Gen. John Stark: “I am the enemy of all foreign influence…”

Daguerrotype of a “painting” by A. Ritchie, circa 1831. Courtesy of John McNeil Stark Esq. Concord NH as found in book, “A life of General John Stark of New Hampshire.”


I am the enemy of all foreign influence, for all foreign influence is the influence of tyranny. This is the only chosen spot for liberty — this is the only Republic on earth.”  General John Stark wrote these words in the same letter where the now famous ‘Live Free or Die’ motto was also penned.

There is no denying the courage, intensity, foresight and bravery of John Stark.  He never feared to face the enemy.  He always put his family, his community, his state, his country first.  I wish that could be said the same of all of our country’s politicians and so-called leadership.



U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation: Combating Foreign Influence

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3 Responses to Gen. John Stark: “I am the enemy of all foreign influence…”

  1. Sally Benson says:

    Thank you for this very timely and valuable history lesson.

  2. Donna & Andrew Dunn says:

    Amen!! Thank you!!

  3. Amy says:

    Amen to that. What has happened to the idea of statesmanship?

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