Tag Archives: record

New Hampshire Tidbits: The Geddes’ Great Pumpkin and Other Really Big Fruit

Ralph Waldo Emerson said “We fancy men are individuals; so are pumpkins; but every pumpkin in the field goes through every point of pumpkin history.” His words are the truth.  Starting from a pumpkin seed, every pumpkin plant grows into … Continue reading

Posted in History, Humor, NH Tidbits, Oddities, Accidents and Crazy Weather | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Current Events: A Storm of Snow

A Storm of Snow has come and gone, leaving several feet of powdery, drifting snow behind.  It seems that since last autumn The Weather Channel started naming winter storms, and they called the most recent one ‘Nemo.’  WFSB Channel 3 … Continue reading

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Smashing Pumpkins–New Hampshire Records That Is

Native son Bill Rodonis of Litchfield New Hampshire used to hold the Guiness world-record title for growing the largest (or … Continue reading

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Turkey Plucking A La New Hampshire

People nowadays rarely have the opportunity to “pluck a turkey.”

In my youth I plucked several chickens, and I can … Continue reading

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Nelson New Hampshire’s Moment in the Guinness World Record Book

The quiet town of Nelson New Hampshire reportedly possesses a Guinness World Record

for the longest-running public contradance. A … Continue reading

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