Tag Archives: endangered

New Hampshire’s FLAG DAY 2016

Flag day is under-celebrated in New Hampshire, and many people have no clue of the day’s origin.   Absent of parades and speeches, today’s celebration happens quietly, mostly in classrooms.  So what is the big deal about Flag Day? In essence, … Continue reading

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Found Only in New Hampshire: Robbins Cinquefoil

A member of the rose family, Robbins' Cinquefoil (Potentilla robbinsiana),

also called the dwarf cinquefoil, is probably the rarest plant … Continue reading

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Robbins’ cinquefoil

A plant found only in the White Mountain National Forest of New Hampshire.  See article about it. Continue reading

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New Hampshire Barns — An Endangered Treasure

New Hampshire barns are disappearing from our landscape as quickly as cows.

Okay, so they may not always be … Continue reading

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