Tag Archives: powder

New Hampshire Glossary: Pounce

“Wafers stain’d with motley hue, Ye low, black, white, red, and blue; Wax that holds the strongest paper, Wax to burn in rolls or taper; Folding knives to fit your hand, Rulers, pounce and shining sand…” Excerpt of advertisement poem … Continue reading

Posted in History, New Hampshire Glossary | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

New Hampshire Glossary: Drug Mill

The term ‘drug mill’ had a very different meaning in the early years of America’s existence than it does now. A drug mill was a term used to describe both/either the actual “mill” used to process medicine OR the building … Continue reading

Posted in History, New Hampshire Glossary | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments