Prof. T.S.C. Lowe, photograph taken between 1865 and 1880; Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, Washington DC
Thaddeus S.C. Lowe was a brilliant inventor. Even the items on a list of his ‘major’ accomplishments would seem to belong to several men and lifetimes, instead of his one. Thaddeus Lowe’s birth and upbringing were not extraordinary. If anything, his youth was full of difficulty and disappointments. Through his own effort, he earned money to obtain an education, and then continued to be both student and teacher, for the rest of his life.
During his 81 years of life, he:
.constructed balloons in 1856-59 to study atmospheric phenomenon
.balloonist for Union Army, Chief of the Corps of Aeronautics
. was first to establish telegraphic communications between a balloon to the ground
.conducted military reconnaissance for Union forces during Civil War
. was offered the commission of Major-General by the Emperor of Brazil to serve in the war with Paraguay (he declined)
.devised (in 1862) a system of signaling and valuable instruments for atmospheric investigation
.constructed and operated the largest aerostat ever built
.in 1865 invented compression ice machines and made the first artificial ice in the United states
.in 1868 equipped a steam ship with refrigeration for food transportation
.in 1871-73 inventor of water-gas system to produce light and heat, that was used in more than two hundred cities and which revolutionized the gas industry
.built regenerative metallic furnaces for gas and petroleum
.founded the Lowe Observatory in the Sierra Madre Mountains California
.in 1892 Mount Lowe named for him
.built Mount Lowe Railroad

Prof. T.S.C. Lowe, Civil War balloonist; photograph taken between 1861 and 1865; Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington D.C.
The following biography, which gives a more detailed description of his life is taken from page 425 of History of Coös County, New Hampshire, by Georgia Drew Merrill; Syracuse N.Y.: W.A. Fergusson & Co., 1888
Thaddeus, S.C. Lowe, the distinguished inventor, aeronaut, and scientist, was born August 20, 1832 at Jefferson, NH and is the son of Clovis and Alpha (Green) Lowe, of that town. His mother was a daughter of Thomas Green, of Berlin Falls, N.H. and on both sides the ancestry is of the early pilgrims who came from England in the seventeenth century.
Mr. Lowe enjoyed only a common school education in early life, working on a farm between the age of ten and fourteen years. The only opportunity for attending school was about three months in the year in winter, walking two miles and often on snow shoes at that. During this period, the best opportunity for study was in the evenings by the light of pine knots industriously gathered in early autumn while laying in the winter’s supply of wood. Mr. Lowe’s favorite studies were chemistry, natural philosophy and kindred subjects. In his fifteenth year he left his mountain home, walking one hundred miles to Portland, Maine, and from thence went by water to Boston, where he apprenticed himself out for three years to learn the trade of boot and shoe cutting. At the close of his apprenticeship, he was enabled to earn money sufficient to admit of his pursuing his studies, selecting medicine as a specialty, and at the age of twenty-one he commenced the compounding and practice of medicine. Although very successful for his years, he so disliked the practice that instead of permanently establishing himself, he went on a lecturing tour of several years duration. Before this, however, he taught a class in chemistry for a short time. He lectured on scientific matters, mostly confined to interesting chemical experiments in which the various gases played an important part. In this he was eminently successful, pleasing large audiences, and constantly gaining for himself valuable information.
In 1855 Mr. Lowe was married to Miss Leontine Augustine Gachon, of New York, who was born and educated in Paris, France. Very soon after, in 1857, he began the study of aeronautics, and made numerous aerial voyages in different parts of the country, his first being one from Ottawa, Canada, in 1858 in celebration of the laying of the first Atlantic cable. In 1859 he constructed the largest aerostat ever built. In was intended for voyages across the ocean, which he estimated could be made in less than three days by taking advantage of the ever-constant eastward current which he had discovered to always prevail in all the numerous voyages he had made previous to that time. This he did to, in some way, compensate for the temporary failure of the Atlantic cable, which was to endeavor to communicate more rapidly than by steamers, which in that day were quite slow compared with the present. This aerostate was 150 feet perpendicular diameter, by 104 feet transverse diameter, its atmospheric displacement amounted to a lifting force of twenty-two and one half tons. It had for its outfit, besides a car with all the necessary scientific instruments, provisions, etc., a complete Francis metallic life-boat, schooner rigged, much larger than several that have successfully crossed the ocean since that time. The gas envelope weighed over two tons, while the network and other cordage weighed over one and one half tons. It was quite late in the autumn before this monarch of balloons was completed. Prof. Lowe procured the site of the New York Crystal Palace, which had been destroyed by fire, and cleaning away the debris of that once fine edifice, he, on the first of November, 1859, began the inflation of his monster aerostate for the voyage; but owing to a lack in the supply of gas from the street mains, whereby six days would be required to inflate instead one one day, which was necessary for a successful use of gas, the attempt at that time had to be abandoned. There was not then a newspaper in the civilized world but what noticed, more or less, the extensive preparations he had made for this undertaking, and all sorts of comments went rounds of the world.
In the spring of 1860, by invitation of a number of members of the Franklin Institute, Prof. Lowe came to Philadelphia where Prof. John C. Cresson, then president of the Philadelphia gas works, promised the necessary rapid supply of gas for a trial trip to test the feasibility of inflating and launching into the air this immense aeronautic machine. Older aeronauts from all parts of the world had predicted that an aerostate of this size could not be successfully inflated and launched into the air. Notwithstanding these predictions, a successful trial trip was made from the Point Breeze gas works in June 1860, where four hundred thousand cubic feet of gas were furnished in four hours. On this trip five passengers were taken, including Mr. Garrick Mallory, of the “Philadelphia Inquirer,” who wrote an account of the trip which was published in that journal at the time. In this voyage, two and a half miles altitude was obtained in passing over the city of Philadelphia, and when near Atlantic City a descent was made to a lower current, which wafted the great aerostate back to within eighteen miles of Philadelphia, where a landing was effected. This immense balloon was handled with so much skill that the departure from the earth with the weight of over eight tons, and the return again, were so gentle that the passengers on board could hardly have known when they left or when they landed had they not seen it accomplished.
So well pleased were Prof. Lowe’s friends at his successful managing of an aerostate six times larger than any ever before built that they recommended him to visit Prof. Henry, of the Smithsonian Institute, and, if possible, secure his cooperation, and to that end furnished him with a letter…. It is needless to say that Prof. Henry received Prof. Lowe with extreme warmth and congeniality, giving him the freedom of the Institution, and from this meeting sprang a lasting friendship.
During Prof. Lowe’s intercourse with Prof. Henry he outlined a plan for taking meteorological observations at different parts of the continent and from high altitudes by means of balloons and communicating the same by telegraph to a bureau to be established in Washington, whereby weather predictions could be made useful exactly in the same way as it is today done by the U.S. signal service. To Prof. Lowe the government is as much indebted as to any other one man for the successful establishment of that service, for it was his plans frequently and freely communicated to Major Meyers, during the war, that led to the establishment of this service after the close of the war. There is now in existence considerable correspondence between Prof. Lowe and the late Prof. Joseph Henry, General Meyers and others, upon this subject.
Upon the recommendation of Prof. Henry, preparatory to a transatlantic voyage, Prof. Lowe made a trip across the continent in a smaller aerostat, starting from Cincinnati, Ohio, at four o’clock in the morning of April 20, 1861, after taking leave of his friends, among whom were Messrs Potter and Murat Halstead of the “Cincinnati Commercial;” he landed on the South Carolina Coast at twelve o’clock the same day, making the quickest and longest voyage on record, delivering papers at about a thousand miles distant, still damp from the press in eight hours after they were printed.
This voyage was fraught with great interest, both scientific and otherwise long accounts of its being published at the time. Landing in this way in South Carolina two weeks after the firing on Fort Sumter caused considerable excitement in the Rebel armies, and Prof. Lowe was arrested and thrown into prison, but on producing proofs relative to the scientific objects of the voyage, he was released, and after five days and nights of railroading found his way back to Cincinnati, the point from which he had so recently traveled the same distance in eight hours.
Secretary Chase, then a member of President Lincoln’s cabinet, telegraphed at the request of the President to Prof. Lowe to come to Washington and consult with him as to the use of balloons for war purposes. He went and was received by the President with marked attention, spending a night in the Executive Mansion. These interviews resulted in obtaining authority for the organization of the corps of observation or aeronautic corps, with Prof. Lowe as its head chief aeronaut of the United States army, which position he held for three years, during which time he rendered valuable service to the government. At the end of this time his health became so much impaired that he turned his department over to one of his assistants and retired on a farm in Chester county, Pa., with the hope of regaining his health. The serviced rendered the government during his stay in the army were of immense value, as testified to by the commander-in-chief, and numerous corps commanders, who had received valuable information to better govern their movements. During this time he made, personally, over three thousand cable ascensions and was the first and only person to establish telegraphic communication from a balloon to various portions of the army and to Washington at the same time.
Conspicuous among these occasions were those at the battle of Fair Oaks. These balloons, with assistant aeronauts instructed by Prof. Lowe, were sent to different armies, including the forces on the southern coast and in the west. To make these war balloons efficient on land and water, it became necessary to make new inventions, conspicuous among which were Prof. Lowe’s hydrogen gas generators, for field and ship service. At any time within three hours after halting beside a pool of water he would extract sufficient hydrogen therefrom to inflate one of these balloons, whereby himself and often several officers would mount a thousand or two feet in the air and overlook the country. His renown spread over Europe and South America, and his field system of aeronautics was introduced into the British, French and Brazilian armies. The Emperor of Brazil, through his ministers, made numerous overtures and offered large inducements to Prof. Lowe to take a Major-General’s commission in the Brazilian army during the Paraguayan war, to conduct the same line of service as that rendered to the U.S. government, but owing to other engagements he was compelled to decline. He, however, furnished the necessary field apparatus and balloons, with competent assistants, who rendered valuable aid and greatly shortened the duration of that war, especially by observations on the river in Paraguay at Asuncion.
In 1867 Prof. Lowe invented and brought out the ice machine for refrigeration and the manufacture of ice, which is now in general use in warm climates in all parts of the world. In 1873-75 he invited and brought out his famous water-gas process for illumination and heating purposes, which is already lighting over two hundred cities, and is predicted to, ere long, with his later invention in the production of fuel water-gas, and his indestructible metal compounds for incandescent lighting, entirely supersede all other methods of light, heat and power.
At the last exhibition of the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia, Prof. Lowe received three medals and a diploma, the highest award ever given to any one man at that Institution. The first was a diploma and silver medal for his general exhibit of gas works and appliances; second, the Elliot Cresson gold medal, for “water-gas and incandescent lighting,” third, “grand medal of honor for the invention held to be the most useful to mankind.”
This sketch may be properly closed by quoting the following from a previous publication: “He has little more than reached middle life and it is warrantable to suppose that his speculative and fertile mind will grasp and produce other valuable inventions.” He has already made a number of ingenious lighting, cooking and heating appliances for using his heating gas, the numerous patent rights of which he holds for the protection of his business.
Prof. Lowe is eminently a domestic man, having a large family of children, whose names are as follows: Louisa F., Ida Alpha, Leon Percival, Ava Eugenie, Augustine Margaret, Blanche, Thaddeus, Edna, Zoe, and Sobieski. The three eldest were born in New York.
A New Hampshire Historic marker noting his achievements is located in Jefferson, NH on US 2, about 2.7 miles west of its junction with NH 116.
**Additional Reading**
–Thaddeus Lowe, A Web site created by his great-great-grandson)-
-Tactical Intelligence, Civil War-
***Genealogy of Thaddeus S.C. Lowe**
Thomas Low, a native of England, who married 1) Polstead, Co. Suffolk England 22 June 1630 Margaret Tod. Came to New England and settled at Chebacco parish, Ipswich MA where he died 5 Sep 1677; m2) Susannah –. She b. abt 1598 and d. 19 Aug 1684. The History of Ipswich MA states “he is believed to have been the son of John Low, vice-admiral of the fleet that brought Gov. Winthrop’s colony to New England in 1630. He was born in England, but as early as 1641 he was resident in that part of Ipswich MA, which was then called Chebacco, but is now included in the town of Essex MA.
Deacon Thomas Low, son of Thomas & Margaret (Tod) Low, christened 8 May 1631 in Groton Church, Suffolk, England, and died 12 Apr 1712 in Ipswich, Essex Co MA, buried in Old Essex Cemetery. He married 1st) 4 July 1660 in Chebacco MA to Martha Boreman, dau of Thomas and Margaret Boreman of Ipswich. She b. abt 1641 in Ipswich MA. Selectman, a soldier in King Philip’s War. The History of Ipswich MA state he married 2) Mary Brown. He was an influential citizen.
Children of Dea. Thomas & Martha (Boreman) Low:
1. Thomas Low, b. 14 Apr 1661 Chebacco, Essex Co MA; m. 1681 to Sarah Simonds, dau of Harlakenden Simonds, Deputy Governor, son of Gov. Samuel Simonds and removed to Gloucester MA.
2. +Samuel Low, b. abt 1663 MA or April 1676 in MA
3. Jonathan Low, b. 7 July 1665 Chebacco MA; m. 8 March 1692 to Mary Thompson and had issue.
4. David Low, b. 14 Aug 1667 Chebacco MA, d. 2 June 1716; sergeant in expedition under Sir Wlliam Phipps to Canada; m. Mary Lamb and had 9 children.
5. Martha Low, b. 10 March 1669 in Chebacco MA; m. 16 Nov 1694 to Richard Dodge
6. Joanna/Johanna Low, b. 10 March 1669 in Chebacco MA; m1) ?David Dodge of Wenham; 2d) Joseph Hale of Boxford MA
7. Sarah Low, b. abt 1671; m1) John Grover of Beverly; m2) Nathaniel Webster
8. Abigail Low, b. 25 Apr 1687 in Chebacco MA; m. Joseph Goodhue
9. Nathaniel Low, b. 7 June 1692 in Chebacco MA; d. 30 July 1695
10. John Low, b. abt 1695 in Chebacco MA
Samuel Low, son of Deacon Thomas & Martha (Boreman) Low, was b. abt 1663 or April 1676 in Chebacco, Essex Co MA and d. 6 June 1723 in MA. He married 11 Dec 1718 in Ipswich MA to Susanna Cogswell. She b. 10 March 1695/96 in Chebacco, Essex Co MA.
Children of Samuel & Susanna (Cogswell) Low:
1. Susannah Low, b. 1 Jan 1720 MA, d. 15 Jan 1762 in Boxford MA; m. 31 Jan 1737/38 in Boxford MA to Asa Perley
2. Samuel Low, b. 7 Aug 1721 in MA, d. 5 Feb 1791 in Ipswich MA; m1) 1743 Jemima Woodbury; m2) 1766 to Mary Foster
3. +Nathaniel Low, b. 1723 Chebacco, Essex co MA
Nathaniel Low, son of Samuel & Susanna (Cogswell) Low, was b. abt 1723 in Chebacco, Essex Co. MA, and d. 1794-1800 in Londonderry, Rockingham Co NH. He married 9 March 1741-42 in Wenham, Essex Co MA to Mary Boursiquot Fiske, dau of Ebenezer & Elizabeth (Fuller) Fiske. She b. 27 Jan 1723/24 in Wenham MA, and d. betw 1794-1800. Worked as a weaver. Served with Capt. Perkins in the militia at Topsfield MA. abt 1787-1790 removed to Londonderry NH where he lived until his death.
Children of Nathaniel & Mary B. (Fiske) Low:
1. +Nathaniel Low Jr., b. 8 May 1743 Ipswich MA
2. Jonathan Low, b. 21 Apr 1745 Topsfield, Essex Co MA, d. June 1745
3. Susanna Low, b. 30 March 1746 in Topsfield MA, d. 7 July 1820 Henniker NH
4. Amos Low, b. 28 June 1752 Topsfield MA
5. Molly Low, b. 13 Oct 1754 Topsfield MA, died Young
6. Molly Low, b. 26 March 1758 in Topsfield MA
7. Jonathan Low, b. 21 Apr 1762 in Topsfield MA
Nathaniel Lowe Jr., son of Nathaniel & Mary Boursiquot (Fiske) Low, was b. 8 May 1743 in Ipswich, Essex Co MA, and d. Jan 1831 in Waterville, Kennebec Maine. He 1st) married 3 Oct 1769 in Winslow ME to Ruth Hutchinson. She b. abt 1749 in Winslow ME. He married 2d) 21 Feb 1821 in Fairfield, Kennebec Co ME to Martha “Patty” McFarlin. She b. 11 Sep 1761 in Plympton, Plymouth Co MA.
Children of Nathaniel & Ruth (Hutchinson) Lowe:
1. +Levi Lowe, b. 6 May 1771 in Winslow ME
2. Lois Lowe, b. 26 March 1774 in Winslow, Kennebec Co ME; m. Isaac Stevens
3. Amos Lowe, b. 25 Apr 1779 in Winslow ME; m. in Fairfield ME to Susannah S. Merrow, divorced.
4. Nathaniel Lowe, b. 29 Apr 1781 in Winslow ME; d. 30 Dec 1863 in Fort Edward, Washington NY
5. Perley Lowe, b. 22 Feb 1783 in Winslow ME; Found in 1850 Census of Waterville, Kennebec Co ME with Almira A. Low (50 F MA), Sarah A. Low (45 F Maine), and Nathaniel Low (41 Maine)
Levi Lowe, son of Nathaniel & Ruth (Hutchinson) Lowe, was b. 6 May 1771 in Winslow, Kennebec Co ME, and d. 12 March 1836 in Randolph, Coos Co NH. He married 8 Jan 1795 in Winslow ME to Mary/Polly Soper, dau of Salter & Betty (White) Soper. She b. 15 March 1777 in Gray, Cumberland Co ME. He moved to Randoph NH from Gray Me in 1819; first town clerk of Randolph NH. In 1850 Mary is living with son Justus in Randolph NH
Children of Levi & Mary/Polly (Soper) Lowe:
1. Justus/Justin Lowe, b abt 1797 in Maine, d. abt 1877 in Randolph NH; m1st) about 1827 to Lois Watson; married 2d) Nancy Phelps, b. in NH. Had ch b in NH: Levi, Amos, John, and Diana
2. +Clovis Lowe, b. abt 11 Jan 1800 in Maine
3. Amos/Almon Lowe, b. abt 1802 in Maine
4. Levi Lowe, b. abt 1805 in Maine, died bef 1850 in Maine
5. Mary Lowe, b. abt 1806 in Maine, aka Mrs. Timothy Barnes Estes
Clovis Lowe, son of Levi & Mary/Polly (Soper) Lowe, was b. abt 11 Jan 1800 in Gray, Cumberland Co ME or in Stillwater, Penosbscot Co ME, and died 17 April 1882 in Randolph NH. He married 1st) 6 Nov 1825 in Shelburne, Coos Co NH to Alpha Abigail Green, dau of Thomas & Lydia Fairbanks (Evans) Green. She b. abt 1804 in Shelburne NH. They divorced about 1835. He married 2nd after 1835 in NH to Mary Randall. They lived in several places including Maine, Berlin NH, Jefferson NH and Randolph NH. In 1819 built a “nice little camp” in Berlin NH on lot 3, range 4, established a shoe shop, remained a year or so, and moved back to Randolph NH. He served in the War of 1812. In 1832 was representative from the town of Jefferson NH. He was in the balloon corps on the James River with the Army of the Potomac. “Lowes Grant” was named for him.
1870 United States Federal Census > New Hampshire > Coos > Randolph
Lowe, Clovis 70 M W Farmer 2000/1263 Maine
Lowe, Mary A., 54 F W Keeping house Maine
Lowe, Fred C. 26 M W Farm Laborer Maine
Lowe, Flora E. 20 F W at home Maine
–living next door is Hubbard and Mary D. Hunt–
Children of Clovis & Alpha A. (Green) Lowe:
1. Electra Ann Lowe, b. abt 1826 in NH, d. 20 May 1877 in Anoka, MN; m. 1 Jan 1848 to Daniel Fife Sr.; had 8 children, b in ME and Minnesota.
2. Pembroke Charles Somerset Lowe, b. 27 Sep 1834 in Randolph NH, d. 22 Aug 1907 in Prairie View KS. Married 19 June 1855 to Hanorah O’Neal. Children, b in MN and KS, John Oscar (1856), Mary Abigail (1857), Ellen (1862), Margaret (1864), and Nora (1868)
3. Percival Green Lowe, b. 29 Sep 1828, d. 5 March 1908 in San Antonio, Bexar Co TX; m. Margaret E. Gartin. Children: Percival Green Jr., Wilson Gartin, Jane Elizabeth, and Ellen.
4. Oscar Lowe, d. 1898 in Cambridge MA; married and had issue?
5. +Thaddeus S.C. Lowe, b. 20 Aug 1832 Jefferson NH
Children of Clovis & Mary (Randall) Lowe:
6. Mary Diana Lowe, b. 26 Oct 1836 in Deer Isle, Hancock Co ME, d. 26 Nov 1893 in Randolph, Coos Co NH; m. Hubbard Hunt. Had children Charles E., Arthur, Arland and Eugene. His son Eugene Hunt of Randolph NH m. Nora Whittum, a great grand-dau of Thomas Whittum. Resided Jefferson NH
7. Charles Edward Lowe, b. 20 June 1838 in Franfort, Waldo Co ME, d. 16 March 1907 in Randolph NH
8. Nathaniel F. Lowe, b. 1842 in Frankfort ME, d. 3 Feb 1873 in Dutch East Indies
9. Frederick Clotaire Lowe, b. 16 Jan 1844 in Winterport ME, d. 31 Aug 1916 in North Paris, ME
10. Amos Augustus Lowe, b. abt 1846 in Frankfort ME, d. bef 1850
11. Clotilda Lowe, b. abt 1848 in Frankfort ME
12. Flora Lowe, b. Apr 1850 in Portland, Cumberland Co ME, d. 18 Oct 1925 in Gorham, Coos Co NH
Prof. Thaddeus Sobieski C. Lowe, son of Clovis Lowe and Alpha (Green) Lowe, was born 20 August 1832 in the Riverton section of Jefferson, New Hampshire and died 16 January 1913 in Pasadena, California. At a very young age he went to Portland, Maine, and thence to Boston to work as an apprentice in the trade of boot and shoe cutting. He studied medicine but did not practice. He lectured on scientific subjects, such as chemistry. In 1857 he becane the study of balloons and navigation. On 14 Feb 1855 he married Leontine/Leoratine Augustine Gaschon. They lived in New York City, Philadelphia PA, and 1880 Norristown PA. In 1888 they moved to Southern California to retire. He build a home on South Orange Grove Avenue in Pasadena, California where he founded several companies. He is buried at Mountain View in Altadena California. [The C. in his name is either Constantine or Coulincourt].
1880 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Montgomery > Norristown > District 47
Lowe, Thaddeus M W 47 Professorof Invention NH NH NH
Lowe, Leonatine W F 44 wife keeping house France France France
Lowe, Ida A. W F 21 dau NY NH France
Lowe, Leon P. W M 19 son clerk NY NH France
Lowe, Ava E. W F 17 dau at school Penna NH France
Lowe, Augustine M. W F 15 dau at school Penna NH France
Lowe, Blanche M W F 13 dau Penna NH France
Lowe, Thaddeus W M 10 son Penna NH France
Lowe, Edna M. W F 8 dau Penna NH France
Lowe, Zoe W F 6 dau Penna NH France
Lowe, Sobieski W M 3 son Pann NH France
Children of Thaddeus S.C. & Leontine A. (Gaschon/Gachon) Lowe: [also SEE children’s photographs]
1. +Louise Florence Lowe, b 1856 in NY; d. 1905; m. 1878 August Ludwig Adolf Gleim.He was b. in Germany and was naturalized 21 Sep 1882 in NYC. He listed his occupation as a druggist.
2. +Ida Alpha Lowe, b. 1858 NY, and d. 11 Sep 1924 in Berkley California; m. abt 1882 to John Haug.
3. Leon Percival Lowe, b. abt Aug 1859 NY; 1900 living in San Franciso California with wife Helen; m. abt 1882 to Helen Louise Shoemaker. She b. Jan 1860 in PA, no children at this time. In 1910 living in San Francisco CA with wife Helen M. no children, he is a gas engineer.
4. Ava Eugenia Lowe, b. 1863, d. 1899. In 1899 married C. Henry Stinson.
5. Augustine Marguerite Lowe, b. abt 1865 in W. Vincent, Chester Co PA, d. 1946; m. 2 July 1890 in Norristown PA to Henry March Brownback. He b. 17 Dec 1860 in W. Vincent, Chester Co PA. Had children [Brownback] Henry Lowe (1891) and Russell James (1893). In 1930 entire family living in Norristown, Montgomery Co PA. Henry L. m. Lucie R. and he was a mechanical engineer; Russel J. m. Marrietta M. and was a lawyer.
6. Blanche Lowe, b. 1867 NY, d. 1932; m. Warren A. Wright. In 1920 living in Norristown, Montgomery Co PA with husband and children George L (age 27, single PA), and Willard (age 20 PA).
7. +Thaddeus Lowe II, b. 18 Feb 1870 in PA [one source says NJ]
8. Edna Mabelle Lowe, b. Nov 1871 in Norristown PA, d. 1948; m. 1896 to Elwood L. Wright. In 1900 living in Norristown PA with husband Elwood L. (Nov 1858 PA) and children Leonie C. (Feb 1897 PA) and Morgan H. (March 1898 PA). In 1920 living in Los Angeles California with son Morgan (age 21, PA PA PA, comparer Title Co)
9. Zoe Elsie Lowe, b. 1874, d. 1958. She m. Herbert Cutler Brown
10. Sobieski Constantine Lowe, b. 29 April 1877 in PA, d. 1925. In 1900 single and boarding in Hollister, San Benito Co CA, a stationery engineer. In 1918 his WWI draft card shows him single living in San Francisco California, a gas engineer. His brother Leon is shown as his next of kin. He married Zetith Marguerite Phillips. In 1920 boarding in Houston TX, gas expert, divorced.
Thaddeus Lowe II, son of Thaddeus & Leontine A. (Gaschon/Gachon) Lowe, b.18 Feb 1870 in PA [one source says NJ]; died 10 Aug 1955 in San Bernadino, California; married 24 April 1895 to Florence May Dobbins, dau of Richard J.S. & Carolina Wilhelmina (Emmert) Cobbins in Pasadena California. She was b. 3 Dec 1873. In 1900 living in San Gabriel, Los Angeles Co CA
Children of Thaddeus & Florence (Dobbins) Lowe:
1. William E. Lowe, b. 1897 in Los Angeles, San Marino, CA
2. Florence Leontine Lowe, aka “Pancho”, b. 19/29 July 1901 in South Pasadena California, and d. 29 March 1975 in Boron, Kern Co CA; m. C. Rankin Barnes. He was born 23 March 1891 in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. They had one child, William Emmert Barnes b 9 Oct 1921 San Marino, Los Angeles, California.
Louise Florence Lowe, daughter of of Thaddeus & Leontine A. (Gaschon/Gachon) Lowe, b 1856 in NY; d. 1905; m. 1878 August Ludwig Adolf Gleim. He was b. in Germany and was naturalized 21 Sep 1882 in NYC. He listed his occupation as a druggist.
U.S. Census > 1900 United States Federal Census > Pennsylvania > Montgomery > Norristown > District 240
Gleim, Louisa Head W F Nov 1856 43 married 22 yrs 7 ch 6 living NY NH France
Gleim, Otto F. son W M Jan 1879 21 single NY NH NY Optical Instruments
Gleim, Alpha dau W F Dec 1880 19 single NY NH NY Stenographer
Gleim, Julius son W M Aug 1884 15 single PA NH NY at school
Gleim, Leontine dau W F Apr 1887 13 single NY NH NY at school
Gleim, Ida, dau W F Apr 1889 11 single NY NH NY at school
Gleim, Pauline dau W F Sept 1895 4 single PA NH NY
Gleim, Otto boarder W M Jan 1849 51 single Ger Ger Ger imm 1867 33 yrs in US, alien, Late U.S. Navy
Children of August L.A. & Louise F. (Lowe) Gleim:
1. Otto Thaddeus Gleim, b. 10 Jan 1879 in NY; d. 4 Oct 1946 in San Bernadino, CA
2. Alpha Gleim, b. 7 Dec 1880 in New York; d. 16 Nov 1945; ?m. Wilcomb
3. Julius C. Gleim, b. 16 Aug 1884 in PA; d. 12 Oct 1965 in San Diego, CA
4. Pauline Louise Gleim, b. 23 Sep 1895 PA; d. 6 Apr 1983 Los Angeles, CA
5. Leontine Gleim, b. Apr 1887 NY
6. Ida Gleim, b. Apr 1889 NY
7. Pauline Louise Gleim, b. 23 Sep 1895 PA; d. 6 Apr 1983 Los Angeles CA
Ida Alpha Lowe, daughter of of Thaddeus & Leontine A. (Gaschon/Gachon) Lowe,b. 1858 NY, and d. 11 Sep 1924 in Berkley California; m. abt 1882 to John Haug; in 1910 living in Berkely, Alameda Co California, with husband (age 43 b Germany, marine engineer, Standard Oil Co.), and son Thaddeus E. (age 24 b PA, engineer, iron works). The notice of her will in the newspaper states she has 2 sons, Thaddeus of Berkeley and John S. Haug of Philadelphia PA, co-executors. The estate totalled $47,000.
Children of John & Ida A. (Lowe) Haug:
1. John Sobreski Haug, b. 23 Apr 1883 PA. There is a WWI
Draft card for John Sobreski Haug, b. 23 Apr 1883 in PA, registering
for draft in Philadelphia PA. John’s WWI Draft card shows John S. Haug,
9509 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia PA., b. 23 April 1883 in Norristown PA. nok: Mrs. Mary P. Haug, 9509 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia PA. Employer is United Engineers & Constructors Inc, Philadelphia.
2. Thaddeus Leon Euclid Haug was b. 31 Oct 1885 in PA and died 22 Oct 1957 in Alameda California. His 1918 WWI Draft form shows him single, assistant marine superintendent, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp in Alameda California. His mother is shown as his next of kin.
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