Tag Archives: Frost

The Face of Oriseville Sarah (Fisher) Frost of Peterborough NH (1848-1929)

At first I thought the handwriting on the back of a lovely gem-sized tintype photo read Drusilla.  The other side with the actual photograph was entitled “Mrs. Frost,” in pencil.  The face that looked out at me was lovely, and … Continue reading

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Poem: Ghost House, by Robert Frost (1906)

  I Dwell in a lonely house I know That vanished many a summer ago, And left no trace but the cellar walls, And a cellar in which the daylight falls, And the purple-stemmed wild raspberries grow.

Posted in History, Holidays, Poetry | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

New Hampshire’s Year Without a Summer

The year 1816 is known among the few old men who remember it as “the year without a summer.”  … Continue reading

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New Hampshire Glossary: Frost Heave

No, one of Robert Frost's descendants is not getting ready to “toss their cookies.”

Instead “frost heaves” are unnatural speed … Continue reading

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Poem: The Star-Splitter by Robert Frost

You know Orion always comes up sideways.
Throwing a leg up over our fence of mountains,

And rising on his … Continue reading

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