A New Hampshire Easter Medly

Happy Easter Everyone!

Even though it may not feel like Spring, a few days ago on March 20th, the vernal equinox occurred, ushering in this new season. While growing up in New Hampshire, Easter was the date that we officially recognized Spring had arrived, even if we had a light dusting of snow on our Easter bonnets.

To personally celebrate this event, I’ve collected blog articles from past years relating to Spring. Enjoy!


-Bill West: Not Only Does He Now Have 49 Ways To Use a Flutaphone, He Also Writes About Easter

-Not New Hampshire: Roscoe E. Rodda, Inventor of Peeps (1862-aft 1930)

New Hampshire’s Haruspices of Spring

-Poem: “Spring,” by Kathi Webster

-Tulips – Spring is Coming to New Hampshire

-Easter-themed stories at Hill Country of Monroe County, Mississippi

-Easter mentioned at Smoky Mountain Family Historian

-Easter on Ancestories

-Easter at Destination: Austin Family

Welcome Spring! at kinexxions

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2 Responses to A New Hampshire Easter Medly

  1. Pingback: New Hampshire Tidbits: Easter Traditions Past and Present | Cow Hampshire

  2. Pingback: 2020 New Hampshire Tidbits: An Unusual Easter | Cow Hampshire

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