Tag Archives: prose

100 Years Ago: Poems and Prose Of Women’s Suffrage

The desire to vote was a passionate topic among women for many decades. It was not a surprise to discover that volumes of poetry and prose were composed with suffrage as the theme. For this article, I have selected a … Continue reading

Posted in History, Poetry, Really Old News | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

A New Hampshire Song for the Fourth of July – 1826

Come join the grand Chorus with hearts full of glee,
And drain each a bumper in toasting the free

Let care and … Continue reading

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New Hampshire: There Is Something In An Old House

There is something in an old house that there never can be in a new one.

The new one may … Continue reading

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New Hampshire: A Hundred Years Hence

This life of ours is full of mysteries

We rise in the morning, we go to bed at night, … Continue reading

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