Likenesses of Ernest P. and Ellsworth P. Runnells, from “One Thousand New Hampshire Notables: Brief Biographical Sketches of New Hampshire Men and Women, Native Or Resident, Prominent in Public, Professional, Business, Educational, Fraternal Or Benevolent Work,” (Google eBook), by Henry Harrison Metcalf, Frances Matilda Abbott, 1919
Twin brothers from New Hampshire were simultaneously decorated with French and American crosses on December 17, 1918, in the only known instance of this occurrence. Ernest was decorated with the Distinguished Service Cross (American) while Ellsworth received the Croix de Guerre (French). They were the sons of Everett Hazen Runnells (and distant cousins of mine), and were born and raised in Concord New Hampshire.
Their father, Everett Hazen Runnells–Farmer and contractor, b. Concord NH on 7 June 1851, son of Deacon Hazen and Sarah E. (Corliss) Runnells; sixth in descent from Sergt. Samuel Runnels, of Bradford, MA, before 1710; fifth in descent from Lieut Samuel Runnells and fourth in descent from Lieut Samuel Runnells Jr. of Boxford MA, both of

Likeness of Ernest Hazen Runnells from “One Thousand New Hampshire Notables: Brief Biographical Sketches of New Hampshire Men and Women, Native Or Resident, Prominent in Public, Professional, Business, Educational, Fraternal Or Benevolent Work,” (Google eBook) by
Henry Harrison Metcalf, Frances Matilda Abbott; 1919, page 475
whom served in the French and Indian Wars, 1755-56; grandson of Joseph Runnells, who served in the Revolution; educated at Concord schools; on year (1868) at Oberlin College, Ohio; Congregationalist; Republican; supervisor of check list Ward 4, several years; m. Oct. 20, 1880, Clara Frances Potter of East Concord, NH.. She was descended from Robert Potter, Lynn MA 1630, great-granddaughter of Richard Potter, who served in the Revolution under Gen. Sullivan, niece of Gen. Joseph H. Potter, U.S.A. (West Point 1843); children, (1) Clarence Everett, b. Dec 10, 1881; ed. Concord high school; employed by Lynn MA Electric R.R.; m. June 15, 1904 Katharine Isabel McClure, Maynard MA; their children, John Franklin, b. Jan 29, 1909; Maude Frances, Dec 14, 1915; (2) Maude Edith, b. Nov 10, 1886, d. Feb 12, 1897; (3) Morrill Potter, b. Jan 28, 1892; ed Concord schools; foreman in machine shops, U.S. Navy Yard, Portsmouth, NH; m. April 8, 1917, Blanche Evelyn Moran, Lowell, Mass; (4 and 5) twin sons, Ernest Potter and Ellsworth Potter, b. April 7, 1894 (see succeeding sketches). Residence, 6 Lyndon St., Concord NH
Soldier, b. Concord NH Apr 7 1894, died 28 October 1954 in Alameda Co., California ; son of Everett Hazen & Clara Frances (Potter) Runnells (see preceding); ed Concord high school; employed National State Capital Bank; Episcopalian; Republican; entered the U.S. service, July 25, 1917; sailed for France, Oct. 3, 1917; in the Medical Corps of the 26th Division, later in the 101st Ambulance Corps; cited for bravery by Major-Gen C.R. Edwards in the second battle of the Marne, July 18-26, 1918 “for rescuing wounded comrades under heavy enemy fire”; cited by Major-Gen. C.R. Edwards for “exceptionally meritorious service and gallant conduct under a terrific enemy artillery bombardment,” Sept 25 and 26, 1918; decorated with Distinguished Service Cross, (American) Dec. 17, 1918. Residence, 6 Lyndon St., Concord NH. He married 5 May 1920 in Concord NH to Constance H. Trask and had at three children, Barbara C. Runnells, Patricia A. Runnells., and Ernest Potter Runnels Jr. He became an Episcopalian minister, and was rector of Episcopalian parishes in Oregon, California, New Hampshire, and the Canal Zone. His Oregon service included assignment at Roseburg from 1926 to 1929 and as a general missionary from 1929 to 1931. According to the Oregonian (Portland OR newspaper) of 31 October 1954, page 16, he “stopped at a roadstand to buy a dozen roses for his ailing wife Thursday night. Minutes later he was killed by a hit-run driver as he returned to his car.” He is buried in Blossom Hill Cemetery, Concord NH.
Soldier (twin brother to preceding), son of Everett Hazen and Clara Frances (Potter) Runnells, was b. Concord NH April 7, 1894, and died March 1969. He is buried in Blossom Hill Cemetery, Concord NH; He was educated in Concord (NH) schools; Episcopalian; Republican; member White Mountain Lodge, I.O.O.F.; employed in the People’s Market, 1912-17; entered the U.S. service July 25, 1917; sailed for France, Oct 3, 1917; in the 103d Machine Gun Battalion, 26th Division, 52d Brigade Co. B; decorated with the Croix de Guerre, Dec. 17, 1918, standing beside his twin brother who received the American Cross at the same time This is believed to be the only instance where twin brothers were simultaneously decorated with French and American crosses during the Great War. He m1) May 14, 1917 Amy Isabel Milton, Penacook NH. Residence, 6 Lyndon Street, Concord NH. They had one child, Everett P. Runnells Jr., who was born 30 December 1930 and died 1 January 1931, aged 2 days. He married 2nd) 30 Sept 1943 in Maine to Edith Jane Treloar. She was b. 27 March 1914 in Pembroke NH. They had 2 children: Everett Potter Runnells, who was born 4 November 1946 in Concord NH and died 27 August 1966 in Vietnam while serving in the U.S. Army, and Arlene Kay Runnells.
PS: My thanks to Arline Kay (Runnells) Devoid who helped me correct her family information.
I was just told about this site. I too am a descendant of Robert Potter. Clara’s brother John was my great-great-grandfather.
I am the daughter of Ellsworth P Runnells.
Ernest Runnells also had one son Ernest P. Runnells.
My brother Everett P. Runnells did not die in 1931. He died in Vietnam in August 1966. He was born Nov 4 1946. in Concord.
Thank you Arlene, I’ve corrected the information, and found Ernest P. Runnells Jr. in the 1940 California Census with his family. You and I are 4th cousins 2x removed through the Runnells line.
My Peabody side descended from Samuel Runnels…my greatx8 grandfather. Thank you for the info!
Very interesting biographies. Thank you.
I am the granddaughter of Ernest P. Runnells and Constance Hatfield Trask Runnells. Thank you for this article. I never knew my grandfather, but my family is very proud of both him and his brother for their courageous service during WWI. I believe they were just 24 years old at the time. I have a copy of a letter Ernest wrote his mother from France, and it is quite extraordinary in it’s wisdom and depth.
Rebecca, thank you for taking the time to read and comment on the story of your grandfather. I can see that you cherish the letter her wrote home to his mother, and that it is wonderful that it has been preserved for your family.
You must know the letter, how wonderful! I’m seeing we are likely cousins, based on one of your earlier comments, but I am not sure how many times removed. My mother, Ernest’s daughter Patricia, is 97 and doing very well – I know she misses New England, especially the Fall colors. She still has a great memory for the family history so I am getting all the stories I can; she also wrote down as much family history as she could remember and gave this to me for safe-keeping.
My name is Carol Sudweeks, daughter of Patricia (Runnells) Mandeville, granddaughter of Ernest Potter Runnells. Just an interesting side note-I also have identical twin sons who are both currently Majors in the Army. They both fly Blackhawk helicopters. As great grandsons of the Runnells twins, the military tradition continues!
Carol, thank you so much for reading my blog, and leaving a comment. I’m a RUNNELS descendant too, not from Ernest or Ellsworth but in a closely related Runnels line and there were a good number of twins born into the family. I’m a twin too. Your sons are American heroes who we should all thank for their service. You have much to be proud of.