Cow Hampshire: Tag You Are It

This is an interesting week for this blog, having received two awards–the first being an Editor's Choice for Best Historic Blog by New Hampshire Magazine. 

I'm truly honored. I feel a bit guilty too. I think that like only people who do something they don't like to do should receive an editor's choice.  I'll admit it folks, I'm loving every minute of this blog.  Each year The Best of New Hampshire supports a worthy non-profit organization.  This year they made an excellent choice by selecting the New Hampshire Food Bank. 

Secondly my friend Adam Purple over at has tagged me.  He gave me a “Thinking Blogger Award” as part of an ongoing meme.

The rules for the meme are straightforward…
     1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think;
     2. Link to the original post at The Thinking Blog, so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme; and
     3. Optionally: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ graphic with a link to the post that you wrote. [I must admit thinking that the image on the graphic looks more like an “Area 51” award. Then I decided our U.S. ancestors were all aliens at some point or another, so it's O.K.]

Although there are an amazing number of blogs that make me think, I'm going to reserve my choices to blogs about genealogy or history.  And so without further adieu… the 5 blogs that make me think (in no particular order)….

1. Hill Country of Monroe County, Mississippi: The more you read Terry Thornton's posts, the more you realize that human beings are very much the same no matter what part of the country they hail from.
2. footnoteMaven: fM is indeed as “dazzlingly skilled” as she states.
3. West in New England: Bill West's posts make me feel like I am his cousin.  OMG! I am his cousin!
4. Genealogy Reviews Online: Tim Agazio presents a great smorgasbord for genealogists.
5. Smoky Mountain Family Historian: Lori's topics are eclectically interesting.

My thanks to each of these bloggers for their amazing work, and most importantly for making me
.  It’s my pleasure to extend a well-deserved Thinking Blog award
to each.


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