notice to all persons interested, by causing the substance of their petitions and this order thereon to be published in the New-Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette, printed in Concord, the last publication to be previous to the first day of April next; and that the parties interested in said petition be then heard before the standing committee on towns, parishes and schools. M.L. NEAL, Clerk. Copy examined by P. CHADWICK, Ass’t Clerk.
Monday, March 26, 1827; New Hampshire Patriot and Star Gazette (Concord NH) p 4
1830: Population of 82
The New England Gazeteer, by John Hayward, published 1839, page 12
1830 US Census Schedule of Errol NH
Edward Sweat
Abram T. Sweat
John P. Sweat
Nicholas Sweat
David Sweat
Jonathan Shattuck
Benjamin Shattuck
John Waite
(Eight families)
45 men + 37 women = 82
ERROL, November 8, 1832
Public notice is hereby given, that so much of the under-mentioned land in said town of ERROL, belonging to nonresident owners and proprietors, as will pay the undermentioned taxes, assessed upon the said lands respectively for the year 1832, with incidental charges, will be sold at public auction, at the house of Samuel Akers, in said Errol on the last day of February next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon unless prevented by previous payment. [Owners names include]: John Farrington‘s claim, Joseph Lang‘s claim, Widow Fink‘s claim, John Crowninshield‘s claim, Josiah Bellows, 2d claim, Daniel Plumer’s claim. Signed by Eben. Abbott, Collector.
Monday, December 10, 1832, New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette (Concord NH) Page 4
Friday, Dec. 23. SENATE
Afternoon. Bills to incorporate the town of Errol and the Peterborough Academy, were severally read a third time and passed.
Monday, December 26, 1836; New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette (Concord NH) p3
AN ACT to incorporate the Town of Errol.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened, That the tract of land now known by the name of Errol, shall hereafter be a town by that name.
Section 2. Be it further enacted, That the inhabitants of said township be, and hereby are made a body politic and corporate with all the rights, powers, privileges, immunities, and liabilities, of similar corporations in this State. And the said town of Errol shall be classed for the purpose of electing a Representative with the same towns and places with which it has heretofore been classed, and shall be annexed to the same Counsellor and Senatorial District as said Errol was previous to the passing of this act.
Section 3. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of duly organizing said town, a meeting of the inhabitants thereof, legally qualified to vote in town affairs, shall be holden in said town on the second Tuesday of March next, at which meeting a town Clerk, Selectmen and all other necessary town officers may be elected to continue in office until others are chosen and sworn agreeably to the laws of this State and that James F. Bragg, David Sweat and George W. Garland or any two of them be authorized to call said meeting of said inhabitants by giving such notice as it required for annual town meetings, and it shall be the duty of said James F. Bragg, David Sweat or George W. Garland, or some one of them to attend and open said meeting and preside therein until a moderator be chosen and sworn. Approved December 28, 1836.
Monday, February 13, 1837, New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette (Concord NH) page 1
1840 US Census
Samuel Akers
Peter Austen
James F. Bragg
Cheney L. Brooks
Jared Cone
Willia Dunn
Eliachim Davis
Samuel Davidson
George W. Garland
James Hunt
James Preby
Isaac Rand?
David Swett
Daniel Swett
David Swett Jr.
Sicots? Swett
John P. Swett
Abram S. Swett
Enoch Sergeant
David Seevy
Harmony Steven?
51 men + 53 = 104
(Elected COOS COUNTY) Errol–William Dunn, town clerk; Samuel Akers, William Dunn, James F. Bragg, selectmen.
Thursday, April 4, 1844; New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette (Concord NH) page 1
Nathaniel Perkins (dem.) is elected representative from Errol, &c.
Thursday, April 4, 1844; New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette (Concord NH) page 2
Public notice is hereby given, so that much of the undermentioned lands in said town of ERROL belonging to nonresidential owners and proprietors, as will pay the undermentioned taxes assessed upon the said lands respectively for the year 1845, with incidental charges, will be sold at public auction at the school house, in said Errol on Thursday, the 22d day of January, next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, unless prevented by previous payment. [included] Claims of Simon W. Gregg and others, Claim of Hezekiah Parsons, Claim of A. Hoit. Signed by Jared Cone, Collector.
Thursday, October 23, 1845, New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette (Concord NH) Page 3
RESOLVED, by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened, That the sum of four hundred dollars be and the same is herby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the town of Errol, in the county of Coos, to pay the expense of building a bridge across the Androscoggin river, in said town of Errol. Approved, Dec. 29, 1848.
Thursday, March 1, 1849, New Hampshire Sentinel (Keene NH) Page 1
HORRID DEATH–A man named, Cone belonging to Errol, in the state, went out on the 6th. inst. to examine his traps set for otter and beaver. Not returning, search was made, and only his head and one leg in a boot were found–he having been eaten by a catamount. A part was at once formed to hunt and destroy the animal.
Saturday, January 27, 1849; Telescope (Manchester NH) page 2
MAN KILLED BY A CATAMOUNT.–Mr. John Soule, of Errol, in this state, who in company with two others, was hunting near Umbagog lake, went out one afternoon, some four weeks since, on the line of his traps, but not returning his companions started on his track next morning, and about a half mile from the camp they found his body badly torn in pieces, and the tracks of two animals going from the place.–From all appearance, Soule came across two catamounts in a tree some half a mile beyond where his dead body was found, and not daring to risk a shot, retreated backwards toward his camp, and had accomplished nearly half the distance, when he fell backwards over a log, and was leaped upon immediately by the catamounts. His rifle was by his side, loaded and cocked. His companions followed the tracks of the animals till they retreated in a circle, and, hearing them make a noise, became frightened, and gave up the chase.–Lebanon (N.H.) Whig.
Thursday, February 8, 1849; New Hampshire Sentinel (Keene NH) page 2
KILLED BY CATAMOUNTS.–The Lebanon (N.H.) WHig, says, that a Mr. John Soule, of Errol, in that State, while on a hunting expedition near Umbagog Lake, was killed by two catamounts.
Saturday, February 10, 1849; Telescope (Manchester NH), page 2
It becomes our duty to state that no man has been killed in Errol, N.H. by catamounts. The story originally appeared in the Lebanon Whig.
Tuesday, February 27, 1849. New-Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth NH), Vol XCV, Issue 9, Page 2
32 people voted in the New Hampshire election for governor. 28 for [Noah] Martin and 4 for [James] Bell. [Noah Martin with a state-wide vote of 30,934 over James Bell who received 17,590. He received an annual salary of $1,000.].
Wednesday, March 23, 1853; New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette (Concord NH) p 2
At Errol, N.H., a fine child of John L. Van Buskirk, a boy of fourteen months, was drowned in a firkin of swill, which sat near the back door, on the 29th ult. The firkin had about six quarts of water in it.
Thursday, October 23, 1856; Farmer’s Cabinet (Amherst, NH) Vol 55, Issue 12, page 2
The dwelling house and out-buildings of J.D. Killgore of Errol, were recently, together with their contents, destroyed by fire. Mrs. Killgore had her hands badly burned, and her little girl four years of age was suffocated, so that she was resuscitated with difficulty
Wednesday, August 24, 1859; New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette, Concord NH, Vol XII, Issue 640, page 3
In the Legislature of this state, the highest mileage is 172 miles ($34.40) awarded to Samuel Akers, representative from Errol, Cambridge and Wentworth’s Location.
Tuesday, August 5, 1862, Weekly Union (Manchester NH) page 2
FEARFUL TRAGEDY IN NEW HAMPSHIRE–The Manchester Mirror learns from a correspondent at Lancaster, Coos County, the following particulars of an attempted murder:
A horrible tragedy occurred at Dummer, Coos County on the 19th inst. A.J. Flanders and Lewis Remeau, a Canadian Frenchman, were on their way from Errol where they had spent the winter in a logging swamp, to Milan on the Grand Truck Railroad, to take the cars for St. Hyacinthe and Newport their respective homes.
When about half way to Milan, they fell in with one Thomas J. Lary, whom they engaged to carry their baggage for them. Lary lives in Dummer, and when within about a mile of his house he proposed to Flanders and Remeau to go to his barn on a back place some one hundred and fifty yards from the road, in a secluded spot, and help him load some bales of hay. They did so and after the hay was on the sled and Remeau and Lary were binding the load, Flanders went into the stable for his coat, and just as he had got into the stable he heard a heavy blow and a groan, and looking around, saw through the cracks of the door Lary striking Remeau with the axe. Lary immediately left the Frenchman and came into the stable with the axe uplifted covered with the blood of Remeau. Flanders offered to give him money if he would spare his life, and as he lowered the axe to take the money, clinched Lary and began a struggle for life. In the struggle Flander’s right hand was severely cut with the axe, but he succeeded in getting it from Lary, and when Lary went out of the barn, Flanders fled carry the axe with him. Lary put the Frenchman’s body on the hay and started the horses on the road and then fled across the country to the logging camp of Isaac Wight, whom he got to show him the way to Mr. Leighton’s saying he wanted to buy some oxen of him. Leightons’ is within two or three miles of the Grand Trunk Railroad, and since Wight left him there, Lary has not been seen, though he can hardly escape, for the whole country is roused and on his track.
Remeau received two severe blows with the axe, one of the side and the other on the back part of his head, but the surgeons say he may recover, as a heavy wire in the rim of his hat broke the force of the blow.
Flanders and Remeau had some $300 received for their winter’s work, and as Lary took all the money on Remeau’s person, robbery is supposed to have been his object.
Lary was arrested on Sunday, in Milton Plantation, near Rumford, Oxford County, Maine.
Thursday, April 4, 1867; Farmer’s Cabinet (Amherst NH) page 2
Mr. Andrew J. Peaslee, Representative of Errol, Cambridge, &c., represented more territory that any other member of our Legislature.–Leaving home for Concord he came fifteen miles in a boat down the Magalloway river, through Umbagog lake, thence by rail to Portland. He is a native of Weare.
Thursday, July 25, 1867; Farmer’s Cabinet (Amherst NH) page 2
Mr. Geo. S. Nye, who was a member of the recent hunting and fishing party that went from Concord to the “upper country’ gives a glowing description of the crops in the northern Coos region in New Hampshire. He says that in the town of Errol and vicinity good potatoes–12 hills to the bushel–are sold in large quantities to the starch manufacturers for 35 cents a bushel.–The buckwheat crop was large, and oats were worth from 50 to 60 cents per bushel. The yield of wheat was fair and the hay crop large.
Thursday, September 23, 1869; Farmer’s Cabinet (Amherst NH) page 2
The name of Mr. Thurston, as Democratic Representative, which has appeared in all the lists of members of the House as the candidate chosen from the classed towns of Errol and Cambridge, was incorrectly used, for the Democrats got mixed up and made no choice. The Democratic press admit the above error, and that is consequently reduces by one their strength in the House. There is a growing and confident feeling among the Republicans that they will have the control of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, and that the Democratic anticipations in such a direction will come to grief.
Thursday, April 13, 1871, Farmers Cabinet (Amherst NH) Vol 69, Issue 39, page 2
On the 30th ult, in Errol, Mr. Sam’l Akers went into the woods with his son and another man to chop. On arriving, all separated, and the sound of Mr. A’s axe was heard, but ceased suddenly. The son went to see to the cause of his father’s cessation from work, and found him dead at the foot of a partially cut tree. Mr. A. went to Errol in 1805, at the age of twelve years and was the oldest inhabitant of the town. He was much respected and his loss will be deeply felt. He had arrived at the ripe old age of nearly seventy-nine, but was as vigorous and active as he was true and honest, both in politics and every walk of life.
Wednesday, January 11, 1871; New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette (Concord NH) p 3
Prof. Huntington, the Assistant State Geologist, has found in the bed of Umbago Lake in Errol, a deposit of a peculiar earth, such as is used to plish? the precious metals with.
Saturday, August 26, 1871; Lake Village Times (Laconia NH) page 3
Horse Thief.– On the 10th in Errol, a man calling himself Harris and professing to be a dentist, left a horse and wagon with Mr. George Ilsley. He did not make himself heard from for a week, when he took the horse and left the wagon. Going through Dixville Notch he was lost trace of, but Maine folks want both man and beast badly, the latter having been stolen. A wagon and harness disappeared from Mr. Hubbard Noyes place, along this tooth carpenter’s route.
Wednesday, September 27, 1871; New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette, page 3
D. Thornton & Son of Errol expect to get in two million feet of lumber this season, and W.W. Bragg one million. Other persons will get in smaller lots.
Wednesday, November 22, 1871; New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette, Concord NH, page 2
Portage: Lake Umbagog, stereoview
NY Public Library Digital Collections
Seth L. Davis has been appointed Postmaster at Errol, vice James F. Bragg, resigned.
Wednesday, February 14, 1872; New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette (Concord NH0 p3
Drowned. — On the 7th in Millsfield, Mr. John Palmer of Errol was drowned while running logs.
Wednesday, May 15, 1872; New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette (Concord NH) p 3
–A few days ago Mr. Seth L. Davis of Errol, after recovering from a fever went into the woods to cut timber; but, after working a little while, he felt sick and returned home and went to bed, and immediately thereafter died. He was postmaster of the town and an excellent man.
Quincy V. Davis, at Erroll, has been appointed postmaster, vice L. Davis, deceased.
Saturday, February 1, 1873; Mirror and Farmer (Manchester, NH) page 6
Saturday, November 1, 1873; Mirror and Farmer (Manchester NH) p. 3
COOS COUNTY. In Errol, on Thursday, William Staples was thrown out backwards from his carriage and paralyzed below the head and shoulders so that he can only move his left arm and hand a little.
Saturday, July 4, 1874; Mirror and Farmer (Manchester NH) page 1
COOS COUNTY. Herbert W. Fickett has been appointed postmaster at Errol.
Postmasters Appointed–Quincy B. Davis, Errol, Coos County, N.H.
Saturday, May 1, 1875; Mirror and Farmer (Manchester NH) p. 4
COOS COUNTY–There is a young lady in Errol, who has taught thirty-four schools, all within fifteen miles of home.
Saturday, February 19, 1876; Mirror and Farmer (Manchester NH) page 8
William W. Bragg, Democrat, was elected representative from Erroll on Saturday, March 30th, receiving 26 out of 48 votes cast. This is Mr. Bragg’s fourth successive term in the house of representatives, and his sixth term altogether.
Wednesday, April 17, 1878; New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette (Concord NH) page 2
ERROL: Fred Flint of Abbott, Me., a lumberman at work for Calvin J. Turner was probably fatally injured on the 19th inst., while driving a team to haul logs near Greenough pond. Some way he got caught under the load while going down a steep hill and injured his spine so as to cause total paralysis. — Thursday, February 26, 1880, New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette (Concord NH) page 3
FROM: Farrar’s illustrated guide book to the Androscoggin lakes, and the head-waters of the Connecticut, Magalloway, and Androscoggin Rivers, 1884, by Capt. Charles A.J. Farrar
“Persons wishing to try the fishing in the vicinity of Errol Dam will find good accomodation at Bragg’s Hotel, one mile from the Dam, where the stage puts up.”

ERROL HOUSE, Errol, N.H., J.T. Chapman, Proprietor. Terms, $2,00 per day, $7.00 to $10.00 per week. Accomodates 30 guests.
Hotel Burned at Errol Dam.
GORHAM., N.H., June 1. — Bragg’s hotel at Errol Dam was burned Saturday, with the furniture and outfit. Eight horses perished in the stable. Loss estimated at $6000; insured for $3000.
Thursday, June 4, 1885; New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette (Concord NH) page 3
Loring Heath of Stewartstown was drowned while fishing in Aker’s Pond, Errol, on Sunday. He was a man about sixty years of age, and leaves a family.
Wednesday, July 1, 1885; New Hampshire Sentinel (Keene NH) Vol LXXXVII Iss: 26, Page 2
1885 and 1889
JOINT RESOLUTION for the repair of highways in Coos county
– Three hundred dollars for highways in the town of Errol, lying between Errol Dam and the south line of Wentowrth’s Location
– Three hundred dollars for highways in Errol leading from the old road near the dwelling-house of Luman H. Grover down the Adroscoggin River to the east line of Dummer.
Wednesday, August 28, 1889; New Hampshire Sentinel (Keene NH) Page: supplement 4
Thursday, November 21, 1889; New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette (Concord NH) p 8
From a list of hotels and boarding houses
Errol, 4 Houses, 73 guests accomodated.
The Whitefield & Jefferson railroad mentions the possibility of adding a line that would pass through Errol.
Thursday, January 23, 1890; New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette (Concord NH) p 8
Named to Maine Post
Orono, Me., Oct 28 (AP)–The University of Maine Agricultural Extensive Service announced today appointment of Miss Reta-Mary Little of Errol, NH, as a district home demonstration agent for Oxford county.
28 October 1946 Monday; Nashua Telegraph (Nashua NH) page 9
Shopping Trip Fatal To Little Girl, Dad
ERROL, NH (AP)–A projected Christmas shopping trip to Boston–and a little girl’s anxiety to see Santa Claus–ended in the tragic death of the tot and her father in Lake Umbagog yesterday. Frank Di Francesco, 42, an Upton, Me., farm worker and his daughter Marjorie, 3, drowned when their frail canvas boat capsized while crossing from the Maine to the New Hampshire side of the Turbulent Lake. Di Francesco’s 28-year-old wife and James MacKenzie 42 also a farm worker missed a similar fate by swimming ashore after clinging desperately to the over-turned craft.
3 December 1948; The Berkshire Eagle (Pittsfield MA) page 18



New Hampshire Missing Places: Umbagog House of Errol

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